www.gusucode.com > fininst 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fininst/bndfutdemo.m

    %% Managing Interest Rate Risk with Bond Futures
% This example shows how to hedge the interest rate risk of a portfolio
% using bond futures.

%   Copyright 2009 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Modifying the Duration of a Portfolio with Bond Futures
% In managing a bond portfolio, you can use a benchmark portfolio to 
% evaluate performance.  Sometimes a manager is constrained to
% keep the portfolio's duration within a particular band of the duration of
% the benchmark.  One way to modify the duration of the portfolio is to buy
% and sell bonds, however, there may be reasons why a portfolio manager
% wishes to maintain the existing composition of the portfolio (e.g., the
% current holdings reflect fundamental research/views about future returns).
% Therefore, another option for modifying the duration is to buy and sell
% bond futures.
% Bond futures are futures contracts where the commodity to be delivered is
% a government bond that meets the standard outlined in the futures
% contract (e.g., the bond has a specified remaining time to
% maturity).
% Since often many bonds are available, and each bond may have a different
% coupon, you can use a conversion factor to normalize the payment by
% the long to the short.
% There exist well developed markets for government bond futures.
% Specifically, the Chicago Board of Trade offers futures on the following:
% * 2 Year Note
% * 3 Year Note
% * 5 Year Note
% * 10 Year Note
% * 30 Year Bond
% http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/interest-rates/
% Eurex offers futures on the following:
% * Euro-Schatz Futures 1.75 to 2.25
% * Euro-Bobl Futures 4.5 to 5.5
% * Euro-Bund Futures 8.5 to 10.5
% * Euro-Buxl Futures 24.0 to 35
% http://www.eurexchange.com
% Bond futures can be used to modify the duration of a portfolio.  Since
% bond futures derive their value from the underlying instrument, the duration
% of a bond futures contract is related to the duration of the underlying
% bond.
% There are two challenges in computing this duration:
% * Since there are many available bonds for delivery, the short in the
% contract has a choice in which bond to deliver.
% * Some contracts allow the short flexibility in choosing the delivery
% date.
% Typically, the bond used for analysis is the bond that is cheapest for
% the short to deliver (CTD).
% One approach is to compute duration measures using the CTD's duration
% and the conversion factor.
% For example, the Present Value of a Basis Point (PVBP) can be
% computed from the following:
% $$ PVBP_{Futures} = \frac{PVBP_{CTD}}{ConversionFactor_{CTD}} $$
% $$ PVBP_{CTD} = \frac{Duration_{CTD}*Price_{CTD}}{100} $$
% Note that these definitions of duration for the futures contract
% are approximate, and do not account for the value of the delivery options
% for the short.
% If the goal is to modify the duration of a portfolio, use the following:
% $$NumContracts = \frac{(Dur_{Target} - Dur_{Initial})*Value_{Portfolio}}{Dur_{CTD}*
% Price_{CTD}*ContractSize}* ConvFactor_{CTD} $$
% Note that the contract size is typically for 100,000 face value of a
% bond -- so the contract size is typically 1000, as the bond face value is 100.
% The following example assumes an initial duration, portfolio value, and
% target duration for a portfolio with exposure to the Euro
% interest rate.  The June Euro-Bund Futures contract is used
% to modify the duration of the portfolio.
% Note that typically futures contracts are offered for March, June,
% September and December.

% Assume the following for the portfolio and target
PortfolioDuration = 6.4;
PortfolioValue = 100000000;
BenchmarkDuration = 4.8;

% Deliverable Bunds -- note that these conversion factors may also be
% computed with the MATLAB(R) function CONVFACTOR
BondPrice = [106.46;108.67;104.30];
BondMaturity = datenum({'04-Jan-2018','04-Jul-2018','04-Jan-2019'});
BondCoupon = [.04;.0425;.0375];
ConversionFactor = [.868688;.880218;.839275];

% Futures data -- found from http://www.eurexchange.com
FuturesPrice = 122.17;
FuturesSettle = '23-Apr-2009';
FuturesDelivery = '10-Jun-2009';

% To find the CTD bond we can compute the implied repo rate
ImpliedRepo = bndfutimprepo(BondPrice,FuturesPrice,FuturesSettle,...

