www.gusucode.com > CC校友录贴吧 CCBar源码程序asp编程 > inc/inc_inifile_func.asp

Set InIfileDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Sub InIfileLoad(ByVal FilSpc)
  FilSpc = FilSpc
  If left(FilSpc, 1) = "p" Then
    'Physical path
    PhyPth = mid(FilSpc, instr(FilSpc, "=") + 1)
    'Virtual path
    PhyPth = Server.MapPath(mid(FilSpc, instr(FilSpc, "=") + 1))
  End If
  Set FilSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set InIfil = FilSys.OpenTextFile(PhyPth, 1)
  Do While Not InIfil.AtEnDofStream
    StrBuf = InIfil.ReadLine
    If StrBuf <> "" Then
      'There is data on this line
      If left(StrBuf, 1) <> ";" Then
        'It's Not a comment
        If left(StrBuf, 1) = "[" Then
          'It's a section header
          HdrBuf = mid(StrBuf, 2, len(StrBuf) - 2)
          'It's a value
          StrPtr = instr(StrBuf, "=")
          AltBuf = HdrBuf & "|" & left(StrBuf, StrPtr - 1)
          Do While InIfileDictionary.Exists(AltBuf)
            AltBuf = AltBuf & "_"
          InIfileDictionary.Add AltBuf, mid(StrBuf, StrPtr + 1)
        End If
      End If
    End If
  Set InIfil = Nothing
  Set FilSys = Nothing
End Sub

Function InIfileValue(ByVal ValSpc)
  Dim Ifarray
  Dim i
  StrPtr = instr(ValSpc, "|")
  ValSpc = ValSpc
  If StrPtr = 0 Then
    'They want the whole section
    StrBuf = ""
    StrPtr = len(ValSpc) + 1
    ValSpc = ValSpc + "|"
    Ifarray = InIfileDictionary.Keys
    For i = 0 to InIfileDictionary.Count - 1
      If left(Ifarray(i), StrPtr) = ValSpc Then
        'This is from the section
        If StrBuf <> "" Then
          StrBuf = StrBuf & "~"
        End If
        StrBuf = StrBuf & Ifarray(i) & "=" & InIfileDictionary(Ifarray(i))
      End If
    'They want a specIfic value
    StrBuf = InIfileDictionary(ValSpc)
  End If
  InIfileValue = StrBuf
End Function