www.gusucode.com > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码 > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码/624/adminhtry/admin_online.asp

    <!--#include file="setup.asp"-->
<!--#include file="check.asp"-->
' 软件名称:新云网站管理系统
' 当前版本:NewAsp Site Management System Version 3.0
' 文件名称:admin_online.asp
' 更新日期:2006-12-20
' 官方网站:新云网络(www.newasp.net www.newasp.cn) QQ:94022511
' Copyright 2003-2007 newasp.net - All Rights Reserved.
' newasp is a trademark of newasp.net
Dim m_strSQL
If ChannelID > 0 Then
	If ChannelID = 9999 Then
		m_strSQL = " WHERE ChannelID=0"
		m_strSQL = " WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID
	End If
	m_strSQL = ""
End If
<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=tableborder>
	<td class=tablerow1>菜单导航:<a href='admin_online.asp'>管理首页</a> | 
	<a href='admin_online.asp?action=zone&ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>'>详细地址</a> | 
	<a href='admin_online.asp?action=refer&ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>'>访问来源</a> | 
	<a href='admin_online.asp?action=online&ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>'>流量统计</a> | 
	<a href='admin_online.asp?action=delall' onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要删除所有在线人数吗?')){return true;}return false;}"><font color=blue>删除所有在线人数</font></a></td>
	<td class="tablerow2">当前位置:在线人数统计信息</td>
Dim Action,i,strClass,sFileName
Dim maxperpage,CurrentPage,totalnumber,TotalPageNum

maxperpage = 30 '###每页显示数
If Not IsNumeric(Request("page")) And Len(Request("page")) <> 0 Then
	Response.Write ("错误的系统参数!请输入整数")
End If
If Not IsEmpty(Request("page")) And Len(Request("page")) <> 0 Then
	CurrentPage = CLng(Request("page"))
	CurrentPage = 1
End If
If CurrentPage = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1
TotalNumber = Newasp.Execute("SELECT Count(ID) FROM NC_Online" & m_strSQL &"")(0)
TotalPageNum = CLng(TotalNumber / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
If TotalPageNum < TotalNumber / maxperpage Then TotalPageNum = TotalPageNum + 1
If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
If CurrentPage > TotalPageNum Then CurrentPage = TotalPageNum

Action = LCase(Request("action"))
If Not ChkAdmin("Online") Then
End If
Select Case Trim(Action)
	Case "refer"
		Call OnlineReferer
	Case "zone"
		Call OnlineZone
	Case "del"
		Call DelOnline
	Case "delall"
		Call DelAllOnline
	Case "online"
		Call OnlineCount
	Case "remove"
		Call DelCount
	Case "removeall"
		Call DelAllCount
	Case Else
		Call showmain
End Select
If FoundErr = True Then
End If
Private Sub showmain()
<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=tableborder>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>选择</th>
	<th nowrap>用 户 名</th>
	<th nowrap>访 问 时 间</th>
	<th nowrap>活 动 时 间</th>
	<th nowrap>用 户 IP 地 址</th>
	<th nowrap>操 作 系 统</th>
	<th nowrap>浏 览 器</th>
	sFileName = "admin_online.asp?"
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "select * from [NC_Online]" & m_strSQL &" order by startTime desc"
	If IsSqlDataBase = 1 Then
		If CurrentPage > 100 Then
			Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
			Set Rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)
		End If
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	End If
	Newasp.SqlQueryNum = Newasp.SqlQueryNum + 1
	If Rs.bof And Rs.EOF Then
		Response.Write "<tr><td align=center colspan=7 class=TableRow2>当前无人在线!</td></tr>"
		If TotalPageNum > 1 then Rs.Move (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage
		i = 0
	<td class=tablerow2 colspan=7><%Call showpage()%></td>
<form name=selform method=post action=?action=del>
	Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < CInt(maxperpage)
		If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
		If (i mod 2) = 0 Then
			strClass = "class=TableRow1"
			strClass = "class=TableRow2"
		End If
<tr align=center>
	<td <%=strClass%>><input type=checkbox name=OnlineID value='<%=Rs("id")%>'></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("username")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("startTime")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("lastTime")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("ip")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=usersysinfo(Rs("browser"), 0)%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=usersysinfo(Rs("browser"), 1)%></td>
			i = i + 1
			If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	<td class=tablerow1 colspan=7>
	<input class=Button type="button" name="chkall" value="全选" onClick="CheckAll(this.form)"><input class=Button type="button" name="chksel" value="反选" onClick="ContraSel(this.form)">
	<input class=Button type="submit" name="Submit2" value="删除" onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要删除此在线人员吗?')){this.document.selform.submit();return true;}return false;}">
	<input class=Button type="button" name="Submit3" value="清空所有在线人数" onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要清空所有在线人数吗?')){location.href='admin_online.asp?action=delall';return true;}return false;}"></td>
	<td class=tablerow2 colspan=7><%Call showpage()%></td>

