www.gusucode.com > CRM源码带手机版ASP源码程序 > Plugin/Signin/index.asp

    <!--#include file="../../data/conn.asp" --><!--#include file="config.asp" --><!--#include file="../../data/EasyCrm.asp"-->
<%Set EasyCrm  = New EasyCRM_CRM%>
PNN = Trim(Request.QueryString("PN"))
if PNN="" then PNN=1 
otype	=	Request.QueryString("otype")
if otype="" then otype="Main"

if Trim(Request("SubAction")) = "Search" then
	Dim sStime,sEtime,sUser,sState,sql
	sUser = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("User"))
	sState = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("State"))
	sStime = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("sStime"))
	sEtime = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("sEtime"))
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sUser") = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("User"))
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sState") = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("State"))
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sStime") = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("sStime"))
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sEtime") = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("sEtime"))
	sql = ""
	If sUser <> "" Then
	    sql = sql & " And sUser = '" & sUser & "' "
	End If
	If sState <> "" Then
	    sql = sql & " And ( sSstate = '" & sState & "' or sEstate = '" & sState & "' ) "
	End If
	if Accsql=1 then
	If sStime <> "" Then
	    sql = sql & " And sDate >= '" & sStime & "' "
	End If
	If sEtime <> "" Then
	    sql = sql & " And sDate <= '" & sEtime & "' "
	End If
	If sStime <> "" Then
	    sql = sql & " And sDate >= #" & sStime & "# "
	End If
	If sEtime <> "" Then
	    sql = sql & " And sDate <= #" & sEtime & "# "
	End If
	End If
end if

If sUser = "" And sStime = "" And sEtime = "" Then
    If Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_Search") <> "" Then
        sql = Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_Search")
	End If
    Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_Search") = sql
End If

if Trim(Request("SubAction")) = "killSession" then
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_Search") = ""
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sUser") = ""
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sState") = ""
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sStime") = ""
	Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sEtime") = ""
	Response.Write "<script>location.href='?action=Infolist&otype=Infolist' ;</script>"
end if

	Dim intTotalRecords,intTotalPages,PN,intPageSize'记录总数,总页数,当前页,分页数量
	PN = CLng(ABS(Request("PN")))

    If Not IsNumeric(PN) Or PN <= 0 Then PN = 1
    intPageSize = DataPageSize
	pageNums = intPageSize*(PN-1)

		Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	    rs.Open "Select top "&intPageSize&" * From [Plugin_Signin] where 1=1 "&sql&" Order By sId desc ",conn,1,1 
	    rs.Open "Select top "&intPageSize&" * From [Plugin_Signin] where 1=1 "&sql&" and sId < ( SELECT Min(sId) FROM ( SELECT TOP "&pageNums&" sId FROM [Plugin_Signin] where  1=1 "&sql&" ORDER BY sId desc ) AS T ) Order By sId desc ",conn,1,1
		SQLstr="Select count(sId) As RecordSum From [Plugin_Signin] where 1=1 "&sql&" " '统计页码

	Dim TotalRecords,TotalPages
	Set Rsstr=conn.Execute(SQLstr,1,1) 
	if Int(TotalRecords/DataPageSize)=TotalRecords/DataPageSize then
	end if
	Set Rsstr=Nothing

