www.gusucode.com > CC校友录贴吧 CCBar源码程序asp编程 > inc/inc_class_def.asp

'Option Explicit

Const GBL_DIVIDER = "|||"
Const GBL_LINK_DIVIDER = ""	'==0x1f
Const CONST_DIVIDER = ""		'== 0x1f
Const CONST_DIVIDER2 = ""		'== 0x1e

Const CONST_DB_TYPE = 0			'== db type 0--access 1--sqlserver 2--localhost sqlserver
Const CONST_WEB_VER = "CC城市校友录 V0608"	


'== for trans control at 04/07/01
Const CONST_TRANS_CTL = 1 ' 0 -- db  1 -- application
Const CONST_TRANS_SHOW = 1 ' 0 -- db  1 -- single text at GBL_strDefMenu
Dim GBL_strDefTrans,GBL_strDefMenu
GBL_strDefTrans = ""
GBL_strDefMenu = ""
'== Error Const
Const E_USER_PUB = 2001
Const E_ADMIN_PUB = 2002
Const E_SYS_PUB	= 2003
Const E_DB_PUB = 2004

Dim GBL_strAdminAccount 
Dim GBL_strSiteName,GBL_strClassName
Dim GBL_strStyleCss,GBL_strWebSiteURL,GBL_strHomeURL,GBL_strCookieURL
Dim GBL_strSetupStatus
Dim GBL_strUserRealName,GBL_intUserId,GBL_strUserAccount,GBL_strNowTrans
Dim GBL_intRefreshTime
Dim GBL_intTitleStyle,GBL_strStyle,GBL_PageExeTime
Dim GBL_strImgPath,GBL_strImgLocal,GBL_strCartoonFacePath
Dim GBL_strImgColumn,GBL_strImgIco,GBL_strBoardFace
Dim GBL_intMaxPerAddress
Dim GBL_intHomeViewCount,GBL_strHomeViewBegin,GBL_intHomeLastViewCount,GBL_intHomeTodayViewCount
Dim strTmp,arrTmp
Dim GBL_intDBNum

'== Diff website application and session objects
'== 首次安装应修改此值并保持和setup/config.asp中的此值一致
GBL_strCookieURL = "schoolfellow 1.0"

'== Global parameters status
GBL_strSetupStatus = "N"

'== administrator account
GBL_strAdminAccount = "admin"

'== The web begin view count and timer
GBL_intHomeViewCount = 1
GBL_strHomeViewBegin = Now()
GBL_PageExeTime = Timer							'== 网页开始执行时间点

'Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_ConfigLoaded") = ""

'== Check the web all global parameters is loaded
If Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_ConfigLoaded") = "" Or IsNull(Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_ConfigLoaded")) Then
	Response.Redirect "./setup/config.asp"
End If

'== Get now login user info
GBL_strUserRealName = Trim(Session(GBL_strCookieURL & "SEN_strUserRealName"))
GBL_intUserId = Trim(Session(GBL_strCookieURL & "SEN_UserId"))
'If Not IsNumeric(GBL_intUserId) Then
'	GBL_intUserId = -1
'	GBL_intUserId = Cint(GBL_intUserId)
'End If
GBL_strUserAccount = Trim(Session(GBL_strCookieURL & "SEN_strUserAccount"))
GBL_strUserInfo = Trim(Session(GBL_strCookieURL & "SEN_strUserInfo"))
If Trim(Session(GBL_strCookieURL & "SEN_strUserAuthen")) <> "" Then
	GBL_strUserAuthen = Cint(Trim(Session(GBL_strCookieURL & "SEN_strUserAuthen")))
End If
GBL_strUserAccess = Session(GBL_strCookieURL & "SEN_strUserAccess")

'== Other web parameters
GBL_intRefreshTime = 5							'== refresh time after succ
GBL_intTitleStyle = 3							'== IE's Title style
GBL_strHomeURL = "../"							'== the web root-path
GBL_intDBNum = 0								'== access db number
'== the web style define
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strStyle")
GBL_strStyle = "3"

