www.gusucode.com > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码 > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码/624/adminhtry/admin_server.asp

    <!--#include file="setup.asp"-->
<!--#include file="check.asp"-->
' 软件名称:新云网站管理系统
' 当前版本:NewAsp Site Management System Version 3.0
' 文件名称:admin_server.asp
' 更新日期:2006-12-20
' 官方网站:新云网络(www.newasp.net www.newasp.cn) QQ:94022511
' Copyright 2003-2007 newasp.net - All Rights Reserved.
' newasp is a trademark of newasp.net
Dim Action, Flag, i, RsObj,selfont

ChannelID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ChannelID"))
If ChannelID = 0 Then ChannelID = 2
Response.Write "<table width=""96%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<tr>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<th colspan=2>下载服务器管理" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "</th>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<tr>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<td class=""TableRow1"" colspan=2>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<p><B>说明</B>:<BR>①、在这里您可以进行添加/删除下载服务器,请先添加服务器分类然后添加下载路径。<BR>" & vbNewLine & " "
Response.Write " ②、您可以添加多个下载路径,将会在下载信息页面显示。<BR>"
Response.Write " ③、建议添加后的服务器一级分类最好不要轻易删除,下载路径可以根据需要修改、删除或锁定。</p>"
Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<tr>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<B>操作选项</B></td>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<td class=""TableRow1""><a href=""admin_server.asp?ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """>服务器管理首页</a> | <a href=""admin_server.asp?action=add&amp;ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """>添加新的服务器</a>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write " | <a href=""admin_server.asp?action=serverorders&amp;ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """>服务器路径排序</a>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "</table>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<br>"
<script language="javascript">
function formatbt()
  var arr = showModalDialog("include/btformat.htm?",null, "dialogWidth:250pt;dialogHeight:166pt;toolbar=no;location=no;directories=no;status=no;menubar=NO;scrollbars=no;resizable=no;help=0; status:0");
  if (arr != null){
     myfont.innerHTML="<span style='background-color: #FFFFff;font-size:14px' "+arr+">设置标题样式 ABCdef</span>";
function Cancelform()
  myfont.innerHTML="<span style='background-color: #FFFFff;font-size:14px;color:#000000'>设置标题样式 ABCdef</span>";
Flag = "DownServer" & ChannelID
Action = LCase(Newasp.RemoveBadCharacters(Request("action")))
If Not ChkAdmin(Flag) Then
	Server.Transfer ("showerr.asp")
End If

Select Case Request("action")
	Case "add"
		Call sAdd
	Case "edit"
		Call sEdit
	Case "savenew"
		Call savenew
	Case "savedit"
		Call saveedit
	Case "del"
		Call DelDownPath
	Case "serverorders"
		Call serverorders
	Case "updateorders"
		Call updateorders
	Case "lock"
		Call isLock
	Case "free"
		Call FreeLock
	Case Else
		Call ShowMain
End Select
If FoundErr = True Then
	ReturnError (ErrMsg)
End If
'作  用:服务器管理首页
Sub ShowMain()
	Dim DownloadName
	Response.Write " <table width=""96%"" class=""tableBorder"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""2"" align=center>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <th width=""35%"">服务器分类</th>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <th width=""45%"">操 作</th>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <th width=""10%"" noWrap>日下载数</th>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <th width=""10%"" noWrap>总共下载数</th>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " ORDER BY rootid,orders"
	Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	Newasp.SqlQueryNum = Newasp.SqlQueryNum + 1
	Do While Not Rs.EOF
		selfont = Rs("selfont") & ""
		Response.Write " <tr class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write " <td width=35% class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
		If Rs("isLock") = 1 Then
			Response.Write " <img src='images/locks.gif' border=0 align=absMiddle>"
		End If
		If Rs("depth") = 1 Then Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=""#666666"">├</font>"
		If Rs("depth") > 1 Then
			For i = 2 To Rs("depth")
				Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=""#666666"">│</font>"
			Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=""#666666"">├</font> "
		End If
		If Rs("parentid") = 0 Then Response.Write ("<b>[" & Rs("rootid") & "] ")
		If Len(selfont) < 10 Then
			DownloadName = Rs("DownloadName")
			DownloadName = "<span " & selfont & ">" & Rs("DownloadName") & "</span>"
		End If
		Response.Write Replace(DownloadName, "{$DownPoint}", Rs("DownPoint"))
		If Rs("child") > 0 Then Response.Write "(" & Rs("child") & ")"
		If Rs("parentid") = 0 Then Response.Write ("</b>")
		Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"" align=right>"
		If Rs("depth") = 0 Then
			Response.Write "<a href=""admin_server.asp?action=add&editid="
			Response.Write Rs("downid")
			Response.Write "&amp;ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """>添加下载服务器路径</a>" & vbNewLine
			Response.Write "<a href=""admin_server.asp?action=lock&editid="
			Response.Write Rs("downid")
			Response.Write "&amp;ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """>锁定服务器</a>"