End Sub

Private Sub OnlineReferer()
<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=tableborder>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>选择</th>
	<th width='15%' nowrap>来访时间/IP</th>
	<th>访 问 来 源</th>
	<th>当 前 位 置</th>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>Alexa</th>
	sFileName = "admin_online.asp?action=refer&"
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "select * from [NC_Online]" & m_strSQL &" order by startTime desc"
	If IsSqlDataBase = 1 Then
		If CurrentPage > 100 Then
			Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1
			Set Rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)
		End If
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1
	End If
	Newasp.SqlQueryNum = Newasp.SqlQueryNum + 1
	If Rs.bof And Rs.EOF Then
		Response.Write "<tr><td align=center colspan=4 class=TableRow2>当前无人在线!</td></tr>"
		If TotalPageNum > 1 then Rs.Move (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage
		i = 0
	<td class=tablerow2 colspan=5><%Call showpage()%></td>
<form name=selform method=post action=?action=del>
	Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < CInt(maxperpage)
		If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
		If (i mod 2) = 0 Then
			strClass = "class=TableRow1"
			strClass = "class=TableRow2"
		End If
	<td align=center <%=strClass%>><input type="checkbox" name="OnlineID" value='<%=Rs("id")%>'></td>
	<td align=center <%=strClass%> nowrap><%=Rs("startTime")%><br><%=Rs("ip")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><a href='<%=Rs("strReferer")%>' target=_blank><%=Server.HTMLEncode(URLDecode(Rs("strReferer")))%></a></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><a href='<%=Rs("station")%>' target=_blank><%=Rs("station")%></a></td>
	<td align=center <%=strClass%>><a href="http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?q=&url=<%=Replace(LCase(Newasp.SiteUrl), "http://", "")%>" target="_blank"><%=usersysinfo(Rs("browser"), 2)%></a></td>
			i = i + 1
			If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	<td class=tablerow1 colspan=5>
	<input class=Button type="button" name="chkall" value="全选" onClick="CheckAll(this.form)"><input class=Button type="button" name="chksel" value="反选" onClick="ContraSel(this.form)">
	<input class=Button type="submit" name="Submit2" value="删除" onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要删除此在线人员吗?')){this.document.selform.submit();return true;}return false;}">
	<input class=Button type="button" name="Submit3" value="清空所有在线人数" onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要清空所有在线人数吗?')){location.href='admin_online.asp?action=delall';return true;}return false;}"></td>
	<td class=tablerow2 colspan=5><%Call showpage()%></td>