'== the parameter for forum
DEF_arrForumCate = Array("深圳理想","似水年华","休闲娱乐","站务区")
DEF_intForumCate = Ubound(DEF_arrForumCate,1)

'== Now public images path define
GBL_strBoardFace = "board/smileface/"
GBL_strImgAlbum = "album/upAlbum/"
GBL_strImgLocal = "images/"
GBL_strImgForum = "images/forum/"
GBL_strCartoonFacePath = "images/cartoonface/"
GBL_strUserUpFace = "user/uploadFace/"

'== Now style images path define
GBL_strImgPath = "style/" & GBL_strStyle & "/images/" 
GBL_strImgColumn = "style/" & GBL_strStyle & "/images/Column/"
GBL_strImgIco = "style/" & GBL_strStyle & "/images/Ico/"
'== Image width and heigh rule
GBL_intImgWidth2  = 570

'== Admin show number per page
GBL_intMaxPerAdmin = 10

Dim GBL_cssIptBtn,GBL_cssIptSelect,GBL_cssIptCheckBox
GBL_cssIptBtn = "IPTBTN"
GBL_cssIptSelect = "FMSEL1"
GBL_cssIptCheckBox = ""
GBL_cssIptText = ""
GBL_cssIptTextrea = ""
GBL_cssIptRadioBox = ""

GBL_cssFormTable = "CSS_TB3"
GBL_cssFormTr = "CSS_TR2"
GBL_cssFormTdOne = "CSS_TD_RIGHT2"
GBL_cssFormTdTwo = "CSS_TD_LEFT1"
GBL_cssFormTitleTr = "CSS_TR2"
GBL_cssFormTitleTd = "CSS_HEAD_LEFT2"
GBL_cssFormTitleFont = ""
GBL_cssFormSubTr = "CSS_TR2"
GBL_cssFormSubTd = "CSS_SUB_CENTER2"
GBL_cssFormSubFont = ""
GBL_cssFormAddTr = ""
GBL_cssFormAddTd = ""
GBL_cssFormAddFont = ""

GBL_cssListTable = "CSS_TB3"
GBL_cssListTable2 = "CSS_TB4"
GBL_cssListTr1 = "CSS_TR1"
GBL_cssListTr2 = "CSS_TR2"
GBL_cssListTd1 = "CSS_TD_CENTER1"
GBL_cssListTd2 = "CSS_TD_CENTER2"
GBL_cssListTitleTr = "CSS_TD_CENTER1"
GBL_cssListTitleTd = "CSS_HEAD_CENTER2"
GBL_cssListTitleTd2 = "CSS_SUB_CENTER2"
GBL_cssListTitleFont = ""
GBL_cssListSubTr = ""
GBL_cssListSubTd = ""
GBL_cssListSubFont = ""
GBL_cssListAddTr = ""
GBL_cssListAddTd = ""
GBL_cssListAddFont = ""

GBL_cssColumnTable = "CSS_TB3"
GBL_cssColumnTr = "CSS_TR3"
GBL_cssColumnTd1 = "CSS_TD_RIGHT3"
GBL_cssColumnTd2 = "CSS_TD_LEFT3"
GBL_cssColumnTitleTr = ""
GBL_cssColumnTitleTd = ""
GBL_cssColumnTitleFont = ""
GBL_cssColumnSubTr = "CSS_TR3"
GBL_cssColumnSubTd = "CSS_TD_CENTER3"
GBL_cssColumnSubFont = ""

GBL_cssAlbumPerTable = "CSS_PHOTOLIST_TB"
GBL_cssAlbumPerTr = "CSS_TR3"
GBL_cssAlbumPerTd = "CSS_TD_CENTER3"

GBL_cssAlbumListTable = "CSS_TB3"
GBL_cssAlbumListTr = "CSS_TR3"
GBL_cssAlbumListTd = "CSS_TD_LEFT3"

