www.gusucode.com > 盐城分类信息网asp源码程序 > inc/ip.asp

function IP2Num(sip)
	dim str1,str2,str3,str4
	dim num
	if isnumeric(left(sip,2)) then
		IP2Num = num
	end if
end function

function Num2IP(nip)
	iip1 = int(nip/256/256/256)
	iip2 = int((nip-iip1*256*256*256)/256/256)
	iip3 = int((nip-iip1*256*256*256-iip2*256*256)/256)
	iip4 = int((nip-iip1*256*256*256-iip2*256*256-iip3*256) mod 256)
	iip0 = iip1 &"."& iip2 & "." &iip3 &"."& iip4
	Num2IP = iip0
end function

dim userIPnum
userIPnum = IP2Num(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"))

sub msip()
response.write ("<center>对不起,您非本地区用户,您的IP被禁止了!<br><br>有什么疑问直接与本站联系 QQ:776953,谢谢合作!</center>")
response.write "<meta http-equiv=refresh content=""2;URL=index.asp"">"
end sub

if Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")="" then
call msip()
End If

if userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if

if  userIPnum > IP2Num("") and userIPnum < IP2Num("") then
call msip()
end if
