www.gusucode.com > fininst 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fininst/optionpricingdemo.m

    %% Pricing European Call Options Using Different Equity Models 
% This example illustrates how the Financial Instruments Toolbox(TM) is used 
% to price European vanilla call options using different equity models. 
% The example compares call option prices using the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model, 
% the Leisen-Reimer model and the Black-Scholes closed formula. 
% Copyright 1995-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Define the Call Instrument
% Consider a European call option, with an exercise price of $30 on January 1, 2010.
% The option expires on Sep 1, 2010. Assume that the underlying stock provides 
% no dividends. The stock is trading at $25 and has a volatility of 35% per annum.
% The annualized continuously compounded risk-free rate is 1.11% per annum.

% Option
Settle = 'Jan-01-2010';
Maturity = 'Sep-01-2010';
Strike = 30;
OptSpec = 'call';

% Stock
AssetPrice = 25;   
Sigma = .35;

%% Create the Interest Rate Term Structure

StartDates = '01 Jan 2010';          
EndDates =   '01 Jan 2013';
Rates = 0.0111;
ValuationDate = '01 Jan 2010';
Compounding = -1;

RateSpec = intenvset('Compounding',Compounding,'StartDates', StartDates,...
                     'EndDates', EndDates, 'Rates', Rates,'ValuationDate', ValuationDate);
%% Create the Stock Structure
% Suppose we wish to create two scenarios. The first one assumes that 
% AssetPrice is currently $25, the option is out of the money (OTM).
% The second scenario assumes that the option is at the money (ATM), and  
% therefore AssetPriceATM = 30.
AssetPriceATM = 30; 

StockSpec = stockspec(Sigma, AssetPrice);
StockSpecATM = stockspec(Sigma, AssetPriceATM); 

%% Price the Options Using the Black-Scholes Closed Formula
% Use the function 'optstockbybls' in the Financial Instruments Toolbox to
% compute the price of the European call options.

% Price the option with AssetPrice = 25
PriceBLS = optstockbybls(RateSpec, StockSpec, Settle, Maturity, OptSpec, Strike);

% Price the option with AssetPrice = 30
PriceBLSATM = optstockbybls(RateSpec, StockSpecATM, Settle, Maturity, OptSpec, Strike);
%% Build the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Tree

% Create the time specification of the tree
NumPeriods = 15;

CRRTimeSpec = crrtimespec(ValuationDate, Maturity, NumPeriods);

% Build the tree
CRRTree = crrtree(StockSpec, RateSpec, CRRTimeSpec);
CRRTreeATM = crrtree(StockSpecATM, RateSpec, CRRTimeSpec);

%% Build the Leisen-Reimer Tree

% Create the time specification of the tree
LRTimeSpec = lrtimespec(ValuationDate, Maturity, NumPeriods);

% Use the default method 'PP1' (Peizer-Pratt method 1 inversion)to build
% the tree
LRTree = lrtree(StockSpec, RateSpec, LRTimeSpec, Strike);
LRTreeATM = lrtree(StockSpecATM, RateSpec, LRTimeSpec, Strike);

%% Price the Options Using the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) Model

PriceCRR = optstockbycrr(CRRTree, OptSpec, Strike, Settle, Maturity); 
PriceCRRATM = optstockbycrr(CRRTreeATM, OptSpec, Strike, Settle, Maturity); 

%% Price the Options Using the Leisen-Reimer (LR) Model

PriceLR = optstockbylr(LRTree, OptSpec, Strike, Settle, Maturity); 
PriceLRATM = optstockbylr(LRTreeATM, OptSpec, Strike, Settle, Maturity); 

%% Compare BLS, CRR and LR Results

sprintf('PriceBLS: \t%f\nPriceCRR: \t%f\nPriceLR:\t%f\n', PriceBLS, ...
    PriceCRR, PriceLR)

sprintf('\t== ATM ==\nPriceBLS ATM: \t%f\nPriceCRR ATM: \t%f\nPriceLR ATM:\t%f\n', PriceBLSATM, ...
    PriceCRRATM,   PriceLRATM)

%% Convergence of CRR and LR Models to a BLS Solution
% The following tables compare call option prices using the CRR and LR models 
% against the results obtained with the Black-Scholes formula.
% While the CRR binomial model and the Black-Scholes model converge as the 
% number of time steps gets large and the length of each step gets small, this 
% convergence, except for at the money options, is anything but smooth or
% uniform.
% The tables below show that the Leisen-Reimer model reduces the size of the  
% error with even as few steps of 45.
%        Strike = 30,    Asset Price = 30  
%      -------------------------------------
%        #Steps         LR          CRR 
%         15          3.4986       3.5539
%         25          3.4981       3.5314
%         45          3.4980       3.5165
%         65          3.4979       3.5108
%         85          3.4979       3.5077
%         105         3.4979       3.5058
%         201         3.4979       3.5020
%         501         3.4979       3.4996
%         999         3.4979       3.4987
%        Strike = 30,    Asset Price = 25  
%      -------------------------------------
%        #Steps         LR          CRR 
%         15          1.2758       1.2950
%         25          1.2754       1.2627
%         45          1.2751       1.2851
%         65          1.2751       1.2692
%         85          1.2751       1.2812
%         105         1.2751       1.2766
%         201         1.2751       1.2723
%         501         1.2751       1.2759
%         999         1.2751       1.2756

