www.gusucode.com > graphics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > graphics/SpecifyAxisTickValuesAndLabelsExample.m

    %% Specify Axis Tick Values and Labels
% Customizing the tick labels along the _x_-axis and _y_-axis can help
% highlight particular aspects of your data. These examples show some
% common customizations, such as modifying the tick values and labels along
% each axis, rotating the tick labels, and controlling the tick label
% formatting.

%% Change Tick Value Locations and Labels
% Create a line plot and change the tick value locations and associated
% labels. 
% Create x as 200 linearly spaced values between -10 and 10. Create y as
% the cosine of x. Plot the data.
x = linspace(-10,10,200);
y = cos(x);

% Change the tick value locations along the _x_-axis and _y_-axis. Also,
% change the labels associated with each tick value along the _x_-axis.
% Specify the tick values as a vector of increating values. Specify the
% labels using a cell array of character vectors. To include special
% characters or Greek letters in the labels, use TeX markup, such as |\pi|
% for the $\pi$ symbol.

xticks([-3*pi -2*pi -pi 0 pi 2*pi 3*pi])
yticks([-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1])

% For releases prior to R2016b, set the tick values and labels using the
% |XTick|, |XTickLabel|, |YTick|, and |YTickLabel| properties of the axes
% object. For example, assign the axes object to a variable, such as |ax =
% gca|. Then set the |XTick| property using dot notation, such as |ax.XTick
% = [-3*pi -2*pi -pi 0 pi 2*pi 3*pi]|. For releases prior to R2014b,
% use the |set| function to set the property instead.

%% Rotate Tick Labels
% Create a scatter plot and rotate the tick values along each axis. Specify
% the rotation as a scalar value. Positive values indicate counterclockwise
% rotation.

x = 1000*rand(40,1);
y = rand(40,1);


% For releases prior to R2016b, specify the rotation using the
% |XTickLabelRotation| and |YTickLabelRotation| properties of the axes
% object. For example, assign the axes object to a variable, such as |ax =
% gca|. Then set the |XTickLabelRotation| property using dot notation, such
% as |ax.XTickLabelRotation = 45|. For releases prior to R2014b, use
% the |set| function to set the property instead.

%% Change Tick Label Formatting
% Create a stem chart and display the tick label values along the _y_-axis
% as U.S. dollar values.

profit = [20 40 50 40 50 60 70 60 70 60 60 70 80 90];
xlim([0 15])

% For more control over the formatting, specify a custom format. For
% example, show one decimal value in the _x_-axis tick labels. Display the
% _y_-axis tick labels as British Pounds using |'\xA3%.2f'|. The option
% |\xA3| indicates the Unicode character for the Pound symbol.


% For more information on specifying a custom format, see the
% <docid:matlab_ref.bu6ia4o> function.

%% Control Value in Exponent Label
% Plot data with _y_ values that range between -15,000 and 15,000. By
% default, the _y_-axis tick labels use exponential notation with an
% exponent value of 4 and a base of 10.

x = linspace(0,5,1000);
y = 100*exp(x).*sin(20*x);

% Change the exponent value to 2. Set the |Exponent| property of the
% numeric ruler associated with the _y_-axis. Access the numeric ruler
% through the |YAxis| property of the axes object. The exponent label and
% the tick labels change accordingly.

ax = gca;
ax.YAxis.Exponent = 2;

% Change the exponent value to 0 so that the tick labels do not use
% exponential notation. 

ax.YAxis.Exponent = 0;