    If PN > TotalPages Then PN = TotalPages

Dim i
i = 0
Do While Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF
    i = i + 1
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "			<tr class=""tr"">" & VBCrlf
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">" & rs("sId") & "</td>" & VBCrlf
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">" & EasyCrm.FormatDate(rs("sDate"),2) & "</td>" & VBCrlf
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">" & rs("sUser") & "</td>" & VBCrlf
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">" & rs("sSstate") & "</td>" & VBCrlf
	if rs("sStart") = 1 then
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">是</td>" & VBCrlf
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c""></td>" & VBCrlf
	end if
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">" & rs("sStime") & "</td>" & VBCrlf
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">" & rs("sEstate") & "</td>" & VBCrlf
	if rs("sEnd") = 1 then
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">是</td>" & VBCrlf
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c""></td>" & VBCrlf
	end if
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "				<td class=""td_l_c"">" & rs("sEtime") & "</td>" & VBCrlf
    strToPrint = strToPrint & "        		<td class=""td_l_c"">" & VBCrlf
    strToPrint = strToPrint & "        			<input type=""button"" class=""button_info_del"" value=' ' title="""&L_Del&""" onClick=""window.location.href='?action=delete&sid=" & rs("sId") & "&PN="&PN&"'"" onClick=""return confirm('"&Alert_del_YN&"');"" />" & VBCrlf
    strToPrint = strToPrint & "        		</td>" & VBCrlf
	strToPrint = strToPrint & "			</tr>" & VBCrlf
    If i >= intPageSize Then Exit Do
Set rs = Nothing

Function FormatStr(String)
  String = Replace(String, CHR(13), "")
  String = Replace(String, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "</P><P>")
  String = Replace(String, CHR(10), "<BR>")
  FormatStr = String
End Function

Const intCharToShow = 20
Const bolEditable   = true

Dim dtToday,dtCurrentDate,aCalendarDays(42),iFirstDayOfMonth,iDaysInMonth,iColumns, iRows	, iDay, iWeek
Dim counter,strNextMonth, strPrevMonth,dailyMsg,dailyuser,dtOnDay,strPage

dtToday = Date()
iFirstDayOfMonth = DatePart("w", DateSerial(Year(dtToday), Month(dtToday), 1))
iDaysInMonth = DatePart("d", DateSerial(Year(dtToday), Month(dtToday)+1, 1-1))

For counter = 1 to iDaysInMonth
  aCalendarDays(counter + iFirstDayOfMonth - 1) = counter

iColumns = 7
iRows= 6 - Int((42 - (iFirstDayOfMonth + iDaysInMonth - 1 )) / 7)
strPrevMonth = Server.URLEncode(DateAdd("m", -1, dtToday))
strNextMonth = Server.URLEncode(DateAdd("m",  1, dtToday))
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<body style="padding-top:35px;">

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="top_bg">
		<td class="top_left td_t_n td_r_n">当前位置:功能插件 > 员工签到</td>
		<td class="top_right td_t_n td_r_n">
			<input type="button" class="button_top_reload" value=" " title="刷新" onClick=window.location.href="javascript:window.location.reload();" />
			<input type="button" class="button_top_back" value=" " title="后退" onClick=window.location.href="javascript:history.back();" />
			<input type="button" class="button_top_go" value=" " title="前进" onClick=window.location.href="javascript:history.go(1);" />

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<td valign="top" class="td_n pdr10 pdt10">   
            <div class="MenuboxS">
                <li <%if otype="Main" then%>class="hover"<%end if%>><span><a href="?action=Main&otype=Main">签到簿</a></span></li>
				<%if inStr(Plugin_Signin_manage,session("CRM_name"))>0 then%>
                <li <%if otype="Infolist" then%>class="hover"<%end if%>><span><a href="?action=Infolist&otype=Infolist">详情列表</a></span></li>
				<%end if%><%if session("CRM_level") = 9 then%>
                <li <%if otype="Manage" then%>class="hover"<%end if%>><span><a href="?action=Manage&otype=Manage">高级管理</a></span></li>
				<%end if%>
		<td valign="top" class="td_n pdl10 pdr10 pdt10">
action = Trim(Request("action"))
Select Case action
Case "add"
    Call infoadd()
Case "Infolist"
    Call Infolist()
Case "Export"
    Call Export()
Case "Manage"
    Call infoManage()
Case "Managesave"
    Call infoManagesave()
Case "delete"
    Call infodelete()
Case "install"
    Call install()
Case Else
    Call Main()
End Select

