www.gusucode.com > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码 > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码/624/adminhtry/Admin_SoftGather.asp

    <!--#include file="setup.asp"-->
<!--#include file="check.asp"-->
<!--#include file="include/collection.asp"-->
Server.ScriptTimeOut = 99999
' 软件名称:新云网站管理系统
' 当前版本:NewCloud Site Management System Version 2.1
' 文件名称:admin_SoftGather.asp
' 更新日期:2005-9-16
' 官方网站:新云网络(www.newasp.net www.newasp.cn) QQ:94022511
' Copyright 2002-2005 newasp.net - All Rights Reserved.
' newasp is a trademark of newasp.net
If LCase(Request("Action")) <> "savenew" Then
	Response.Write "<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=TableBorder>"
	Response.Write " <tr>"
	Response.Write "   <th>软件采集管理</th>"
	Response.Write " </tr>"
	Response.Write " <tr>"
	Response.Write "   <td class=TableRow1><b>说明:</b><br>"
	Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;①、第一次使用本功能,请修改<a href='?action=config&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "' class='showlink'>采集基本设置</a>;<br>"
	Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;②、采集前请<font color=blue>编辑</font>采集项目,选择正确的分类或下载服务器,然后<font color=blue>演示</font>项目确定无误后再进行采集。<br>"
	Response.Write "	</td> </tr>"
	Response.Write " <tr>"
	Response.Write "   <td class=TableRow2><strong>操作选项:</strong> <a href='?ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'>管理首页</a> | "
	Response.Write "   <a href='?action=add&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'>添加采集项目</a> | "
	Response.Write "   <a href='?action=config&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "' class='showmenu'>采集基本设置</a> | "
	Response.Write "   <a href='?action=remove&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'>系统缓存清理</a></td> "
	Response.Write " </tr>"
	Response.Write "</table>"
	Response.Write "<br>"
End If

If Not ChkAdmin("SoftCollect") Then
	Server.Transfer ("showerr.asp")
End If

Dim MyNewCloud

On Error Resume Next

Set MyNewCloud = New Cls_SoftCollection
MyNewCloud.ChannelPath = Newasp.InstallDir & Newasp.ChannelDir
MyNewCloud.ModuleName = sModuleName

If LCase(Request("Action")) <> "savenew" Then Admin_footer
Set MyNewCloud = Nothing
Set Mynewasp = Nothing

Class Cls_SoftCollection

	Private ScriptName, ChannelID, ChannelDir, sModuleName
	Private maxperpage, Action, isEdit, Rs, SQL, CacheData, CacheItemData

	Private UseDownload, RepeatDeal, isProgress, TrueAddress, setInterval
	Private MaxDownSize, AllowDownExt, FilePrefix, FileSuffix

	Private ClassID, SpecialID, StopItem, Encoding, IsDown, downid, MaxAddress
	Private AutoClass, PathForm, SaveFilePath, AutoRename, IsNowTime, AllHits
	Private star, RemoveCode, RemoteListUrl, PaginalList, IsPagination
	Private startid, lastid, FindListCode, FindInfoCode, downpage
	Private RetuneClass, RemoveFile, strLeachName, strReplace

	Private AdminName, ItemID, HTTPHtmlCode, TableMarquee, ReferUrl
	Private blnFileToLocal, SoftSize, ShowDownAddress, strDownName, LoadFilePath

	'-- 每页显示数
	Public Property Let PageListNum(ByVal NewValue)
		maxperpage = NewValue
	End Property
	'-- 频道模块名称
	Public Property Let ModuleName(ByVal NewValue)
		sModuleName = NewValue
	End Property
	'-- 频道目录
	Public Property Let ChannelPath(ByVal NewValue)
		ChannelDir = NewValue
	End Property
	'-- 下载名称
	Public Property Let DownName(ByVal NewValue)
		strDownName = NewValue
	End Property
	Private Sub Class_Initialize()
		On Error Resume Next
		ChannelID = 2
		maxperpage = 30
		ScriptName = "Admin_SoftGather.Asp"
		sModuleName = "软件"
		ChannelDir = "/soft/"
		strDownName = "点击此处下载"
	End Sub

	Private Sub Class_Terminate()
		If IsObject(MyConn) Then
			Set MyConn = Nothing
		End If
	End Sub

	Public Sub ReloadSoftItem(ItemID)
		Dim rsItem
		SQL = "SELECT * FROM [NC_SoftItem] WHERE ItemID=" & ItemID
		Set rsItem = MyConn.Execute(SQL)
		Mynewasp.Value = rsItem.GetRows(1)
		Set rsItem = Nothing
	End Sub
	Public Sub ReloadSoftConfig()
		If Not IsConnection Then DatabaseConnection
		SQL = "SELECT * FROM [NC_SoftConfig] "
		Set Rs = MyConn.Execute(SQL)
		Mynewasp.Value = Rs.GetRows(1)
		Set Rs = Nothing
	End Sub
	Public Sub ReadSoftConfig()
		On Error Resume Next
		Mynewasp.Name = "SoftConfig"
		If Mynewasp.ObjIsEmpty() Then ReloadSoftConfig
		CacheData = Mynewasp.Value
		Mynewasp.Name = "Date"
		If Mynewasp.ObjIsEmpty() Then
			Mynewasp.Value = date
			If CStr(Mynewasp.Value) <> CStr(date) Then
				Mynewasp.Name = "SoftConfig"
				Call ReloadSoftConfig
				CacheData = Mynewasp.Value
			End If
		End If
		UseDownload = CacheData(1, 0): RepeatDeal = CacheData(2, 0): isProgress = CacheData(3, 0)
		TrueAddress = CacheData(4, 0): setInterval = CacheData(5, 0): MaxDownSize = CacheData(6, 0)
		AllowDownExt = CacheData(7, 0): FilePrefix = CacheData(8, 0): FileSuffix = CacheData(9, 0)
	End Sub
	Public Sub ReadSoftItem(ItemID)
		On Error Resume Next
		Mynewasp.Name = "SoftItem" & ItemID
		If Mynewasp.ObjIsEmpty() Then ReloadSoftItem (ItemID)
		CacheItemData = Mynewasp.Value
		ClassID = CacheItemData(4, 0): SpecialID = CacheItemData(5, 0): StopItem = CacheItemData(6, 0)
		Encoding = CacheItemData(7, 0): IsDown = CacheItemData(8, 0): downid = CacheItemData(9, 0)
		MaxAddress = CacheItemData(10, 0): AutoClass = CacheItemData(11, 0): PathForm = CacheItemData(12, 0)
		SaveFilePath = CacheItemData(13, 0): AutoRename = CacheItemData(14, 0): IsNowTime = CacheItemData(15, 0)
		AllHits = CacheItemData(16, 0): star = CacheItemData(17, 0): RemoveCode = CacheItemData(18, 0)
		RemoteListUrl = CacheItemData(20, 0): PaginalList = CacheItemData(21, 0)
		IsPagination = CacheItemData(22, 0): startid = CacheItemData(23, 0): lastid = CacheItemData(24, 0)
		FindListCode = CacheItemData(25, 0): FindInfoCode = CacheItemData(26, 0): downpage = CacheItemData(27, 0)
		If Not IsNull(CacheItemData(28, 0)) Then
			RetuneClass = CacheItemData(28, 0)
		End If
		If Not IsNull(CacheItemData(29, 0)) Then
			RemoveFile = CacheItemData(29, 0)
		End If
		If Not IsNull(CacheItemData(30, 0)) Then
			strLeachName = CacheItemData(30, 0)
		End If

		If Not IsNull(CacheItemData(32, 0)) Then
			strReplace = CacheItemData(32, 0)
		End If
	End Sub

	Public Sub ShowCollection()
		TableMarquee = "<p align=center><div style=""width:200px;height:30px;position:absolute;"">"
		TableMarquee = TableMarquee & "<table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#000000 width='200' height='30'><tr><td bgcolor=#0650D2><marquee align=middle behavior=alternate scrollamount=5 style=""font-size:9pt""><font color=#FFFFFF>...正在收集数据...请稍候...</font></marquee></td></tr></table>"
		TableMarquee = TableMarquee & "</div></p>"

		On Error Resume Next
		If Not IsConnection Then DatabaseConnection
		ChannelID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ChannelID"))
		If ChannelID = 0 Then ChannelID = 2
		ChannelID = CLng(ChannelID)
		AdminName = Newasp.CheckStr(Session("AdminName"))
		Action = LCase(Request("action"))
		Select Case Trim(Action)
		Case "copy"
			Call CopyNewItem
		Case "del"
			Call DeleteItem
		Case "config"
			Call BasalConfig
		Case "save"
			Call SaveConfig
		Case "edit"
			ItemID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ItemID"))
			If ItemID = 0 Then
				OutErrors ("请选择正确的项目ID!")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			isEdit = True
			Call CollectionItem(isEdit)
		Case "add"
			isEdit = False
			Call CollectionItem(isEdit)
		Case "step2"
			Call ItemStep2
		Case "step3"
			Call ItemStep3
		Case "step4"
			Call ItemStep4
		Case "demo"
			Call ItemStep4
		Case "begin"
		Case "savenew"
		Case "remove"
		Case Else
			Call showmain
		End Select
	End Sub

	Private Sub showmain()
		Dim totalnumber, Pcount, CurrentPage
		Dim i, stylestr
		With Response
		.Write "<script language=""JavaScript"" src=""include/showpage.js""></script>" & vbNewLine
		.Write "<table border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""tableborder"">"
		.Write "<tr>"
		.Write " <th>项目名称</th>"
		.Write " <th>所属分类</th>"
		.Write " <th>所属专题</th>"
		.Write " <th>状态</th>"
		.Write " <th>上次采集时间</th>"
		.Write " <th>管理操作</th>"
		.Write "</tr>"
		totalnumber = MyConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT(ItemID) FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID)(0)
		CurrentPage = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("page"))
		If CurrentPage = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1
		Pcount = CLng(totalnumber / maxperpage) '得到总页数
		If Pcount < totalnumber / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
		If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
		If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
		Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		SQL = "SELECT ItemID,ItemName,SiteUrl,ChannelID,ClassID,SpecialID,StopItem,lastime,RemoteListUrl FROM [NC_SoftItem] WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " ORDER BY lastime DESC,ItemID DESC"
		Rs.Open SQL, MyConn, 1, 1
		If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
			.Write "<tr><td align=center colspan=9 class=TableRow2>还没有找到任何采集项目!</td></tr>"
			If Pcount > 1 Then Rs.Move (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage
			i = 0
			Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < CInt(maxperpage)
				If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
				If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then
					stylestr = "class=TableRow1"
					stylestr = "class=TableRow2"
				End If
				.Write "<tr align=center>"
				.Write " <td " & stylestr & " title='点击打开目标网站'><a href='" & Rs("SiteUrl") & "' target=_blank>" & Rs("ItemName") & "</a></td>"
				.Write " <td " & stylestr & " title='点击查看目标网站列表'><a href='" & Rs("RemoteListUrl") & "' target=_blank>" & Read_Class_Name(Rs("ClassID")) & "</a></td>"
				.Write " <td " & stylestr & ">" & Read_Special_Name(Rs("SpecialID")) & "</td>"
				.Write " <td " & stylestr & ">"
				If Rs("StopItem") = 0 Then
					.Write "<font color=blue>√</font>"
					.Write "<font color=red>×</font>"
				End If
				.Write "</td>"
				.Write " <td " & stylestr & ">"
				If DateDiff("D", Rs("lastime"), Now()) = 0 Then
					.Write "<font color=red>"
					.Write Rs("lastime")
					.Write "</font>"
					.Write Rs("lastime")
				End If
				.Write "</td>"
				.Write " <td " & stylestr & "><a href='?action=edit&ItemID=" & Rs("ItemID") & "&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'>编辑</a> | "
				.Write "<a href='?action=begin&ItemID=" & Rs("ItemID") & "&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'>采集</a> | "
				.Write "<a href='?action=demo&ItemID=" & Rs("ItemID") & "&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'>演示</a> | "
				.Write "<a href='?action=copy&ItemID=" & Rs("ItemID") & "&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'>克隆</a> | "
				.Write "<a href='?action=del&ItemID=" & Rs("ItemID") & "&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "' onclick=""{if(confirm('您确定要删除此项目吗?')){return true;}return false;}"">删除</a>"
				.Write "</td>"
				.Write "</tr>"
				i = i + 1
				If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
		End If
		Set Rs = Nothing
		.Write "<tr>"
		.Write " <td colspan=""9"" class=""tablerow2"" align=""right"">"
		ShowListPage CurrentPage, Pcount, totalnumber, maxperpage, "&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "", sModuleName & "采集"
		.Write "</td>"
		.Write "</tr>"
		If LCase(Request("action")) = "yes" Then
			.Write "<tr>"
			.Write " <td colspan=9 class=tablerow2>"
			.Write "<b class=style2>恭喜您!采集" & sModuleName & "全部完成..."
			.Write "成功采集" & sModuleName & " <font color=""#FF0000"">" & Session("SucceedCount") & "</font> 个,总费时 <font color=""#FF0000"">" & FormatNumber((Timer() - Request("D")), 2, -1) & "</font> 秒,完成时间" & Now() & "</b>"
			.Write "</td>"
			.Write "</tr>"
			Session("SucceedCount") = 0
		End If
		.Write "</table>"
		End With
	End Sub
	'作  用:读取分类名称
	Private Function Read_Class_Name(ByVal ClassID)
		Dim rsClass