			Response.Write " | <a href=""admin_server.asp?action=free&editid="
			Response.Write Rs("downid")
			Response.Write "&amp;ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """>解除锁定</a>"
		End If
		Response.Write " | <a href=""admin_server.asp?action=edit&editid="
		Response.Write Rs("downid")
		Response.Write "&amp;ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """>服务器设置</a>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write " |" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write " "
		If Rs("child") = 0 Then
			Response.Write " <a href=""admin_server.asp?action=del&editid="
			Response.Write Rs("downid")
			Response.Write "&amp;ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """ onclick=""{if(confirm('删除将包括该服务器的所有信息,确定删除吗?')){return true;}return false;}"">删除" & vbNewLine
			Response.Write " "
			Response.Write "<a href=""#"" onclick=""{if(confirm('该服务器含有下载路径,必须先删除其下载路径方能删除本服务器!')){return true;}return false;}"">" & vbNewLine
			Response.Write " 删除</a>" & vbNewLine
			Response.Write " "
		End If
		Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"" align=""center"">"
		If Rs("depth") > 0 Then
			Response.Write Rs("DayDownHits")
		End If
		Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"" align=""center"">"
		If Rs("depth") > 0 Then
			Response.Write Rs("AllDownHits")
		End If
		Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
		Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
		i = i + 1
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Response.Write "</table>" & vbNewLine
End Sub
'作  用:添加服务器
Sub sAdd()
	Dim ServerNum
	On Error Resume Next
	Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT MAX(downid) FROM NC_DownServer"
	Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		ServerNum = 1
		ServerNum = Rs(0) + 1
	End If
	If IsNull(ServerNum) Then ServerNum = 1
	Response.Write "<form name=""myform"" action =""admin_server.asp?action=savenew"" method=""post"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""newdownid"" value="""
	Response.Write ServerNum
	Response.Write """>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=ChannelID value="""
	Response.Write ChannelID
	Response.Write """>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <table width=""96%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <th colspan=2>添加新的服务器</th>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td width=""20%"" class=""TableRow1""><U>服务器名称</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td width=""80%"" class=""TableRow1"">"
	Response.Write " <input type=""text"" name=""DownloadName"" size=""60"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""><U>服务器名称样式</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">样式:<input type=""hidden"" name=""selfont"" size=""1"" value="""">&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <span style=""background-color: #fFfFff"" id=""myfont"" onclick=""javascript:formatbt(this);""  style='cursor:hand; font-size:14px' >设置标题样式 ABCdef</span> " & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<input type=""checkbox"" name=""cancel"" onclick=""Cancelform()""> 取消格式"
	Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""><U>服务器路径</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <input type=""text"" name=""DownloadPath"" size=""60"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""><U>所属类别</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <select name=""servers"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<option value=""0"">做为服务器分类</option>" & vbNewLine
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And depth = 0 ORDER BY rootid"
	Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	Do While Not Rs.EOF
		Response.Write "<option value=""" & Rs("downid") & """ "
		If Len(Request("editid")) <> 0 And CLng(Request("editid")) = Rs("downid") Then Response.Write "selected"
		Response.Write ">"
		Response.Write Rs("DownloadName") & "</option>" & vbCrLf
	Response.Write "</select>"
	Response.Write "</td></tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td height=30 class=""TableRow1""><U>使用下载服务器的权限</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">"
	Response.Write " <select name=""UserGroup"">" & vbNewLine
	Set RsObj = Newasp.Execute("SELECT GroupName,Grades FROM NC_UserGroup ORDER BY Groupid")
	Do While Not RsObj.EOF
		Response.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "<option value=""" & RsObj("Grades") & """"
		If RsObj("Grades") = 0 Then Response.Write " selected"
		Response.Write ">"
		Response.Write RsObj("GroupName")
		Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf
	Set RsObj = Nothing
	Response.Write " </select> </td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td height=24 class=""TableRow1""><U>下载所需点数</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <input type=""text"" name=""DownPoint"" size=""10"" value='0'>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""><U>是否直接显示下载地址</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=isDisp value=""0"" checked> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=isDisp value=""1""> 是"
	Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""><U>是否外部连接</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=IsOuter value=""0"" checked> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=IsOuter value=""1""> 是&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=IsOuter value=""2""> 迅雷专用下载&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=IsOuter value=""3""> 快车专用下载"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=IsOuter value=""4""> PPGou专用下载&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <br><font color=""red"">注意:如果是外部连接,请在“服务器路径”中输入要转向的URL;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;如果选择“迅雷、快车或屁屁狗专用下载地址”,"
	Response.Write "请先注册<a href=""http://union.xunlei.com/"" target=""_blank""><font color=""blue"">迅雷联盟</font></a>|<a href=""http://union.flashget.com/"" target=""_blank""><font color=""blue"">快车联盟</font></a>|<a href=""http://union.ppgou.com/"" target=""_blank""><font color=""blue"">PPGou联盟</font></a>,然后在<a href=""admin_config.asp""><font color=""blue"">基本设置</font></a>中输入相应的联盟ID</font></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td height=""24"" class=""TableRow1"">&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" class=button value=""添加服务器"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</table>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</form>" & vbNewLine
	Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub
'作  用:编辑服务器
Sub sEdit()
	Dim Rs_e
	On Error Resume Next
	Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_DownServer WHERE downid=" & CLng(Request("editid"))
	Set Rs_e = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
	Response.Write "<form name=""myform"" action =""admin_server.asp?action=savedit"" method=""post"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=editid value="""
	Response.Write Request("editid")
	Response.Write """>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=ChannelID value="""
	Response.Write ChannelID
	Response.Write """>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <table width=""96%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <th height=24 colspan=2>编辑服务器:"
	Response.Write Rs_e("DownloadName")
	Response.Write "</th>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td width=""20%"" height=30 class=""TableRow1""><U>服务器名称</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td width=""80%"" class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <input type=""text"" name=""DownloadName"" size=""60"" value="""
	Response.Write Rs_e("DownloadName")
	Response.Write """>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""><U>服务器名称样式</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">样式:<input type=""hidden"" name=""selfont"" size=""1"" value="""& Server.HTMLEncode(Rs_e("selfont") & "") &""">&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <span style=""background-color: #fFfFff;"" id=""myfont"" onclick=""javascript:formatbt(this);""  style='cursor:hand; font-size:14px'><span "& Rs_e("selfont") &">设置标题样式 ABCdef</span></span> " & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<input type=""checkbox"" name=""cancel"" onclick=""Cancelform()""> 取消格式"
	Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""height=24><U>服务器路径</U><BR>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " 可以使用HTML代码</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <input type=""text"" name=""DownloadPath"" size=""60"" value="""
	Response.Write Rs_e("DownloadPath")
	Response.Write """>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td height=30 class=""TableRow1""><U>所属类别</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <select name=""servers"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <option value=""0"">做为主服务器分类</option>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " "
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " ORDER BY rootid,orders"
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
	Do While Not Rs.EOF
		Response.Write "<option value=""" & Rs("downid") & """ "
		If Rs_e("parentid") = Rs("downid") Then Response.Write "selected"
		Response.Write ">"
		If Rs("depth") = 1 Then Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;├ "
		If Rs("depth") > 1 Then
			For i = 2 To Rs("depth")
				Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;│"
			Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;├ "
		End If
		Response.Write Rs("DownloadName") & "</option>" & vbCrLf
	Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
	Response.Write " </select> </td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td height=30 class=""TableRow1""><U>使用下载服务器的权限</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">"
	Response.Write " <select name=""UserGroup"">" & vbNewLine
	Set RsObj = Newasp.Execute("SELECT GroupName,Grades FROM NC_UserGroup ORDER BY Groupid")
	Do While Not RsObj.EOF
		Response.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "<option value=""" & RsObj("Grades") & """"
		If Rs_e("UserGroup") = RsObj("Grades") Then Response.Write " selected"
		Response.Write ">"
		Response.Write RsObj("GroupName")
		Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf
	Set RsObj = Nothing
	Response.Write " </select> </td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td height=24 class=""TableRow1""><U>下载所需点数</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <input type=""text"" name=""DownPoint"" size=""10"" value='"