Sub Main()
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" CLASS="table_1">
				<tr class="tr_t"> 
					<td class="td_l_l" COLSPAN="7"><B>当前月份:<%=EasyCrm.FormatDate(now(),8)%> - <script language="javascript" src="time.js"></script></B></TD>
				<tr class="tr_f">
					<% For iDay = vbSunday To vbSaturday %>
					<TD class="td_l_c" width="14%"><%= WeekDayName(iDay, True) %></TD>
					<% Next %>
    For iWeek = 1 To iRows
	Response.Write "<TR>"
	For iDay = 1 To iColumns
If aCalendarDays((iWeek-1)*7 + iDay) > 0 then
	dtOnDay = DateSerial(Year(dtToday), Month(dtToday), aCalendarDays((iWeek-1)*7 + iDay))
	dtOnMonth = Month(now())
if accsql=1 then
	Set Rsstr=conn.Execute("Select count(sid) As snum From Plugin_Signin where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate = '"&EasyCrm.FormatDate(now(),2)&"' " ,1,1)
	If dtOnDay = date() Then
	strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Plugin_Signin WHERE sUser='" & Session("CRM_name") & "' and sDate = '"&EasyCrm.FormatDate(now(),2)&"' "
	strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Plugin_Signin WHERE sUser='" & Session("CRM_name") & "' and sDate = '"&EasyCrm.FormatDate(dtOnDay,2)&"' "
	end if
	Set Rsstr=conn.Execute("Select count(sid) As snum From Plugin_Signin where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate = #"&EasyCrm.FormatDate(now(),2)&"# " ,1,1)
	If dtOnDay = date() Then
	strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Plugin_Signin WHERE sUser='" & Session("CRM_name") & "' and sDate = #"&EasyCrm.FormatDate(now(),2)&"# "
	strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Plugin_Signin WHERE sUser='" & Session("CRM_name") & "' and sDate = #"&EasyCrm.FormatDate(dtOnDay,2)&"# "
	end if
end if
	Set RS = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
	If NOT RS.EOF Then 
		sId		= RS("sId")'编号
		sUser	= RS("sUser")'签到人
		sSstate	= RS("sSstate")'上午:正常、迟到、旷工
		sStart	= RS("sStart")'是否签到:1是 0 否
		sStime	= RS("sStime")'签到时间
		sEstate	= RS("sEstate")'下午:正常、早退、旷工
		sEnd	= RS("sEnd")'是否签退:1是 0 否
		sEtime	= RS("sEtime")'签退时间
		sStart	= 0
		sEnd	= 0
	End If
	Set RS = Nothing

    Response.Write "<TD valign=top CLASS='td_l_c' style='height:60px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;color:#d00;padding:5px'>"
	If dtOnDay = dtToday Then
		Response.Write ("<p style='text-align:center;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;'>" & aCalendarDays((iWeek-1)*7 + iDay) & ""&L_Hao&"</p><p  style=""text-align:center"">")
		if Hour(now()) < 12 then
		if sStart = 1 then
		Response.Write ("<input type=""button"" class=""button_ico_yes input_no"" value="" 已签到 "" >")
		Response.Write ("<input type=""button"" class=""button242"" value="" 签到 "" onClick=""window.location.href='?action=add&sClass=签到'"">")
		end if 
		if sEnd = 1 then
		Response.Write (" <input type=""button"" class=""button_ico_yes input_no"" value="" 已签 "">")
		Response.Write (" <input type=""button"" class=""button242"" value="" 签退 "" onClick=""window.location.href='?action=add&sClass=签退'"">")
		end if
		end if
		Response.Write ("</p>")
		if aCalendarDays((iWeek-1)*7 + iDay) < day(now())then
		if sStart = 1 or sEnd = 1 then
		Response.Write ("<p style='text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#000;'>" & aCalendarDays((iWeek-1)*7 + iDay) & ""&L_Hao&"</p><p style=""text-align:center;""><input type=""button"" class=""button_ico_yes input_no"" value="" 已签 ""></p>")
		Response.Write ("<p style='text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#000;'>" & aCalendarDays((iWeek-1)*7 + iDay) & ""&L_Hao&"</p><p style=""text-align:center;""><input type=""button"" class=""button_ico_no input_no"" value="" 未签 ""></p>")
		end if
		Response.Write ("<p style=""text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#000;"">" & aCalendarDays((iWeek-1)*7 + iDay) & ""&L_Hao&"</p>")
		end if
	end if
		Response.Write ("<TD CLASS='td_l_c' style='height:70px;'>")
End IF