End Sub

Private Sub OnlineZone()
<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=tableborder>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>选择</th>
	<th nowrap>用 户 名</th>
	<th nowrap>用 户 组</th>
	<th nowrap>IP 地 址</th>
	<th nowrap>详 细 地 址</th>
	<th nowrap>操 作 系 统</th>
	<th nowrap>浏 览 器</th>
	sFileName = "admin_online.asp?action=zone&"
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "select * from [NC_Online]" & m_strSQL &" order by startTime desc"
	If IsSqlDataBase = 1 Then
		If CurrentPage > 100 Then
			Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1
			Set Rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)
		End If
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1
	End If
	Newasp.SqlQueryNum = Newasp.SqlQueryNum + 1
	If Rs.bof And Rs.EOF Then
		Response.Write "<tr><td align=center colspan=7 class=TableRow2>当前无人在线!</td></tr>"
		If TotalPageNum > 1 then Rs.Move (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage
		i = 0
	<td class=tablerow2 colspan=7><%Call showpage()%></td>
<form name=selform method=post action=?action=del>
	Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < CInt(maxperpage)
		If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
		If (i mod 2) = 0 Then
			strClass = "class=TableRow1"
			strClass = "class=TableRow2"
		End If
<tr align=center>
	<td <%=strClass%>><input type=checkbox name=OnlineID value='<%=Rs("id")%>'></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("username")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("identitys")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("ip")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=GetAddress(Rs("ip"))%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=usersysinfo(Rs("browser"), 0)%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=usersysinfo(Rs("browser"), 1)%></td>
			i = i + 1
			If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	<td class=tablerow1 colspan=7>
	<input class=Button type="button" name="chkall" value="全选" onClick="CheckAll(this.form)"><input class=Button type="button" name="chksel" value="反选" onClick="ContraSel(this.form)">
	<input class=Button type="submit" name="Submit2" value="删除" onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要删除此在线人员吗?')){this.document.selform.submit();return true;}return false;}">
	<input class=Button type="button" name="Submit3" value="清空所有在线人数" onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要清空所有在线人数吗?')){location.href='admin_online.asp?action=delall';return true;}return false;}"></td>
	<td class=tablerow2 colspan=7><%Call showpage()%></td>

End Sub

Private Sub OnlineCount()
'Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE [NC_SiteCount] SET AlexaToolbar=0")
<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=tableborder>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>选择</th>
	<th nowrap>统 计 日 期</th>
	<th nowrap>唯 一 IP</th>
	<th nowrap>访 问 数</th>
	<th nowrap>Google搜索</th>
	<th nowrap>百度搜索</th>
	<th nowrap>雅虎搜索</th>
	<th nowrap>3721搜索</th>
	<th nowrap>中国搜索</th>
	<th nowrap>搜狗搜索</th>
	<th nowrap>其它站点</th>
	<th nowrap>直接访问</th>
	<th nowrap>Alexa</th>
	If Not IsEmpty(Request("page")) And Len(Request("page")) <> 0 Then
		CurrentPage = CLng(Request("page"))
		CurrentPage = 1
	End If
	TotalNumber = Newasp.Execute("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM NC_SiteCount")(0)
	TotalPageNum = CLng(TotalNumber / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
	If TotalPageNum < TotalNumber / maxperpage Then TotalPageNum = TotalPageNum + 1
	If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
	If CurrentPage > TotalPageNum Then CurrentPage = TotalPageNum

	sFileName = "admin_online.asp?action=online&"
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM [NC_SiteCount] ORDER BY CountDate DESC,id DESC"
	If IsSqlDataBase = 1 Then
		If CurrentPage > 100 Then
			Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1
			Set Rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)
		End If
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1
	End If
	Newasp.SqlQueryNum = Newasp.SqlQueryNum + 1
	If Rs.bof And Rs.EOF Then
		Response.Write "<tr><td align=center colspan=13 class=TableRow2>没有流量统计!</td></tr>"
		If TotalPageNum > 1 then Rs.Move (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage
		i = 0
	<td class=tablerow2 colspan=13><%Call showpage()%></td>
<form name=selform method=post action=?action=remove>
	Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < CInt(maxperpage)
		If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
		If (i mod 2) = 0 Then
			strClass = "class=TableRow1"
			strClass = "class=TableRow2"
		End If
<tr align=center>
	<td <%=strClass%>><input type=checkbox name=id value='<%=Rs("id")%>'></td>
	<td <%=strClass%> nowrap><%=FormatDateTime(Rs("CountDate"),1)%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("UniqueIP")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("Pageview")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("google")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("baidu")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("yahoo")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("C3721")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("zhongsou")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("sogou")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("other")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("DirectInput")%></td>
	<td <%=strClass%>><%=Rs("AlexaToolbar")%></td>
			i = i + 1
			If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	<td class=tablerow1 colspan=13>
	<input class=Button type="button" name="chkall" value="全选" onClick="CheckAll(this.form)"><input class=Button type="button" name="chksel" value="反选" onClick="ContraSel(this.form)">
	<input class=Button type="submit" name="Submit2" value="删除" onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要删除此统计吗?')){this.document.selform.submit();return true;}return false;}">
	<input class=Button type="button" name="Submit3" value="清空所有浏览统计" onclick="{if(confirm('您确定要清空所有浏览统计吗?')){location.href='admin_online.asp?action=removeall';return true;}return false;}"></td>
	<td class=tablerow2 colspan=13><%Call showpage()%></td>
End Sub