		On Error Resume Next
		Set rsClass = Newasp.Execute("select ClassName from NC_Classify where ClassID=" & ClassID)
		If rsClass.BOF And rsClass.EOF Then
			Read_Class_Name = "没有分类"
			Set rsClass = Nothing
			Exit Function
		End If
		Read_Class_Name = rsClass(0)
		Set rsClass = Nothing
	End Function
	'作  用:读取专题名称
	Private Function Read_Special_Name(ByVal SpecialID)
		Dim rsSpecial
		On Error Resume Next
		Set rsSpecial = Newasp.Execute("select SpecialName from NC_Special where SpecialID=" & SpecialID)
		If rsSpecial.BOF And rsSpecial.EOF Then
			Read_Special_Name = "没有指定专题"
			Set rsSpecial = Nothing
			Exit Function
		End If
		Read_Special_Name = rsSpecial(0)
		Set rsSpecial = Nothing
	End Function
	'作  用:读取分类ID
	Public Function GetClassID(ByVal chanid, ByVal superior, ByVal inferior)
		superior = Replace(Trim(superior), "'", "")
		inferior = Replace(Trim(inferior), "'", "")
		chanid = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(chanid)
		If Len(superior) = 0 Or chanid = 0 Then
			GetClassID = 0
			Exit Function
		End If
		On Error Resume Next
		Dim oRs, SQL, clsid, iRs
		clsid = 0
		SQL = "SELECT ClassID,ClassName,child FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" & chanid & " And TurnLink=0 And ClassName='" & superior & "'"
		Set oRs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
		If Not (oRs.BOF And oRs.EOF) Then
			If oRs("child") = 0 Then
				clsid = oRs("ClassID")
				If inferior <> "" Then
					Set iRs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT ClassID,ClassName,child FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" & chanid & " And parentid=" & oRs("classid") & " And child=0 And TurnLink=0 And ClassName='" & inferior & "'")
					If Not (iRs.BOF And iRs.EOF) Then
						clsid = iRs("ClassID")
					End If
					Set iRs = Nothing
				End If
			End If
		End If
		Set oRs = Nothing
		GetClassID = clsid
	End Function
	Public Function ClassUpdateCount(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal sortid)
		Dim rscount, Parentstr
		On Error Resume Next
		Set rscount = Newasp.Execute("SELECT ClassID,Parentstr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID = " & CLng(ChannelID) & " And ClassID=" & CLng(sortid))
		If Not (rscount.BOF And rscount.EOF) Then
			Parentstr = rscount("Parentstr") & "," & rscount("ClassID")
			Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE [NC_Classify] SET ShowCount=ShowCount+1,isUpdate=1 WHERE ChannelID = " & CLng(ChannelID) & " And ClassID in (" & Parentstr & ")")
		End If
		Set rscount = Nothing
	End Function
	'作  用:下载服务器设置
	Public Function SelDownServer(ByVal intdownid)
		Dim RsObj, SQL
		If Not IsNumeric(intdownid) Then intdownid = 0
		With Response
			.Write " <select name=""downid"" size=""1"">"
			.Write "<option value=""0"""
			If intdownid = 0 Then .Write " selected"
			.Write ">↓请选择下载服务器↓</option>"
			SQL = "SELECT downid,DownloadName,depth,rootid FROM NC_DownServer WHERE depth=0 And ChannelID=" & ChannelID
			Set RsObj = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
			Do While Not RsObj.EOF
				.Write "<option value=""" & RsObj("rootid") & """"
				If intdownid = RsObj("rootid") Then .Write " selected"
				.Write ">" & RsObj(1) & "</option>"
			Set RsObj = Nothing
			.Write "<option value=""0"">不使用下载服务器</option>"
			.Write "</select>"
		End With
	End Function
	Private Sub BasalConfig()
		With Response
			.Write "<form name=myform method=post action='?action=save'>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=hidden name='ChannelID' value='" & ChannelID & "'>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<table  border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""TableBorder""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <th colspan=""2"">" & sModuleName & "采集基本设置</th> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td width=""23%"" align=""right"" nowrap class=""TableRow1""><strong>下载功能开关:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td width=""77%"" class=""TableRow1""><input name=""UseDownload"" type=""radio"" value=""0"""
			If CInt(UseDownload) = 0 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      关闭  " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""UseDownload"" value=""1"""
			If CInt(UseDownload) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      打开  " & vbCrLf
			 .Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""UseDownload"" value=""9"""
			If CInt(UseDownload) = 9 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      下载测试<font color='red'>(供测试程序用,不写数据库)</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>重复" & sModuleName & "处理:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><input name=""RepeatDeal"" type=""radio"" value=""0"""
			If CInt(RepeatDeal) = 0 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      跳过  " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""RepeatDeal"" value=""1"""
			If CInt(RepeatDeal) > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      更新 </td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>采集过程间隔时间:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""> <input name=""setInterval"" type=""text"" id=""setInterval"" size=""12"" value=""" & setInterval & """ maxlength=""10""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <font color=""blue"">毫秒 </font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>允许下载的文件大小:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><input name=""MaxDownSize"" type=""text"" id=""MaxDownSize"" size=""12"" value=""" & MaxDownSize & """ maxlength=""10""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <strong><font color=""blue"">KB </font></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=""red"">* 不限制请输入“0”</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>允许下载的文件类型:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input name=""AllowDownExt"" type=""text"" id=""AllowDownExt"" size=""50"" value=""" & AllowDownExt & """ maxlength=""255""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <font color=""blue"">* 每个文件类型请用“|”分开</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2"">&nbsp;</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><div align=""center""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "        <input name=""B12"" type=""button"" class=""Button"" onclick=""javascript:history.go(-1)"" value=""返回上一页""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp; " & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input name=""B22"" type=""submit"" class=""Button"" value=""保存设置"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "</div></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</table></form> " & vbCrLf
		End With
	End Sub
	Private Sub SaveConfig()
		If Len(Request.Form("AllowDownExt")) = 0 Then
			OutErrors ("请输入允许下载的文件类型!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Mynewasp.DelCahe ("SoftConfig")
		Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftConfig WHERE id=1"
		Rs.Open SQL, MyConn, 1, 3
			Rs("UseDownload") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("UseDownload"))
			Rs("RepeatDeal") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("RepeatDeal"))
			Rs("isProgress") = 0
			Rs("TrueAddress") = 0
			Rs("setInterval") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("setInterval"))
			Rs("MaxDownSize") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("MaxDownSize"))
			Rs("AllowDownExt") = Trim(Request.Form("AllowDownExt"))
			Rs("FilePrefix") = ""
			Rs("FileSuffix") = ""
		Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
		OutScript ("保存采集基本设置成功!")
	End Sub
	Private Sub SettingStep(ItemID)
		With Response
			.Write "<tr>" & vbNewLine
			.Write " <td colspan=2 align=center class=tablerow2>"
			.Write "<a href='?ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "' style=""color: green;"">管理首页</a> | "
			.Write "<a href='?action=edit&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "' class=showmenu>设置第一步</a> | "
			.Write "<a href='?action=step2&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "' class=showmenu>设置第二步</a> | "
			.Write "<a href='?action=step3&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "' class=showmenu>设置第三步</a> | "
			.Write "<a href='?action=demo&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "' class=showmenu>项目演示</a> | "
			.Write "<a href='?action=begin&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "' style=""color: red;"">开始采集</a>"
			.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
			.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
		End With
	End Sub
	Private Sub CollectionItem(isEdit)
		Dim sClassSelect, RsObj, ItemTitle
		Dim i, ArrayRetuneClass
		Dim ArrayRemoveCode
		If isEdit Then
			Set Rs = MyConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ItemID=" & ItemID)
			If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
				Set Rs = Nothing
				OutErrors ("错误的系统参数!")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			ItemTitle = "编辑采集项目 第一步"
			downid = Rs("downid")
			ItemID = 0
			downid = 0
			ItemTitle = "添加新的采集项目"
		End If
		With Response
			.Write "<script language=""javascript"" src=""include/Gatherer.js""></script>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<form name=myform method=post action=""" & ScriptName & """ onSubmit='return CheckForm();'>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""action"" value=""step2"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""ChannelID"" value=""" & ChannelID & """>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""ItemID"" value=""" & ItemID & """>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=hidden name='change' value='yes'>" & vbNewLine
			.Write "<table  border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""TableBorder""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <th colspan=""2"">" & ItemTitle & "</th> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			If ItemID > 0 Then
				SettingStep (ItemID)
			End If
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td width=""23%"" align=""right"" nowrap class=""TableRow1""><strong>项目名称:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td width=""77%"" class=""TableRow1""><input name=""ItemName"" type=""text"" id=""ItemName"" size=""30"""
			If isEdit Then .Write " value=""" & Rs("ItemName") & """"
			.Write "></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>目标站点URL:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><input name=""SiteUrl"" type=""text"" id=""SiteUrl"" size=""30"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("SiteUrl") & """"
				.Write " value=""http://"""
			End If
			.Write "></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>所属分类:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><select name=""ClassID"" size=""1"" id=""ClassID"">" & vbCrLf
			sClassSelect = Newasp.LoadSelectClass(ChannelID)
			If isEdit Then
				sClassSelect = Replace(sClassSelect, "{ClassID=" & Rs("ClassID") & "}", "selected")
			End If
			.Write sClassSelect
			.Write "    </select></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>所属专题:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><select name=""SpecialID"" size=""1"" id=""SpecialID"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""0"">不指定专题</option>" & vbCrLf
			Set RsObj = Newasp.Execute("SELECT SpecialID,SpecialName FROM NC_Special Where ChannelID = " & ChannelID & " ORDER BY orders")
			Do While Not RsObj.EOF
				.Write "        <option value=""" & RsObj("SpecialID") & """"
				If isEdit Then
					If Rs("SpecialID") = RsObj("SpecialID") Then .Write " selected"
				End If
				.Write ">"
				.Write RsObj("SpecialName")
				.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf
			Set RsObj = Nothing
			.Write "    </select></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>关闭采集项目:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input name=""StopItem"" type=""radio"" value=""0"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("StopItem") = 0 Then .Write " checked"
				.Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> 打开&nbsp;&nbsp; " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""StopItem"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("StopItem") > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> 关闭</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>目标文档编码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><input name=""Encoding"" type=""text"" id=""Encoding"" size=""15"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("Encoding") & """"
				.Write " value=""GB2312"""
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <span class=""style2"">请选择编码→</span>      <select name=""selEncoding"" size=""1"" onChange=""Encoding.value=this.value;"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "        <option>请选择编码</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "        <option value=""GB2312"">GB2312</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "        <option value=""UTF-8"">UTF-8</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "        <option value=""BIG5"">BIG5</option>" & vbCrLf
			'.Write "        <option value=""AUTOCODING"">自动编码</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "          </select>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      </td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>是否下载软件到本地:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input name=""IsDown"" type=""radio"" value=""0"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("IsDown") = 0 Then .Write " checked"
				.Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""IsDown"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("IsDown") > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> 是 </td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>选择下载服务器:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">" & vbCrLf
			SelDownServer (downid)
			.Write "    <font color='blue'>* 如果软件下载到本地,建议选择或<a href='admin_Server.asp?action=add&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'><font color='red'>添加下载服务器</font></a></font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取最多下载地址数:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input name=""MaxAddress"" type=""text"" id=""MaxAddress"" size=""10"" maxlength=""5"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("MaxAddress") & """"
				.Write " value=""1"""
			End If
			.Write ">&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color='blue'>* 如果文件下载到本地,这里是下载地址序号,0-9。</font></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>是否自动归类:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><input name=""AutoClass"" type=""radio"" value=""0"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("AutoClass") = 0 Then .Write " checked"
				.Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write " onClick=""RetuneClassID.style.display='none';""> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""AutoClass"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("AutoClass") > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write " onClick=""RetuneClassID.style.display='';""> 是</td>" & vbCrLf ' disabled
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""RetuneClassID"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("AutoClass") = 0 Then .Write " style=""display:none"""
				.Write " style=""display:none"""
			End If
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>分类替换操作:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3""><tr><td><select name=""RetuneClass"" id=""RetuneClass"" style=""width:300;height:100"" size=""2"" ondblclick=""return ModifyCalss();"">" & vbCrLf
			If isEdit Then
				If Not IsNull(Rs("RetuneClass")) Then
					ArrayRetuneClass = Split(Rs("RetuneClass"), "$$$")
					For i = 0 To UBound(ArrayRetuneClass)
						If Len(ArrayRetuneClass(i)) > 3 Then
							.Write "      <option value=""" & ArrayRetuneClass(i) & """>" & ArrayRetuneClass(i) & "</option>" & vbCrLf
						End If
				End If
			End If
			.Write "        " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      </select></td><td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""button"" name=""addclass"" value=""添加替换分类"" class=""button"" onclick=""AddClass();""><br><br style=""overflow: hidden; line-height: 5px"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""button"" name=""modifyclass"" value=""修改当前分类"" class=""button"" onclick=""return ModifyClass();""><br><br style=""overflow: hidden; line-height: 5px"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""button"" name=""delclass"" value=""删除当前分类"" class=""button"" onclick=""DelClass();""><br>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""hidden"" name=""ClassList"" value="""">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "        </td><tr></table>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      </td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>日期路径格式:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><select name=""PathForm"" size=""1"" id=""PathForm"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""0"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("PathForm") = 0 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">不使用日期目录</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("PathForm") = 1 Then .Write " selected"
				.Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">2005-8</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""2"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("PathForm") = 2 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">2005_8</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""3"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("PathForm") = 3 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">20058</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""4"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("PathForm") = 4 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">2005</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""5"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("PathForm") = 5 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">2005/8</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""6"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("PathForm") = 6 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">2005/8/8</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""7"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("PathForm") = 7 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">200588</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    </select></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>保存软件的路径:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><input name=""SaveFilePath"" type=""text"" id=""SaveFilePath"" size=""45"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("SaveFilePath") & """"
				.Write " value=""/soft/UploadFile/"""
			End If
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <font color=""blue"">* 可以使用相对路径或者绝对路径</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>是否自动更改文件名称:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input name=""AutoRename"" type=""radio"" value=""0"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("AutoRename") = 0 Then .Write " checked"
				.Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""AutoRename"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("AutoRename") > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> 是</td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>是否显示为最新时间:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><input name=""IsNowTime"" type=""radio"" value=""0"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("IsNowTime") = 0 Then .Write " checked"
				.Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""IsNowTime"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("IsNowTime") > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> 是</td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>初始点击数:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input name=""AllHits"" type=""text"" id=""AllHits"" size=""10"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("AllHits") & """"
				.Write " value=""0"""
			End If
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>软件星级:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><select name=""star"" size=""1"" id=""star"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""5"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("star") = 5 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">★★★★★</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""4"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("star") = 4 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">★★★★</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""3"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("star") = 3 Then .Write " selected"
				.Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">★★★</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""2"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("star") = 2 Then .Write " selected"
			End If
			.Write ">★★</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <option value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("star") = 1 Then .Write " selected"
				ArrayRemoveCode = Split(Rs("RemoveCode"), "|")
			End If
			.Write ">★</option>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    </select></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>简介过滤设置:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input name=""RemoveCode0"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(0)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
				.Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      SCRIPT " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode1"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(1)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
				.Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      IFARME " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode2"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(2)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      OBJECT " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode3"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(3)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      APPLET " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode4"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(4)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      DIV " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <br>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode5"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(5)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      FONT " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode6"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(6)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      SPAN " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode7"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(7)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      A " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode8"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(8)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      IMG " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode9"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(9)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      FORM " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoveCode10"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(ArrayRemoveCode(10)) = 1 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      HTML </td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong class=""TableRow2"">远程列表URL:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><span class=""TableRow1"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""RemoteListUrl"" type=""text"" id=""RemoteListUrl"" size=""70"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("RemoteListUrl") & """"
			End If
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    </span></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong class=""TableRow1"">是否列表分页采集:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input name=""IsPagination"" type=""radio"" value=""0"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("IsPagination") = 0 Then .Write " checked"
				.Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write " onClick=""Pageinate1.style.display='none';Pageinate2.style.display='none';""> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""radio"" name=""IsPagination"" value=""1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("IsPagination") > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			End If
			.Write " onClick=""Pageinate1.style.display='';Pageinate2.style.display='';""> 是</td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""Pageinate1"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("IsPagination") = 0 Then .Write " style=""display:'none';"""
				.Write " style=""display:'none';"""
			End If
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong class=""TableRow2"">远程列表分页URL:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><input name=""PaginalList"" type=""text"" id=""PaginalList"" size=""70"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("PaginalList") & """"
			End If
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <span class=""style2"">      * 分页代码 <font color=""red"">{$pageid}</font></span></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""Pageinate2"""
			If isEdit Then
				If Rs("IsPagination") = 0 Then .Write " style=""display:'none';"""
				.Write " style=""display:'none';"""
			End If
			.Write ">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong class=""TableRow1"">远程列表起始页:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1"">开始页:" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <input name=""startid"" type=""text"" id=""startid"" size=""6"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("startid") & """"
				.Write " value=""1"""
			End If
			.Write ">&nbsp;-" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    结束页:" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <input name=""lastid"" type=""text"" id=""lastid"" size=""6"""
			If isEdit Then
				.Write " value=""" & Rs("lastid") & """"
				.Write " value=""2"""
			End If
			.Write ">&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=""style2"">* 例如:1 - 9 或者 9 - 1</span></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>简介字符替换操作:</strong></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3""><tr><td><select name=""strReplace"" id=""strReplace"" style=""width:380;height:100"" size=""2"" ondblclick=""return ModifyReplace();"">" & vbCrLf
			Dim strReplaceArray
			If isEdit Then
				If Not IsNull(Rs("strReplace")) Then
					strReplaceArray = Split(Rs("strReplace"), "$$$")
					For i = 0 To UBound(strReplaceArray)
						If Len(strReplaceArray(i)) > 1 Then
							.Write "      <option value=""" & strReplaceArray(i) & """>" & strReplaceArray(i) & "</option>" & vbCrLf
						End If
				End If
			End If
			.Write "        " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      </select></td><td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""button"" name=""addReplace"" value=""添加替换字符"" class=""button"" onclick=""AddReplace();""><br><br style=""overflow: hidden; line-height: 5px"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""button"" name=""modifyReplace"" value=""修改当前字符"" class=""button"" onclick=""return ModifyReplace();""><br><br style=""overflow: hidden; line-height: 5px"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""button"" name=""delReplace"" value=""删除当前字符"" class=""button"" onclick=""DelReplace();""><br>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input type=""hidden"" name=""ReplaceList"" value="""">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "        </td><tr></table>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      </td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1"">&nbsp;</td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><div align=""center"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""B12"" type=""button"" class=""Button"" onclick=""javascript:history.go(-1)"" value=""返回上一页"">&nbsp;&nbsp; " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""B22"" type=""submit"" class=""Button"" value="" 下一步 "">&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""ShowCode"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1""> 显示源码" & vbCrLf
			.Write "        </div></td>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</table> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
			If isEdit Then Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
		End With
	End Sub
	'-- 采集项目第二步
	Private Sub ItemStep2()
		Dim tmpRemoveCode, i, showcode
		Dim NewItemID, strFindListCode
		ItemID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ItemID"))
		showcode = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("showcode"))
		If Trim(Request("change")) = "yes" Then
			If Len(Trim(Request.Form("ItemName"))) = 0 Then
				OutErrors ("请填写项目名称!")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			If Len(Trim(Request.Form("SiteUrl"))) = 0 Then
				OutErrors ("请填写目标站点URL!")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			If Left(LCase(Request.Form("SiteUrl")), 4) <> "http" Then
				OutErrors ("目标站点URL输入错误,请在URL前面加上“http://”!")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			If Len(Trim(Request.Form("Encoding"))) < 3 Then
				OutErrors ("请选择目标站点的文件编码!")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("AutoClass")) = 0 Then
				If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("ClassID")) = 0 Then
					OutErrors ("该一级分类已经有下属分类,不能采集;请重新选择分类!")
					Exit Sub
				End If
			End If
			If Len(Trim(Request.Form("RemoteListUrl"))) = 0 Then
				OutErrors ("请填写远程列表URL!")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("IsPagination")) > 0 Then
				If Len(Trim(Request.Form("PaginalList"))) = 0 Then
					OutErrors ("请填写远程分页列表URL!")
					Exit Sub
				End If
			End If
			Mynewasp.DelCahe "SoftItem" & ItemID
			For i = 0 To 10
				tmpRemoveCode = tmpRemoveCode & Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("RemoveCode" & i & "")) & "|"
			tmpRemoveCode = tmpRemoveCode & "0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0"
			If ItemID = 0 Then
				SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE (ItemID is null)"
				SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ItemID=" & ItemID
			End If
			Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
			Rs.Open SQL, MyConn, 1, 3
				If ItemID = 0 Then Rs.AddNew
				Rs("ItemName") = Trim(Request.Form("ItemName"))
				Rs("SiteUrl") = Trim(Request.Form("SiteUrl"))
				Rs("ChannelID") = ChannelID
				Rs("ClassID") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("ClassID"))
				Rs("SpecialID") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("SpecialID"))
				Rs("StopItem") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("StopItem"))
				Rs("Encoding") = Trim(Request.Form("Encoding"))
				Rs("IsDown") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("IsDown"))
				Rs("downid") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("downid"))
				Rs("MaxAddress") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("MaxAddress"))
				Rs("AutoClass") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("AutoClass"))
				Rs("PathForm") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("PathForm"))
				Rs("SaveFilePath") = Trim(Request.Form("SaveFilePath"))
				Rs("AutoRename") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("AutoRename"))
				Rs("IsNowTime") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("IsNowTime"))
				Rs("AllHits") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("AllHits"))
				Rs("star") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("star"))
				Rs("RemoveCode") = Trim(tmpRemoveCode)
				Rs("RemoteListUrl") = Trim(Request.Form("RemoteListUrl"))
				Rs("PaginalList") = Trim(Request.Form("PaginalList"))
				Rs("IsPagination") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("IsPagination"))
				Rs("startid") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("startid"))
				Rs("lastid") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("lastid"))
				If ItemID = 0 Then
					Rs("lastime") = Now()
					Rs("FindListCode") = "0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0"
					Rs("FindInfoCode") = "0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0"
					Rs("DownPage") = 0
					Rs("NamedDemourl") = ""
				End If
				Rs("RetuneClass") = Trim(Request.Form("ClassList"))
				Rs("strReplace") = Trim(Request.Form("ReplaceList"))
			Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
		End If
		Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		If ItemID = 0 Then
			Rs.Open "SELECT TOP 1 ItemID,FindListCode FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " ORDER BY ItemID DESC", MyConn, 1, 1
			Rs.Open "SELECT ItemID,FindListCode FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ItemID=" & ItemID & "", MyConn, 1, 1
		End If
		NewItemID = Rs("ItemID")
		strFindListCode = Split(Rs("FindListCode"), "$$$")
		Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
		With Response
			.Write "<form name=myform method=post action=""" & ScriptName & """>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""action"" value=""step3"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""ChannelID"" value=""" & ChannelID & """>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""ItemID"" value=""" & NewItemID & """>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=hidden name='change' value='yes'>" & vbNewLine
			.Write "<table  border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""TableBorder""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <th colspan=""2"">采集项目第二步</th> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			If ItemID > 0 Then
				SettingStep (ItemID)
			End If
			If showcode > 0 Then
				HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(Trim(Request.Form("RemoteListUrl")), Trim(Request.Form("Encoding")))
				If HTTPHtmlCode = "" Then
					.Write "<script language=""javascript"">" & vbCrLf
					.Write "alert('获取远程信息出错!请确定你的远程列表URL输入无误。');"
					.Write "location.replace('?action=edit&" & ChannelID & "=1&ItemID=" & NewItemID & "');" & vbCrLf
					.Write "</script>" & vbCrLf
					Exit Sub
				End If
				.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "    <td class=""TableTitle"" align=""center"" colspan=""2"">项 目 编 辑 -- 采集目标网站源代码&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
				.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""soucode"" onClick=""soucodeid.style.display='none';""> 关闭源代码窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""soucode"" onClick=""soucodeid.style.display='';"" checked> 查看源代码"
				.Write "        </td> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1"" colspan=""2"" id='soucodeid'><textarea name='content' id='content' wrap='OFF' style='width:100%;' rows='20'>"
				.Write Server.HTMLEncode(HTTPHtmlCode)
				.Write "</textarea><div align='right'><a href=""javascript:admin_Size(-20,'content')""><img src='images/minus.gif' unselectable=on border=0></a> <a href=""javascript:admin_Size(20,'content')""><img src='images/plus.gif' unselectable=on border=0></div></td> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"" colspan=""2"">"
				.Write "采集的目标地址 → <a href='" & Trim(Request.Form("RemoteListUrl")) & "' target='_blank'><font color='red'>" & Trim(Request.Form("RemoteListUrl")) & "</font></a>"
				.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='view-source:" & Trim(Request.Form("RemoteListUrl")) & "' target='_blank'><font color='blue'>点击查看目标源代码</font></a></td> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			End If
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableTitle"" align=""center"" colspan=""2"">项 目 编 辑 -- 列表连接设置</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td width='25%' align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取列表开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td width='75%' class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindListCode0 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindListCode(0))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取列表结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindListCode1 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindListCode(1))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取连接开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindListCode2 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindListCode(2))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取连接结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindListCode3 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindListCode(3))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>特殊设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><div><Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""FindListCode4"" onClick=""especial.style.display='none';"""
			If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(strFindListCode(4)) = 0 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write "> 不作处理&nbsp;&nbsp;<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""FindListCode4"" onClick=""especial.style.display='';"""
			If Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(strFindListCode(4)) > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write " disabled> 重新定位"
			.Write "</div><div id='especial' style=""display:none""><input type=""text"" name=""FindListCode5"" size=60 value='"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindListCode(5))
			.Write "'></div>"
			.Write "<div></div></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"" align=""center"">"
			.Write "      <input name=""B12"" type=""button"" class=""Button"" onclick=""javascript:history.go(-1)"" value=""返回上一页"">&nbsp;&nbsp; " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""B22"" type=""submit"" class=""Button"" value="" 下一步 "">&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""ShowCode"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1""> 显示源码" & vbCrLf
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</table> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
		End With
	End Sub

