www.gusucode.com > fuzzy_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fuzzy_featured/trips.m

    %% Modeling Traffic Patterns using Subtractive Clustering
% This example shows how to use subtractive clustering to model traffic
% patterns in an area based on the area's demographics.

% Copyright 1994-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% The Problem: Understanding Traffic Patterns
% In this example we attempt to understand the relationship between the
% number of automobile trips generated from an area and the area's
% demographics. Demographic and trip data were collected from traffic
% analysis zones in New Castle County, Delaware. Five demographic factors
% are considered: population, number of dwelling units, vehicle ownership,
% median household income and total employment.
% Hereon, the demographic factors will be addressed as inputs and the
% trips generated will be addressed as output. Hence our problem has five
% input variables (five demographic factors) and one output variable
% (num of trips generated).

%% The Data
% We will now load the input and output variables used for this example
% into the workspace.


% Two variables are loaded in the workspace, |datin| and |datout|. |datin|
% has 5 columns representing the 5 input variables and |datout| has 1
% column representing the 1 output variable.

legend('population', 'num. of dwelling units', 'vehicle ownership',...
    'median household income', 'total employment');
title('Input Variables','fontsize',10)

legend('num of trips');
title('Output Variable','fontsize',10)

% *Figure 1:* Input and Output variables 
% The number of rows in |datin| and |datout|, 75, represent the number of
% observations or samples or datapoints available. A row in |datin|, say
% row 11, constitutes a set of observed values of the 5 input variables
% (population, number of dwelling units, vehicle ownership, median
% household income and total employment) and the corresponding row, row 11,
% in |datout| represents the observed value for the number of trips
% generated given the observations made for the input variables.
% We will model the relationship between the input variables (demographics)
% and the output variable (trips) by first clustering the data. The cluster
% centers will then be used as a basis to define a Fuzzy Inference System
% (FIS) which can then be used to explore and understand traffic patterns.

%% Why Clustering and Fuzzy Logic?
% Clustering can be a very effective technique to identify natural
% groupings in data from a large data set, thereby allowing concise
% representation of relationships embedded in the data. In this example,
% clustering allows us to group traffic patterns into broad categories
% hence allowing for easier understandability.
% Fuzzy logic is an effective paradigm to handle imprecision. It can be
% used to take fuzzy or imprecise observations for inputs and yet arrive at
% crisp and precise values for outputs. Also, the
% <matlab:helpview([docroot,'/toolbox/fuzzy/fuzzy.map'],'fuzzy_inference_systems') Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)> 
% is a simple and commonsensical way to build systems without using complex
% analytical equations.
% In our example, fuzzy logic will be employed to capture the broad
% categories identified during clustering into a Fuzzy Inference System
% (FIS). The FIS will then act as a model that will reflect the
% relationship between demographics and auto trips. 
% Clustering and fuzzy logic together provide a simple yet powerful means
% to model the traffic relationship that we want to study.

%% Clustering the Data
% |subclust| is the function that implements a clustering technique called
% subtractive clustering. Subtractive clustering, [Chi94], is a fast,
% one-pass algorithm for estimating the number of clusters and the cluster
% centers in a dataset.
% In this section, we will see how subtractive clustering is performed on a
% dataset and in the next section we will explore independently how
% clustering is used to build a Fuzzy Inference System(FIS).

[C,S] = subclust([datin datout],0.5);

% The first argument to the |subclust| function is the data to be
% clustered. The second argument to the function is the |radii| which
% marks a cluster's radius of influence in the <#28 input space>.
% The variable |C| now holds all the centers of the clusters that have been
% identified by |subclust|. Each row of |C| contains the position of a
% cluster.

C %#ok<*NOPTS>

% In this case, |C| has 3 rows representing 3 clusters with 6 columns
% representing the positions of the clusters in each dimension.
% |subclust| has hence identified 3 natural groupings in the
% demographic-trip dataset being considered. The following plot shows how
% the clusters have been identified in the 'total employment' and 'trips'
% dimensions of the input space.

plot(datin(:,5), datout(:,1), '.', C(:,5),C(:,6),'r*')
legend('Data points', 'Cluster centers', 'Location', 'SouthEast')
xlabel('total employment','fontsize',10)
ylabel('num of trips','fontsize',10)
title('Data and Clusters in selected two dimensions of the input space','fontsize',10)

% *Figure 2:* Cluster centers in the 'total employment' and 'trips'
% dimensions of the input space
% The variable |S| contains the sigma values that specify the range of
% influence of a cluster center in each of the data dimensions. All cluster
% centers share the same set of sigma values.