	Response.Write Rs_e("DownPoint")
	Response.Write "'>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""><U>是否直接显示下载地址</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=isDisp value=""0"""
	If Rs_e("IsDisp") = 0 Then Response.Write "  checked"
	Response.Write "> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=isDisp value=""1"""
	If Rs_e("IsDisp") = 1 Then Response.Write "  checked"
	Response.Write "> 是"
	Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""><U>是否外部连接</U></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=""IsOuter"" value=""0"""
	If Rs_e("IsOuter") = 0 Then Response.Write "  checked"
	Response.Write "> 否&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=""IsOuter"" value=""1"""
	If Rs_e("IsOuter") = 1 Then Response.Write "  checked"
	Response.Write "> 是&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=""IsOuter"" value=""2"""
	If Rs_e("IsOuter") = 2 Then Response.Write "  checked"
	Response.Write "> 迅雷专用下载&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=""IsOuter"" value=""3"""
	If Rs_e("IsOuter") = 3 Then Response.Write "  checked"
	Response.Write "> 快车专用下载&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <input type=radio name=""IsOuter"" value=""4"""
	If Rs_e("IsOuter") = 4 Then Response.Write "  checked"
	Response.Write "> PPGou专用下载"
	Response.Write " <br><font color=""red"">注意:如果是外部连接,请在“服务器路径”中输入要转向的URL;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;如果选择“迅雷、快车或屁屁狗专用下载地址”,"
	Response.Write "请先注册<a href=""http://union.xunlei.com/"" target=""_blank""><font color=""blue"">迅雷联盟</font></a>|<a href=""http://union.flashget.com/"" target=""_blank""><font color=""blue"">快车联盟</font></a>|<a href=""http://union.ppgou.com/"" target=""_blank""><font color=""blue"">PPGou联盟</font></a>,然后在<a href=""admin_config.asp""><font color=""blue"">基本设置</font></a>中输入相应的联盟ID</font></td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1""height=24>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <td class=""TableRow1"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <input type=""submit"" name=""Submit"" class=button value=""保存修改"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </td>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </table>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</form>" & vbNewLine
	Set Rs_e = Nothing
End Sub
'作  用:保存新的服务器
Sub savenew()
	Dim downid,rootid,ParentID
	Dim depth,orders,Maxrootid
	Dim strParent,neworders
	Dim DownloadPath,Server_Url
	On Error Resume Next
	If Request.Form("DownloadName") = "" Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<br>" + "<li>请输入服务器名称。"
		FoundErr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Request.Form("servers") = "" Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<br>" + "<li>请选择服务器。"
		FoundErr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Request.Form("DownloadPath") = "" Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<br>" + "<li>服务器路径不能为空。"
		FoundErr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Server_Url = Replace(Request.Form("DownloadPath"), "\", "/")
	If Right(Server_Url, 1) <> "/" Then
		DownloadPath = Server_Url
		DownloadPath = Server_Url
	End If
	Set Rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
	If Request.Form("servers") <> "0" Then
		SQL = "SELECT rootid,downid,depth,orders,strparent FROM NC_DownServer WHERE downid=" & Request("servers")
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
		rootid = Rs(0)
		ParentID = Rs(1)
		depth = Rs(2)
		orders = Rs(3)
		If depth + 1 > 2 Then
			ErrMsg = "<li>本系统限制最多只能有2级子服务器</li>"
			FoundErr = True
			Exit Sub
		End If
		strParent = Rs(4)
		neworders = orders
		SQL = "SELECT MAX(orders) FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ParentID=" & Request("servers")
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
		If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
			neworders = Rs(0)
		End If
		If IsNull(neworders) Then neworders = orders
		Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_DownServer SET orders=orders+1 WHERE orders>" & CInt(neworders) & "")
		SQL = "SELECT MAX(rootid) FROM NC_DownServer"
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
		If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
			Maxrootid = 1
			Maxrootid = Rs(0) + 1
		End If
		If IsNull(Maxrootid) Then Maxrootid = 1
	End If
	If Maxrootid = 0 Then Maxrootid = 1
	SQL = "SELECT downid FROM NC_DownServer WHERE downid=" & Request("newdownid")
	Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
		ErrMsg = "<li>您不能指定和别的服务器一样的序号。</li>"
		FoundErr = True
		Exit Sub
		downid = CLng(Request("newdownid"))
	End If
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_DownServer"
	Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 3
	If Request("servers") <> "0" Then
		Rs("depth") = depth + 1
		Rs("rootid") = rootid
		Rs("orders") = neworders + 1
		Rs("parentid") = Request.Form("servers")
		If strParent = "0" Then
			Rs("strparent") = Request.Form("servers")
			Rs("strparent") = strParent & "," & Request.Form("servers")
		End If
		Rs("depth") = 0
		Rs("rootid") = Maxrootid
		Rs("orders") = 0
		Rs("parentid") = 0
		Rs("strparent") = 0
	End If
	Rs("child") = 0
	Rs("downid") = Request.Form("newdownid")
	Rs("DownloadName") = Replace(Newasp.ChkFormStr(Request.Form("DownloadName")), "|", "")