	Private Sub ItemStep3()
		Dim i, showcode
		Dim tmpFindListCode, downpage
		Dim strEncoding, NamedDemourl
		Dim strRemoteLisCode, strRemoteListUrl
		Dim strFindListCode, strFindInfoCode
		ItemID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ItemID"))
		showcode = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("showcode"))
		If Trim(Request("change")) = "yes" Then
			Mynewasp.DelCahe "SoftItem" & ItemID
			For i = 0 To 5
				tmpFindListCode = tmpFindListCode & Request.Form("FindListCode" & i & "") & "$$$"
			tmpFindListCode = tmpFindListCode & "0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0"
			SQL = "SELECT ItemID,FindListCode FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ItemID=" & ItemID
			Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
			Rs.Open SQL, MyConn, 1, 3
			If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
				OutErrors ("错误的系统参数!")
				Set Rs = Nothing
				Exit Sub
				Rs("FindListCode") = tmpFindListCode
			End If
			Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
		End If
		SQL = "SELECT ItemID,Encoding,RemoteListUrl,FindListCode,FindInfoCode,DownPage,NamedDemourl FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ItemID=" & ItemID
		Set Rs = MyConn.Execute(SQL)
		If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
			OutErrors ("错误的系统参数!")
			Set Rs = Nothing
			Exit Sub
			strEncoding = Trim(Rs("Encoding"))
			RemoteListUrl = Trim(Rs("RemoteListUrl"))
			strFindListCode = Split(Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Rs("FindListCode")), "$$$")
			strFindInfoCode = Split(Rs("FindInfoCode"), "$$$")
			downpage = Rs("downpage")
			If Not IsNull(Rs("NamedDemourl")) Then
				NamedDemourl = Rs("NamedDemourl")
			End If
		End If
		Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing

		With Response
			.Write "<form name=myform method=post action=""" & ScriptName & """>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""action"" value=""step4"">" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""ChannelID"" value=""" & ChannelID & """>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""ItemID"" value=""" & ItemID & """>" & vbCrLf
			.Write "<input type=hidden name='change' value='yes'>" & vbNewLine
			.Write "<table  border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""TableBorder""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <th colspan=""2"">采集项目第三步</th> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			If ItemID > 0 Then
				SettingStep (ItemID)
			End If
			If showcode > 0 Then
				HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(RemoteListUrl, strEncoding))
				If HTTPHtmlCode = "" Then
					OutErrors ("获取远程信息出错!请确定你的远程列表URL输入无误。")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindListCode(0), strFindListCode(1))
				strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(strRemoteLisCode)
				If strRemoteLisCode = "" Then
					OutErrors ("获取远程列表出错!请确定你的远程列表开始和结束代码输入无误。")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				strRemoteListUrl = Mynewasp.CutFixed(strRemoteLisCode, strFindListCode(2), strFindListCode(3))
				strRemoteListUrl = Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(RemoteListUrl, strRemoteListUrl)
				If strRemoteListUrl = "" Then
					OutErrors ("获取远程连接出错!请确定你的连接开始和结束代码输入无误。")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strRemoteListUrl, strEncoding)
				If HTTPHtmlCode = "" Then
					OutErrors ("获取远程信息出错!请确定你的远程连接代码输入无误。")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "    <td class=""TableTitle"" align=""center"" colspan=""2"">项 目 编 辑 -- 采集目标网站源代码&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
				.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""soucode"" onClick=""soucodeid.style.display='none';""> 关闭源代码窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""soucode"" onClick=""soucodeid.style.display='';"" checked> 查看源代码"
				.Write "        </td> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1"" colspan=""2"" id='soucodeid'><textarea name='content' id='content' wrap='OFF' style='width:100%;' rows='20'>"
				.Write Server.HTMLEncode(HTTPHtmlCode)
				.Write "</textarea><div align='right'><a href=""javascript:admin_Size(-20,'content')""><img src='images/minus.gif' unselectable=on border=0></a> <a href=""javascript:admin_Size(20,'content')""><img src='images/plus.gif' unselectable=on border=0></div></td> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"" colspan=""2"">"
				.Write "采集的目标地址 → <a href='" & strRemoteListUrl & "' target='_blank'><font color='red'>" & strRemoteListUrl & "</font></a>"
				.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='view-source:" & strRemoteListUrl & "' target='_blank'><font color='blue'>点击查看目标源代码</font></a></td> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			End If
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableTitle"" align=""center"" colspan=""2"">项 目 编 辑 -- " & sModuleName & "信息设置</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf

			.Write "    <td width='25%' align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "名称开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td width='75%' class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode0 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(0))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "名称结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode1 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(1))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "简介开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode2 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(2))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "简介结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode3 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(3))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			'--分类设置 可选项
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>" & sModuleName & "分类设置(可选项):</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selClass"" onClick=""InfoCode4.style.display='none';InfoCode5.style.display='none';InfoCode6.style.display='none';InfoCode7.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏分类设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selClass"" onClick=""InfoCode4.style.display='';InfoCode5.style.display='';InfoCode6.style.display='';InfoCode7.style.display='';""> 打开分类设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'>* 如果第一步设置了自动归类,请设置此项</font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode4"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取父分类名称开始代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>不获取分类请输入“0”</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode4 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(4))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode5"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取父分类名称结束代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>手动设置,请直接输入分类名称</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode5 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(5))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode6"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取子分类名称开始代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>不获取分类请输入“0”</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode6 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(6))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode7"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取子分类名称结束代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>手动设置,请直接输入分类名称</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode7 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(7))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>" & sModuleName & "更新时间设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""seltime"" onClick=""InfoCode8.style.display='none';InfoCode9.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏时间设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""seltime"" onClick=""InfoCode8.style.display='';InfoCode9.style.display='';"">打开时间设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'>* 如果第一步设置显示为最新时间,此设置无效</font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode8"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取更新时间开始代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>不设置请输入“0”</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode8 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(8))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode9"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取更新时间结束代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>不设置请输入“0”</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode9 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(9))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>" & sModuleName & "大小设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selsize"" onClick=""InfoCode10.style.display='none';InfoCode11.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏大小设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selsize"" onClick=""InfoCode10.style.display='';InfoCode11.style.display='';"">打开大小设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'>* 如果软件是下载到本地,系统可以自动获取" & sModuleName & "大小</font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode10"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong><font color=""blue"">获取" & sModuleName & "大小开始代码:</font></strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode10 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(10))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode11"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong><font color=""blue"">获取" & sModuleName & "大小结束代码:</font></strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode11 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(11))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>" & sModuleName & "语言设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selfont12"" onClick=""InfoCode12.style.display='none';InfoCode13.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selfont12"" onClick=""InfoCode12.style.display='';InfoCode13.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode12"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "语言开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode12 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(12))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode13"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "语言结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode13 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(13))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>" & sModuleName & "类型设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selfont14"" onClick=""InfoCode14.style.display='none';InfoCode15.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selfont14"" onClick=""InfoCode14.style.display='';InfoCode15.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode14"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "类型开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode14 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(14))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode15"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "类型结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode15 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(15))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>授权方式设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selfont16"" onClick=""InfoCode16.style.display='none';InfoCode17.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selfont16"" onClick=""InfoCode16.style.display='';InfoCode17.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode16"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取授权方式开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode16 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(16))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode17"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取授权方式结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode17 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(17))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>运行环境设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selfont18"" onClick=""InfoCode18.style.display='none';InfoCode19.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selfont18"" onClick=""InfoCode18.style.display='';InfoCode19.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode18"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取运行环境开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode18 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(18))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode19"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取运行环境结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode19 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(19))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>联系方式设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selfont20"" onClick=""InfoCode20.style.display='none';InfoCode21.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selfont20"" onClick=""InfoCode20.style.display='';InfoCode21.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode20"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取联系方式开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode20 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(20))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode21"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取联系方式结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode21 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(21))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>程序主页设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selfont22"" onClick=""InfoCode22.style.display='none';InfoCode23.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selfont22"" onClick=""InfoCode22.style.display='';InfoCode23.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode22"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取程序主页开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode22 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(22))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode23"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取程序主页结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode23 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(23))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取" & sModuleName & "缩略图设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selimg"" onClick=""InfoCode24.style.display='none';InfoCode25.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selimg"" onClick=""InfoCode24.style.display='';InfoCode25.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write " "
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode24"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong class=""style3"">获取" & sModuleName & "缩略图开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode24 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(24))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode25"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong class=""style3"">获取" & sModuleName & "缩略图结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode25 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(25))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>设置下载地址连接:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""seldown"" onClick=""InfoCode26.style.display='none';InfoCode27.style.display='none';InfoCode28.style.display='none';InfoCode29.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏下载地址窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""seldown"" onClick=""InfoCode26.style.display='';InfoCode27.style.display='';InfoCode28.style.display='';InfoCode29.style.display='';""> 打开设置下载地址&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode26"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>下载地址列表开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode26 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(26))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode27"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>下载地址列表结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode27 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(27))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode28"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取下载连接开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode28 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(28))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode29"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取下载连接结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode29 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(29))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>是否新窗口打开下载连接:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""downpage"" onClick=""InfoCode30.style.display='none';InfoCode31.style.display='none';InfoCode32.style.display='none';InfoCode33.style.display='none';"""
			If downpage = 0 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write "> 不作设置&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""downpage"" onClick=""InfoCode30.style.display='';InfoCode31.style.display='';InfoCode32.style.display='';InfoCode33.style.display='';"""
			If downpage > 0 Then .Write " checked"
			.Write "> 设置下载地址&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'>* 如果要在新页面打开下载,请设置此项</font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode30"""
			If downpage = 0 Then .Write " style=""display:'none';"""
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>下载地址列表开始代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>新页面</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode30 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(30))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode31"""
			If downpage = 0 Then .Write " style=""display:'none';"""
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>下载地址列表结束代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>新页面</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode31 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(31))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode32"""
			If downpage = 0 Then .Write " style=""display:'none';"""
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>获取下载连接开始代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>新页面</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode32 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(32))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode33"""
			If downpage = 0 Then .Write " style=""display:'none';"""
			.Write "> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>获取下载连接结束代码:</strong><br><font color='blue'>新页面</font></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode33 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(33))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>内容过滤设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selfont34"" onClick=""InfoCode34.style.display='none';InfoCode35.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selfont34"" onClick=""InfoCode34.style.display='';InfoCode35.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode34"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong>内容过虑字符一:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode34 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(34))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode35"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>内容过虑字符二:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode35 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(35))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong>匹配字符设置:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2"">"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""0"" name=""selfont36"" onClick=""InfoCode36.style.display='none';InfoCode37.style.display='none';"" checked> 隐藏设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<Input type=""radio"" value=""1"" name=""selfont36"" onClick=""InfoCode36.style.display='';InfoCode37.style.display='';"">打开设置窗口&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			.Write "<font color='red'></font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode36"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong class='style1'>匹配字符过滤开始代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><textarea name=FindInfoCode36 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(36))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr id=""InfoCode37"" style=""display:'none';""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""><strong class='style1'>匹配字符过滤结束代码:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""><textarea name=FindInfoCode37 rows=5 cols=80>"
			.Write Server.HTMLEncode(strFindInfoCode(37))
			.Write "</textarea></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow1""><strong class='style1'>指定演示URL:</strong></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1""><input type=""text"" name=NamedDemourl size=80 value='"
			If Len(NamedDemourl) > 0 Then
				.Write Trim(Replace(Replace(NamedDemourl, "'", ""), """", ""))
			End If
			.Write "'></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td align=""right"" class=""TableRow2""></td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""align=""center"">"
			.Write "      <input name=""B12"" type=""button"" class=""Button"" onclick=""javascript:history.go(-1)"" value=""返回上一页"">&nbsp;&nbsp; " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""B22"" type=""submit"" class=""Button"" value="" 下一步 "">&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""ShowCode"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1""> 显示源码" & vbCrLf
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1"" colspan=""2""><b>说明:</b><br>"
			.Write "“软件名称”、“软件简介”和“下载地址”必需截取;其它的如果不截取,请在开始代码输入“0”或者留空,在结束代码输入初始值。截取后的代码将自动清除HTML格式(简介除外)<br>"
			.Write "<b>相关标签说明:</b><br>软件名称 <font style='font-family:tahoma;color:red;'>{@SoftName}</font>&nbsp;"
			.Write "父分类名称 <font style='font-family:tahoma;color:red;'>{@ParentName}</font>&nbsp;"
			.Write "子分类名称 <font style='font-family:tahoma;color:red;'>{@ChildName}</font>&nbsp;"
			.Write "软件类型 <font style='font-family:tahoma;color:red;'>{@SoftType}</font>&nbsp;<br>"
			.Write "<font color='blue'>注意:开始代码必需是网页源代码中唯一的字符</font>"
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</table> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
		End With
	End Sub

