www.gusucode.com > 网猫影视系统NetMao Movie 4.6.6 开源版源码程序 > upload/templates/default/diy.ctrl.php

if(!defined('IN_NetMao')) exit('Access Denied');

function htmlpage($num, $perpage, $curr_page, $mpurl) {
    $htmlpage = '';
	if($num > $perpage) {
		$page = 10;
		$offset = 2;
		$pages = ceil($num / $perpage);
		$from = $curr_page - $offset;
		$to = $curr_page + $page - $offset - 1;
		if($page > $pages) {
			$from = 1;
			$to = $pages;
		} else {
			if($from < 1) {
				$to = $curr_page + 1 - $from;
				$from = 1;
				if(($to - $from) < $page && ($to - $from) < $pages) {
					$to = $page;
			} elseif($to > $pages) {
				$from = $curr_page - $pages + $to;
				$to = $pages;
				if(($to - $from) < $page && ($to - $from) < $pages) {
					$from = $pages - $page + 1;
		$htmlpage .= '<a href="'.$mpurl.'.htm">&lt;&lt;</a> &nbsp;';
		for($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) {
			if($i != $curr_page) {
				    $htmlpage .= '<a href="'.$mpurl.'.htm'.'">'.$i.'</a>&nbsp;';
				    $htmlpage .= '<a href="'.$mpurl.'_'.$i.'.htm'.'">'.$i.'</a>&nbsp;';
			} else {
				$htmlpage .= '<strong>'.$i.'</strong>&nbsp;';
		$htmlpage .= $pages > $page ? " ... <a href=\"$mpurl"."_$pages.htm\"> [$pages] &gt;&gt;</a>" : " <a href=\"$mpurl"."_$pages.htm\">&gt;&gt;</a>";
	return $htmlpage;

function cutstr($string, $length) { //
    $strcut = '';
    $string = strip_tags($string);
    if(strlen($string) > $length) {
        for($i = 0; $i < $length - 3; $i++) {
            $strcut .= ord($string[$i]) > 127 ? $string[$i].$string[++$i] : $string[$i];
        return $strcut.'...';
    } else {
        return $string;

function moviepic($string){
    $string = empty($string) ? "images/default/nopic.gif" : $string;
    $picture = eregi("http://",$string) ? $string : ROOTDIR.'/'.$string;
    return $picture;

function movierun($string){
    $isrun = $string>0 ? ($string>998 ? "[<font color=green>完</font>]" : "[<font color=green>$string</font>]") : '';
    return $isrun;

function showplay(){
    global $_NCACHE, $en_movie;
    @require_once NetMao_ROOT.'./'.movieurl($en_movie[mid]).'.php';
    $movie_files = $_NM['files'];
    include template('tag_play');

function movielist($cid=0,$mnum=10,$titlelen=20,$ordertype=1,$showtype=0,$datenum=0,$offset=0,$datetypes=0) {
    global $db, $tablepre, $_NCACHE;
    $ordertypes = array('1'=>' addtime DESC ','2'=>' addtime ASC ','3'=>' hits DESC ','4'=>' hits ');
    $datetypes = array('1'=>'Y-m-d','2'=>'m-d','3'=>'Y/m/d','4'=>'Y.m.d');

    $cids = $cid ;
    $condition .= $cids ? (is_numeric($cids) ? " and cid='$cid' " : " and cid IN ($cids) ") : "";
    $condition .= $showtype  ? (showtype=='index' ? " and isindex>0 " : " and ismlist>0 ") : "";
    $condition .= $datenum ? " and addtime>$timestamp-86400*$datenum " : "";

    $otype = $ordertype ? $ordertypes[$ordertype] : $ordertypes[1];

    $offset = $offset;
    $limit = $mnum ? " LIMIT $offset,$mnum" : '';

    $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}movies where isshow>0 $condition ORDER BY $otype $limit ");
    include template('tag_movielist');