	Rs("DownloadPath") = Replace(DownloadPath, "|", "")
	Rs("isDisp") = Request.Form("isDisp")
	Rs("UserGroup") = Request.Form("UserGroup")
	Rs("ChannelID") = Request.Form("ChannelID")
	Rs("DownPoint") = CLng(Request.Form("DownPoint"))
	Rs("isLock") = 0
	Rs("IsOuter") = 4
	Rs("selfont") = Trim(Request.Form("selfont"))
	Rs("AllDownHits") = 0
	Rs("DayDownHits") = 0
	Rs("HitsTime") = Now()
	If Request("servers") <> "0" Then
		If depth > 0 Then Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child+1 where downid in (" & strParent & ")")
		Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child+1 where downid=" & Request("servers"))
	End If
	SucMsg = "<li>服务器添加成功!</li>"
	Succeed (SucMsg)
	Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub
'作  用:保存编辑
Sub saveedit()
	Dim newdownid,Maxrootid,ParentID
	Dim depth,Child,strParent,rootid
	Dim iparentid,istrparent
	Dim trs,brs,mrs,k
	Dim nstrparent,mstrparent,ParentSql
	Dim boardcount,DownloadPath,Server_Url
	On Error Resume Next
	If CLng(Request("editid")) = CLng(Request("servers")) Then
		ErrMsg = "<li>所属服务器不能指定自己</li>"
		ReturnError (ErrMsg)
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Server_Url = Replace(Request.Form("DownloadPath"), "\", "/")
	If Right(Server_Url, 1) <> "/" Then
		DownloadPath = Server_Url
		DownloadPath = Server_Url
	End If
	Set Rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_DownServer WHERE downid=" & CLng(Request("editid"))
	Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 3
	newdownid = Rs("downid")
	ParentID = Rs("parentid")
	iparentid = Rs("parentid")
	strParent = Rs("strparent")
	depth = Rs("depth")
	Child = Rs("child")
	rootid = Rs("rootid")
	If ParentID = 0 Then
		If CLng(Request("servers")) <> 0 Then
			Set trs = Newasp.Execute("select rootid from NC_DownServer where downid=" & Request("servers"))
			If rootid = trs(0) Then
				ErrMsg = "<li>您不能指定该服务器的下属服务器作为所属服务器</li>"
				FoundErr = True
				Exit Sub
			End If
		End If
		Set trs = Newasp.Execute("select downid from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & strParent & "%' and downid=" & Request("servers"))
		If Not (trs.EOF And trs.BOF) Then
			ErrMsg = "<li>您不能指定该服务器的下属服务器作为所属服务器</li>"
			FoundErr = True
			Exit Sub
		End If
	End If
	If ParentID = 0 Then
		ParentID = Rs("downid")
		iparentid = 0
	End If
	Rs("DownloadName") = Replace(Newasp.ChkFormStr(Request.Form("DownloadName")), "|", "")
	Rs("DownloadPath") = Replace(DownloadPath, "|", "")
	Rs("isDisp") = Request.Form("isDisp")
	Rs("UserGroup") = Request.Form("UserGroup")
	Rs("ChannelID") = Request.Form("ChannelID")
	Rs("DownPoint") = Newasp.CheckNumeric(Request.Form("DownPoint"))
	Rs("isLock") = 0
	Rs("IsOuter") = Newasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("IsOuter"))
	Rs("selfont") = Trim(Request.Form("selfont"))
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Set mrs = Newasp.Execute("select max(rootid) from NC_DownServer")
	Maxrootid = mrs(0) + 1
	If CLng(ParentID) <> CLng(Request("servers")) And Not (iparentid = 0 And CInt(Request("servers")) = 0) Then
		If iparentid > 0 And CInt(Request("servers")) = 0 Then
			Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set depth=0,orders=0,rootid=" & Maxrootid & ",parentid=0,strparent='0' where downid=" & newdownid)
			strParent = strParent & ","
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select count(*) from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & strParent & "%'")
			boardcount = Rs(0)
			If IsNull(boardcount) Then
				boardcount = 1
				boardcount = boardcount + 1
			End If
			Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child-" & boardcount & " where downid=" & iparentid)
			For i = 1 To depth
				Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select parentid from NC_DownServer where downid=" & iparentid)
				If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
					iparentid = Rs(0)
					Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child-" & boardcount & " where downid=" & iparentid)
				End If
			If Child > 0 Then
				i = 0
				Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select * from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & strParent & "%'")
				Do While Not Rs.EOF
					i = i + 1
					mstrparent = Replace(Rs("strparent"), strParent, "")
					Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set depth=depth-" & depth & ",rootid=" & Maxrootid & ",strparent='" & mstrparent & "' where downid=" & Rs("downid"))
			End If
		ElseIf iparentid > 0 And CInt(Request("servers")) > 0 Then
			Set trs = Newasp.Execute("select * from NC_DownServer where downid=" & Request("servers"))
			strParent = strParent & ","
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select count(*) from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & strParent & "%'")
			boardcount = Rs(0)
			If IsNull(boardcount) Then boardcount = 1
			Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set orders=orders + " & boardcount & " + 1 where rootid=" & trs("rootid") & " and orders>" & trs("orders") & "")
			Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set depth=" & trs("depth") & "+1,orders=" & trs("orders") & "+1,rootid=" & trs("rootid") & ",ParentID=" & Request("servers") & ",strparent='" & trs("strparent") & "," & trs("downid") & "' where downid=" & newdownid)