		Response.Write "</TD>"
		Response.Write "</TR>"
    set Conn = Nothing

end Sub

Sub infolist()
				<form name="searchComForm" method="post" action="?SubAction=Search&action=Infolist&otype=Infolist">
				<img src="<%=SiteUrl&skinurl%>images/ico/search.png" id="ico">
					时间:<input name="sStime" type="text" maxlength="10" id="sStime" class="Wdate" size="15" onFocus="WdatePicker()" value="<%=Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sStime")%>" /> ~ <input name="sEtime" type="text" maxlength="10" id="sEtime" class="Wdate" size="15" onFocus="WdatePicker()" value="<%=Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sEtime")%>" /> 
					员工:<% = EasyCrm.UserList(2,"User","") %> 
					状态:<select name="State" class="int"><option value="">请选择</option><option value="迟到">迟到</option><option value="早退">早退</option><option value="旷工">旷工</option></select> 
					<input name="Search" type="submit" id="Search" class="button42" value="<%=L_Search%>">
					<input type="button" name="button" class="button43" value=" <%=L_Clear%> " onClick=window.location.href="?SubAction=killSession" />
<script language="JavaScript">
for(var i=0;i<document.all.User.options.length;i++){
    if(document.all.User.options[i].value == "<% = Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sUser") %>"){
    document.all.User.options[i].selected = true;}}
for(var i=0;i<document.all.State.options.length;i++){
    if(document.all.State.options[i].value == "<% = Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_sState") %>"){
    document.all.State.options[i].selected = true;}}
		<td valign="top" class="td_n pdl10 pdr10 pdt10">
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" CLASS="table_1">
				<tr class="tr_t">
					<td class="td_l_l" colspan=3>员工出勤详细记录</td>
					<td class="td_l_c" colspan=3>上午</td>
					<td class="td_l_c" colspan=3>下午</td>
					<td width="60" class="td_l_c">管理</td>
				<tr class="tr_f">
					<td width="70" class="td_l_c">编号</td>
					<td width="100" class="td_l_c">日期</td>
					<td class="td_l_c">姓名</td>
					<td width="70" class="td_l_c">状态</td>
					<td width="70" class="td_l_c">出勤</td>
					<td width="130" class="td_l_c">签到时间</td>
					<td width="70" class="td_l_c">状态</td>
					<td width="70" class="td_l_c">出勤</td>
					<td width="130" class="td_l_c">签退时间</td>
					<td class="td_l_c"></td>
				<% = strToPrint %>
				<tr class="tr_b"> 
					<td class="td_l_l" colspan=10><%if sql<>"" then%><input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button245" value="导出Excel" onClick="window.location.href='?action=Export'"><%end if%></td>
<div class="fixed_bg">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<td valign="top" class="td_n Bottom_pd "> 
			<%=EasyCrm.pagelist("index.asp?action=Infolist&otype=Infolist", PN,TotalPages,TotalRecords)%>
end sub
Sub infoadd()
	dim sClass,sState,sUser,sTime,sContent
	sClass = Request.QueryString("sClass")
	if accsql=1 then
	Set Rsstr=conn.Execute("Select count(sid) As snum From Plugin_Signin where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate = '"&EasyCrm.FormatDate(now(),2)&"' " ,1,1)
	Set Rsstr=conn.Execute("Select count(sid) As snum From Plugin_Signin where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate = #"&EasyCrm.FormatDate(now(),2)&"# " ,1,1)
	end if
	if sClass="签到" then '未签到的情况下,不存在今天签到记录,直接新增
		if Rsstr("snum") = 0 then
		if datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_stime&"") >= 0 then
			conn.execute ("insert into Plugin_Signin(sUser,sSstate,sStart,sStime,sDate) values('"&Session("CRM_name")&"','正常','1','"&now()&"','"&date()&"')")
		elseif datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_stime&"") < 0 and datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_stime&"") > -60  then
			conn.execute ("insert into Plugin_Signin(sUser,sSstate,sStart,sStime,sDate) values('"&Session("CRM_name")&"','迟到','1','"&now()&"','"&date()&"')")
			conn.execute ("insert into Plugin_Signin(sUser,sSstate,sStart,sStime,sDate) values('"&Session("CRM_name")&"','旷工','1','"&now()&"','"&date()&"')")
		end if
		end if
	else '签退需要判断是否有记录:若无记录,新增记录;存在记录,更新记录
		if Rsstr("snum") = 0 then '无记录,新增记录
			if datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") <= 0 then
