www.gusucode.com > fininst 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fininst/SpreadOptionExample.m

    %% Pricing European and American Spread Options
% This example shows how to price and calculate sensitivities for European
% and American spread options using various techniques. First, the price
% and sensitivities for a European spread option is calculated using
% closed form solutions. Then, price and sensitivities for an American
% spread option is calculated using finite difference and Monte Carlo
% simulations. Finally, further analysis is conducted on spread options
% with different range of inputs.
% Spread options are options on the difference of two underlying asset
% prices. For example, a call option on the spread between two assets will
% have the following payoff at maturity:
% $max(X_1 - X_2 - K, 0)$
% where $X_1$ is the price of the first underlying asset, $X_2$ is the
% price of the second underlying asset, and $K$ is the strike price. At
% maturity, if the spread $X_1 - X_2$ is greater than the strike price $K$,
% the option holder will exercise the option and gain the difference
% between the spread and the strike price. If the spread is less than 0,
% the option holder will not exercise the option, and the payoff is 0.
% Spread options are frequently traded in the energy market. Two examples
% are:
% * _Crack spreads_: Options on the spread between refined petroleum
% products and crude oil. The spread represents the refinement margin made
% by the oil refinery by "cracking" the crude oil into a refined petroleum
% product.
% * _Spark spreads_: Options on the spread between electricity and some
% type of fuel. The spread represents the margin of the power plant, which
% takes fuel to run its generator to produce electricity.
% Copyright 2012-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Overview of the Pricing Methods
% There are several methods to price spread options, as discussed
% in [1]. This example uses the closed form, finite difference, and Monte
% Carlo simulations to price spread options. The advantages and
% disadvantages of each method are discussed below:
% * Closed form solutions/approximations of partial differential equations
%   (PDE) are advantageous because they are very fast, and extend well to
%   computing sensitivities (Greeks). However, closed form solutions are
%   not always available, for example for American spread options.
% * The finite difference method is a numerical procedure to solve PDEs by
%   discretizing the price and time variables into a grid. A detailed
%   analysis of this method can be found in [2]. It can handle cases where
%   closed form solutions are not available. Also, finite difference
%   extends well to calculating sensitivities because it outputs a grid of
%   option prices for a range of underlying prices and times. However, it
%   is slower than the closed form solutions.
% * Monte Carlo simulation uses random sampling to simulate movements of
%   the underlying asset prices. It handles cases where closed solutions
%   do not exist. However, it  usually takes a long time to run, especially
%   if sensitivities need to be calculated.

%% Pricing a European Spread Option
% The following example demonstrates the pricing of a crack spread option.
% A refiner is concerned about its upcoming maintenance schedule and needs
% to protect against decreasing crude oil prices and increasing heating oil
% prices. During the maintenance the refiner needs to continue providing
% customers with heating oil to meet their demands. The refiner's strategy
% is to use spread options to manage its hedge.
% On January 2013, the refiner buys a 1:1 crack spread option by purchasing
% heating oil futures and selling crude oil futures. CLF14 WTI crude oil
% futures is at $100 per barrel and HOF14 heating oil futures contract is 
% at $2.6190 per gallon.


% Price, volatility, and dividend of heating oil
Price1gallon = 2.6190;       % $/gallon 
Price1 = Price1gallon*42;    % $/barrel
Vol1 = 0.10;
Div1 = 0.03;

% Price, volatility, and dividend of WTI crude oil
Price2 = 100;     % $/barrel
Vol2 = 0.15;
Div2 = 0.02;

% Correlation of underlying prices
Corr = 0.3;

% Option type
OptSpec = 'call';

% Strike
Strike = 5;

% Settlement date
Settle = '01-Jan-2013';

% Maturity
Maturity = '01-Jan-2014'; 

% Risk free rate
RiskFreeRate = 0.05;

% The pricing functions take an interest rate term structure and stock
% structure as inputs. Also, we need to specify which outputs we are
% interested in.

