www.gusucode.com > Eigenvalues_eigenvectors源码程序 > Eigenvalues_eigenvectors/code/Demo.m

    %% Eigenvalues/eigenvectors
% Alireza Asvadi
% http://www.a-asvadi.ir
% 2012
% Questions regarding the code may be directed to alireza.asvadi@gmail.com
%% Clear Memory & Command Window
clear all
close all
%% Points
X = [0 -1;-1 0;2 3;3 2];             % set of point vectors
M = mean(X);                         % mean vector represents the center of the points
C = cov(X);                          % covariance matrix describes how dispersedly the points are distributed
%% Show (The original four points)
x1 = 4; x2 = 4;                      % x1 - x2 plane size to show
disp('X'); disp(X)
disp('M'); disp(M)
disp('C'); disp(C)
plot([X(:,1);X(1,1)],[X(:,2);X(1,2)],'g','LineWidth',2)  % shows that the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix     
hold on                                                  % for a set of point vectors represents the principal axes of   
plot(X(:,1),X(:,2),'*r','LineWidth',4)                   % the distribution and its eigenvaluesare related with
plot(M(1),M(2),'*k','LineWidth',2)                       % the lengths of the distribution along the principal axes.
axis([-x1 x1 -x2 x2])                                    % The difference among the eigenvalues determines how 
grid on                                                  % oblong the overall shape of the distribution is.
xlabel('dimension 1')
ylabel('dimension 2')
title('Eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a covariance matrix') 
%% Eigens & Transform
[V,D] = eig(C);                      % Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (V is in the from of modal matrix, eigenvalues are on the main diagonal of D)
Y = (X - repmat(M,size(X,1),1))*V;   % Transform the four point vectors by using the modal matrix
%% Show (the new points corresponding to the original four points)
disp('V'); disp(V)
disp('D'); disp(D)
disp('Y'); disp(Y)
Mp = mean(Y);
hold off
%% Bonus!: Kernel
% Q      = 0.1;
% [x,y]  = meshgrid(-x1:Q:x1,-x2:Q:x2);
% P      = [x(:),y(:)];
% Z      = zeros(size(P,1),1);
% for i  = 1:size(P,1)
% Z(i,1) = exp( (-1/2) * (P(i,:)-M) * inv(C) * (P(i,:)-M)' );
% end
% z      = reshape(Z,[(2*x1)/Q+1 (2*x2)/Q+1]);
% %% Show Kernel
% figure()
% plot3(X(:,1),X(:,2),zeros(size(X,1)),'*r','LineWidth',4)
% hold on
% surf(y,x,z)                               % try mesh(hidden off) surfc surfl
% colormap hsv                              % try hsv bone hot cool summer autumn winter gray copper pink Lines
% alpha(.4)
% hold off
% axis([-x1 x1 -x2 x2 0 1])
% grid on
% xlabel('dimension 1')
% ylabel('dimension 2')