www.gusucode.com > graphics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > graphics/TransformingObjectsIndependentlyExample.m

    %% Transforming Objects Independently
% This example creates two transform objects to illustrate how to
% transform each independently within the same axes. A translation
% transformation moves one transform object away from the origin.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Create and set up the axes object that will be the parent of both
% transform objects. Set the limits to accommodate the translated object.

ax = axes('XLim',[-3 1],'YLim',[-3 1],'ZLim',[-1 1]);
grid on

% Create the surface objects to group.

[x,y,z] = cylinder([.3 0]);
h(1) = surface(x,y,z,'FaceColor','red');
h(2) = surface(x,y,-z,'FaceColor','green');
h(3) = surface(z,x,y,'FaceColor','blue');
h(4) = surface(-z,x,y,'FaceColor','cyan');
h(5) = surface(y,z,x,'FaceColor','magenta');
h(6) = surface(y,-z,x,'FaceColor','yellow');

% Create the transform objects and parent them to the same axes. Then,
% parent the surfaces to transform t1. Copy the surface objects and
% parent the copies to transform t2. This figure should not change.

t1 = hgtransform('Parent',ax);
t2 = hgtransform('Parent',ax);

h2 = copyobj(h,t2);

% Translate the second transform object away from the first transform
% object and display the result.

Txy = makehgtform('translate',[-1.5 -1.5 0]);

% Rotate both transform objects in opposite directions. 

% Rotate 10 times (2pi radians = 1 rotation)
for r = 1:.1:20*pi
    % Form z-axis rotation matrix
    Rz = makehgtform('zrotate',r);
    % Set transforms for both transform objects