www.gusucode.com > globaloptim 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > globaloptim/gaoptionsdemo.m

    %% Genetic Algorithm Options
% This example shows how to create and manage options for the genetic 
% algorithm function |ga| using |optimoptions| in the Global Optimization Toolbox.

%   Copyright 2004-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Setting Up a Problem for |ga|
% |ga| searches for a minimum of a function using the genetic algorithm.
% For this example we will use |ga| to minimize the fitness function
% |shufcn|. |shufcn| is a real valued function of two variables.

% We can use the function |plotobjective| in the toolbox to plot the
% function |shufcn| over the range |= [-2 2;-2 2]|.
plotobjective(@shufcn,[-2 2; -2 2]);

% To use the |ga| solver, we need to provide at least two input arguments,
% a fitness function and the number of variables in the problem. The first
% two output arguments returned by |ga| are |x|, the best point found, and
% |Fval|, the function value at the best point. A third output argument,
% |exitFlag| tells you the reason why |ga| stopped. |ga| can also return a
% fourth argument, |Output|, which contains information about the
% performance of the solver.
FitnessFunction = @shufcn;
numberOfVariables = 2;
% Run the |ga| solver.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables);

fprintf('The number of generations was : %d\n', Output.generations);
fprintf('The number of function evaluations was : %d\n', Output.funccount);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);

% Note that when you run this example, your result may be different from the
% results shown; This will be explained in a section later in this
% example.

%% How the Genetic Algorithm Works
% The Genetic Algorithm works on a population using a set of
% operators that are applied to the population. A population is a set
% of points in the design space. The initial population is generated
% randomly by default. The next generation of the population is computed
% using the fitness of the individuals in the current generation.

%% Adding Visualization
% |ga| can accept one or more plot functions through an |options| argument.
% This feature is useful for visualizing the performance of the
% solver at run time. Plot functions can be selected using |optimoptions|.
% Here we use |optimoptions| to select two plot functions. The first plot
% function is |gaplotbestf|, which plots the best and mean score of the
% population at every generation. The second plot function is
% |gaplotstopping|, which plots the percentage of stopping criteria
% satisfied.
opts = optimoptions(@ga,'PlotFcn',{@gaplotbestf,@gaplotstopping});
% Run the |ga| solver.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ...

%% Specifying Population Options
% The default initial population is created using a uniform random number
% generator. Default values for the population size and the range of the
% initial population are used to create the initial population.

% *Specify a population size*
% The default population size used by |ga| is 50 when the number of
% decision variables is less that 5 and 200 otherwise. This may not be
% sufficient for all problems; a smaller population size may be sufficient
% for smaller problems. Since we only have two variables, we specify a
% population size of 10. We will directly set the value of the option
% |PopulationSize| to 10 in our previously created options, |opts|.
opts.PopulationSize = 10;

% *Specify initial population range*
% The default method for generating an initial population uses a uniform
% random number generator. This creates an initial population where all the
% points are in the range 0 to 1. For example, a population of size 3 in a
% problem with two variables could look like:
Population = rand(3,2)
% The initial range can be set by changing the |InitialPopulationRange| option. The
% range must be a matrix with two rows. If the range has only one column,
% i.e., it is 2-by-1, then the range of every variable is the given range.
% For example, if we set the range to |[-1; 1]|, then the initial range for
% both our variables is -1 to 1. To specify a different initial range for
% each variable, the range must be specified as a matrix with two rows and
% |numberOfVariables| columns. For example if we set the range to |[-1 0;
%  1 2]|, then the first variable will be in the range -1 to 1, and the
% second variable will be in the range 0 to 2 (so each column corresponds 
% to a variable).
% We will directly modify the value of the option |InitialPopulationRange|
% in our previously created options, |opts|.
opts.InitialPopulationRange = [-1 0; 1 2];
% Run the |ga| solver.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables,[],[],[], ...

fprintf('The number of generations was : %d\n', Output.generations);
fprintf('The number of function evaluations was : %d\n', Output.funccount);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);

%% Reproducing Your Results
% By default, |ga| starts with a random initial population which is
% created using MATLAB(R) random number generators. The next generation is
% produced using |ga| operators that also use these same random number
% generators. Every time a random number is generated, the state of the
% random number generators change. This means that even if you do
% not change any options, when you run again you may get different
% results.
% Here we run the solver twice to show this phenomenon.

% Run the |ga| solver.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);
% Run |ga| again.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);

% In the previous two runs |ga| might give different results. The results are
% different because the states of the random number generators have changed
% from one run to another.
% If you know that you want to reproduce your results before you run |ga|,
% you can save the state of the random number stream.

thestate = rng;

% Run |ga|.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);

% Reset the stream and rerun |ga|. The results are identical to the
% previous run.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);

% However, you might not have realized that you would want to try to
% reproduce the results before running |ga|. In that case, as long as you
% have the |output| structure, you can reset the random number generator as
% follows.
strm = RandStream.getGlobalStream;
strm.State = Output.rngstate.state;

% Rerun |ga|. Again, the results are identical.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);

%% Modifying the Stopping Criteria
% |ga| uses four different criteria to determine when to stop the solver.
% |ga| stops when the maximum number of generations is reached; by default
% this number is 100. |ga| also detects if there is no change in the best
% fitness value for some time given in seconds (stall time limit), or for
% some number of generations (maximum stall generations). Another criteria
% is the maximum time limit in seconds. Here we modify the stopping
% criteria to increase the maximum number of generations to 150 and the
% maximum stall generations to 100.
opts = optimoptions(opts,'MaxGenerations',150,'MaxStallGenerations', 100);
% Run the |ga| solver again.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables,[],[],[], ...

fprintf('The number of generations was : %d\n', Output.generations);
fprintf('The number of function evaluations was : %d\n', Output.funccount);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);

%% Choosing |ga| Operators
% |ga| starts with a random set of points in the population and uses
% operators to produce the next generation of the population. The
% different operators are scaling, selection, crossover, and mutation.
% The toolbox provides several functions to choose from for each operator.
% Here we choose |fitscalingprop| for |FitnessScalingFcn| and
% |selectiontournament| for |SelectionFcn|.
opts = optimoptions(@ga,'SelectionFcn',@selectiontournament, ...
% Run the |ga| solver.
[x,Fval,exitFlag,Output] = ga(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables,[],[],[], ...

fprintf('The number of generations was : %d\n', Output.generations);
fprintf('The number of function evaluations was : %d\n', Output.funccount);
fprintf('The best function value found was : %g\n', Fval);

% The best function value may improve or it may get worse by choosing
% different operators. Choosing a good set of operators for your problem is
% often best done by experimentation.