GBL_cssBoardTd2 = "CSS_TD_LEFT1"
GBL_cssBoardTd1 = "CSS_TD_LEFT3"
GBL_cssBoardTitle = "CSS_HEAD_LEFT1"

GBL_cssIptBtn = ""
GBL_cssIptText = ""
GBL_cssSelect = ""
GBL_cssTextrea = ""
GBL_cssRadio = "CSS_IPT_RADIO"

GBL_cssTitleFont = "CSS_FONT1"

'==    EVERY COLUMN DEFINE    ==          
GBL_intBirthSpeed = 10						'== birth clew up speed

'== Bulletin set parameters
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strBulletinSet")
GBL_strBulletinScrollDelay = GetConfig(strTmp,"ScrollDelay")
GBL_strBulletinDirection = GetConfig(strTmp,"Direction")
GBL_strBulletinScrollAmount = GetConfig(strTmp,"ScrollAmount")

'== Web_info parameters get
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strWebInfo")
GBL_strSiteName = GetConfig(strTmp,"SiteName")
GBL_strSiteHome = GetConfig(strTmp,"SiteHome")
GBL_strSiteURL = GetConfig(strTmp,"SiteURL")
GBL_strSiteIntro = GetConfig(strTmp,"SiteIntro")

'== Class_info parameters get
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strClassInfo")
GBL_strEntranceTime = GetConfig(strTmp,"EntranceTime")
GBL_strCreator = GetConfig(strTmp,"ClassCreator")
GBL_strClassName = GetConfig(strTmp,"ClassName")
GBL_strAdminEmail = GetConfig(strTmp,"AdminEmail")

'== Board set parameters
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strBoardSet")
GBL_strBoardStyle = GetConfig(strTmp,"BoardStyle")
If Trim(GetConfig(strTmp,"BoardPerPage")) <> "" Then
	GBL_intMaxPerBoard = Cint(GetConfig(strTmp,"BoardPerPage"))
	GBL_intNumTopBoard = Cint(GetConfig(strTmp,"TopBoard"))
End If

'== Album set parameters
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strAlbumSet")
If Trim(GetConfig(strTmp,"AlbumPerPage")) <> "" Then
	GBL_intMaxPerAlbum = Cint(GetConfig(strTmp,"AlbumPerPage"))
	GBL_intNumTopAlbum = Cint(GetConfig(strTmp,"TopAlbum"))
	GBL_intAlbumNum = Cint(GetConfig(strTmp,"AlbumMax"))
	GBL_intPhotoMaxSize = Cint(GetConfig(strTmp,"PhotoMaxSize"))
End If
GBL_strPhotoType = GetConfig(strTmp,"PhotoType")

'== Address set parameters
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strAddressSet")
GBL_intMaxPerAddress = 10
GBL_intAddressDownAuthen =10

'== User set parameters
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strUserSet")
If Trim(GetConfig(strTmp,"UserRegMode")) <> "" Then
	GBL_intUserRegMode = Cint(GetConfig(strTmp,"UserRegMode"))
	GBL_intUserRegQuesNum = Cint(GetConfig(strTmp,"UserRegQuesNum"))
End If

'== Sms set parameters
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strSmsSet")
GBL_strSmsSound = GetConfig(strTmp,"SmsSound")
GBL_intMaxPerSms = 10			
GBL_intSmsMaxSize =10
GBL_intSmsMaxNum =10

'== Small column set
strTmp = Application(GBL_strCookieURL & "APP_strSmallColumn")
If Trim(strTmp) = "" Then
	GBL_intHPoll = 0
	GBL_intHLink = 1
	GBL_intHPer = 0
	GBL_intHFunc = 0
	GBL_intHBirth = 0
	GBL_intHOnline = 1
	GBL_intPoll = 1
	GBL_intLink = 1
	GBL_intPer = 0
	GBL_intFunc = 0
	GBL_intBirth = 1
	GBL_intOnline = 1
	GBL_intHPoll = GetConfig(strTmp,"HomePoll")
	GBL_intHLink = GetConfig(strTmp,"HomeLink")
	GBL_intHPer = GetConfig(strTmp,"HomePer")
	GBL_intHFunc = GetConfig(strTmp,"HomeFunc")
	GBL_intHBirth = GetConfig(strTmp,"HomeBirth")
	GBL_intHOnline = GetConfig(strTmp,"HomeOnline")

