www.gusucode.com > graphics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > graphics/PlacingTextOutsideTheAxesExample.m

    %% Display Text Outside Axes
% This example shows how to display text outside an axes by creating a
% second axes for the text. MATLAB(R) always displays text objects within
% an axes. If you want to place a text description alongside
% an axes, then you must create another axes to position the text.

% Create an invisible axes, |ax1|, that encompasses the entire figure
% window by specifying its position as |[0 0 1 1]|. Then, create a smaller
% axes, |ax2|, to contain the actual plot. Create a line plot in the
% smaller axes by specifying |ax2| as an input argument to the |plot|
% function.

fig = figure; 
ax1 = axes('Position',[0 0 1 1],'Visible','off');
ax2 = axes('Position',[.3 .1 .6 .8]);

t = 0:1000;
y = 0.25*exp(-0.005*t);

% Define the text. Use a cell array to create multiline text.

descr = {'Plot of the function:';
    'y = A{\ite}^{-\alpha{\itt}}';
    ' ';
    'With the values:';
    'A = 0.25';
    '\alpha = .005';
    't = 0:1000'};

% Set the larger axes to be the current axes since the |text| function
% places text in the current axes. Then, display the text. 

axes(ax1) % sets ax1 to current axes