www.gusucode.com > globaloptim 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > globaloptim/mulprocpermute.m

    function schedule = mulprocpermute(optimValues,problemData)
% MULPROCPERMUTE Moves one random task to a different processor.
% NEWX = MULPROCPERMUTE(optimValues,problemData) generate a point based
% on the current point and the current temperature

% Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.

schedule = optimValues.x;
% This loop will generate a neighbor of "distance" equal to
% optimValues.temperature.  It does this by generating a neighbor to the
% current schedule, and then generating a neighbor to that neighbor, and so
% on until it has generated enough neighbors.
for i = 1:floor(optimValues.temperature)+1
    [nrows ncols] = size(schedule);
    schedule = neighbor(schedule, nrows, ncols);

function schedule = neighbor(schedule, nrows, ncols)
% NEIGHBOR generates a single neighbor to the given schedule.  It does so
% by moving one random task to a different processor.  The rest of the code
% is to ensure that the format of the schedule remains the same.

row1 = randinteger(1,1,nrows)+1;
col = randinteger(1,1,ncols)+1;
while schedule(row1, col)==0
    row1 = randinteger(1,1,nrows)+1;
    col = randinteger(1,1,ncols)+1;
row2 = randinteger(1,1,nrows)+1;
while row1==row2
    row2 = randinteger(1,1,nrows)+1;

for j = 1:ncols
    if schedule(row2,j)==0
        schedule(row2,j) = schedule(row1,col);

schedule(row1, col) = 0;
for j = col:ncols-1
    schedule(row1,j) = schedule(row1,j+1);
schedule(row1,ncols) = 0;
function out = randinteger(m,n,range)
%RANDINTEGER generate integer random numbers (m-by-n) in range

len_range = size(range,1) * size(range,2);
% If the IRANGE is specified as a scalar.
if len_range < 2
    if range < 0
        range = [range+1, 0];
    elseif range > 0
        range = [0, range-1];
        range = [0, 0];    % Special case of zero range.
% Make sure RANGE is ordered properly.
range = sort(range);

% Calculate the range the distance for the random number generator.
distance = range(2) - range(1);
% Generate the random numbers.
r = floor(rand(m, n) * (distance+1));

% Offset the numbers to the specified value.
out = ones(m,n)*range(1);
out = out + r;