	Private Sub ItemStep4()
		Dim i, showcode, n
		Dim tmpFindInfoCode, downpage
		Dim strEncoding, NamedDemourl
		Dim strRemoteLisCode, strRemoteListUrl
		Dim strFindListCode, strFindInfoCode
		Dim RemoveCode, startcode, lastcode
		Dim strSoftName, SoftContent, datSoftTime, valSoftSize, intSoftSize
		Dim strParent, strChild, strLanguage, strSoftType, strAccredit
		Dim strRunSystem, strContact, strHomePage, strPreviewimg

		Dim DownlistCode, DownlistString, DownlistArray, ThirdDownList
		Dim DownAddressList
		ItemID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ItemID"))
		showcode = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("showcode"))
		If Trim(Request("change")) = "yes" Then
			For i = 0 To 37
				tmpFindInfoCode = tmpFindInfoCode & Request.Form("FindInfoCode" & i & "") & "$$$"
			tmpFindInfoCode = tmpFindInfoCode & "0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0$$$0"
			SQL = "SELECT ItemID,FindInfoCode,downpage,NamedDemourl FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ItemID=" & ItemID
			Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
			Rs.Open SQL, MyConn, 1, 3
			If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
				OutErrors ("错误的系统参数!")
				Set Rs = Nothing
				Exit Sub
				Rs("FindInfoCode") = tmpFindInfoCode
				Rs("downpage") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("downpage"))
				Rs("NamedDemourl") = Trim(Replace(Request("NamedDemourl"), "'", ""))
			End If
			Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
		End If

		SQL = "SELECT ItemID,AutoClass,Encoding,RemoteListUrl,RemoveCode,FindListCode,FindInfoCode,DownPage,RetuneClass,NamedDemourl,strReplace FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ItemID=" & ItemID
		Set Rs = MyConn.Execute(SQL)
		If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
			OutErrors ("错误的系统参数!")
			Set Rs = Nothing
			Exit Sub
			AutoClass = Rs("AutoClass")
			strEncoding = Trim(Rs("Encoding"))
			RemoteListUrl = Trim(Rs("RemoteListUrl"))
			RemoveCode = Rs("RemoveCode")
			strFindListCode = Split(Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Rs("FindListCode")), "$$$")
			strFindInfoCode = Split(Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Rs("FindInfoCode")), "$$$")
			downpage = Rs("downpage")
			RetuneClass = Rs("RetuneClass")
			If Not IsNull(Rs("NamedDemourl")) Then
				NamedDemourl = Trim(Rs("NamedDemourl"))
			End If
			If Not IsNull(Rs("strReplace")) Then
				strReplace = Rs("strReplace")
			End If
		End If
		Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
		With Response
			.Write "<table  border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""TableBorder""> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <th colspan=""2"">采集项目第三步</th> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			If ItemID > 0 Then
				SettingStep (ItemID)
			End If
			If showcode > 0 Or LCase(Trim(Request("action"))) = "demo" Then
				If Len(NamedDemourl) < 10 Then
					HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(RemoteListUrl, strEncoding))
					If HTTPHtmlCode = "" Then
						OutErrors ("获取远程信息出错!请确定你的远程列表URL输入无误。")
						Exit Sub
					End If
					strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindListCode(0), strFindListCode(1))
					strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(strRemoteLisCode)
					If strRemoteLisCode = "" Then
						OutErrors ("获取远程列表出错!请确定你的远程列表开始和结束代码输入无误。")
						Exit Sub
					End If
					strRemoteListUrl = Mynewasp.CutFixed(strRemoteLisCode, strFindListCode(2), strFindListCode(3))
					strRemoteListUrl = Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(RemoteListUrl, strRemoteListUrl)
					If strRemoteListUrl = "" Then
						OutErrors ("获取远程连接出错!请确定你的连接开始和结束代码输入无误。")
						Exit Sub
					End If
					strRemoteListUrl = Trim(Replace(NamedDemourl, """", ""))
				End If
				ReferUrl = Trim(strRemoteListUrl)
				HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strRemoteListUrl, strEncoding))
				If HTTPHtmlCode = "" Then
					OutErrors ("获取远程信息出错!请确定你的远程连接代码输入无误。")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				strSoftName = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(0), strFindInfoCode(1))
				strSoftName = Trim(Mynewasp.CheckHTML(strSoftName))
				If strSoftName = "" Then
					OutErrors ("获取软件名称代码出错!请确定你的代码输入正确。")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				SoftContent = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(2), strFindInfoCode(3))
				If SoftContent = "" Then SoftContent = strSoftName
				SoftContent = Mynewasp.Html2Ubb(SoftContent, RemoveCode)
				If strFindInfoCode(4) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(4) <> "0" Then
					startcode = Replace(strFindInfoCode(4), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName)
					lastcode = Replace(strFindInfoCode(5), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName)
					strParent = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
					strParent = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(strParent)
					If strFindInfoCode(5) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(5) <> "0" Then
						strParent = Trim(strFindInfoCode(5))
						strParent = ""
					End If
				End If
				'strParent = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strParent)
				If strFindInfoCode(6) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(6) <> "0" Then
					startcode = Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(6), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent)
					lastcode = Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(7), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent)
					strChild = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
					strChild = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(strChild)
					If strFindInfoCode(7) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(7) <> "0" Then
						strChild = Trim(strFindInfoCode(7))
						strChild = ""
					End If
				End If
				'strChild = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strChild)
				If strFindInfoCode(8) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(8) <> "0" Then
					datSoftTime = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(8), strFindInfoCode(9))
					datSoftTime = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(datSoftTime)
					datSoftTime = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(datSoftTime)
					datSoftTime = Mynewasp.Formatime(Trim(datSoftTime))
					datSoftTime = Now
				End If
				If strFindInfoCode(10) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(10) <> "0" Then
					valSoftSize = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(10), strFindInfoCode(11))
					valSoftSize = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(valSoftSize)
					valSoftSize = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(valSoftSize)
					intSoftSize = Mynewasp.FormatSize(Trim(valSoftSize))
				End If
				If strFindInfoCode(12) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(12) <> "0" Then
					startcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(12), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild)
					lastcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(13), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild)
					strLanguage = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
					strLanguage = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strLanguage))
					If strFindInfoCode(13) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(13) <> "0" Then
						strLanguage = Trim(strFindInfoCode(13))
						strLanguage = "简体中文"
					End If
				End If
				strLanguage = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strLanguage)
				If strFindInfoCode(14) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(14) <> "0" Then
					startcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(14), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild)
					lastcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(15), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild)
					strSoftType = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
					strSoftType = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strSoftType))
					If strFindInfoCode(15) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(15) <> "0" Then
						strSoftType = Trim(strFindInfoCode(15))
						strSoftType = "国产软件"
					End If
				End If
				strSoftType = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strSoftType)
				If strFindInfoCode(16) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(16) <> "0" Then
					startcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(16), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild), "{@SoftType}", strSoftType)
					lastcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(17), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild), "{@SoftType}", strSoftType)
					strAccredit = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
					strAccredit = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strAccredit))
					If strFindInfoCode(17) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(17) <> "0" Then
						strAccredit = Trim(strFindInfoCode(17))
						strAccredit = "免费软件"
					End If
				End If
				strAccredit = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strAccredit)
				If strFindInfoCode(18) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(18) <> "0" Then
					strRunSystem = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(18), strFindInfoCode(19))
					strRunSystem = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strRunSystem))
					If strFindInfoCode(19) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(19) <> "0" Then
						strRunSystem = Trim(strFindInfoCode(19))
						strRunSystem = "Win9X/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003"
					End If
				End If
				strRunSystem = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strRunSystem)
				If strFindInfoCode(20) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(20) <> "0" Then
					strContact = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(20), strFindInfoCode(21))
					strContact = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strContact))
					If strFindInfoCode(21) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(21) <> "0" Then
						strContact = Trim(strFindInfoCode(21))
						strContact = ""
					End If
				End If
				strContact = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strContact)
				If strFindInfoCode(22) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(22) <> "0" Then
					strHomePage = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(22), strFindInfoCode(23))
					strHomePage = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strHomePage))
					strHomePage = Mynewasp.FormatUrl(strHomePage)
					If strFindInfoCode(23) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(23) <> "0" Then
						strHomePage = Trim(strFindInfoCode(23))
						strHomePage = Mynewasp.FormatUrl(strHomePage)
						strHomePage = ""
					End If
				End If
				If strFindInfoCode(24) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(24) <> "0" Then
					strPreviewimg = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(24), strFindInfoCode(25))
					strPreviewimg = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strPreviewimg))
					strPreviewimg = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strPreviewimg)
					strPreviewimg = Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strRemoteListUrl, strPreviewimg)
					strPreviewimg = ""
				End If
				If strFindInfoCode(26) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(26) <> "0" Then
					DownlistCode = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(26), strFindInfoCode(27))
					DownlistCode = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(DownlistCode)
					If DownlistCode = "" Then
						OutErrors ("获取下载地址列表错误!请确定你的代码输入正确。")
						Exit Sub
					End If
					OutErrors ("请输入获取下载地址列表代码!")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				If strFindInfoCode(28) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(28) <> "0" Then
					DownlistString = Mynewasp.FindMatch(DownlistCode, strFindInfoCode(28), strFindInfoCode(29))
					DownlistString = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(DownlistString)
					If DownlistString = "" Then
						OutErrors ("获取下载连接错误!请确定你的代码输入正确。")
						Exit Sub
					End If
					DownlistArray = Split(DownlistString, "|||")
					OutErrors ("请输入获取下载连接代码!")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				If downpage > 0 Then
					ThirdDownList = GetThirdDownAddress(Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strRemoteListUrl, DownlistArray(0)), strFindInfoCode(30), strFindInfoCode(31), strFindInfoCode(32), strFindInfoCode(33), strEncoding)
					If Len(ThirdDownList) > 0 Then
						DownlistString = ThirdDownList
						DownlistArray = Split(DownlistString, "|||")
					End If
				End If
				If strFindInfoCode(34) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(34) <> "0" Then
					SoftContent = Replace(SoftContent, strFindInfoCode(34), "")
				End If
				If strFindInfoCode(35) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(35) <> "0" Then
					SoftContent = Replace(SoftContent, strFindInfoCode(35), "")
				End If
				If strFindInfoCode(36) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(36) <> "0" Then
					If strFindInfoCode(37) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(37) <> "0" Then
						SoftContent = Mynewasp.CheckMatch(SoftContent, strFindInfoCode(36), strFindInfoCode(37))
					End If
				End If
				If Len(strReplace) > 0 Then
					SoftContent = Mynewasp.ReplaceClass(SoftContent, strReplace)
					strHomePage = Mynewasp.ReplaceClass(strHomePage, strReplace)
					strContact = Mynewasp.ReplaceClass(strContact, strReplace)
				End If
				strSoftName = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strSoftName)
				.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1"">"
				.Write "<b>软件名称:</b><span class='style1'>"
				.Write strSoftName
				.Write "</span><br><b>更新时间:</b>"
				.Write datSoftTime
				.Write "<br><b>软件大小:</b>"
				.Write intSoftSize
				.Write " <b>KB</b><br><b>软件语言:</b>"
				.Write strLanguage
				.Write "<br><b>软件类别:</b>"
				.Write strSoftType
				If CInt(AutoClass) > 0 Then
					.Write " / " & strParent
					.Write " / " & strChild
				End If
				.Write "<br><b>授权方式:</b>"
				.Write strAccredit
				.Write "<br><b>运行环境:</b>"
				.Write strRunSystem
				.Write "<br><b>联系方式:</b>"
				.Write strContact
				.Write "<br><b>程序主页:</b>"
				.Write "<a href='" & strHomePage & "' target='_blank'>" & strHomePage & "</a>"
				.Write "<br><b>目标地址:</b>"
				.Write "<a href='" & strRemoteListUrl & "' target='_blank'>" & strRemoteListUrl & "</a>"
				.Write "<hr style='height: 1;width: 65%;color: red;text-align:left;'><b><font color='blue'>下载连接:</font></b><br>"
				n = 0
				For i = 0 To UBound(DownlistArray)
					DownAddressList = Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strRemoteListUrl, DownlistArray(i))
					'If Len(DownAddressList) > 0 Then
						.Write "<span style='font-family:tahoma;color:red;font-weight:bold;'>" & n & "、</span><a href='" & DownAddressList & "' target='_blank'>"
						.Write DownAddressList
						.Write "</a><br>"
						n = n + 1
					'End If
				.Write "<br><b  class='style3'>软件简介:</b><hr style='height: 1;width: 65%;color: red;text-align:left;'><div class='style2'>"
				.Write SoftContent
				.Write "</div></td> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "    <td class=""TableRow1"">"
				.Write "<li>恭喜您!采集项目设置全部完成。</li>"
				.Write "<li>如果要查看项目设置是否正确,请点击<a href='?action=demo&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "' class=showmenu>项目演示</a> </li></td> " & vbCrLf
				.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			End If
			.Write "  <tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "    <td class=""TableRow2""align=""center"">"
			.Write "      <input name=""B12"" type=""button"" class=""Button"" onclick=""javascript:history.go(-1)"" value=""返回上一页"">&nbsp;&nbsp; " & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""B22"" type=""button"" class=""Button"" onclick=""window.location.href='?Channel=" & ChannelID & "';"" value=""全部设置完成"">&nbsp;&nbsp;" & vbCrLf
			.Write "      <input name=""B32"" type=""button"" class=""Button"" onclick=""window.location.href='?action=begin&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "';"" value=""开始采集"">&nbsp;&nbsp; " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</td> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "  </tr> " & vbCrLf
			.Write "</table> " & vbCrLf
		End With
	End Sub