				conn.execute ("insert into Plugin_Signin(sUser,sEstate,sEnd,sEtime,sDate) values('"&Session("CRM_name")&"','正常','1','"&now()&"','"&date()&"')")
			elseif datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") > 0 and datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") < 60  then
				conn.execute ("insert into Plugin_Signin(sUser,sEstate,sEnd,sEtime,sDate) values('"&Session("CRM_name")&"','早退','1','"&now()&"','"&date()&"')")
				conn.execute ("insert into Plugin_Signin(sUser,sEstate,sEnd,sEtime,sDate) values('"&Session("CRM_name")&"','旷工','1','"&now()&"','"&date()&"')")
			end if
		else '存在记录,更新记录
		if accsql=1 then
			if datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") <= 0 then
				conn.execute ("UPDATE Plugin_Signin SET sEstate='正常',sEnd='1',sEtime='"&now()&"' Where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate='"&date()&"' ")
			elseif datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") > 0 and datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") < 60  then
				conn.execute ("UPDATE Plugin_Signin SET sEstate='早退',sEnd='1',sEtime='"&now()&"' Where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate='"&date()&"' ")
				conn.execute ("UPDATE Plugin_Signin SET sEstate='旷工',sEnd='1',sEtime='"&now()&"' Where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate='"&date()&"' ")
			end if
			if datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") <= 0 then
				conn.execute ("UPDATE Plugin_Signin SET sEstate='正常',sEnd='1',sEtime='"&now()&"' Where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate=#"&date()&"# ")
			elseif datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") > 0 and datediff("n",""&Hour(now())&":"&Minute(now())&"",""&Plugin_Signin_etime&"") < 60  then
				conn.execute ("UPDATE Plugin_Signin SET sEstate='早退',sEnd='1',sEtime='"&now()&"' Where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate=#"&date()&"# ")
				conn.execute ("UPDATE Plugin_Signin SET sEstate='旷工',sEnd='1',sEtime='"&now()&"' Where sUser ='"&Session("CRM_name")&"' and sDate=#"&date()&"# ")
			end if
		end if
		end if
	end if
	Response.Write "<script>location.href='index.asp';</script>"
End Sub
Sub Export()
	userfolder = Session("CRM_account") '生成文件夹
	filefolder = Server.MapPath("../../soft/"&userfolder)
	set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	if not fso.FolderExists(filefolder) then '如果文件夹不存在则创建
	end if
	dim rs,filename,fs,myfile,x,sql
	Set fs = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") 
	filename = Server.MapPath("../../soft/"&userfolder&"/"&year(now())&""&month(now())&""&day(now())&""&hour(now())&""&minute(now())&".xls") 
	if fs.FileExists(filename) then
	end if
	set myfile = fs.CreateTextFile(filename,true) 
	Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	sql = "select * from Plugin_Signin where 1 = 1 "&Session("CRM_Plugin_Signin_Search")&" Order By sId desc"
	rs.Open sql,conn,1,1
	if rs.EOF and rs.BOF then
	dim strLine,strLiner,responsestr 
	myfile.writeline "日期"&chr(9)&"姓名"&chr(9)&"上午"&chr(9)&"出勤"&chr(9)&"时间"&chr(9)&"下午"&chr(9)&"出勤"&chr(9)&"时间"&chr(9)&""
	Do while Not rs.EOF 
    for each x in rs.Fields 
	item01 = ""&rs("sDate")&""&chr(9)&""
	item02 = ""&rs("sUser")&""&chr(9)&""
	if rs("sSstate") <> "" then
	item03 = ""&rs("sSstate")&""&chr(9)&""
	item03 = "未签"&chr(9)&""
	end if
	if rs("sStart") = 1 then
	item04 = "是"&chr(9)&""
	item04 = "未知"&chr(9)&""
	end if
	item05 = ""&rs("sStime")&""&chr(9)&""
	item06 = ""&rs("sEstate")&""&chr(9)&""
	if rs("sEnd") = 1 then
	item07 = "是"&chr(9)&""
	item07 = "未知"&chr(9)&""
	end if
	item08 = ""&rs("sEtime")&""&chr(9)&""
    myfile.writeline item01&item02&item03&item04&item05&item06&item07&item08
	end if
	set rs = nothing
	conn.execute ("insert into OA_soft(s_class,s_title,s_file,s_user,s_share,s_time) values('"&L_Export_soft&"','"&year(now())&""&month(now())&""&day(now())&""&hour(now())&""&minute(now())&".xls','../soft/"&Session("CRM_account")&"/"&year(now())&""&month(now())&""&day(now())&""&hour(now())&""&minute(now())&".xls','"&Session("CRM_name")&"','0','"&now()&"')")
	Response.Write "<script>location.href='index.asp?action=Infolist&otype=Infolist';</script>"