% |S| in this case has 6 columns representing the influence of the cluster
% centers on each of the 6 dimensions.

%% Generating the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)
% |genfis2| is the function that creates a FIS using subtractive
% clustering. |genfis2| employs |subclust| behind the scenes to cluster the
% data and uses the cluster centers and their range of influences to build
% a FIS which will then be used to explore and understand traffic patterns.


% The first argument is the input variables matrix |datin|, the second
% argument is the output variables matrix |datout| and the third argument
% is the |radii| that should be used while using |subclust|.
% |genfis2| assigns default names for inputs, outputs and membership
% functions. For our understanding it is beneficial to rename the inputs
% and outputs meaningfully.

% Assign names to inputs and outputs
myfis = setfis(myfis, 'input',1,'name','population');
myfis = setfis(myfis, 'input',2,'name','dwelling units');
myfis = setfis(myfis, 'input',3,'name','num vehicles');
myfis = setfis(myfis, 'input',4,'name','income');
myfis = setfis(myfis, 'input',5,'name','employment');
myfis = setfis(myfis, 'output',1,'name','num of trips');

%% Understanding the Clusters-FIS Relationship
% An FIS is composed of inputs, outputs, and rules. Each input and
% output can have any number of membership functions. The rules dictate the
% behavior of the fuzzy system based on inputs, outputs and membership
% functions. |genfis2| constructs the FIS in an attempt to capture the
% position and influence of each cluster in the input space. 
% |myfis| is the FIS that |genfis2| has generated. Since the dataset has 5
% input variables and 1 output variable, |genfis2| constructs a FIS with
% 5 inputs and 1 output. Each input and output has as many membership
% functions as the number of clusters that |subclust| has identified. As
% seen previously, for the current dataset |subclust| identified 3
% clusters. Therefore each input and output will be characterized by 3
% membership functions. Also, the number of rules equals the number of
% clusters and hence 3 rules are created. 
% We can now probe the FIS to understand how the clusters got converted
% internally into membership functions and rules using the Fuzzy Logic
% Designer app.


% *Figure 3:* The graphical editor for building Fuzzy Inference Systems
% (FIS)
% As can be seen, the FIS has 5 inputs and 1 output with the inputs mapped
% to the outputs through a rulebase (white box in the figure).
% Let's now try to analyze how the cluster centers and the membership
% functions are related.


% *Figure 4:* The graphical membership function editor
% |mfedit(myfis)| launches the graphical membership function editor. It
% can also be launched by clicking on the inputs or the outputs in the
% FIS editor launched by |fuzzyLogicDesigner|.
% Notice that all the inputs and outputs have exactly 3 membership
% functions. The 3 membership functions represent the 3 clusters that were 
% identified by |subclust|.
% Each input in the FIS represents an input variable in the input dataset
% |datin| and each output in the FIS represents an output variable in the
% output dataset |datout|.
% By default, the first membership function, |in1cluster1|, of the first
% input |population| would be selected in the membership function editor.
% Notice that the membership function type is "gaussmf" (gaussian type
% membership function) and the parameters of the membership function are
% |[1.162 1.877]|, where |1.162| represents the spread coefficient of the
% gaussian curve and |1.877| represents the center of the gaussian curve.
% |in1cluster1| captures the position and influence of the first cluster
% for the input variable |population|. |(C(1,1)=1.877, S(1)=1.1621 )|
% Similarly, the position and influence of the other 2 clusters for the
% input variable |population| are captured by the other two membership
% functions |in1cluster2| and |in1cluster3|. 
% The rest of the 4 inputs follow the exact pattern mimicking the position
% and influence of the 3 clusters along their respective dimensions in the
% dataset.
% Now, let's explore how the fuzzy rules are constructed.