	Private Function GetThirdDownAddress(ByVal URL, ByVal startlist, ByVal lastlist, _
		ByVal startcode, ByVal lastcode, ByVal Encoding)
		Dim HTTPThirdCode, ThirdDownList, ThirdDownAddress
		HTTPThirdCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(URL, Encoding))
		If Len(HTTPThirdCode) = 0 Then
			GetThirdDownAddress = vbNullString
			Exit Function
		End If
		If startlist <> "" And lastlist <> "0" Then
			ThirdDownList = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPThirdCode, startlist, lastlist)
			ThirdDownList = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(ThirdDownList)
			If Len(ThirdDownList) = 0 Then
				GetThirdDownAddress = vbNullString
				Exit Function
			End If
			GetThirdDownAddress = vbNullString
			Exit Function
		End If
		If startcode <> "" And lastcode <> "0" Then
			ThirdDownAddress = Mynewasp.FindMatch(ThirdDownList, startcode, lastcode)
			ThirdDownAddress = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(ThirdDownAddress)
			If Len(ThirdDownAddress) = 0 Then
				GetThirdDownAddress = vbNullString
				Exit Function
			End If
			GetThirdDownAddress = vbNullString
			Exit Function
		End If
		GetThirdDownAddress = ThirdDownAddress
	End Function
	'-- 开始采集
	Private Sub DataCollection()
		ItemID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ItemID"))
		On Error Resume Next
		Dim ObjStream
		Dim strTemp, fromPath
		Dim RemoteListArray
		Dim d, RemoteUrl
		Dim totalnumber, CurrentPage
		fromPath = "tmpSoftlist" & ItemID & ".dat"
		fromPath = Server.MapPath(fromPath)
		Set ObjStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
		ObjStream.Type = 1
		ObjStream.Mode = 3
		ObjStream.Position = 0
		ObjStream.LoadFromFile fromPath
		ObjStream.Position = 0
		ObjStream.Type = 2
		ObjStream.Charset = "GB2312"
		strTemp = ObjStream.ReadText()
		Set ObjStream = Nothing
		If Len(strTemp) < 10 Then
			ReturnError ("获取软件列表错误!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		RemoteListArray = Split(strTemp, vbNewLine)
		totalnumber = CLng(UBound(RemoteListArray) + 1)
		If Not IsEmpty(Request("page")) And Trim(Request("page")) <> "" Then
			CurrentPage = CLng(Request("page"))
			d = Request("d")
			CurrentPage = 0
			d = Timer()
		End If
		Response.Write "<br><br>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "<table width='400' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "  <tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "    <td height='50'>总共需要采集 <font color='blue'><b>" & totalnumber & "</b></font> 个页面,正在采集第 <font color='red'><b>" & CurrentPage & "</b></font>  个页面…… 成功采集:<font color='blue'><b>" & Session("SucceedCount") & "</b></font></td>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "  </tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "  <tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "    <td><table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1'>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "      <tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "        <td style=""border: 1px #384780 solid ;background-color: #FFFFFF;""><table width='" & Fix((CurrentPage / totalnumber) * 400) & "' height='12' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' bgcolor=#36D91A><tr><td></td></tr></table></td>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "      </tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "    </table></td>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "  </tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "  <tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "    <td align='center'>" & FormatNumber(CurrentPage / totalnumber * 100, 2, -1) & " %</td>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "  </tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "</table>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "<table width='400' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "   <tr><td height='30' align='center'><input type='button' name='stop' value=' 立即停止采集 ' onclick=""window.location.href='" & ScriptName & "?action=yes&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&D=" & d & "&page=" & CurrentPage & "';"" class=button></td></tr>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "</table>" & vbNewLine
		If CurrentPage >= totalnumber Then
			Mynewasp.DeleteFiles fromPath
			Response.Write "<meta http-equiv=""refresh"" content=""1;url='" & ScriptName & "?action=yes&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&page=" & CurrentPage + 1 & "&D=" & d & "'"">"
			Exit Sub
		End If
		RemoteUrl = RemoteListArray(CurrentPage)
		Call SaveSoftData(RemoteUrl)
		Response.Write "<script language='JavaScript'>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "function buildRefresh(){window.location.href='" & ScriptName & "?action=savenew&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&page=" & CurrentPage + 1 & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "&D=" & d & "';}" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "setTimeout('buildRefresh()'," & setInterval & ");" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "</script>" & vbNewLine
		Exit Sub

	End Sub
	'-- 保存数据
	Private Sub SaveSoftData(URL)
		Dim strEncoding
		Dim strRemoteListUrl
		Dim strFindListCode, strFindInfoCode, i
		Dim RemoveCode, startcode, lastcode
		Dim strSoftName, SoftContent, datSoftTime, valSoftSize, intSoftSize
		Dim strParent, strChild, strLanguage, strSoftType, strAccredit
		Dim strRunSystem, strContact, strHomePage, strPreviewimg
		Dim strParentName, strChildName, strFileName