			i = 1
			SQL = "select * from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & strParent & "%' order by orders"
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
			Do While Not Rs.EOF
				i = i + 1
				istrparent = trs("strparent") & "," & trs("downid") & "," & Replace(Rs("strparent"), strParent, "")
				Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set depth=depth+" & trs("depth") & "-" & depth & "+1,orders=" & trs("orders") & "+" & i & ",rootid=" & trs("rootid") & ",strparent='" & istrparent & "' where downid=" & Rs("downid"))
			ParentID = Request("servers")
			If rootid = trs("rootid") Then
				Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child+" & i & " where (not ParentID=0) and downid=" & ParentID)
				For k = 1 To trs("depth")
					Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select parentid from NC_DownServer where (not ParentID=0) and downid=" & ParentID)
					If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
						ParentID = Rs(0)
						Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child+" & i & " where (not ParentID=0) and  downid=" & ParentID)
					End If
				Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child-" & i & " where (not ParentID=0) and downid=" & iparentid)
				For k = 1 To depth
					Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select parentid from NC_DownServer where (not ParentID=0) and downid=" & iparentid)
					If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
						iparentid = Rs(0)

						Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child-" & i & " where (not ParentID=0) and  downid=" & iparentid)
					End If

				Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child+" & i & " where downid=" & ParentID)
				For k = 1 To trs("depth")
					Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select parentid from NC_DownServer where downid=" & ParentID)
					If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
						ParentID = Rs(0)
						Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child+" & i & " where downid=" & ParentID)
					End If
				Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child-" & i & " where downid=" & iparentid)
				For k = 1 To depth
					Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select parentid from NC_DownServer where downid=" & iparentid)
					If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
						iparentid = Rs(0)
						Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child-" & i & " where downid=" & iparentid)
					End If
			End If
			Set trs = Newasp.Execute("select * from NC_DownServer where downid=" & Request("servers"))
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select count(*) from NC_DownServer where rootid=" & rootid)
			boardcount = Rs(0)
			ParentID = Request("servers")
			Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child+" & boardcount & " where downid=" & ParentID)
			For k = 1 To trs("depth")
				Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select parentid from NC_DownServer where downid=" & ParentID)
				If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
					ParentID = Rs(0)
					Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set child=child+" & boardcount & " where downid=" & ParentID)
				End If

			Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set orders=orders + " & boardcount & " + 1 where rootid=" & trs("rootid") & " and orders>" & trs("orders") & "")
			i = 0
			SQL = "select * from NC_DownServer where rootid=" & rootid & " order by orders"
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
			Do While Not Rs.EOF
				i = i + 1
				If Rs("parentid") = 0 Then
					If trs("strparent") = "0" Then
						strParent = trs("downid")
						strParent = trs("strparent") & "," & trs("downid")
					End If
					Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set depth=depth+" & trs("depth") & "+1,orders=" & trs("orders") & "+" & i & ",rootid=" & trs("rootid") & ",strparent='" & strParent & "',parentid=" & Request("servers") & " where downid=" & Rs("downid"))
					If trs("strparent") = "0" Then
						strParent = trs("downid") & "," & Rs("strparent")
						strParent = trs("strparent") & "," & trs("downid") & "," & Rs("strparent")
					End If
					Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set depth=depth+" & trs("depth") & "+1,orders=" & trs("orders") & "+" & i & ",rootid=" & trs("rootid") & ",strparent='" & strParent & "' where downid=" & Rs("downid"))
				End If
		End If
	End If
	SucMsg = "<li>服务器修改成功!</li>"
	Succeed (SucMsg)
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Set mrs = Nothing
	Set trs = Nothing
End Sub
'作  用:删除服务器
Sub DelDownPath()
	Dim rsUsage
	On Error Resume Next
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select strparent,child,depth,rootid from NC_DownServer where downid=" & Request("editid"))
	If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
		If Rs(1) > 0 Then
			ErrMsg = "该服务器含有下载路径,请删除其下载路径后再进行删除本服务器的操作"
			FoundErr = True
			Exit Sub
		End If
		If Rs("depth") = 0 Then
			Set rsUsage = Newasp.Execute("SELECT downid FROM NC_DownAddress WHERE downid=" & Rs("rootid"))
			If Not (rsUsage.EOF And rsUsage.BOF) Then
				ErrMsg = "该下载服务器正在使用中,不能删除!"
