www.gusucode.com > fuzzy_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fuzzy_featured/gasdemo.m

    %% Gas Mileage Prediction
% This example shows how to predict of fuel consumption (miles per gallon)
% for automobiles, using data from previously recorded observations.

% Copyright 1994-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Introduction
% Automobile MPG (miles per gallon) prediction is a typical nonlinear
% regression problem, in which several attributes of an automobile's
% profile information are used to predict another continuous attribute,
% the fuel consumption in MPG. The training data is available in the UCI 
% (Univ. of California at Irvine) Machine Learning Repository at
% http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/MLRepository.html. It contains data
% collected from automobiles of various makes and models.
% The table shown above is several observations or samples from the MPG
% data set. The six input attributes are no. of cylinders, displacement,
% horsepower, weight, acceleration, and model year. The output variable to
% be predicted is the fuel consumption in MPG. (The automobile's
% manufacturers and models in the first column of the table are not used
% for prediction).

%% Partitioning Data
% The data set is obtained from the original data file 'auto-gas.dat'. The
% dataset is then partitioned into a training set (odd-indexed samples) and
% a checking set (even-indexed samples).

[data, input_name] = loadgas;
trn_data = data(1:2:end, :);
chk_data = data(2:2:end, :);

%% Input Selection
% The function |exhsrch| performs an exhaustive search within the available
% inputs to select the set of inputs that most influence the fuel
% consumption. The first parameter to the function specifies the number of
% input  combinations to be tried during the search. Essentially, |exhsrch|
% builds an ANFIS model for each combination and trains it for one epoch
% and reports the performance achieved. In the following example, |exhsrch|
% is used to determine the one most influential input attribute in
% predicting the output. 

exhsrch(1, trn_data, chk_data, input_name);

% *Figure 1:* Every input variable's influence on fuel consumption 

% The left-most input variable in Figure 1 has the least error or in other
% words the most relevance with respect to the output.
% The plot and results from the function clearly indicate that the input 
% attribute 'Weight' is the most influential. The training and checking 
% errors are comparable, which implies that there is no overfitting. This 
% means we can push a little further and explore if we can select more than 
% one input attribute to build the ANFIS model.
% Intuitively, we can simply select 'Weight' and 'Disp' directly since they
% have the least errors as shown in the plot. However, this will not
% necessarily be the optimal combination of two inputs that result in the
% minimal training error. To verify this, we can use |exhsrch| to search
% for the optimal combination of 2 input attributes.

input_index = exhsrch(2, trn_data, chk_data, input_name);

% *Figure 2:* All two input variable combinations and their influence
% on fuel consumption

% The results from |exhsrch| indicate that 'Weight' and 'Year' form the
% optimal combination of two input attributes. The training and checking 
% errors are getting distinguished, indicating the outset of overfitting.
% It may not be prudent to use more than two inputs for building the ANFIS
% model. We can test this premise to verify it's validity.

exhsrch(3, trn_data, chk_data, input_name);

% *Figure 3:* All three input variable combinations and their influence
% on fuel consumption

% The plot shows the result of selecting three inputs, in which 'Weight',
% 'Year', and 'Acceler' are selected as the best combination of three input
% variables. However, the minimal training (and checking) error do not
% reduce significantly from that of the best 2-input model, which indicates
% that the newly added attribute 'Acceler' does not improve the prediction
% much. For better generalization, we always prefer a model with a simple
% structure. Therefore we will stick to the two-input ANFIS for further
% exploration.
% We then extract the selected input attributes from the original training
% and checking datasets.

close all;
new_trn_data = trn_data(:, [input_index, size(trn_data,2)]);
new_chk_data = chk_data(:, [input_index, size(chk_data,2)]);

%% Training ANFIS Model
% The function |exhsrch| only trains each ANFIS for a single epoch in order
% to be able to quickly find the right inputs. Now that the inputs are
% fixed, we can spend more time on ANFIS training (100 epochs).
% The |genfis1| function generates a initial FIS from the training data,
% which is then finetuned by ANFIS to generate the final model.

in_fismat = genfis1(new_trn_data, 2, 'gbellmf');
[trn_out_fismat, trn_error, step_size, chk_out_fismat, chk_error] = ...
    anfis(new_trn_data, in_fismat, [100 nan 0.01 0.5 1.5], [0,0,0,0], new_chk_data, 1);

% ANFIS returns the error with respect to training data and checking data
% in the list of its output parameters. The plot of the errors provides
% useful information about the training process.

[a, b] = min(chk_error);
plot(1:100, trn_error, 'g-', 1:100, chk_error, 'r-', b, a, 'ko');
title('Training (green) and checking (red) error curve','fontsize',10);
xlabel('Epoch numbers','fontsize',10);
ylabel('RMS errors','fontsize',10);

% *Figure 4:* ANFIS training and checking errors

% The plot above shows the error curves for 100 epochs of ANFIS training.
% The green curve gives the training errors and the red curve gives the
% checking errors. The minimal checking error occurs at about epoch 45,
% which is indicated by a circle.  Notice that the checking error curve 
% goes up after 50  epochs, indicating that further training overfits the
% data and produces worse generalization

%% ANFIS vs Linear Regression
% A good exercise at this point would be to check the performance of the
% ANFIS model with a linear regression model.
% The ANFIS prediction can be compared against a linear regression model by
% comparing their respective RMSE (Root mean square) values against
% checking data.

% Performing Linear Regression
N = size(trn_data,1);
A = [trn_data(:,1:6) ones(N,1)];
B = trn_data(:,7);
coef = A\B; % Solving for regression parameters from training data

Nc = size(chk_data,1);
A_ck = [chk_data(:,1:6) ones(Nc,1)];
B_ck = chk_data(:,7);
lr_rmse = norm(A_ck*coef-B_ck)/sqrt(Nc);
% Printing results
fprintf('\nRMSE against checking data\nANFIS : %1.3f\tLinear Regression : %1.3f\n', a, lr_rmse);

% It can be seen that the ANFIS model outperforms the linear regression
% model.
%% Analyzing ANFIS Model
% The variable |chk_out_fismat| represents the snapshot of the ANFIS model
% at the minimal checking error during the training process. The
% input-output surface of the model is shown in the plot below.

chk_out_fismat = setfis(chk_out_fismat, 'input', 1, 'name', 'Weight');
chk_out_fismat = setfis(chk_out_fismat, 'input', 2, 'name', 'Year');
chk_out_fismat = setfis(chk_out_fismat, 'output', 1, 'name', 'MPG');

% Generating the FIS output surface plot

% *Figure 5:* Input-Output surface for trained FIS

% The input-output surface shown above is a nonlinear and monotonic surface
% and illustrates how the ANFIS model will respond to varying values of
% 'weight' and 'year'.

%% Limitations and Cautions
% We can see some spurious effects at the far-end corner of the surface.
% The elevated corner says that the heavier an automobile is, the more
% gas-efficient it will be. This is totally counter-intuitive, and it is a
% direct result from lack of data. 

plot(new_trn_data(:,1), new_trn_data(:, 2), 'bo', ...
    new_chk_data(:,1), new_chk_data(:, 2), 'rx');
title('Training (o) and checking (x) data','fontsize',10);

% *Figure 6:* Weight vs Year plot showing lack of data in the upper-right
% corner

% This plot above shows the data distribution. The lack of training data at
% the upper right corner causes the spurious ANFIS surface mentioned
% earlier. Therefore the prediction by ANFIS should always be interpreted
% with the data distribution in mind.
