www.gusucode.com > globaloptim 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > globaloptim/ParticleSwarmExample.m

    %% Optimize Using a Particle Swarm
% This example shows how to optimize using the |particleswarm| solver. The
% particle swarm algorithm moves a population of particles called a swarm
% toward a minimum of an objective function. The velocity of each particle
% in the swarm changes according to three factors:
% * The effect of inertia (|InertiaRange| option)
% * An attraction to the best location the particle has visited
% (|SelfAdjustmentWeight| option)
% * An attraction to the best location among neighboring particles
% (|SocialAdjustmentWeight| option)
% This example shows some effects of changing particle swarm options.
%% When to Modify Options
% Often, |particleswarm| finds a good solution when using its default
% options. For example, it optimizes |rastriginsfcn| well with the default
% options. This function has many local minima, and a global minimum of |0|
% at the point |[0,0]|.
rng default % for reproducibility
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = particleswarm(@rastriginsfcn,2);
formatstring = 'particleswarm reached the value %f using %d function evaluations.\n';

% For this function, you know the optimal objective value, so you know that
% the solver found it. But what if you do not know the solution? One way to
% evaluate the solution quality is to rerun the solver.
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = particleswarm(@rastriginsfcn,2);

% Both the solution and the number of function evaluations are similar to
% the previous run. This suggests that the solver is not having difficulty
% arriving at a solution.

%% Difficult Objective Function Using Default Parameters
% The Rosenbrock function is well known to be a difficult function to
% optimize. This example uses a multidimensional version of the Rosenbrock
% function. The function has a minimum value of |0| at the point
% |[1,1,1,...]|.

rng default % for reproducibility
nvars = 6; % choose any even value for nvars
fun = @multirosenbrock;
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = particleswarm(fun,nvars);

% The solver did not find a very good solution.

%% Bound the Search Space
% Try bounding the space to help the solver locate a good point.

lb = -10*ones(1,nvars);
ub = -lb;
[xbounded,fvalbounded,exitflagbounded,outputbounded] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub);

% The solver found a much better solution. But it took a very large number
% of function evaluations to do so.

%% Change Options
% Perhaps the solver would converge faster if it paid more attention to the
% best neighbor in the entire space, rather than some smaller neighborhood.

options = optimoptions('particleswarm','MinNeighborsFraction',1);
[xn,fvaln,exitflagn,outputn] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);

% While the solver took fewer function evaluations, it is unclear if this
% was due to randomness or to a better option setting.
% Perhaps you should raise the |SelfAdjustmentWeight| option.
options.SelfAdjustmentWeight = 1.9;
[xn2,fvaln2,exitflagn2,outputn2] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);

% This time |particleswarm| took even fewer function evaluations. Is this
% improvement due to randomness, or are the option settings really
% worthwhile? Rerun the solver and look at the number of function
% evaluations.
[xn3,fvaln3,exitflagn3,outputn3] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);

% This time the number of function evaluations increased. Apparently, this
% |SelfAdjustmentWeight| setting does not necessarily improve performance.

%% Provide an Initial Point
% Perhaps |particleswarm| would do better if it started from a known point
% that is not too far from the solution. Try  the origin. Give a few
% individuals at the same initial point. Their random velocities ensure
% that they do not remain together.
x0 = zeros(20,6); % set 20 individuals as row vectors
options.InitialSwarmMatrix = x0; % the rest of the swarm is random
[xn3,fvaln3,exitflagn3,outputn3] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);
% The number of function evaluations decreased again.

%% Vectorize for Speed
% The |multirosenbrock| function allows for vectorized function evaluation.
% This means that it can simultaneously evaluate the objective function for
% all particles in the swarm. This usually speeds up the solver
% considerably.
rng default % do a fair comparison
options.UseVectorized = true;
[xv,fvalv,exitflagv,outputv] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);
options.UseVectorized = false;
rng default
[xnv,fvalnv,exitflagnv,outputnv] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);

% The vectorized calculation took about half the time of the serial
% calculation.

%% Plot Function
% You can view the progress of the solver using a plot function.
options = optimoptions(options,'PlotFcn',@pswplotbestf);
rng default
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);

%% Use More Particles 
% Frequently, using more particles obtains a more accurate solution.
rng default
options.SwarmSize = 200;
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);

%% Hybrid Function
% |particleswarm| can search through several basins of attraction to arrive
% at a good local solution. Sometimes, though, it does not arrive at a
% sufficiently accurate local minimum. Try improving the final answer by
% specifying a hybrid function that runs after the particle swarm algorithm
% stops. Reset the number of particles to their original value, 60, to see
% the difference the hybrid function makes.
rng default
options.HybridFcn = @fmincon;
options.SwarmSize = 60;
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options);

% While the hybrid function improved the result, the plot function shows
% the same final value as before. This is because the plot function shows
% only the particle swarm algorithm iterations, and not the hybrid function
% calculations. The hybrid function caused the final function value to be
% very close to the true minimum value of 0.