	GBL_intPoll = GetConfig(strTmp,"OtherPoll")
	GBL_intLink = GetConfig(strTmp,"OtherLink")
	GBL_intPer = GetConfig(strTmp,"OtherPer")
	GBL_intFunc = GetConfig(strTmp,"OtherFunc")
	GBL_intBirth = GetConfig(strTmp,"OtherBirth")
	GBL_intOnline = GetConfig(strTmp,"OtherOnline")
End If

GBL_strCartoonMale = "c1004"
GBL_strCartoonFeMale = "c1002"

GBL_strAlbumListWidth = 120
GBL_strAlbumListHeight = 80

GBL_strAlbumPerWidth = 360
GBL_strAlbumPerHeight = 290

GBL_strAlbumTopWidth = 120
GBL_strAlbumTopHeight = 80

GBL_strUserFaceWidth = 130
GBL_strUserFaceHeight = 90

'== level set
GBL_intLoginLevel = 2
GBL_intBoardLevel = 5
GBL_intAlbumLevel = 15
GBL_intReviewLevel = 5
GBL_intTopicsLevel = 15
GBL_intReplyLevel = 5

'== 风格设置变量
Dim GBL_SiteHeadString,GBL_SiteBottomString,GBL_DefineImage,GBL_TableHeadString,GBL_TableBottomString,GBL_ShowBottomSure,GBL_TempletID,GBL_TempletFlag
Const DEF_WEB_DarkColor = "#cccccc"
Const DEF_WEB_LightDarkColor = "#666699"
Const DEF_WEB_Color = "#e0e0e0"
Const DEF_WEB_LightColor = "eeeeee"
Const DEF_WEB_LightestColor = "#f7f7f7"
Const DEF_WEB_TableHeadColor = "#EEEEF3"
Dim DEF_WEB_DisplayTopicLength,DEF_WEB_ScreenWidth,DEF_WEB_LeftWidth
DEF_WEB_LeftWidth = "160"			'== 左部table宽度
DEF_WEB_ScreenWidth = "570"
Const DEF_WEB_LeftTDWidth = "150"
Dim DEF_StyleString,DEF_StyleStringNum
DEF_StyleString = Array("经典蓝色","第三元素","生命绿色","书香飘逸","城市边缘","苹果树下","网游天使","oAnetS","V2005")
DEF_StyleStringNum = Ubound(DEF_StyleString)
Const DEF_MaxTextLength = 16384		'== 最大文本长度
Dim DEF_MaxListNum
DEF_MaxListNum = 24
Const DEF_DefaultStyle = 4			'== 缺省风格
Dim GBL_PageStyle					'== 当前风格
'== subject
Dim DEF_FormSubject(40)
'DEF_FormSubject(13) = Array("2005届毕业专辑","创业谈","职场社交","成功哲学")
'DEF_FormSubject(7) = Array("自助美食")
'DEF_FormSubject(6) = Array("深圳安全指南","法律咨询")
'DEF_FormSubject(16) = Array("TVB")
'DEF_FormSubject(11) = Array("友情岁月")
'DEF_FormSubject(9) = Array("生活爱情","经济视野","事业规划","强国贴吧")

'== bad words check
Const CTL_BAD_WORDS = True
GBL_strBadWords = "操你|||我靠|||吗的|||妈的|||我日|||日你|||日他|||操他|||肏你妈|||fuck"
'== acess
'== show db num
Const CTL_DB_NUM = True

'== control db debug
Const CTL_DB_DEBUG = false
<!-- #include file ="./inc_style.asp" -->