% Define RateSpec
Compounding = -1;
Basis = 1;
RateSpec = intenvset('ValuationDate', Settle, 'StartDates', Settle, ...
    'EndDates', Maturity, 'Rates', RiskFreeRate, 'Compounding', ...
    Compounding, 'Basis', Basis);

% Define StockSpec for the two assets
StockSpec1 = stockspec(Vol1, Price1, 'Continuous', Div1);
StockSpec2 = stockspec(Vol2, Price2, 'Continuous', Div2);

% Specify price and sensitivity outputs
OutSpec = {'Price', 'Delta', 'Gamma'};

% The Financial Instruments Toolbox(TM) contains two types of closed form
% approximations for calculating price and sensitivities of European spread
% options: the Kirk's approximation (|spreadbykirk|, |spreadsensbykirk|)
% and the Bjerksund and Stensland model (|spreadbybjs|, |spreadsensbybjs|)
% [3].
% The function |spreadsensbykirk| calculates prices and sensitivities for
% a European spread option using the Kirk's approximation.

% Kirk's approximation
[PriceKirk, DeltaKirk, GammaKirk] = ...
    spreadsensbykirk(RateSpec, StockSpec1, StockSpec2, Settle, ...
    Maturity, OptSpec, Strike, Corr, 'OutSpec', OutSpec) 

% The function |spreadsensbybjs| calculates the prices and sensitivities
% for a European spread option using the Bjerksund and Stensland model. In
% [3], Bjerksund and Stensland explains that the Kirk's approximation tends
% to underprice the spread option when the strike is close to zero, and
% overprice when the strike is further away from zero. In comparison, the
% model by Bjerksund and Stensland has higher precision.

% Bjerksund and Stensland model
[PriceBJS, DeltaBJS, GammaBJS] = ...
    spreadsensbybjs(RateSpec, StockSpec1, StockSpec2, Settle, ...
    Maturity, OptSpec, Strike, Corr, 'OutSpec', OutSpec)

% A comparison of the calculated prices show that the two closed form
% models produce similar results for price and sensitivities. In addition
% to delta and gamma, the functions can also calculate theta, vega, lambda,
% and rho.

% Comparison of calculated prices
fprintf('Comparison of prices:\n\n');
fprintf('Kirk:              %f\n', PriceKirk);
fprintf('BJS:               %f\n\n', PriceBJS);

% Comparison of Delta
fprintf('Comparison of delta:\n\n');
fprintf('Kirk:              %f     %f\n', DeltaKirk(1), DeltaKirk(2));
fprintf('BJS:               %f     %f\n\n', DeltaBJS(1), DeltaBJS(2));

% Comparison of Gamma
fprintf('Comparison of gamma:\n\n');
fprintf('Kirk:              %f     %f\n', GammaKirk(1), GammaKirk(2));
fprintf('BJS:               %f     %f\n\n', GammaBJS(1), GammaBJS(2));

%% Pricing an American Spread Option
% Although the closed form approximations are fast and well suited for
% pricing European spread options, they cannot price American spread
% options. Using the finite difference method and the Monte Carlo method, 
% an American spread option can be priced. In this example, an American
% spread option is priced with the same attributes as the above crack
% spread option.

% The finite difference method numerically solves a PDE by discretizing the
% underlying price and time variables into a grid. The Financial Instrument
% Toolbox(TM) contains the functions |spreadbyfd| and |spreadsensbyfd|,
% which calculate prices and sensitivities for European and American spread
% options using the finite difference method. For the finite difference
% method, the composition of the grid has a large impact on the quality of
% the output and the execution time. Generally, a finely discretized grid
% will result in outputs that are closer to the theoretical value, but it
% comes at the cost of longer execution times. The composition of the grid
% is controlled using optional parameters |PriceGridSize|, |TimeGridSize|,
% |AssetPriceMin| and |AssetPriceMax|.
% To indicate that we are pricing an American option, add an optional input
% of |AmericanOpt| with a value of 1 to the argument of the function.

