www.gusucode.com > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码 > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码/624/adminhtry/admin_user.asp

    <!--#include file="setup.asp"-->
<!--#include file="check.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../inc/md5.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../inc/chkinput.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../api/cls_api.asp"-->
' 软件名称:新云网站管理系统
' 当前版本:NewAsp Site Management System Version 3.0
' 文件名称:admin_user.asp
' 更新日期:2006-11-20
' 官方网站:新云网络(www.newasp.net www.newasp.cn) QQ:94022511
' Copyright 2003-2007 newasp.net - All Rights Reserved.
' newasp is a trademark of newasp.net
Dim Action
Dim i,ii,RsObj
Dim keyword,findword,strClass,sUserGroup,foundsql
Dim seluserid,UserGrade,UserGroupStr,UserPassWord,username
Dim maxperpage,CurrentPage,totalnumber,TotalPageNum,userlock
Action = LCase(Request("action"))

Select Case Trim(Action)
	Case "save"
		If Not ChkAdmin("AddUser") Then
		End If
		Call SaveUser
	Case "modify"
		Call ModifyUser
	Case "add"
		If Not ChkAdmin("AddUser") Then
		End If
		Call AddUser
	Case "edit"
		Call EditUser
	Case "del"
		Call BatDelUser
	Case Else
		Call MainPage
End Select
If FoundErr = True Then
End If
Sub PageTop()
	Response.Write "<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 class=TableBorder>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "	  <th colspan=2>会员管理</th>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<tr><form method=Post name=myform action=admin_user.asp onSubmit='return JugeQuery(this);'>"
	Response.Write "	  <td class=TableRow1>搜索:"
	Response.Write "	  <input name=keyword type=text size=20>"
	Response.Write "	  条件:"
	Response.Write "	  <select name=queryopt>"
	Response.Write "		<option value=1 selected>会员名称</option>"
	Response.Write "		<option value=2>真实姓名</option>"
	Response.Write "		<option value=3>用户昵称</option>"
	Response.Write "	  </select> <input type=submit name=Submit value='开始搜索' class=Button></td>"
	Response.Write "	  <td class=TableRow1>"
	Response.Write "	  </td></form>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "	  <td colspan=2 class=TableRow2><strong>操作选项:</strong> <a href='admin_user.asp'>会员管理首页</a> | "
	Response.Write "	  <a href='admin_user.asp?action=add'><font color=blue>添加会员</font></a> | "
	Response.Write "	  <a href='admin_user.asp?lock=1'><font color=blue>等待验证的会员</font></a> "
	Set RsObj = Newasp.Execute("Select GroupName,Grades From NC_UserGroup where Grades <> 0 order by Groupid")
	Do While Not RsObj.EOF
		Response.Write " | <a href=admin_user.asp?UserGrade="
		Response.Write RsObj("Grades")
		Response.Write ">"
		Response.Write RsObj("GroupName")
		Response.Write "</a>" & vbCrLf
	Set RsObj = Nothing
	Response.Write "	  </td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "</table>"
	Response.Write "<br>"
End Sub
Sub MainPage()
	Call PageTop
	If Not ChkAdmin("AdminUser") Then
	End If
	If Not IsEmpty(Request("seluserid")) Then
		seluserid = Request("seluserid")
		Select Case Newasp.CheckStr(Request("act"))
			Case "删除用户"
				Call BatDelUser
			Case "激活用户"
				Call NolockUser
			Case "锁定用户"
				Call IslockUser
			Case "转移用户"
				Call MoveUser
			Case Else
				Response.Write "无效参数!"