		Dim DownlistCode, DownlistString, DownlistArray, ThirdDownList

		Dim DownAddress, strDownAddress, DownAddrNum
		Dim ChildFilePath, FullFilePath, strFileExt
		Dim strRndFileName,strDownText
		On Error Resume Next
		ItemID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ItemID"))
		If ItemID = 0 Then Exit Sub
		ReadSoftItem (ItemID)
		MaxAddress = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(MaxAddress)
		strFindInfoCode = Split(Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(FindInfoCode), "$$$")
		strRemoteListUrl = Trim(URL)
		ReferUrl = Trim(URL)
		If Len(strRemoteListUrl) < 10 Then Exit Sub
		HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strRemoteListUrl, strEncoding))
		If HTTPHtmlCode = "" Then
			ReturnError ("获取远程信息出错!请确定你的远程连接代码输入无误。")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		strSoftName = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(0), strFindInfoCode(1))
		strSoftName = Trim(Mynewasp.CheckHTML(strSoftName))
		If strSoftName = "" Then
			ReturnError ("获取软件名称代码出错!请确定你的代码输入正确。")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		SoftContent = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(2), strFindInfoCode(3))
		If SoftContent = "" Then SoftContent = strSoftName
		SoftContent = Mynewasp.Html2Ubb(SoftContent, RemoveCode)
		If CInt(AutoClass) > 0 Then
			If strFindInfoCode(4) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(4) <> "0" Then
				startcode = Replace(strFindInfoCode(4), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName)
				lastcode = Replace(strFindInfoCode(5), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName)
				strParent = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
				strParent = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(strParent)
				If strFindInfoCode(5) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(5) <> "0" Then
					strParent = Trim(strFindInfoCode(5))
					strParent = ""
				End If
			End If
			If Len(strParent) > 22 Then strParent = ""
			If strFindInfoCode(6) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(6) <> "0" Then
				startcode = Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(6), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent)
				lastcode = Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(7), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent)
				strChild = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
				strChild = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(strChild)
				If strFindInfoCode(7) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(7) <> "0" Then
					strChild = Trim(strFindInfoCode(7))
					strChild = ""
				End If
			End If
			If Len(strChild) > 22 Then strChild = ""
			strParentName = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strParent)
			strChildName = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strChild)
			If Len(RetuneClass) > 0 Then
				strParentName = Mynewasp.ReplaceClass(strParentName, RetuneClass)
				strChildName = Mynewasp.ReplaceClass(strChildName, RetuneClass)
			End If
			ClassID = GetClassID(ChannelID, Trim(strParentName), Trim(strChildName))
			If ClassID = 0 Then
				ReturnError ("<li>自动获取分类错误!可能这个分类是外部连接。</li><li>目标类别:" & strParent & " / " & strChild & " </li><li>当前类别:" & strParentName & " / " & strChildName & " </li>")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			Dim iRs
			Set iRs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT ClassID FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ClassID=" & ClassID & " And child=0 And TurnLink=0")
			If iRs.BOF And iRs.EOF Then
				ReturnError ("<li>分类ID错误!可能这个分类是外部连接。</li><li>请编辑采集项目重新选择分类。</li>")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			Set iRs = Nothing
		End If
		If CLng(ClassID) = 0 Then
			ReturnError ("<li>分类ID错误!可能这个分类是外部连接。</li><li>请编辑采集项目重新选择分类。</li>")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		If CInt(IsNowTime) = 0 Then
			If strFindInfoCode(8) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(8) <> "0" Then
				datSoftTime = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(8), strFindInfoCode(9))
				datSoftTime = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(datSoftTime)
				datSoftTime = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(datSoftTime)
				datSoftTime = Mynewasp.Formatime(Trim(datSoftTime))
				datSoftTime = Now
			End If
			datSoftTime = Now
		End If
		If strFindInfoCode(10) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(10) <> "0" Then
			valSoftSize = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(10), strFindInfoCode(11))
			valSoftSize = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(valSoftSize)
			valSoftSize = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(valSoftSize)
			intSoftSize = Mynewasp.FormatSize(Trim(valSoftSize))
			SoftSize = intSoftSize
			SoftSize = 0
		End If
		If strFindInfoCode(12) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(12) <> "0" Then
			startcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(12), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild)
			lastcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(13), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild)
			strLanguage = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
			strLanguage = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strLanguage))
			If strFindInfoCode(13) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(13) <> "0" Then
				strLanguage = Trim(strFindInfoCode(13))
				strLanguage = "简体中文"
			End If
		End If
		strLanguage = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strLanguage)
		If Len(strLanguage) < 2 Then strLanguage = "简体中文"
		If Len(strLanguage) > 20 Then strLanguage = "简体中文"
		If strFindInfoCode(14) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(14) <> "0" Then
			startcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(14), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild)
			lastcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(15), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild)
			strSoftType = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
			strSoftType = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strSoftType))
			If strFindInfoCode(15) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(15) <> "0" Then
				strSoftType = Trim(strFindInfoCode(15))
				strSoftType = "国产软件"
			End If
		End If
		strSoftType = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strSoftType)
		If Len(strSoftType) < 2 Then strSoftType = "国产软件"
		If Len(strSoftType) > 20 Then strSoftType = "国产软件"
		If strFindInfoCode(16) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(16) <> "0" Then
			startcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(16), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild), "{@SoftType}", strSoftType)
			lastcode = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(strFindInfoCode(17), "{@SoftName}", strSoftName), "{@ParentName}", strParent), "{@ChildName}", strChild), "{@SoftType}", strSoftType)
			strAccredit = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, startcode, lastcode)
			strAccredit = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strAccredit))
			If strFindInfoCode(17) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(17) <> "0" Then
				strAccredit = Trim(strFindInfoCode(17))
				strAccredit = "免费软件"
			End If
		End If
		strAccredit = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strAccredit)
		If Len(strAccredit) < 2 Then strAccredit = "免费软件"
		If Len(strAccredit) > 20 Then strAccredit = "免费软件"
		If strFindInfoCode(18) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(18) <> "0" Then
			strRunSystem = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(18), strFindInfoCode(19))
			strRunSystem = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strRunSystem))
			If strFindInfoCode(19) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(19) <> "0" Then
				strRunSystem = Trim(strFindInfoCode(19))
				strRunSystem = "Win9X/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003"
			End If
		End If
		strRunSystem = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strRunSystem)
		If Len(strRunSystem) > 48 Then strRunSystem = "Win9X/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003"
		If Len(strRunSystem) < 2 Then strRunSystem = "Win9X/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003"
		If strFindInfoCode(20) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(20) <> "0" Then
			strContact = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(20), strFindInfoCode(21))
			strContact = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strContact))
			If strFindInfoCode(21) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(21) <> "0" Then
				strContact = Trim(strFindInfoCode(21))
				strContact = ""
			End If
		End If
		strContact = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strContact)
		If Len(strContact) > 100 Then strContact = ""
		If strFindInfoCode(22) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(22) <> "0" Then
			strHomePage = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(22), strFindInfoCode(23))
			strHomePage = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strHomePage))
			strHomePage = Mynewasp.FormatUrl(strHomePage)
			If strFindInfoCode(23) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(23) <> "0" Then
				strHomePage = Trim(strFindInfoCode(23))
				strHomePage = Mynewasp.FormatUrl(strHomePage)
				strHomePage = ""
			End If
		End If
		If Len(strHomePage) > 100 Then strHomePage = ""
		If strFindInfoCode(24) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(24) <> "0" Then
			strPreviewimg = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(24), strFindInfoCode(25))
			strPreviewimg = Mynewasp.CheckHTML(Trim(strPreviewimg))
			strPreviewimg = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strPreviewimg)
			strPreviewimg = Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strRemoteListUrl, strPreviewimg)
			If Len(strPreviewimg) > 0 Then
				strFileExt = Mynewasp.GetFileExtName(strPreviewimg)
				strRndFileName = Mynewasp.GetRndFileName(strFileExt)
				ChildFilePath = "UploadPic/" & Mynewasp.BuildDatePath(PathForm)
				FullFilePath = Mynewasp.CheckMapPath(ChannelDir & ChildFilePath)
				Mynewasp.CreatedPathEx (FullFilePath)
				If Mynewasp.SaveRemoteFile(FullFilePath & strRndFileName, strPreviewimg) Then
					strPreviewimg = ChildFilePath & strRndFileName
				End If
				strPreviewimg = ""
			End If
			strPreviewimg = ""
		End If
		If strFindInfoCode(26) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(26) <> "0" Then
			DownlistCode = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindInfoCode(26), strFindInfoCode(27))
			DownlistCode = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(DownlistCode)
			If DownlistCode = "" Then
				ReturnError ("获取下载地址列表错误!请确定你的代码输入正确。")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			ReturnError ("请输入获取下载地址列表代码!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		If strFindInfoCode(28) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(28) <> "0" Then
			DownlistString = Mynewasp.FindMatch(DownlistCode, strFindInfoCode(28), strFindInfoCode(29))
			DownlistString = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(DownlistString)
			If DownlistString = "" Then
				ReturnError ("获取下载连接错误!请确定你的代码输入正确。")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			DownlistArray = Split(DownlistString, "|||")
			ReturnError ("请输入获取下载连接代码!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		If CInt(downpage) > 0 Then
			ThirdDownList = GetThirdDownAddress(Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strRemoteListUrl, DownlistArray(0)), strFindInfoCode(30), strFindInfoCode(31), strFindInfoCode(32), strFindInfoCode(33), strEncoding)
			If Len(ThirdDownList) > 1 Then
				DownlistString = ThirdDownList
				DownlistArray = Split(DownlistString, "|||")
			End If
		End If
		DownAddrNum = CInt(UBound(DownlistArray))
		If MaxAddress > DownAddrNum Then
			MaxAddress = 0
		End If
		strDownAddress = Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strRemoteListUrl, DownlistArray(MaxAddress))
		Dim n, t
		Dim TemplistArray(), TempNameArray()
		Dim strTempDownlist, strTempDownName
		n = 0
		If CLng(downid) = 0 Then
			strFileName = strDownAddress
			t = MaxAddress
			If t = 0 Then t = DownAddrNum
			For i = 0 To t
				If Len(DownlistArray(i)) > 2 Then
					ReDim Preserve TemplistArray(n)
					ReDim Preserve TempNameArray(n)
					TemplistArray(n) = Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strRemoteListUrl, DownlistArray(i))
					TempNameArray(n) = Replace(strDownName, "*", n + 1)
					n = CInt(n + 1)
				End If
			strTempDownlist = Join(TemplistArray, "|")
			strTempDownName = Join(TempNameArray, "|")
			DownAddress = strTempDownName & "|||" & strTempDownlist
			DownAddress = "|||"
			'strFileName = Mid(strDownAddress, InStr(10, strDownAddress, "/") + 1)
			strFileName = Mid(strDownAddress, InStrRev(strDownAddress, "/") + 1)
			blnFileToLocal = True
		End If
		If strFindInfoCode(34) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(34) <> "0" Then
			SoftContent = Replace(SoftContent, strFindInfoCode(34), "")
		End If
		If strFindInfoCode(35) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(35) <> "0" Then
			SoftContent = Replace(SoftContent, strFindInfoCode(35), "")
		End If
		If strFindInfoCode(36) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(36) <> "0" Then
			If strFindInfoCode(37) <> "" And strFindInfoCode(37) <> "0" Then
				SoftContent = Mynewasp.CheckMatch(SoftContent, strFindInfoCode(36), strFindInfoCode(37))
			End If
		End If
		If Len(strReplace) > 0 Then
			SoftContent = Mynewasp.ReplaceClass(SoftContent, strReplace)
			strHomePage = Mynewasp.ReplaceClass(strHomePage, strReplace)
			strContact = Mynewasp.ReplaceClass(strContact, strReplace)
		End If
		strSoftName = Mynewasp.CheckNostr(strSoftName)
		strSoftName = Mynewasp.FormatStr(strSoftName)
		If CLng(AllHits) = 999 Then AllHits = Mynewasp.GetRndHits
		Response.Write "<p></p><br><table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=TableBorder>"
		Response.Write " <tr>"
		Response.Write "   <th><span id=txt1>正在采集,请稍候....</span></th>"
		Response.Write " </tr>"
		Response.Write " <tr>"
		Response.Write "   <td class=TableRow1 style=""line-height: 20px;"">"
		Response.Write "<strong><font color=blue>目标软件:</font></strong>"
		Response.Write "<font color=red>" & strSoftName & "</font> &nbsp;&nbsp;<span id=txt2 name=txt2 style=""font-size:9pt"">正在采集,请稍候....</span><br>"
		Response.Write "<strong><font color=blue>软件语言:</font></strong>"
		Response.Write strLanguage
		Response.Write "<br><strong><font color=blue>软件类型:</font></strong>"
		Response.Write strSoftType
		If CInt(AutoClass) > 0 Then
			Response.Write " / " & strParentName
			Response.Write " / " & strChildName
		End If
		Response.Write "<br><strong><font color=blue>授权方式:</font></strong>"
		Response.Write strAccredit
		Response.Write "<br><strong><font color=blue>运行环境:</font></strong>"
		Response.Write strRunSystem
		Response.Write "<br><strong><font color=blue>软件大小:</font></strong><span id=txt3 style=""font-size:9pt"">"
		Response.Write SoftSize
		Response.Write "</span> <b>KB</b><br><strong><font color=blue>更新时间:</font></strong>"
		Response.Write datSoftTime
		Response.Write "<br><strong><font color=blue>采集页面:</font></strong>"
		Response.Write "<a href='" & strRemoteListUrl & "' target=_blank>" & strRemoteListUrl & "</a>"
		Response.Write "<br><strong><font color=blue>下载连接:</font></strong>"
		Response.Write "<a href='" & strDownAddress & "' target=_blank>" & strDownAddress & "</a>"
		Response.Write "<br><span id=txt5 name=txt5 style=""font-size:9pt;color:red""></span>"
		Response.Write "<br><div align=center>"
		Response.Write "[<a href='?ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "'><font color=blue>停止采集</font></a>]</div>"
		Response.Write "   </td>"
		Response.Write " </tr>"
		Response.Write "</table>"
		'-- 设置下载文件路径
		ChildFilePath = Mynewasp.BuildDatePath(PathForm)
		If CLng(downid) = 0 Then
			LoadFilePath = ChannelDir & "UploadFile/" & ChildFilePath
			LoadFilePath = SaveFilePath & ChildFilePath
		End If
		'-- 将相对路径转换成绝对路径
		FullFilePath = Mynewasp.CheckMapPath(LoadFilePath)
		Dim IsUpdates, blnUpdates, softid
		Dim strInfo, strMessage
		IsUpdates = False
		Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftList WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And softname='" & strSoftName & "'"
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 3
		If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
			IsUpdates = True
			blnUpdates = False
			If CInt(UseDownload) <> 9 Then
				ClassUpdateCount CLng(ChannelID), CLng(ClassID)
			End If
			If RepeatDeal = 1 Then
				IsUpdates = True
				IsUpdates = False
			End If
			blnUpdates = True
		End If
		If IsUpdates Then
			If CInt(UseDownload) > 0 And CInt(IsDown) > 0 Then
				'-- 生成保存软件的目录
				Mynewasp.CreatedPathEx (FullFilePath)
				'-- 开始下载软件
				strFileName = RemoteFileToLocal(strDownAddress, FullFilePath)
				If blnFileToLocal = False Then
					Exit Sub
				End If
				If CLng(downid) = 0 Then
					DownAddress = Replace(strDownName, "*", vbNullString) & "|||" & LoadFilePath & strFileName
					strFileName = LoadFilePath & strFileName
					strFileName = ChildFilePath & strFileName
				End If
			End If
			SoftContent = Mynewasp.FormatContentUrl(SoftContent, strRemoteListUrl)
			If Mynewasp.PictureEx Then
				Dim strFilePath
				strFilePath = ChannelDir & "UploadPic/" & Mynewasp.BuildDatePath(PathForm)
				FullFilePath = Mynewasp.CheckMapPath(strFilePath)
				Mynewasp.CreatedPathEx (FullFilePath)
				'Mynewasp.MaxSize = 3000
				'Mynewasp.AllowExt = "gif|jpg|png"
				SoftContent = Mynewasp.RemoteToLocal(SoftContent, strFilePath)
			End If
			If CInt(UseDownload) <> 9 Then
				If Not blnUpdates Then Rs.AddNew
				Rs("ChannelID") = ChannelID
				Rs("SpecialID") = SpecialID
				Rs("ClassID") = ClassID
				Rs("SoftName") = Left(strSoftName, 220)
				Rs("SoftVer") = ""
				Rs("ColorMode") = 0
				Rs("FontMode") = 0
				Rs("content") = SoftContent
				Rs("Related") = ""
				Rs("Languages") = Left(strLanguage, 50)
				Rs("SoftType") = Left(strSoftType, 50)
				Rs("RunSystem") = Left(strRunSystem, 50)
				Rs("impower") = Left(strAccredit, 30)
				Rs("SoftSize") = SoftSize
				Rs("star") = star
				Rs("Homepage") = strHomePage
				Rs("Contact") = strContact
				Rs("Author") = ""
				Rs("Regsite") = ""
				Rs("showreg") = 0
				Rs("username") = Trim(AdminName)
				Rs("PointNum") = 0
				Rs("SoftPrice") = 0
				Rs("SoftTime") = CDate(datSoftTime)
				Rs("isTop") = 0
				Rs("AllHits") = AllHits
				Rs("DayHits") = 0
				Rs("WeekHits") = 0
				Rs("MonthHits") = 0
				Rs("HitsTime") = Now()
				Rs("HtmlFileDate") = Trim(Newasp.HtmlRndFileName)
				Rs("SoftImage") = strPreviewimg
				Rs("Decode") = ""
				Rs("isBest") = 0
				Rs("UserGroup") = 0
				Rs("ErrCode") = 0
				Rs("isUpdate") = 1
				Rs("isAccept") = 1
				Rs("ForbidEssay") = 0
				Rs("AlphaIndex") = Newasp.ReadAlpha(strSoftName)
				softid = Rs("softid")
			End If
			strMessage = "软件采集成功"
			strInfo = "软件采集成功"
			Session("SucceedCount") = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Session("SucceedCount")) + 1
			strMessage = "软件采集失败"
			strInfo = "目标软件已存在,不予采集"
		End If
		If blnUpdates = False And CInt(UseDownload) <> 9 Then
			Rs.Open "SELECT TOP 1 softid FROM NC_SoftList WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And softname='" & strSoftName & "' ORDER BY softid DESC", Conn, 1, 1
			softid = Rs("softid")
			If  CLng(downid) > 0 Then
				AddDownServer ChannelID, downid, softid, Trim(strFileName),"立即下载"
				AddDownServer ChannelID, 0, softid, Trim(strFileName),"下载地址"
			End If
		End If
		Set Rs = Nothing
		If blnUpdates And IsUpdates And CInt(UseDownload) <> 9 Then
			Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
			SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_DownAddress WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And softid=" & softid & ""
			Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 3
			If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
				Rs("ChannelID") = ChannelID
				Rs("softid") = softid
				Rs("downid") = downid
				Rs("DownFileName") = Trim(strFileName)
				Rs("DownText") = "立即下载"
				Rs("downid") = downid
				Rs("DownFileName") = Trim(strFileName)
			End If
			Set Rs = Nothing
		End If
		'-- 返回提示信息
		Response.Write "<script>"
		Response.Write "txt1.innerHTML='" & strMessage & "';"
		Response.Write "txt2.innerHTML='" & strInfo & "';"
		Response.Write "</script>" & vbCrLf
		Exit Sub
	End Sub
	'-- 添加下载地址
	Public Function AddDownServer(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal downid, ByVal softid, ByVal softname,ByVal downtext)
		If Trim(softname) = "" Then Exit Function
		If Not IsNumeric(downid) Then Exit Function
		If Not IsNumeric(softid) Then Exit Function
		If softid = 0 Then Exit Function
		SQL = "Insert Into NC_DownAddress (ChannelID,softid,downid,DownFileName,downtext) values (" & ChannelID & "," & softid & "," & downid & ",'" & Newasp.CheckStr(softname) & "','" & Replace(downtext, "'", "") & "')"
		Newasp.Execute (SQL)
	End Function
	'作  用:远程文件下载
	'参  数:URL ----下载URL
	'        fromPath ----保存文件路径
	Function RemoteFileToLocal(ByVal URL, ByVal fromPath)
		Dim strFilePath,strFilesName
		RemoteFileToLocal = ""
		blnFileToLocal = False
		On Error Resume Next
		If CheckFileExt(URL) = False Then
			blnFileToLocal = False
			RemoteFileToLocal = ""
			Exit Function
		End If

