www.gusucode.com > graphics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > graphics/ControlRatioOfDataUnitsAlongEachAxisExample.m

    %% Use Different Data Unit Lengths Along Each Axis
% Plot a set of data. Set the data aspect ratio so that the length of one
% data unit in the _x_-axis direction equals the length of two data units
% in the _y_-axis direction and _z_-axis direction (not shown).

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

t = linspace(0,2*pi);
x = cos(t);
y = sin(t);
daspect([1 2 2])

% When you set the data aspect ratio, the associated mode changes to
% manual. Query the current data aspect ratio mode.

d = daspect('mode')