% Note that the bond with the highest implied repo rate is the CTD
[CTDImpRepo,CTDIndex] = max(ImpliedRepo);

% Compute the CTD's Duration -- note the period and basis for German Bunds
Duration = bnddurp(BondPrice,BondCoupon,FuturesSettle,BondMaturity,1,8);

ContractSize = 1000;

% Use the formula above to compute the number of contracts to sell
NumContracts = (BenchmarkDuration - PortfolioDuration)*PortfolioValue./...

disp(['To achieve the target duration, ' num2str(abs(round(NumContracts))) ...
    ' Euro-Bund Futures must be sold.'])

%% Modifying the Key Rate Durations of a Portfolio with Bond Futures
% One of the shortcomings of using duration as a risk measure is that it
% assumes parallel shifts in the yield curve.  While many studies have
% shown that this explains roughly 85% of the movement in the yield
% curve, changes in the slope or shape of the yield curve are not
% captured by duration -- and therefore, hedging strategies are not
% successful at addressing these dynamics.
% One approach is to use key rate duration -- this is particularly relevant
% when using bond futures with multiple maturities, like Treasury futures.
% The following example uses 2, 5, 10 and 30 year Treasury Bond futures
% to hedge the key rate duration of a portfolio.
% Computing key rate durations requires a zero curve.  This example
% uses the zero curve published by the Treasury and found at the following
% location:
% http://www.ustreas.gov/offices/domestic-finance/debt-management/interest-rate/yield.shtml
% Note that this zero curve could also be derived using the Interest Rate Curve
% functionality found in IRDataCurve and IRFunctionCurve.

% Assume the following for the portfolio and target, where the duration
% vectors are key rate durations at 2, 5, 10, and 30 years.
PortfolioDuration = [.5 1 2 6];
PortfolioValue = 100000000;
BenchmarkDuration = [.4 .8 1.6 5];

% The following are the CTD Bonds for the 30, 10, 5 and 2 year futures
% contracts -- these were determined using the procedure outlined in the
% previous section.
CTDCoupon = [4.75 3.125 5.125 7.5]'/100;
CTDMaturity = datenum({'3/31/2011','08/31/2013','05/15/2016','11/15/2024'});
CTDConversion = [0.9794 0.8953 0.9519 1.1484]';
CTDPrice = [107.34 105.91 117.00 144.18]';

ZeroRates = [0.07 0.10 0.31 0.50 0.99 1.38 1.96 2.56 3.03 3.99 3.89]'/100;
ZeroDates = daysadd(FuturesSettle,[30 360 360*2 360*3 360*5 ...
    360*7 360*10 360*15 360*20 360*25 360*30],1);

% Compute the key rate durations for each of the CTD bonds.
CTDKRD = bndkrdur([ZeroDates ZeroRates], CTDCoupon,FuturesSettle,...
    CTDMaturity,'KeyRates',[2 5 10 30]);

% Note that the contract size for the 2 Year Note Future is $200,000
ContractSize = [2000;1000;1000;1000];

NumContracts = (bsxfun(@times,CTDPrice.*ContractSize./CTDConversion,CTDKRD))\...
    (BenchmarkDuration - PortfolioDuration)'*PortfolioValue;

sprintf(['To achieve the target duration, \n' ...
    num2str(-round(NumContracts(1))) ' 2 Year Treasury Note Futures must be sold, \n' ...
    num2str(-round(NumContracts(2))) ' 5 Year Treasury Note Futures must be sold, \n' ...
    num2str(-round(NumContracts(3))) ' 10 Year Treasury Note Futures must be sold, \n' ...
    num2str(-round(NumContracts(4))) ' Treasury Bond Futures must be sold, \n'])

