www.gusucode.com > widgetized-admin-dashboard源码程序 > Readme.txt

    === Plugin Name ===
Contributors: Pressography
Donate link: http://pressography.com/donate/
Tags: admin, dashboard, widget, widgets, widgetize, RSS
Requires at least: 2.5
Tested up to: 2.5.1
Stable tag: trunk

Widgetized Admin Dashboard gives you the ability to use widgets on your Dashboard, as well as get rid of the Wordpress Development and Planet news

== Description ==

**Add/Edit/Remove Admin Widgets**
Yep, straight from the Design > Widgets area - just like you do with your sidebar widgets!

**FAQ, Support, Screenshots, Help**
These can all be found at the plugin's page at Pressography:

To keep track of new updates to this and all of Pressography's plugins, subscribe to [Pressography's RSS feed](http://feeds.feedburner.com/Pressography)

== Installation ==

1. Upload the 'widgetizeddashboard.php' file to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
1. Activate it
1. Go to Design > Widgets and choose the "WordPress Dashboard" sidebar option from the drop down 
1. Add widgets to your heart's content! 

**Note:** When you select "Wordpress Dashboard" 4 new widgets will show up at the bottom of the widget list, all starting with "Dashboard: "

3 are the same admin widgets that come with WP - Recent Comments, Incoming Links, and Plugins.

The fourth, RSS, is a modified version of the sidebar RSS widget - it does the same thing, but includes some new options, like height, width, and a drop down that includes some popular RSS feeds from blogs about Wordpress.