www.gusucode.com > CRM源码带手机版ASP源码程序 > System/GetGroup.asp

    <!--#include file="../Data/Conn.asp"--><!--#include file="../data/EasyCrm.asp"-->
<%Set EasyCrm  = New EasyCRM_CRM%>
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action = Trim(Request("action"))
sType = Trim(Request("sType"))
tipinfo = Trim(Request("tipinfo"))

Select Case action
Case "Setting"
    Call Setting()
Case "Products"
    Call Products()
Case "AreaData"
    Call AreaData()
Case "CustomField"
    Call CustomField()
Case "SelectData"
    Call SelectData()
Case "User"
    Call User()
Case "Group"
    Call Group()
Case "Level"
    Call Level()
Case "InfoList"
    Call InfoList()
End Select

Sub Group()
	if tipinfo<>"" then
		Response.Write("<script>art.dialog({title: 'Error',time: 1.5,icon: 'warning',content: '"&tipinfo&"'});</script>")
	end if

	<script language="JavaScript">
	<!-- 必填项提示
	function CheckInput()
		if(document.getElementById('gId').value == ""){art.dialog({title: 'Error',time: 1,icon: 'warning',content: '部门编号不能为空!'});document.getElementById('gId').focus();return false;}
		if(document.getElementById('gName').value == ""){art.dialog({title: 'Error',time: 1,icon: 'warning',content: '部门名称不能为空!'});document.getElementById('gName').focus();return false;}
if sType="Add" then
		<form name="Save" action="GetGroup.asp?action=Group&sType=SaveAdd" method="post" onSubmit="return CheckInput();">
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
					<td valign="top" class="td_n pdl10 pdr10 pdt10"> 
						<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" CLASS="table_1">
							<col width="100" />
							<tr class="tr_t"> 
								<td class="td_l_l" COLSPAN="2"><B>新增部门 </B></td>
								<td class="td_l_r title">部门编号</td>
								<td class="td_l_l"><input name="gId" type="text" class="int" id="gId" size="10" maxlength="2" onkeyup='this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/gi,"")' >  <span class="info_help help01">限:数字 1 - 99</span></td>
								<td class="td_l_r title">部门名称</td>
								<td class="td_l_l"><input name="gName" type="text" class="int" id="gName" size="30" maxlength="16" > </td>
					<td valign="top" class="td_n pdl10 pdr10"> 
						<div style="float:left;padding:10px 0 0;">
							<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button45" value="保存"> 
							<input name="Back" type="button" id="Back" class="button43" value="关闭" onClick="art.dialog.close();">
elseif sType="SaveAdd" then
	gId = Trim(Request("gId"))
	gName = Trim(Request("gName"))
	Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	rs.Open "Select * From [system_group] Where gId = " & gId & " Or gName = '" & gName & "' ",conn,3,1
	If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
	End If
	rs.Open "Select Top 1 * From [system_group]",conn,3,2
	rs("gId") = gId
	rs("gName") = gName
	Set rs = Nothing
elseif sType="Edit" then
	gId = Request("Id")
		<form name="Save" action="GetGroup.asp?action=Group&sType=SaveEdit" method="post" onSubmit="return CheckInput();">
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
					<td valign="top" class="td_n pdl10 pdr10 pdt10"> 
						<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" CLASS="table_1">
							<col width="100" />
							<tr class="tr_t"> 
								<td class="td_l_l" COLSPAN="2"><B>修改部门 </B></td>
								<td class="td_l_r title">部门编号</td>
								<td class="td_l_l"><input name="gId" type="text" class="int" id="gId" size="10" maxlength="2" value="<%=gId%>" onkeyup='this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/gi,"")' >  <span class="info_help help01">限:数字 1 - 99</span></td>
								<td class="td_l_r title">部门名称</td>
								<td class="td_l_l"><input name="gName" type="text" class="int" id="gName" size="30" maxlength="16" value="<%=EasyCrm.getNewItem("system_group","gID",""&gID&"","gName")%>" > </td>
					<td valign="top" class="td_n pdl10 pdr10"> 
						<div style="float:left;padding:10px 0 0;">
							<input name="gIdOld" type="hidden" id="gIdOld" value="<%=gID%>">
							<input name="gNameOld" type="hidden" id="gNameOld" value="<%=EasyCrm.getNewItem("system_group","gID",""&gID&"","gName")%>">
							<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button45" value="保存"> 
							<input name="Back" type="button" id="Back" class="button43" value="关闭" onClick="art.dialog.close();">
elseif sType="SaveEdit" then

	gId = Trim(Request("gId"))
	gIdOld = Trim(Request("gIdOld"))
	gName = Trim(Request("gName"))
	gNameOld = Trim(Request("gNameOld"))
	if gId = gIdOld then '如果没更新部门编号
		if gName <> gNameOld then
			Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
			rs.Open "Select * From [system_group] Where gName = '" & gName & "' ",conn,1,1
			If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
			conn.execute("update [system_group] set gName = '"&gName&"' where gName = '"&gNameOld&"' ")
			End If
		end if
	else '如果更新了部门编号,同步更新用户表和客户表
		Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		rs.Open "Select * From [system_group] Where gId = " & gId & " and gName <> '" & gNameOld & "' ",conn,1,1
		If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
		End If
		if gName <> gNameOld then 
			Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
			rs.Open "Select * From [system_group] Where gName = '" & gName & "' and gId="&gId&" ",conn,1,1
			If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
			conn.execute("update [system_group] set gId = '"&gId&"',gName='"&gName&"' where gId = "&gIdOld&" ")
			End If
		else '如果只修改部门编号,则不考虑部门名称
			conn.execute("update [system_group] set gId = '"&gId&"' where gId = "&gIdOld&" ")
		end if
			conn.execute("update [user] set uGroup = '"&gId&"' where uGroup = "&gIdOld&" ")
			conn.execute("update [client] set cGroup = '"&gId&"' where cGroup = "&gIdOld&" ")
	end if
end if
End Sub

<div id="mjs:tip" class="tip" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;display:none;margin-left:10px;"></div>
<script src="../data/calendar/WdatePicker.js"></script>
</body><% Set EasyCrm = nothing %>