Private Sub DelAllOnline()
	Newasp.Execute("DELETE FROM NC_Online")
	Call OutputScript ("在线人数全部清除完成!","admin_online.asp")
End Sub

Private Sub DelAllCount()
	Newasp.Execute("DELETE FROM NC_SiteCount")
	Call OutputScript ("流量统计全部清除完成!","admin_online.asp")
End Sub

Private Sub DelCount()
	Dim cid
	If Request("id") <> "" Then
		cid = Request("id")
		Newasp.Execute("DELETE FROM NC_SiteCount WHERE id in (" & cid & ")")
		OutHintScript ("流量统计删除成功!")
	End If
End Sub

Private Sub DelOnline()
	Dim OnlineID
	If Request("OnlineID") <> "" Then
		OnlineID = Request("OnlineID")
		Newasp.Execute("DELETE FROM NC_Online WHERE ID in (" & OnlineID & ")")
		OutHintScript ("在线人数删除成功!")
	End If
End Sub
Private Sub showpage()
	Dim n
	If totalnumber Mod maxperpage = 0 Then
		n = totalnumber \ maxperpage
		n = totalnumber \ maxperpage + 1
	End If
	Response.Write "<table cellspacing=1 width='100%' border=0><form method=Post action='" & sFileName & "ChannelID="&ChannelID&"'><tr><td align=center> " & vbCrLf
	If CurrentPage < 2 Then
		Response.Write "总记录数 <font COLOR=#FF0000><strong>" & totalnumber & "</strong></font> 条&nbsp;首 页&nbsp;上一页&nbsp;|&nbsp;"
		Response.Write "总记录数 <font COLOR=#FF0000><strong>" & totalnumber & "</strong></font> 条&nbsp;<a href=" & sFileName & "page=1&ChannelID="&ChannelID&">首 页</a>&nbsp;"
		Response.Write "<a href=" & sFileName & "page=" & CurrentPage - 1 & "&ChannelID="&ChannelID&">上一页</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;"
	End If
	If n - CurrentPage < 1 Then
		Response.Write "下一页&nbsp;尾 页" & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "<a href=" & sFileName & "page=" & (CurrentPage + 1) & "&ChannelID="&ChannelID&">下一页</a>"
		Response.Write "&nbsp;<a href=" & sFileName & "page=" & n & "&ChannelID="&ChannelID&">尾 页</a>" & vbCrLf
	End If
	Response.Write "&nbsp;页次:<strong><font color=red>" & CurrentPage & "</font>/" & n & "</strong>页 "
	Response.Write "&nbsp;转到:"
	Response.Write "<input name=page size=3 value='" & CurrentPage & "'> <input class=Button type=submit name=Submit value='转到'>"
	Response.Write "</td></tr></FORM></table>" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Function usersysinfo(info, getinfo)
	Dim usersys
	usersys = Split(info, "|")
	usersysinfo = usersys(getinfo)
End Function

Public Function GetAddress(sip)
	If Len(sip) < 5 Then
		GetAddress = "未知"
		Exit Function
	End If
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim Wry,IPType
	Set Wry = New TQQWry
	If Not Wry.IsIp(sip) Then
		GetAddress = " 未知"
		Exit Function
	End If
	IPType = Wry.QQWry(sip)
	GetAddress = Wry.Country & " " & Wry.LocalStr
End Function