%% Analyze the Effect of the Number of Periods on the Price of the Options
% The following graphs show how convergence changes as the number 
% of steps in the binomial calculation increases, as well as the impact on 
% convergence to changes to the stock price.
% Observe that the Leisen-Reimer model removes the oscillation and  
% produces estimates close to the Black-Scholes model using only a small 
% number of steps.

NPoints = 300;

% Cox-Ross-Rubinstein
NumPeriodCRR  = 5 : 1 : NPoints; 
NbStepCRR     = length(NumPeriodCRR);
PriceCRR = nan(NbStepCRR, 1);
PriceCRRATM = PriceCRR;

for i = 1 : NbStepCRR
    CRRTimeSpec = crrtimespec(ValuationDate, Maturity, NumPeriodCRR(i));
    CRRT = crrtree(StockSpec, RateSpec, CRRTimeSpec);
    PriceCRR(i) = optstockbycrr(CRRT, OptSpec, Strike,ValuationDate, Maturity) ;
    CRRTATM = crrtree(StockSpecATM, RateSpec, CRRTimeSpec);
    PriceCRRATM(i) = optstockbycrr(CRRTATM, OptSpec, Strike,ValuationDate, Maturity) ;

% Now with Leisen-Reimer
NumPeriodLR  = 5 : 2 : NPoints; 
NbStepLR     = length(NumPeriodLR);
PriceLR = nan(NbStepLR, 1);
PriceLRATM = PriceLR;

for i = 1 : NbStepLR
    LRTimeSpec = lrtimespec(ValuationDate, Maturity, NumPeriodLR(i));
    LRT = lrtree(StockSpec, RateSpec, LRTimeSpec, Strike);
    PriceLR(i) = optstockbylr(LRT, OptSpec, Strike,ValuationDate, Maturity) ;
    LRTATM = lrtree(StockSpecATM, RateSpec, LRTimeSpec, Strike);
    PriceLRATM(i) = optstockbylr(LRTATM, OptSpec, Strike,ValuationDate, Maturity) ;

% First scenario: Out of the Money call option

% For Cox-Ross-Rubinstein
plot(NumPeriodCRR, PriceCRR);
hold on;
plot(NumPeriodCRR, PriceBLS*ones(NbStepCRR,1),'Color',[0 0.9 0], 'linewidth', 1.5);

% For Leisen-Reimer
plot(NumPeriodLR, PriceLR, 'Color',[0.9 0 0], 'linewidth', 1.5);

% Concentrate in the area of interest by clipping on the Y axis at 5x the
% LR Price:
YLimDelta = 5*abs(PriceLR(1) - PriceBLS);
ax = gca;
ax.YLim = [PriceBLS-YLimDelta PriceBLS+YLimDelta];

% Annotate Plot
titleString = sprintf('\nConvergence of CRR and LR models to a BLS Solution (OTM)\nStrike = %d,  Asset Price = %d', Strike , AssetPrice);
ylabel('Option Price')
xlabel('Number of Steps')
legend('CRR', 'BLS', 'LR', 'Location', 'NorthEast')

% Second scenario: At the Money call option

% For Cox-Ross-Rubinstein
plot(NumPeriodCRR, PriceCRRATM);
hold on;
plot(NumPeriodCRR, PriceBLSATM*ones(NbStepCRR,1),'Color',[0 0.9 0], 'linewidth', 1.5);

% For Leisen-Reimer
plot(NumPeriodLR, PriceLRATM, 'Color',[0.9 0 0], 'linewidth', 1.5);

% Concentrate in the area of interest by clipping on the Y axis at 5x the
% LR Price:
YLimDelta = 5*abs(PriceLRATM(1) - PriceBLSATM);
ax = gca;
ax.YLim = [PriceBLSATM-YLimDelta PriceBLSATM+YLimDelta];
% Annotate Plot
titleString = sprintf('\nConvergence of CRR and LR models to a BLS Solution (ATM)\nStrike = %d,  Asset Price = %d', Strike , AssetPriceATM);
ylabel('Option Price')
xlabel('Number of Steps')
legend('CRR', 'BLS', 'LR', 'Location', 'NorthEast')