% *Figure 5:* The graphical rule editor
% |ruleedit| is the graphical fuzzy rule editor. As you can notice, there
% are exactly three rules. Each rule attempts to map a cluster in the input
% space to a cluster in the output space.
% The first rule can be explained simply as follows. If the inputs to the
% FIS, |population|, |dwelling units|, |num vehicles|, |income|, and
% |employment|, strongly belong to their respective |cluster1| membership
% functions then the output, |num of trips|, must strongly belong to its
% |cluster1| membership function. The (1) at the end of the rule is to
% indicate that the rule has  a weight or an importance of "1". Weights can
% take any value between 0 and 1. Rules with lesser weights will count for
% less in the final output. 
% The significance of the rule is that it succinctly maps cluster 1 in
% the input space to cluster 1 in the output space. Similarly the other
% two rules map cluster 2 and cluster 3 in the input space to cluster 2
% and cluster 3 in the output space.
% If a datapoint closer to the first cluster, or in other words
% having strong membership to the first cluster, is fed as input to |myfis|
% then rule1 will fire with more <#28 firing strength> than the other two
% rules. Similarly, an input with strong membership to the second cluster
% will fire the second rule will with more firing strength than the other
% two rules and so on.
% The output of the rules (firing strengths) are then used to generate the
% output of the FIS through the output membership functions.
% The one output of the FIS, |num of trips|, has 3 linear membership
% functions representing the 3 clusters identified by |subclust|. The
% coefficients of the linear membership functions though are not taken
% directly from the cluster centers. Instead, they are estimated from the
% dataset using least squares estimation technique. 
% All 3 membership functions in this case will be of the form |a*population
% + b*dwelling units + c*num vehicles + d*income + e*employment + f|, where
% |a|, |b|, |c|, |d|, |e| and |f| represent the coefficients of the linear
% membership function. Click on any of the |num of trips| membership
% functions in the membership function editor to observe the parameters of
% these linear membership functions.
%% Using the FIS for Data Exploration
% You can now use the FIS that has been constructed to understand the
% underlying dynamics of relationship being modeled. 


% *Figure 6:* Input-Output Surface viewer
% |surfview| is the surface viewer that helps view the input-output
% surface of the fuzzy system. In other words, this tool simulates the
% response of the fuzzy system for the entire range of inputs that the
% system is configured to work for. Thereafter, the output or the response
% of the FIS to the inputs are plotted against the inputs as a surface.
% This visualization is very helpful to understand how the system is going
% to behave for the entire range of values in the input space.
% In the plot above the surface viewer shows the output surface for two
% inputs |population| and |num of dwelling units|. As you can see the
% number of auto trips increases with increase in population and dwelling
% units, which sounds very rational. You can change the inputs in the X and
% Y drop-down boxes to observe the output surface with respect to the
% inputs you choose.

% *Figure 7:* Rule viewer that simulates the entire fuzzy inference process
% |ruleview| is the graphical simulator for simulating the FIS response for
% specific values of the input variables. Now, having built the fuzzy
% system, if we want to understand how many trips will occur for a
% particular demographic setup, say an area with a particular population, a
% certain number of dwelling units and so on, this tool will help you
% simulate the FIS response for the input of your choice.
% Another feature of this GUI tool is, it gives you a snapshot of the
% entire fuzzy inference process, right from how the membership functions
% are being satisfied in every rule to how the final output is being
% generated through <#28 defuzzification>. 
%% Conclusion
% This example has attempted to convey how clustering and fuzzy logic can
% be employed as effective techniques for data modeling and analysis. 
% Fuzzy logic has also found various applications in other areas of
% technology like non-linear control, automatic control, signal processing,
% system identification, pattern recognition, time series prediction, data
% mining, financial applications etc.,
% Explore other demos and the documentation for more insight into fuzzy
% logic and its applications.

%% Glossary
% *input space* - it is a term used to define the range of all possible
% values in the dataset. When using |subclust| the input space refers to
% the entire range of values between the maximum and minimum in each
% dimension (column) of the dataset.
% *defuzzification* - the process of transforming a fuzzy output of a fuzzy
% inference system into a crisp output.
% *firing strength* - The degree to which the antecedent part of a fuzzy
% rule is satisfied. Also known as degree of fulfillment.
% *fuzzy inference system (FIS)* - The overall name for a system that uses
% fuzzy reasoning to map an input space to an output space
% *Reference:*
% [Chi94] - S. Chiu, "Fuzzy Model Identification Based on Cluster
% Estimation," J. of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1994.
