www.gusucode.com > mex 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > mex/mexeval.m

    %MEXEVAL Execute string containing MATLAB expression.
%   MEXEVAL(s), where s is a string, causes MATLAB to execute
%   the string as an expression or statement.
%   MEXEVAL(s1,s2) provides the ability to catch errors.  It
%   execute string s1 and returns if the operation was 
%   successful.  If the operation generates an error,
%   string s2 is evaluated before returning.  Think of this
%   MEXEVAL('try','catch')
%   [X,Y,Z,...] = MEXEVAL(s) returns output arguments from the
%   expression in string s. [note: this is a bug!!]
%   The input strings to MEXEVAL are often created by
%   concatenating substrings and variables inside square
%   brackets.
%   See also MEXFEVAL.

%   MEX-File function.

% Copyright 1984-1996 The MathWorks, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.