		strFilesName = Mid(URL, InStrRev(URL, "/") + 1)
		strFilePath = fromPath & strFilesName
		Mynewasp.MaxSize = CLng(MaxDownSize)
		If Mynewasp.SaveRemoteFile(strFilePath,URL) Then
			blnFileToLocal = True
			RemoteFileToLocal = strFilesName
			blnFileToLocal = False
			RemoteFileToLocal = ""
		End If
	End Function
	Private Sub BeginCollection()
		ItemID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ItemID"))
		If ItemID = 0 Then
			OutErrors ("错误的系统参数,请输入项目ID!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		ReadSoftItem (ItemID)
		If CInt(StopItem) > 0 Then
			OutErrors ("此项目已经关闭,不能采集!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Response.Write TableMarquee
		Dim strRemoteLisCode, strRemoteListUrl
		Dim strFindListCode
		Dim i, n, strUrl
		Dim TempArray, RemoteListArray
		On Error Resume Next
		strUrl = Trim(RemoteListUrl)
		strFindListCode = Split(Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(FindListCode), "$$$")
		If CInt(IsPagination) = 0 Then
			HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strUrl, Encoding))
			If HTTPHtmlCode = "" Then
				OutErrors ("获取远程信息出错!请确定你的远程列表URL输入无误。")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindListCode(0), strFindListCode(1))
			strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(strRemoteLisCode)
			strRemoteListUrl = Mynewasp.FindMatch(strRemoteLisCode, strFindListCode(2), strFindListCode(3))
			startid = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(startid)
			lastid = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(lastid)
			If startid = lastid Then
				strUrl = Replace(Replace(PaginalList, "*", startid), "{$pageid}", startid, 1, -1, 1)
				If Mynewasp.CheckHTTP(strUrl) Then
					HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strUrl, Encoding))
					HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(Trim(RemoteListUrl), Encoding))
				End If
				If HTTPHtmlCode = "" Then
					OutErrors ("获取远程信息出错!请确定你的远程列表URL输入无误。")
					Exit Sub
				End If
				strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindListCode(0), strFindListCode(1))
				strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(strRemoteLisCode)
				strRemoteListUrl = Mynewasp.FindMatch(strRemoteLisCode, strFindListCode(2), strFindListCode(3))
			ElseIf startid < lastid Then
				For i = startid To lastid
					If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
					strUrl = Replace(Replace(PaginalList, "*", i), "{$pageid}", i, 1, -1, 1)
					If i < 2 Then
						If Mynewasp.CheckHTTP(strUrl) Then
							HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strUrl, Encoding))
							HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(Trim(RemoteListUrl), Encoding))
						End If
						HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strUrl, Encoding))
					End If
					If Len(HTTPHtmlCode) > 10 Then
						strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindListCode(0), strFindListCode(1))
						strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(strRemoteLisCode)
						strRemoteListUrl = strRemoteListUrl & "|||" & Mynewasp.FindMatch(strRemoteLisCode, strFindListCode(2), strFindListCode(3))
					End If
				For i = lastid To startid
					If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
					strUrl = Replace(Replace(PaginalList, "*", i), "{$pageid}", i, 1, -1, 1)
					If i < 2 Then
						If Mynewasp.CheckHTTP(strUrl) Then
							HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strUrl, Encoding))
							HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(Trim(RemoteListUrl), Encoding))
						End If
						HTTPHtmlCode = Mynewasp.ReplaceTrim(Mynewasp.GetRemoteData(strUrl, Encoding))
					End If
					If Len(HTTPHtmlCode) > 10 Then
						strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.CutFixed(HTTPHtmlCode, strFindListCode(0), strFindListCode(1))
						strRemoteLisCode = Mynewasp.ReplacedTrim(strRemoteLisCode)
						strRemoteListUrl = Mynewasp.FindMatch(strRemoteLisCode, strFindListCode(2), strFindListCode(3)) & "|||" & strRemoteListUrl
					End If
			End If
		End If
		If Len(strRemoteListUrl) < 5 Then
			OutErrors ("获取分类列表出错,请重新设置分类列表代码!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Session("SucceedCount") = 0
		Dim TmpFilePath
		TmpFilePath = "tmpSoftlist" & ItemID & ".dat"
		TmpFilePath = Server.MapPath(TmpFilePath)
		Dim oStream
		Set oStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
		'---- 设置为可读可写 ---- 内容为文本
		oStream.Mode = 3
		oStream.Type = 2
		oStream.Charset = "GB2312"
		RemoteListArray = Split(strRemoteListUrl, "|||")
		n = UBound(RemoteListArray)
		For i = 0 To n
			If Len(RemoteListArray(i)) > 5 Then
				If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
				If i = n Then
					oStream.WriteText Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strUrl, RemoteListArray(i))
					oStream.WriteText Mynewasp.FormatRemoteUrl(strUrl, RemoteListArray(i)) & vbNewLine
				End If
			End If
		oStream.SaveToFile TmpFilePath, 2
		'Response.Write oStream.ReadText()'读出全部内容,写入传送流
		Set oStream = Nothing
		Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ItemID= " & ItemID
		Rs.Open SQL, MyConn, 1, 3
			Rs("lastime").Value = Now()
		Set Rs = Nothing
		Response.Write "<script language='JavaScript'>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "function reFresh(){window.location.href='" & ScriptName & "?action=savenew&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&ItemID=" & ItemID & "';}" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "setTimeout('reFresh()',1000);" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "</script>" & vbNewLine
		Exit Sub
	End Sub

	Private Sub DeleteItem()
		If Trim(Request("ItemID")) <> "" Then
			MyConn.Execute ("DELETE FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ItemID in (" & Request("ItemID") & ")")
			Response.Redirect Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
			OutErrors ("请选择正确的系统参数!")
		End If
	End Sub

	'-- 复制项目
	Private Sub CopyNewItem()
		Dim rsCollect
		ItemID = Mynewasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ItemID"))
		If ItemID = 0 Then
			OutErrors ("请选择正确的系统参数!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Set rsCollect = MyConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ItemID=" & ItemID)
		If rsCollect.BOF And rsCollect.EOF Then
			Set rsCollect = Nothing
			OutErrors ("请选择正确的系统参数!")
			Exit Sub
			Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
			SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftItem WHERE (ItemID is null)"
			Rs.Open SQL, MyConn, 1, 3
				Rs("ItemName").Value = rsCollect("ItemName").Value
				Rs("SiteUrl").Value = rsCollect("SiteUrl").Value
				Rs("ChannelID").Value = rsCollect("ChannelID").Value
				Rs("ClassID").Value = rsCollect("ClassID").Value
				Rs("SpecialID").Value = rsCollect("SpecialID").Value
				Rs("StopItem").Value = rsCollect("StopItem").Value
				Rs("Encoding").Value = rsCollect("Encoding").Value
				Rs("IsDown").Value = rsCollect("IsDown").Value
				Rs("downid").Value = rsCollect("downid").Value
				Rs("MaxAddress").Value = rsCollect("MaxAddress").Value
				Rs("AutoClass").Value = rsCollect("AutoClass").Value
				Rs("PathForm").Value = rsCollect("PathForm").Value
				Rs("SaveFilePath").Value = rsCollect("SaveFilePath").Value
				Rs("AutoRename").Value = rsCollect("AutoRename").Value
				Rs("IsNowTime").Value = rsCollect("IsNowTime").Value
				Rs("AllHits").Value = rsCollect("AllHits").Value
				Rs("star").Value = rsCollect("star").Value
				Rs("RemoveCode").Value = rsCollect("RemoveCode").Value
				Rs("lastime").Value = Now()
				Rs("RemoteListUrl").Value = rsCollect("RemoteListUrl").Value
				Rs("PaginalList").Value = rsCollect("PaginalList").Value
				Rs("IsPagination").Value = rsCollect("IsPagination").Value
				Rs("startid").Value = rsCollect("startid").Value
				Rs("lastid").Value = rsCollect("lastid").Value
				Rs("FindListCode").Value = rsCollect("FindListCode").Value
				Rs("FindInfoCode").Value = rsCollect("FindInfoCode").Value
				Rs("downpage").Value = rsCollect("downpage").Value
				Rs("RetuneClass").Value = rsCollect("RetuneClass").Value
				Rs("RemoveFile").Value = rsCollect("RemoveFile").Value
				Rs("strLeachName").Value = rsCollect("strLeachName").Value
				Rs("NamedDemourl").Value = rsCollect("NamedDemourl").Value
				Rs("strReplace").Value = rsCollect("strReplace").Value
			Set Rs = Nothing
		End If
		Set rsCollect = Nothing
		OutScript ("恭喜您!采集项目克隆成功。")
	End Sub
	'作  用:删除全部缓存
	Public Sub RemoveAllCache()
		Dim Cacheobj
		For Each Cacheobj In Application.Contents
			Mynewasp.DelCahe Cacheobj
			Call InnerHtml("更新 <b>" & Cacheobj & "</b> 完成")
		Call InnerHtml("当前站点全部缓存清理完成。")
	End Sub

	Public Sub InnerHtml(msg)
		Response.Write "<li>" & msg & "</li>"
	End Sub
	Private Function CheckFileExt(ByVal strFile)
		Dim ArrInceptFile
		Dim i, strFileExt
		Dim strInceptFile
		On Error Resume Next
		If Trim(strFile) = "" Or IsEmpty(strFile) Then
			CheckFileExt = False
			Exit Function
		End If
		strFileExt = Mid(strFile, InStrRev(strFile, ".") + 1)
		strFileExt = LCase(strFileExt)
		strInceptFile = LCase(Replace(AllowDownExt, "|", ","))
		If Len(strInceptFile) = 0 Then
			CheckFileExt = True
			Exit Function
		End If
		ArrInceptFile = Split(strInceptFile, ",")
		For i = 0 To UBound(ArrInceptFile)
			If Trim(strFileExt) = Trim(ArrInceptFile(i)) Then
				CheckFileExt = True
				Exit Function
				CheckFileExt = False
			End If
		CheckFileExt = False
	End Function
End Class