Class TQQWry
	' ============================================
	' 变量声名
	' ============================================
	Dim Country, LocalStr, Buf, OffSet
	Private StartIP, EndIP, CountryFlag
	Public QQWryFile
	Public FirstStartIP, LastStartIP, RecordCount
	Private Stream, EndIPOff
	' ============================================
	' 类模块初始化
	' ============================================
	Private Sub Class_Initialize
		On Error Resume Next
		Country 		= ""
		LocalStr 		= ""
		StartIP 		= 0
		EndIP 			= 0
		CountryFlag 	= 0 
		FirstStartIP 	= 0 
		LastStartIP 	= 0 
		EndIPOff 		= 0 
		QQWryFile = Server.MapPath("../DataBase/IPAddress.dat") 'QQ IP库路径,要转换成物理路径
	End Sub
	' ============================================
	' IP地址转换成整数
	' ============================================
	Function IPToInt(IP)
		Dim IPArray, i
		IPArray = Split(IP, ".", -1)
		FOr i = 0 to 3
			If Not IsNumeric(IPArray(i)) Then IPArray(i) = 0
			If CInt(IPArray(i)) < 0 Then IPArray(i) = Abs(CInt(IPArray(i)))
			If CInt(IPArray(i)) > 255 Then IPArray(i) = 255
		IPToInt = (CInt(IPArray(0))*256*256*256) + (CInt(IPArray(1))*256*256) + (CInt(IPArray(2))*256) + CInt(IPArray(3))
	End Function
	' ============================================
	' 整数逆转IP地址
	' ============================================
	Function IntToIP(IntValue)
		p4 = IntValue - Fix(IntValue/256)*256
		IntValue = (IntValue-p4)/256
		p3 = IntValue - Fix(IntValue/256)*256
		IntValue = (IntValue-p3)/256
		p2 = IntValue - Fix(IntValue/256)*256
		IntValue = (IntValue - p2)/256
		p1 = IntValue
		IntToIP = Cstr(p1) & "." & Cstr(p2) & "." & Cstr(p3) & "." & Cstr(p4)
	End Function
	' ============================================
	' 获取开始IP位置
	' ============================================
	Private Function GetStartIP(RecNo)
		OffSet = FirstStartIP + RecNo * 7
		Stream.Position = OffSet
		Buf = Stream.Read(7)
		EndIPOff = AscB(MidB(Buf, 5, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 6, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 7, 1))*256*256) 
		StartIP  = AscB(MidB(Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 2, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 3, 1))*256*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 4, 1))*256*256*256)
		GetStartIP = StartIP
	End Function
	' ============================================
	' 获取结束IP位置
	' ============================================
	Private Function GetEndIP()
		Stream.Position = EndIPOff
		Buf = Stream.Read(5)
		EndIP = AscB(MidB(Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 2, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 3, 1))*256*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 4, 1))*256*256*256) 
		CountryFlag = AscB(MidB(Buf, 5, 1))
		GetEndIP = EndIP
	End Function
	' ============================================
	' 获取地域信息,包含国家和和省市
	' ============================================
	Private Sub GetCountry(IP)
		If (CountryFlag = 1 Or CountryFlag = 2) Then
			Country = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 4)
			If CountryFlag = 1 Then
				LocalStr = GetFlagStr(Stream.Position)
				' 以下用来获取数据库版本信息
				If IP >= IPToInt("") And IP <= IPToInt("") Then
					LocalStr = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 21)
					Country = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 12)
				End If
				LocalStr = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 8)
			End If
			Country = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 4)
			LocalStr = GetFlagStr(Stream.Position)
		End If
		' 过滤数据库中的无用信息
		Country = Trim(Country)
		LocalStr = Trim(LocalStr)
		If InStr(Country, "CZ88.NET") Then Country = "GZ110.CN"
		If InStr(LocalStr, "CZ88.NET") Then LocalStr = "GZ110.CN"
	End Sub
	' ============================================
	' 获取IP地址标识符
	' ============================================
	Private Function GetFlagStr(OffSet)
		Dim Flag
		Flag = 0
		Do While (True)
			Stream.Position = OffSet
			Flag = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
			If(Flag = 1 Or Flag = 2 ) Then
				Buf = Stream.Read(3) 
				If (Flag = 2 ) Then
					CountryFlag = 2
					EndIPOff = OffSet - 4
				End If
				OffSet = AscB(MidB(Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 2, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 3, 1))*256*256)
				Exit Do
			End If
		If (OffSet < 12 ) Then
			GetFlagStr = ""
			Stream.Position = OffSet
			GetFlagStr = GetStr() 
		End If
	End Function
	' ============================================
	' 获取字串信息
	' ============================================
	Private Function GetStr() 
		Dim c
		GetStr = ""
		Do While (True)
			c = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
			If (c = 0) Then Exit Do 
			If c > 127 Then
				If Stream.EOS Then Exit Do
				GetStr = GetStr & Chr(AscW(ChrB(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & ChrB(C)))
				GetStr = GetStr & Chr(c)
			End If
	End Function
	' ============================================
	' 核心函数,执行IP搜索
	' ============================================
	Public Function QQWry(DotIP)
		Dim IP, nRet
		Dim RangB, RangE, RecNo
		IP = IPToInt (DotIP)
		Set Stream = CreateObject("ADodb.Stream")
		Stream.Mode = 3
		Stream.Type = 1
		Stream.LoadFromFile QQWryFile
		Stream.Position = 0
		Buf = Stream.Read(8)
		FirstStartIP = AscB(MidB(Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 2, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 3, 1))*256*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 4, 1))*256*256*256)
		LastStartIP  = AscB(MidB(Buf, 5, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 6, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 7, 1))*256*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 8, 1))*256*256*256)
		RecordCount = Int((LastStartIP - FirstStartIP)/7)
		' 在数据库中找不到任何IP地址
		If (RecordCount <= 1) Then
			Country = "未知"
			QQWry = 2
			Exit Function
		End If
		RangB = 0
		RangE = RecordCount
		Do While (RangB < (RangE - 1)) 
			RecNo = Int((RangB + RangE)/2) 
			Call GetStartIP (RecNo)
			If (IP = StartIP) Then
				RangB = RecNo
				Exit Do
			End If
			If (IP > StartIP) Then
				RangB = RecNo
				RangE = RecNo
			End If
		Call GetStartIP(RangB)
		Call GetEndIP()