				FoundErr = True
				Exit Sub
			End If
			Set rsUsage = Nothing
		End If
		If Rs(2) > 0 Then
			Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_DownServer SET child=child-1 WHERE downid in (" & Rs(0) & ")")
		End If
		SQL = "DELETE FROM NC_DownServer WHERE downid=" & Request("editid")
		Newasp.Execute (SQL)
	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Succeed ("服务器删除成功!")
End Sub
'作  用:锁定服务器
Sub isLock()

	Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set isLock = 1 where downid in (" & Request("editid") & ")")
	Response.Redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
End Sub
'作  用:解除服务器锁定
Sub FreeLock()
	Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set isLock = 0 where downid in (" & Request("editid") & ")")
	Response.Redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
End Sub
'作  用:服务器排序
Sub serverorders()
	Dim trs
	Dim uporders
	Dim doorders
	Response.Write " <table width=""96%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""2"" class=""tableBorder"" align=center>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " <th colspan=2>服务器路径重新排序修改(请在相应服务器的排序表单内输入相应的排列序号)" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </th>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
	Set Rs = CreateObject("Adodb.recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " ORDER BY RootID,orders"
	Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		Response.Write "还没有相应的服务器。"
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			Response.Write "<form action=admin_server.asp?action=updateorders method=post><tr><td width=""50%"" class=TableRow1>"
			If Rs("depth") = 1 Then Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=""#666666"">├</font>"
			If Rs("depth") > 1 Then
				For i = 2 To Rs("depth")
					Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=""#666666"">│</font>"
				Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=""#666666"">├</font> "
			End If
			If Rs("parentid") = 0 Then Response.Write ("<b>")
			Response.Write Rs("DownloadName")
			If Rs("child") > 0 Then Response.Write "(" & Rs("child") & ")"
			Response.Write "</td><td width=""50%"" class=TableRow1>"
			If Rs("ParentID") > 0 Then
				Set trs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ParentID=" & Rs("ParentID") & " and orders<" & Rs("orders") & "")
				uporders = trs(0)
				If IsNull(uporders) Then uporders = 0
				Set trs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ParentID=" & Rs("ParentID") & " and orders>" & Rs("orders") & "")
				doorders = trs(0)
				If IsNull(doorders) Then doorders = 0
				If uporders > 0 Then
					Response.Write "<select name=uporders size=1><option value=0>↑</option>"
					For i = 1 To uporders
						Response.Write "<option value=" & i & ">↑" & i & "</option>"
					Response.Write "</select>"
				End If
				If doorders > 0 Then
					If uporders > 0 Then Response.Write "&nbsp;"
					Response.Write "<select name=doorders size=1><option value=0>↓</option>"
					For i = 1 To doorders
						Response.Write "<option value=" & i & ">↓" & i & "</option>"
					Response.Write "</select>"
				End If
				If doorders > 0 Or uporders > 0 Then
					Response.Write vbNewLine & "<input type=""hidden"" name=ChannelID value="""
					Response.Write ChannelID
					Response.Write """>" & vbNewLine
					Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=""editID"" value=""" & Rs("downid") & """>&nbsp;<input type=submit name=Submit class=button value='修 改'>"
				End If
			End If
			Response.Write "</td></tr></form>"
			uporders = 0
			doorders = 0
	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Response.Write "</table>" & vbNewLine
End Sub
'作  用:更新服务器排序
Sub updateorders()
	Dim ParentID
	Dim orders
	Dim strParent
	Dim Child
	Dim uporders
	Dim doorders
	Dim oldorders
	Dim trs
	Dim ii
	If Not IsNumeric(Request("editID")) Then
		ReturnError ("非法的参数!")
