www.gusucode.com > 网猫影视系统NetMao Movie 4.6.6 开源版源码程序 > upload/config.php


	[NetMao] config.php - basically configuration of NetMao
	This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms

// [EN]	Set below parameters according to your account information provided by your hosting
// [CH] 以下变量请根据空间商提供的账号参数修改,如有疑问,请联系服务器提供商

    $dbhost = 'localhost';			// database server
						// 数据库服务器

    $dbuser = 'username';			// database username
						// 数据库用户名

    $dbpw = '';					// database password
						// 数据库密码

    $dbname = 'netmao';				// database name
						// 数据库名

    $tablepre = 'nm_';   			// 表名前缀, 同一数据库安装多个论坛请修改此处
						// table prefix, modify this when you are installingmore than 1 NetMao in the same database.

    $pconnect = 0;			        // persistent database connection, 0=off, 1=on
						// 数据库持久连接 0=关闭, 1=打开

// [EN] safe config
// [CH] 系统安全配置

    $cookiedomain = ''; 			// cookie domain
						// cookie 作用域

    $cookiepath = '/';				// cookie path
						// cookie 作用路径

    $site_founders = '1';			// site founders
						// 网站创始人

// [EN] !ATTENTION! Preservation or debugging for developin
// [CH] 切勿修改以下变量,仅供程序开发调试用!

    $onlinehold = 900;				// time span of online recording

    $cutloghold = 2592000;			// time span of cutlog recording

    $charset = 'gbk';				// default character set, 'gbk', 'utf-8' are available

    $dbcharset = 'gbk';				// default database character set, 'gbk', 'utf8', 'latin1' and blank are available

    $tplrefresh = 1;				// auto check validation of templates, 0=off, 1=on

// [EN] system config
// [CH] 系统配置

    $site_mdir = 'movie';

    $site_mdir_type = '1';

// ============================================================================