		End Select
	End If
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="tableborder">
	<th width='5%' nowrap>选择</th>
	<th width='20%' nowrap>用户名</th>
	<th width='10%' nowrap>用户身份证</th>
	<th width='10%' nowrap>会员类型</th>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>邮箱</th>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>性别</th>
	<th width='20%' nowrap>操作选项</th>
	<th width='15%' nowrap>最后登陆时间</th>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>登陆次数</th>
	<th width='5%' nowrap>状态</th>
	If Trim(Request("UserGrade")) <> "" Then
		SQL = "select GroupName,Grades from [NC_UserGroup] where Grades=" & CLng(Request("UserGrade"))
		Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
		If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
			Response.Write "Sorry!没有找到任何会员。或者您选择了错误的系统参数!"
			sUserGroup = Rs("GroupName")
			UserGrade = Rs("Grades")
		End If
		sUserGroup = "全部会员"
		UserGrade = 0
	End If
	maxperpage = 20 '###每页显示数
	If Not IsNumeric(Request("page")) And Len(Request("page")) <> 0 Then
		Response.Write ("错误的系统参数!请输入整数")
	End If
	If Not IsEmpty(Request("page")) And Len(Request("page")) <> 0 Then
		CurrentPage = CInt(Request("page"))
		CurrentPage = 1
	End If
	userlock =0
	If CInt(CurrentPage) = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1
	If Not IsNull(Request("keyword")) And Request("keyword") <> "" Then
		keyword = Newasp.ChkQueryStr(Request("keyword"))
		If CInt(Request("queryopt")) = 1 Then
			findword = "where username like '%" & keyword & "%'"
		ElseIf CInt(Request("queryopt")) = 2 Then
			findword = "where TrueName like '%" & keyword & "%'"
			findword = "where nickname like '%" & keyword & "%'"
		End If
		foundsql = findword
		sUserGroup = "查询会员"
		If Trim(Request("UserGrade")) <> "" Then
			foundsql = "where UserGrade = " & Request("UserGrade")
			UserGrade = Request("UserGrade")
			If Trim(Request("lock")) <> "" Then
				foundsql = "where userlock =1"
				userlock =1
				foundsql = ""
			End If
		End If
	End If
	TotalNumber = Newasp.Execute("Select Count(userid) from NC_User "& foundsql &"")(0)
	TotalPageNum = CInt(TotalNumber / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
	If TotalPageNum < TotalNumber / maxperpage Then TotalPageNum = TotalPageNum + 1
	If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
	If CurrentPage > TotalPageNum Then CurrentPage = TotalPageNum
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "select userid,username,nickname,UserGrade,UserGroup,UserClass,UserLock,userpoint,usermoney,TrueName,UserSex,usermail,HomePage,oicq,JoinTime,ExpireTime,LastTime,userlogin from [NC_User] "& foundsql &" order by JoinTime desc ,userid desc"
	If IsSqlDataBase=1 And Trim(Request("keyword"))="" Then
		If CurrentPage > 100 Then
			Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
			Set Rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)
		End If
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	End If
	Newasp.SqlQueryNum = Newasp.SqlQueryNum + 1
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		Response.Write "<tr><td align=center colspan=10 class=TableRow1>还没有找到任何会员信息!</td></tr>"
		If TotalPageNum > 1 then Rs.Move (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage
		i = 0

