www.gusucode.com > graphics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > graphics/CombineLineAndBarChartsUsingTwoYAxesExample.m

    %% Combine Line and Bar Charts Using Two y-Axes
% This example shows how to combine a line chart and a bar chart using two
% different _y_-axes. It also shows how to customize the line and bars.

% Create a chart that has two _y_-axes using |yyaxis|. Graphics functions
% target the active side of the chart. Control the active side using
% |yyaxis|. Plot a bar chart using the left _y_-axis. Plot a line chart
% using the right _y_-axis. Assign the bar series object and the chart line
% object to variables.

days = 0:5:35;
conc = [515 420 370 250 135 120 60 20];
temp = [29 23 27 25 20 23 23 17];

yyaxis left
b = bar(days,temp);
yyaxis right
p = plot(days,conc);

% Add a title and axis labels to the chart. 

title('Temperature and Concentration Data')
yyaxis left
ylabel('Temperature (\circC)')
yyaxis right

% Change the width of the chart line and change the bar colors.

p.LineWidth = 3;
b.FaceColor = [ 0 0.447 0.741];