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Request("uporders") <> "" And Not CInt(Request("uporders")) = 0 Then
		If Not IsNumeric(Request("uporders")) Then
			ReturnError ("非法的参数!")
			Exit Sub
		ElseIf CInt(Request("uporders")) = 0 Then
			ReturnError ("请选择要提升的数字!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT ParentID,orders,strparent,child FROM NC_DownServer where downid=" & Request("editID"))
		ParentID = Rs(0)
		orders = Rs(1)
		strParent = Rs(2) & "," & Request("editID")
		Child = Rs(3)
		i = 0
		If Child > 0 Then
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NC_DownServer WHERE strparent like '%" & strParent & "%'")
			oldorders = Rs(0)
			oldorders = 0
		End If
		Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT downid,orders,child,strparent FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ParentID=" & ParentID & " and orders<" & orders & " order by orders desc")
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			i = i + 1
			If CInt(Request("uporders")) >= i Then
				If Rs(2) > 0 Then
					ii = 0
					Set trs = Newasp.Execute("select downid,orders from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & Rs(3) & "," & Rs(0) & "%' order by orders")
					If Not (trs.EOF And trs.BOF) Then
						Do While Not trs.EOF
							ii = ii + 1
							Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set orders=" & orders & "+" & oldorders & "+" & ii & " where downid=" & trs(0))
					End If
				End If
				Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set orders=" & orders & "+" & oldorders & " where downid=" & Rs(0))
				If CInt(Request("uporders")) = i Then uporders = Rs(1)
			End If
			orders = Rs(1)
		Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set orders=" & uporders & " where downid=" & Request("editID"))
		If Child > 0 Then
			i = uporders
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select downid from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & strParent & "%' order by orders")
			Do While Not Rs.EOF
				i = i + 1
				Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set orders=" & i & " where downid=" & Rs(0))
		End If
		Set Rs = Nothing
		Set trs = Nothing
	ElseIf Request("doorders") <> "" Then
		If Not IsNumeric(Request("doorders")) Then
			ReturnError ("非法的参数!")
			Exit Sub
		ElseIf CInt(Request("doorders")) = 0 Then
			ReturnError ("请选择要下降的数字!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select ParentID,orders,strparent,child from NC_DownServer where downid=" & Request("editID"))
		ParentID = Rs(0)
		orders = Rs(1)
		strParent = Rs(2) & "," & Request("editID")
		Child = Rs(3)
		i = 0
		If Child > 0 Then
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select count(*) from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & strParent & "%'")
			oldorders = Rs(0)
			oldorders = 0
		End If
		Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("select downid,orders,child,strparent from NC_DownServer where ParentID=" & ParentID & " and orders>" & orders & " order by orders")
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			i = i + 1
			If CInt(Request("doorders")) >= i Then
				If Rs(2) > 0 Then
					ii = 0
					Set trs = Newasp.Execute("select downid,orders from NC_DownServer where strparent like '%" & Rs(3) & "," & Rs(0) & "%' order by orders")
					If Not (trs.EOF And trs.BOF) Then
						Do While Not trs.EOF
							ii = ii + 1
							Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set orders=" & orders & "+" & ii & " where downid=" & trs(0))
					End If
				End If
				Newasp.Execute ("update NC_DownServer set orders=" & orders & " where downid=" & Rs(0))
				If CInt(Request("doorders")) = i Then doorders = Rs(1)
			End If
			orders = Rs(1)
		Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_DownServer SET orders=" & doorders & " WHERE downid=" & Request("editID"))
		If Child > 0 Then
			i = doorders
			Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT downid from NC_DownServer WHERE strparent like '%" & strParent & "%' ORDER BY orders")
			Do While Not Rs.EOF
				i = i + 1
				Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_DownServer SET orders=" & i & " WHERE downid=" & Rs(0))
		End If
		Set Rs = Nothing
		Set trs = Nothing
	End If
	Response.Redirect "admin_server.asp?action=serverorders&ChannelID=" & Request("ChannelID")
End Sub