End Sub

Sub infoManage()
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" CLASS="table_1">
				<tr class="tr_t"> 
					<td class="td_l_l" COLSPAN="6"><B>高级配置 <font color="#color:#CC0000">(*)</font></B></td>
			<form name="Managesave" action="?action=Managesave" method="post" onSubmit="return CheckInput();">
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" CLASS="table_1">
				<col width="100" />
					<td class="td_l_c title" style="border-top:0;">上班时间</td>
					<td class="td_r_l" style="border-top:0;">
						<input name="Plugin_Signin_stime" type="text" class="int" id="Plugin_Signin_stime" size="10" value="<%=Plugin_Signin_stime%>" onfocus="WdatePicker({dateFmt:'H:mm'})" class="Wdate"> 迟到:上班后1小时内签到,旷工:超过1小时
					<td class="td_l_c title">下班时间</td>
					<td class="td_r_l">
						<input name="Plugin_Signin_etime" type="text" class="int" id="Plugin_Signin_etime" size="10" value="<%=Plugin_Signin_etime%>" onfocus="WdatePicker({dateFmt:'H:mm'})" class="Wdate"> 早退:下班前1小时内签到,旷工:超过1小时
					<td class="td_l_c title">管理权限</td>
					<td class="td_r_l" style="padding:10px;">
						<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" CLASS="table_1">
						<col width="100" />
							Set rsg = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
							rsg.Open "Select * From [system_group]",conn,1,1
							Do While Not rsg.BOF And Not rsg.EOF
								<td class="td_l_c title"><%=rsg("gName")%></td>
								<td  class="td_l_l">
									Set rsm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
									rsm.Open "Select * From [user] where uGroup="&rsg("gId")&" ",conn,1,1
									Do While Not rsm.BOF And Not rsm.EOF
								<input type="checkbox" name="Plugin_Signin_manage" value="<%=rsm("uName")%>" <%if inStr(Plugin_Signin_manage,rsm("uName"))>0 then%>checked<%end if%>> <%=rsm("uName")%> 
									Set rsm = Nothing
							Set rsg = Nothing
					<td class="td_r_l" colspan="4">
					<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button45" value=" <%=L_Edit%> "> 
					<input name="Back" type="button" id="Back" class="button43" value=" <%=L_Back%> " onClick="history.back();">