% Finite difference method for American spread option
[PriceFD, DeltaFD, GammaFD, PriceGrid, AssetPrice1, ...
    AssetPrice2] = ...
    spreadsensbyfd(RateSpec, StockSpec1, StockSpec2, Settle, ...
    Maturity, OptSpec, Strike, Corr, 'OutSpec', OutSpec, ...    
    'PriceGridSize', [500 500], 'TimeGridSize', 100, ...
    'AssetPriceMin', [0 0], 'AssetPriceMax', [2000 2000], ...
    'AmericanOpt', 1);

% Display price and sensitivities

% The function |spreadsensbyfd| also returns a grid that contains the
% option prices for a range of underlying prices and times. The grid of
% option prices at time zero, which is the option prices at the settle
% date, can be plotted for a range of underlying prices.

% Plot option prices
mesh(AssetPrice1, AssetPrice2, PriceGrid(:, :, 1)');
title('American Spread Option Prices for Range of Underlying Prices');
xlabel('Price of underlying asset 1');
ylabel('Price of underlying asset 2');
zlabel('Price of spread option');

% An American style option can be priced by Monte Carlo methods using the
% least square method of Longstaff and Schwartz [4]. The Financial
% Instruments Toolbox(TM) contains the functions |spreadbyls| and
% |spreadsensbyls|, which calculate prices and sensitivities of European
% and American options using simulations. The Monte Carlo simulation method
% in |spreadsensbyls| generates multiple paths of simulations according to
% a geometric Brownian motion (GBM) for the two underlying asset prices.
% Similar to the finite difference method where the granularity of the grid
% determined the quality of the output and the execution time, the quality
% of output and execution time of the Monte Carlo simulation depends on the
% number of paths (|NumTrials|) and the number of time periods per path
% (|NumPeriods|). Also, note that the results obtained by Monte Carlo
% simulations are not deterministic. Each run will have different results
% depending on the simulation outcomes.

% To indicate that we are pricing an American option using the Longstaff
% and Schwartz method, add an optional input of |AmericanOpt| with a value
% of 1 to the argument of the function.

% Monte Carlo method for American spread option
[PriceMC, DeltaMC, GammaMC] = ...
    spreadsensbyls(RateSpec, StockSpec1, StockSpec2, Settle, ...
    Maturity, OptSpec, Strike, Corr, 'OutSpec', OutSpec, ...
    'NumTrials', 1000, 'Antithetic', true, 'AmericanOpt', 1)

% The results of the two models are compared. The prices and sensitivities
% calculated by the Longstaff and Schwartz method will vary at each run,
% depending on the outcome of the simulations. It is important to note 
% again that the quality of the results from the finite difference method
% and the Monte Carlo simulation depend on the optional input parameters.
% For example, increasing the number of paths (|NumTrials|) for the
% |spreadsensbyls| function will result in more precise results at the cost
% of longer execution times.

% Comparison of calculated prices
fprintf('Comparison of prices:\n\n');
fprintf('Finite Difference: %f\n', PriceFD);
fprintf('Monte Carlo:       %f\n\n', PriceMC);

% Comparison of Delta
fprintf('Comparison of delta:\n\n');
fprintf('Finite Difference: %f     %f\n', DeltaFD(1), DeltaFD(2));
fprintf('Monte Carlo      : %f     %f\n\n', DeltaMC(1), DeltaMC(2));

% Comparison of Gamma
fprintf('Comparison of gamma:\n\n');
fprintf('Finite Difference: %f     %f\n', GammaFD(1), GammaFD(2));
fprintf('Monte Carlo      : %f     %f\n\n', GammaMC(1), GammaMC(2));

%% Comparing Results for a Range of Strike Prices
% As discussed earlier, the Kirk's approximation tends to overprice spread
% options when the strike is further away from zero. To confirm this, a
% spread option will be priced with the same attributes as before, but for
% a range of strike prices.

