www.gusucode.com > fininst 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fininst/SpreadEffectAnalysisforaConvertibleBondUsingaSTTTreeExample.m

    %% Spread Effect Analysis for a Convertible Bond Using a |STTTree|
% This example demonstrates the spread effect analysis of a 4% coupon convertible
% bond, callable at 110 at end of the second year, maturing in five years,
% with spreads of 0, 50, 100, and 150 BP.   

% Define the |RateSpec|. 
StartDates = '1-Apr-2015';
EndDates = '1-Apr-2020';
Rates = 0.05;
Compounding = -1;
Basis = 1;
RateSpec = intenvset('StartDates',StartDates,'EndDates',EndDates,'Rates',Rates,...

% Define the convertible bond data. 
Settle = '1-Apr-2015';
Maturity = '1-Apr-2020';
CouponRate = 0.04;
CallStrike = 110;
CallExDates = [datenum('1-Apr-2017') datenum(Maturity)];
ConvRatio = 1;
AmericanCall = 1;
Sigma = 0.3;
Spreads = 0:0.005:0.015;
Prices = 40:10:140;
convprice = zeros(length(Prices),length(Spreads));  

% Define the |TimeSpec| for the Standard Trinomial Tree, create an |STTTree|
% using |<docid:fininst_ug.but9r1f-1 stttree>|, and price the convertible
% bond using |cbondbystt|. 
NumSteps = 200;
TimeSpec = stttimespec(StartDates, EndDates, NumSteps);

for PriceIdx = 1:length(Prices)
    StockSpec = stockspec(Sigma, Prices(PriceIdx));
    STTT = stttree(StockSpec, RateSpec, TimeSpec);
    convprice(PriceIdx,:) = cbondbystt(STTT,  CouponRate, Settle, Maturity, ConvRatio,...
    'Spread', Spreads(:),'CallExDates', CallExDates, 'CallStrike', CallStrike,...
    'AmericanCall', AmericanCall);

% Plot the spread effect analysis for the convertible bond. 
stock = repmat(Prices',1,length(Spreads));
legend({'+0 bp'; '+50 bp'; '+100 bp'; '+150 bp'});
title ('Effect of Spread using Trinomial tree - 200 steps')
xlabel('Stock Price');
ylabel('Convertible Bond Price');
text(50, 150, ['Coupon 4% semiannual,', sprintf('\n'), ...
    '110 Call after 2 years,' sprintf('\n'), ...
    'maturing in 5 years.'],'fontweight','Bold')