End Sub

Sub infoManagesave()
	Plugin_Signin_stime = replace(Trim(Request.Form("Plugin_Signin_stime")),CHR(34),"'")
	Plugin_Signin_etime = replace(Trim(Request.Form("Plugin_Signin_etime")),CHR(34),"'")
	Plugin_Signin_manage = replace(Trim(Request.Form("Plugin_Signin_manage")),CHR(34),"'")
	Dim TempStr
	TempStr = ""
	TempStr = TempStr & chr(60) & "%" & VbCrLf
	TempStr = TempStr & "Dim Plugin_Signin_stime,Plugin_Signin_etime,Plugin_Signin_manage" & VbCrLf
	TempStr = TempStr & "'详细配置" & VbCrLf
	TempStr = TempStr & "Plugin_Signin_stime="& Chr(34) & Plugin_Signin_stime & Chr(34) &" '上班时间" & VbCrLf
	TempStr = TempStr & "Plugin_Signin_etime="& Chr(34) & Plugin_Signin_etime & Chr(34) &" '下班时间" & VbCrLf
	TempStr = TempStr & "Plugin_Signin_manage="& Chr(34) & Plugin_Signin_manage & Chr(34) &" '权限" & VbCrLf

	TempStr = TempStr & "%" & chr(62) & VbCrLf
	ADODB_SaveToFile TempStr,"Config.asp"
	Response.Write "<script>location.href='?action=List&otype=Main';</script>"
End Sub

Sub infodelete()
    Dim sId
	sId = CLng(ABS(Request("sId")))
	If Not IsNumeric(sId) Or sId <= 0 Then Response.Write "<script>alert(""不存在"");</script>"
	Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	rs.Open "Select * From [Plugin_Signin] Where sId = " & sId,conn,3,2
	If rs.RecordCount <> 1 Then Response.Write "<script>alert(""不存在"");</script>"
	sId = rs("sId")
	Set rs = Nothing
	Response.Write "<script>location.href='index.asp?action=Infolist&otype=Infolist';</script>"
End Sub

Sub ADODB_SaveToFile(ByVal strBody,ByVal File)
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim objStream,FSFlag,fs,WriteFile
	FSFlag = 1
	If DEF_FSOString <> "" Then
		Set fs = Server.CreateObject(DEF_FSOString)
		If Err Then
			FSFlag = 0
			Set fs = Nothing
		End If
		FSFlag = 0
	End If
	If FSFlag = 1 Then
		Set WriteFile = fs.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath(File),True)
		WriteFile.Write strBody
		Set Fs = Nothing
		Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
		If Err.Number=-2147221005 Then 
			GBL_CHK_TempStr = "您的主机不支持ADODB.Stream,无法完成操作,请使用FTP等功能,将<font color=Red >data/config.asp</font>文件内容替换成框中内容"
			Set objStream = Noting
			Exit Sub
		End If
		With objStream
			.Type = 2
			.Charset = "GB2312"
			.Position = objStream.Size
			.WriteText = strBody
			.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(File),2
		End With
		Set objStream = Nothing
	End If
End Sub

Function IsObjInstalled(strClassString)
	On Error Resume Next
	IsObjInstalled = False
	Err = 0
	Dim xTestObj
	Set xTestObj = Server.CreateObject(strClassString)
	If Err = 0 Then IsObjInstalled = True
	If Err = -2147352567 Then IsObjInstalled = True
	Set xTestObj = Nothing
	Err = 0
End Function
<script src="../../data/calendar/WdatePicker.js"></script>
</html><% Set EasyCrm = nothing %>