% Specify outputs
OutSpec = {'Price', 'Delta'};

% Range of strike prices
Strike = [-25; -15; -5; 0; 5; 15; 25];

% The results from the Kirk's approximation and the Bjerksund and Stensland
% model will be compared against the numerical approximation from the
% finite difference method. Since |spreadsensbyfd| can only price one
% option at a time, it is called in a loop for each strike value.
% The Monte Carlo simulation (spreadsensbyls) with a large number of trial
% paths could also be used as a benchmark, but the finite difference will
% be used for this example.

% Kirk's approximation
[PriceKirk, DeltaKirk] = ...
    spreadsensbykirk(RateSpec, StockSpec1, StockSpec2, Settle, ...
    Maturity, OptSpec, Strike, Corr, 'OutSpec', OutSpec);

% Bjerksund and Stensland model
[PriceBJS, DeltaBJS] = ...
    spreadsensbybjs(RateSpec, StockSpec1, StockSpec2, Settle, ...
    Maturity, OptSpec, Strike, Corr, 'OutSpec', OutSpec);

% Finite difference
PriceFD = zeros(numel(Strike), 1);
DeltaFD = zeros(numel(Strike), 2);
for i = 1:numel(Strike)
    [PriceFD(i), DeltaFD(i,:)] = ...
    spreadsensbyfd(RateSpec, StockSpec1, StockSpec2, Settle, ...
    Maturity, OptSpec, Strike(i), Corr, 'OutSpec', OutSpec, ...    
    'PriceGridSize', [500 500], 'TimeGridSize', 100, ...
    'AssetPriceMin', [0 0], 'AssetPriceMax', [2000 2000]);

% Comparison of calculated prices
fprintf('Prices for range of strikes:\n\n');
fprintf('Kirk     \tBJS      \tFD    \n');
for i = 1:numel(Strike)
    fprintf('%f\t%f\t%f\n', PriceKirk(i), PriceBJS(i), PriceFD(i));

% The difference in prices between the closed form and finite difference
% method is plotted below. It is clear that as the strike moves further
% away from 0, the difference between the Kirk's approximation and
% finite difference (red line) increases, while the difference between the
% Bjerksund and Stensland model and finite difference (blue line) stays at
% the same level. As stated in [3], the Kirk's approximation is overpricing
% the spread option when the strike is far away from 0.

% Plot of difference in price against the benchmark
plot(PriceKirk-PriceFD, 'Color', 'red');
hold on;
plot(PriceBJS-PriceFD, 'Color', 'blue');
hold off;
title('Difference in Price Against Finite Difference');
legend('Kirk', 'BJS', 'Location', 'EastOutside');
ax = gca;
ax.XTickLabel = Strike;
ylabel('Difference in Price');

% Next, the difference in delta between the closed form models and finite
% difference is plotted. The top plot shows the difference in delta for
% the first asset, and the bottom plot shows the difference in delta for
% the second asset. As seen from the small increments in the y-axis of
% order 10e-3, it can be seen that all three models (Kirk, BJS, finite
% difference) produce similar values for delta.

% Plot of difference in delta of first asset against the benchmark
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(DeltaKirk(:,1)-DeltaFD(:,1), 'Color', 'red');
hold on;
plot(DeltaBJS(:,1)-DeltaFD(:,1), 'Color', 'blue');
hold off;
title('Difference in Delta (Asset 1) Against FD');
legend('Kirk', 'BJS', 'Location', 'EastOutside');
ax = gca;
ax.XTickLabel = Strike;
ylabel('Difference in Delta');

% Plot of difference in delta of second asset against the benchmark
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(DeltaKirk(:,2)-DeltaFD(:,2), 'Color', 'red');
hold on;
plot(DeltaBJS(:,2)-DeltaFD(:,2), 'Color', 'blue');
hold off;
title('Difference in Delta (Asset 2) Against FD');
legend('Kirk', 'BJS', 'Location', 'EastOutside');
ax = gca;
ax.XTickLabel = Strike;
ylabel('Difference in Delta');

%% Analyzing Prices and Vega at Different Levels of Volatility
% To further show the type of analysis that can be conducted using these
% models, the above spread option will now be priced at different levels of
% volatility for the first asset. The price and vega will be compared at
% three levels of volatility for the first asset: 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5. The
% Bjerksund and Stensland model will be used for this analysis.