		If (StartIP <= IP) And ( EndIP >= IP) Then
			' 没有找到
			nRet = 0
			' 正常
			nRet = 3
		End If
		Call GetCountry(IP)

		QQWry = nRet
	End Function
	' ============================================
	' 检查IP地址合法性
	' ============================================
	Public Function IsIp(IP)
		IsIp = True
		If IP = "" Then IsIp = False : Exit Function
		Dim Re
		Set Re = New RegExp
		Re.Pattern = "^(0|[1-9]\d?|[0-1]\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(0|[1-9]\d?|[0-1]\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(0|[1-9]\d?|[0-1]\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(0|[1-9]\d?|[0-1]\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$"
		Re.IgnoreCase = True
		Re.Global = True
		IsIp = Re.Test(IP)
		Set Re = Nothing
	End Function
	' ============================================
	' 类终结

	' ============================================
	Private Sub Class_Terminate
		On ErrOr Resume Next
		If Err Then Err.Clear
		Set Stream = Nothing
	End Sub
End Class

Public Function URLDecodes(ByVal str)
	If Len(str) < 1 Then Exit Function
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim Mynewasp
	Set Mynewasp = Server.CreateObject("Gatherer.VBProcess")
	If Err Then
		Set MyNewCloud = Nothing
		URLDecodes = str
		Exit Function
	End If
	URLDecodes = Mynewasp.URLDecode(str)
	Set MyNewCloud = Nothing
End Function