%% Improving the Performance of a Hedge with Regression
% An additional component to consider in hedging interest rate risk with
% bond futures, again related to movements in the yield curve, is that
% typically the yield curve moves more at the short end than at the long
% end.
% Therefore, if a position is hedged with a future where the CTD bond
% has a maturity that is different than the portfolio this could lead to a
% situation where the hedge under- or over-compensates for the actual
% interest rate risk of the portfolio.
% One approach is to perform a regression on historical yields at different
% maturities to determine a Yield Beta, which is a value that
% represents how much more the yield changes for different maturities.
% This example shows how to use this approach with UK Long Gilt
% futures and historical data on Gilt Yields.
% Market data on Gilt futures is found at the following:
% http://www.euronext.com
% Historical data on gilts is found at the following;
% http://www.dmo.gov.uk
% Note that while this approach does offer the possibility of improving the
% performance of a hedge, any analysis using historical data depends on
% historical relationships remaining consistent.
% Also note that an additional enhancement takes into consideration
% the correlation between different maturities.  While this approach is outside the
% scope of this example, you can use this to implement a minimum variance hedge.

% Assume the following for the portfolio and target
PortfolioDuration = 6.4;
PortfolioValue = 100000000;
BenchmarkDuration = 4.8;

% This is the CTD Bond for the Long Gilt Futures contract
CTDBondPrice = 113.40;
CTDBondMaturity = datenum('7-Mar-2018');
CTDBondCoupon = .05;
CTDConversionFactor = 0.9325024;

% Market data for the Long Gilt Futures contract
FuturesPrice = 120.80;
FuturesSettle = '23-Apr-2009';
FuturesDelivery = '10-Jun-2009';

CTDDuration = bnddurp(CTDBondPrice,CTDBondCoupon,FuturesSettle,CTDBondMaturity);

ContractSize = 1000;

NumContracts = (BenchmarkDuration - PortfolioDuration)*PortfolioValue./...

disp(['To achieve the target duration with a conventional hedge ' ...
    num2str(-round(NumContracts)) ...
    ' Long Gilt Futures must be sold.'])
% To improve the accuracy of this hedge, historical data is used to
% determine a relationship between the standard deviation of the yields.
% Specifically, standard deviation of yields is plotted and regressed vs
% bond duration.  This relationship is then used to compute a Yield Beta
% for the hedge.

% Load data from XLS spreadsheet
load ukbonddata_20072008

Duration = bnddury(Yield(1,:)',Coupon,Dates(1,:),Maturity);

title('Standard Deviation of Yields for UK Gilts 2007-2008')
ylabel('Standard Deviation of Yields (%)')
annotation(gcf,'textbox',[0.4067 0.685 0.4801 0.0989],...
    'String',{'Note that the Standard Deviation',...
    'of Yields is greater at shorter maturities.'},...

stats = regstats(std(Yield),Duration);
YieldBeta = (stats.beta'*[1 PortfolioDuration]')./(stats.beta'*[1 CTDDuration]');

% Now the Yield Beta is used to compute a new value for the number of
% contracts to be sold.  Note that since the duration of the portfolio was
% less than the duration of the CTD Gilt, the number of futures to sell is
% actually greater than in the first case.

NumContracts = (BenchmarkDuration - PortfolioDuration)*PortfolioValue./...

disp(['To achieve the target duration using a Yield Beta-modified hedge, ' ...
    num2str(abs(round(NumContracts))) ...
    ' Long Gilt Futures must be sold.'])

%% Bibliography
% This example is based on the following books and papers:
% [1] Burghardt, G., T. Belton, M. Lane and J. Papa.  The Treasury
%     Bond Basis.  New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2005.
% [2] Krgin, D.  Handbook of Global Fixed Income Calculations.
%     New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
% [3] CFA Program Curriculum, Level III, Volume 4, Reading 31.  CFA
%     Institute, 2009.