% Strike
Strike = 5;

% Specify output
OutSpec = {'Price', 'Vega'};

% Different levels of volatility for asset 1
Vol1 = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5];

StockSpec1 = stockspec(Vol1, Price1, 'Continuous', Div1);

% Bjerksund and Stensland model
[PriceBJS, VegaBJS] = ...
    spreadsensbybjs(RateSpec, StockSpec1, StockSpec2, Settle, ...
    Maturity, OptSpec, Strike, Corr, 'OutSpec', OutSpec);

% Display price
fprintf('\nPrices for different vol levels in asset 1:\n\n');
for i = 1:numel(Vol1)
    fprintf('%f\n', PriceBJS(i));

% Display vega for first asset
fprintf('\nAsset 1 vega for different vol levels in asset 1:\n\n');
for i = 1:numel(Vol1)
    fprintf('%f\n', VegaBJS(i,1));

% Display vega for second asset
fprintf('\nAsset 2 vega for different vol levels in asset 1:\n\n');
for i = 1:numel(Vol1)
    fprintf('%f\n', VegaBJS(i,2));

% The change in the price and vega with respect to the volatility of the
% first asset is plotted below. It can be observed that as the volatility
% of the first asset increases, the price of the spread option also
% increases. Also, the changes in vega indicate that the price of the
% spread option becomes more sensitive to the volatility of the first asset
% and less sensitive to the volatility of the second asset.


% Plot price for BJS model
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(PriceBJS, 'Color', 'red');
title('Price (BJS)');
legend('Price', 'Location', 'EastOutside');
xlabel('Vol of Asset 1');
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = 1:3;
ax.XTickLabel = Vol1;

% Plot of vega for BJS model
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(VegaBJS(:,1), 'Color', 'red');
hold on;
plot(VegaBJS(:,2), 'Color', 'blue');
hold off;
title('Vega (BJS)');
legend('Asset 1', 'Asset 2', 'Location', 'EastOutside');
xlabel('Vol of Asset 1');
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = 1:3;
ax.XTickLabel = Vol1;
ax.YLim = [-1 40];

%% Summary
% In this example, European and American spread options were priced and
% analyzed using various techniques. The Financial Instruments Toolbox(TM)
% provides functions for two types of closed form solutions (Kirk, BJS),
% the finite difference method, and the Monte Carlo simulation method. The
% closed form solutions are well suited for pricing and sensitivity
% calculation of European spread options because they are fast. However,
% they cannot price American spread options. The finite difference method
% and Monte Carlo method can price both European and American options.
% However, they are not as fast in pricing European spread options as
% compared to closed form solutions.

%% References
% [1] Carmona, Rene, Durrleman, Valdo, Pricing and Hedging Spread Options,
%     SIAM Review, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 627-685, Society for Industrial
%     and Applied Mathematics, 2003.
% [2] Wilmott, Paul, Dewynne, Jeff, Howison, Sam, Option Pricing, Oxford
%     Financial Press, 1993.
% [3] Bjerksund, Petter, Stensland, Gunnar, Closed form spread option
%     valuation, Department of Finance, NHH, 2006.
% [4] Longstaff, Francis A, Schwartz, Eduardo S, Valuing American Options
%     by Simulation: A Simple Least-Squares Approach, Anderson Graduate
%     School of Management, UC Los Angeles, 2001.