www.gusucode.com > fuzzy_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fuzzy_featured/irisfcm.m

    %% Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Iris Data
% This example shows how to use Fuzzy C-Means clustering for Iris dataset.

% Copyright 1994-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. 

%% Load Data
% The dataset is obtained from the data file 'iris.dat'. This dataset was
% collected by botanist Anderson and contains random samples of flowers
% belonging to three species of iris flowers  _setosa_ , _versicolor_ , and
% _virginica_. For each of the species, 50 observations for sepal length,
% sepal width, petal length, and petal width are recorded.
% The dataset is partitioned into three groups named _setosa_ ,
% _versicolor_ , and _virginica_. This is shown in the following code
% snippet.

load iris.dat               
setosa = iris((iris(:,5)==1),:);        % data for setosa
versicolor = iris((iris(:,5)==2),:);    % data for versicolor
virginica = iris((iris(:,5)==3),:);     % data for virginica
obsv_n = size(iris, 1);                 % total number of observations

%% Plot Data in 2-D
% The data to be clustered is 4-dimensional data and represents sepal
% length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. From each of the
% three groups(setosa, versicolor and virginica), two characteristics (for
% example, sepal length vs. sepal width) of the 
% flowers are plotted in a 2-dimensional plot. This is done using the
% following code snippet.

Characteristics = {'sepal length','sepal width','petal length','petal width'};
pairs = [1 2; 1 3; 1 4; 2 3; 2 4; 3 4];
h = figure;
for j = 1:6,
    x = pairs(j, 1); 
    y = pairs(j, 2);   
    plot([setosa(:,x) versicolor(:,x) virginica(:,x)],...
         [setosa(:,y) versicolor(:,y) virginica(:,y)], '.');

%% Setup Parameters
% Next, the parameters required for Fuzzy C-Means clustering such as number
% of clusters, exponent for the partition matrix, maximum number of
% iterations and minimum improvement are defined and set. This are shown in
% the following code snippet.

cluster_n = 3;                          % Number of clusters
expo = 2.0;                             % Exponent for U
max_iter = 100;                         % Max. iteration
min_impro = 1e-6;                       % Min. improvement

%% Compute Clusters
% Fuzzy C-Means clustering is an iterative process. First, the initial
% fuzzy partition matrix is generated and the initial fuzzy cluster centers
% are calculated. In each step of the iteration, the cluster centers and
% the membership grade point are updated and the objective function is
% minimized to find the best location for the clusters. The process stops
% when the maximum number of iterations is reached, or when the objective
% function improvement between two consecutive iterations is less than the
% minimum amount of improvement specified. This is shown in the following
% code snippet.

% initialize fuzzy partition   
U = initfcm(cluster_n, obsv_n);     
% plot the data if the figure window is closed
if ishghandle(h)
    for j = 1:6,
        x = pairs(j, 1); 
        y = pairs(j, 2);   
        plot([setosa(:,x) versicolor(:,x) virginica(:,x)],...
             [setosa(:,y) versicolor(:,y) virginica(:,y)], '.');
% iteration
for i = 1:max_iter,
    [U, center, obj] = stepfcm(iris, U, cluster_n, expo);
    fprintf('Iteration count = %d, obj. fcn = %f\n', i, obj);
    % refresh centers
    if i>1 && (abs(obj - lastobj) < min_impro)
        for j = 1:6,
            for k = 1:cluster_n,
                text(center(k, pairs(j,1)), center(k,pairs(j,2)), int2str(k), 'FontWeight', 'bold');
    elseif i==1
        for j = 1:6,
            for k = 1:cluster_n,
                text(center(k, pairs(j,1)), center(k,pairs(j,2)), int2str(k), 'color', [0.5 0.5 0.5]);
    lastobj = obj;
% The figure shows the initial and final fuzzy cluster centers. The bold
% numbers represent the final fuzzy cluster centers obtained by updating
% them iteratively.
