www.gusucode.com > globaloptim 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > globaloptim/stochasticOpt.m

    %% Optimization of Stochastic Objective Function
% This example shows how to find a minimum of a stochastic objective
% function using |patternsearch|. It also shows how Optimization
% Toolbox(TM) solvers are not suitable for this type of problem. The
% example uses a simple 2-dimensional objective function that is then
% perturbed by noise.

%% Initialization
X0 = [2.5 -2.5];   % Starting point.
LB = [-5 -5];      % Lower bound
UB = [5 5];        % Upper bound
range = [LB(1) UB(1); LB(2) UB(2)];
Objfcn = @smoothFcn; % Handle to the objective function.
% Plot the smooth objective function
fig = figure('Color','w');
hold on;
title('Smooth objective function');
ph = []; 
ph(1) = plot3(X0(1),X0(2),Objfcn(X0)+30,'or','MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','r'); 
hold off;
ax = gca;
ax.CameraPosition = [-31.0391  -85.2792 -281.4265];
ax.CameraTarget = [0 0 -50];
ax.CameraViewAngle = 6.7937;
% Add legend information
legendLabels = {'Start point'};
lh = legend(ph,legendLabels,'Location','SouthEast');
lp = lh.Position; 
lh.Position = [1-lp(3)-0.005 0.005 lp(3) lp(4)];

%% Run |fmincon| on a Smooth Objective Function
% The objective function is smooth (twice continuously differentiable).
% Solve the optimization problem using the Optimization Toolbox |fmincon|
% solver. |fmincon| finds a constrained minimum of a function of several
% variables. This function has a unique minimum at the point |x* = [-5,-5]|
% where it has a value |f(x*) = -250|.
% Set options to return iterative display.
options = optimoptions(@fmincon,'Algorithm','interior-point','Display','iter');
[Xop,Fop] = fmincon(Objfcn,X0,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],options)
hold on;
% Plot the final point
ph(2) = plot3(Xop(1),Xop(2),Fop,'dm','MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','m');
% Add a legend to plot
legendLabels = [legendLabels, '|fmincon| solution'];
lh = legend(ph,legendLabels,'Location','SouthEast');
lp = lh.Position; 
lh.Position = [1-lp(3)-0.005 0.005 lp(3) lp(4)];
hold off;

%% Stochastic Objective Function
% Now perturb the objective function by adding random noise.
rng(0,'twister') % Reset the global random number generator
peaknoise = 4.5;
Objfcn = @(x) smoothFcn(x,peaknoise); % Handle to the objective function.
% Plot the objective function (non-smooth)
fig = figure('Color','w');
title('Stochastic objective function')
ax = gca;
ax.CameraPosition = [-31.0391  -85.2792 -281.4265];
ax.CameraTarget = [0 0 -50];
ax.CameraViewAngle = 6.7937;
%% Run |fmincon| on a Stochastic Objective Function
% The perturbed objective function is stochastic and not smooth. |fmincon|
% is a general constrained optimization solver which finds a local minimum
% using derivatives of the objective function. If you do not provide the
% first derivatives of the objective function, |fmincon| uses finite
% differences to approximate the derivatives. In this example, the
% objective function is random, so finite difference estimates derivatives
% hence can be unreliable. |fmincon| can potentially stop at a point that
% is not a minimum. This may happen because the optimal conditions seems to
% be satisfied at the final point because of noise, or |fmincon| could not
% make further progress.
[Xop,Fop] = fmincon(Objfcn,X0,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],options)
hold on;
ph = []; 
ph(1) = plot3(X0(1),X0(2),Objfcn(X0)+30,'or','MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','r');
ph(2) = plot3(Xop(1),Xop(2),Fop,'dm','MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','m');
% Add legend to plot
legendLabels = {'Start point','|fmincon| solution'};
lh = legend(ph,legendLabels,'Location','SouthEast');
lp = lh.Position; 
lh.Position = [1-lp(3)-0.005 0.005 lp(3) lp(4)];
hold off;

%% Run |patternsearch|
% Now minimize the stochastic objective function using the Global
% Optimization Toolbox |patternsearch| solver. Pattern search optimization
% techniques are a class of direct search methods for optimization. A
% pattern search algorithm does not use derivatives of the objective
% function to find an optimal point.
PSoptions = optimoptions(@patternsearch,'Display','iter');
[Xps,Fps] = patternsearch(Objfcn,X0,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,PSoptions)
hold on;
ph(3) = plot3(Xps(1),Xps(2),Fps,'dc','MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','c');
% Add legend to plot
legendLabels = [legendLabels, 'Pattern Search solution'];
lh = legend(ph,legendLabels,'Location','SouthEast');
lp = lh.Position; 
lh.Position = [1-lp(3)-0.005 0.005 lp(3) lp(4)];
hold off
% Pattern search is not as strongly affected by random noise in the
% objective function. Pattern search requires only function values and not
% the derivatives, hence noise (of some uniform kind) may not affect it.
% However, pattern search requires more function evaluation to find the
% true minimum than derivative based algorithms, a cost for not using the
% derivatives.