www.gusucode.com > graphics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > graphics/PlotWithTwoYAxesExample.m

    %% Create Graph with Two y-Axes
% This example shows how to create a graph with two _y_-axes, label the
% axes, and display the grid lines.

%% Create and Plot Data
% Create the data. Plot |z1| versus |t| using semilogarithmic scaling. Plot
% |z2| versus |t| using linear scaling. Return the two axes objects as
% array |ax|. Return the two lines as |p1| and |p2|.

A = 1000; 
a = 0.005; 
b = 0.005;
t = 0:900;
z1 = A*exp(-a*t);
z2 = sin(b*t);

[ax,p1,p2] = plotyy(t,z1,t,z2,'semilogy','plot');
% The left _y_-axis corresponds to the first set of data plotted, which is
% the semilogarithmic plot for |z1|. The first axes object, |ax(1)|, and
% the line, |p1|, correspond to the first set of data.
% The right _y_-axis corresponds to the second set of data plotted, which
% is the line plot for |z2|. The second axes object, |ax(2)|, and the line,
% |p2|, correspond to the second set of data.

%% Label the Axes
% Label the _x_-axis and the left _y_-axis by passing the first axes object
% to the |xlabel| and |ylabel| functions. Label the right _y_-axis by
% passing the second axes object to the |ylabel| function.

xlabel(ax(1),'Time') % label x-axis
ylabel(ax(1),'Semilog Plot') % label left y-axis
ylabel(ax(2),'Linear Plot') % label right y-axis

%% Modify Line Appearance
% Change the appearance of the lines. Starting in R2014b, you can use dot
% notation to set properties. If you are using an earlier release, use the
% <docid:matlab_ref.f67-432995> function instead.

p1.LineStyle = '--';
p1.LineWidth = 2;
p2.LineWidth = 2;

%% Display Grid Lines
% Display the log grid associated with the left _y_-axis by passing the
% first axes object to the |grid| function.