		Response.Write "<tr>"
		Response.Write "	<td colspan=10 class=tablerow2>"
		Call showpage()
		Response.Write "</td>"
		Response.Write "	<form name=selform method=post action="""">"
		Response.Write "</tr>"

		Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < CInt(maxperpage)
			If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.End
			If (i mod 2) = 0 Then
				strClass = "class=TableRow1"
				strClass = "class=TableRow2"
			End If
			Response.Write "<tr align=center>"
			Response.Write "	<td " & strClass & "><input type=checkbox name=seluserid value='" & Rs("userid") & "'></td>"
			Response.Write "	<td " & strClass & ">"
			Response.Write "<a href='?action=edit&userid=" & Rs("userid") & "' title='用户昵称:" & Rs("nickname") & "'>"
			If Rs("UserGrade") = 999 Then
				Response.Write "<span class=style2>"
				Response.Write "<span>"
			End If
			Response.Write Rs("username")
			Response.Write "</span></a>"
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "	<td " & strClass & ">"
			Response.Write Rs("UserGroup")
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "	<td " & strClass & ">"
			If Rs("UserGrade") = 999 Then
				Response.Write "管理员"
				If Rs("UserClass") = 0 Then
					Response.Write "计点会员"
				ElseIf Rs("UserClass") = 1 Then
					Response.Write "计时会员"
					Response.Write "计时到期"
				End If
			End If
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "	<td " & strClass & ">"
			Response.Write "<a href='admin_mailist.asp?action=mail&useremail="
			Response.Write Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("usermail"))
			Response.Write "'><img src='images/email.gif' border=0 alt='给用户发邮件'></a>"
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "	<td " & strClass & ">"
			Response.Write Rs("UserSex")
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "	<td nowrap " & strClass & ">"
			Response.Write "<a href='?action=edit&userid=" & Rs("userid") & "'>编辑</a> | "
			Response.Write "<a href='?action=del&userid=" & Rs("userid") & "'>删除</a>"
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "	<td nowrap " & strClass & ">"
			If Rs("LastTime") >= Date Then
				Response.Write "<font color=red>"
				Response.Write Rs("LastTime")
				Response.Write "</font>"
				Response.Write Rs("LastTime")
			End If
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "	<td " & strClass & ">"
			Response.Write Rs("userlogin")
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "	<td " & strClass & ">"
			If Rs("UserLock") = 0 Then
				Response.Write "<font color=blue>√</font>"
				Response.Write "<font color=red>×</font>"
			End If
			Response.Write "	</td>"
			Response.Write "</tr>"
			i = i + 1
			If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	<td colspan=10 class=tablerow1>
	<input class=Button type=button name=chkall value='全选' onClick=CheckAll(this.form)><input class=Button type=button name=chksel value='反选' onClick=ContraSel(this.form)>&nbsp;&nbsp;管理选项:&nbsp;
	 <input class=button onClick="{if(confirm('确定删除选定的用户吗?')){this.document.form.submit();return true;}return false;}" type=submit value='删除用户' name=act> 
	 <input class=button onClick="{if(confirm('确定激活选定的用户吗?')){this.document.form.submit();return true;}return false;}" type=submit value='激活用户' name=act> 
	 <input class=button onClick="{if(confirm('确定锁定选定的用户吗?')){this.document.form.submit();return true;}return false;}" type=submit value='锁定用户' name=act> 
	 <input class=button onClick="{if(confirm('确定转移选定的用户吗?')){this.document.form.submit();return true;}return false;}" type=submit value='转移用户' name=act> → 
	 <select name='sUserGrade'>
	 <option value=''>↓请选择用户组↓</option>
	Set RsObj = Newasp.Execute("Select GroupName,Grades From NC_UserGroup where Grades <> 0 order by Groupid")
	Do While Not RsObj.EOF
		Response.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "<option value=""" & RsObj("Grades") & "," & RsObj("GroupName") & """>"
		Response.Write RsObj("GroupName")
		Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf
	Set RsObj = Nothing
	<td colspan=10 class=tablerow1><%Call showpage()%></td>

End Sub

Sub AddUser()
	Call PageTop
<table class="tableborder" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" align="center" border="0">
		<th colspan="2">添加会员</th>
	<form action="?action=save" method="post" name="myform">
			<td class="tablerow1" align="right" width="30%"><strong>登陆名称:</strong></td>
			<td class="tablerow1" width="70%"><input name="username" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2" align="right"><strong>用户密码:</strong></td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input type="password" name="password1" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1" align="right"><strong>确认密码:</strong></td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input type="password" name="password2" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2" align="right"><strong>用户昵称:</strong></td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input name="nickname" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1" align="right"><strong>用户邮箱:</strong></td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="30" name="usermail" value="<%=Newasp.MasterMail%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2" align="right"><strong>用户姓别:</strong></td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><select name="UserSex">
			<option value="男" selected="selected">帅哥</option>
			<option value="女">美女</option>
			<td class="tablerow1" align="right"><strong>所属用户组:</strong></td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><select name="UserGrade">
	Set RsObj = Newasp.Execute("Select GroupName,Grades From NC_UserGroup where Grades <> 0 order by Groupid")
	Do While Not RsObj.EOF
		Response.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "<option value=""" & RsObj("Grades") & "," & RsObj("GroupName") & """"
		If RsObj("Grades") = 1 Then Response.Write " selected"
		Response.Write ">"
		Response.Write RsObj("GroupName")
		Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf
	Set RsObj = Nothing
			<td class="tablerow2" align="right"><strong>用户点数:</strong></td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input size="10" name="userpoint" value="50" type="text" /></td>
		<tr align="center">
			<td class="tablerow1" colspan="2"><input class="Button" type="button" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" name="Submit2" value="返回上一页" /> <input class="Button" type="submit" name="Submit1" value="添加用户" /></td>
End Sub

Sub EditUser()
	Call PageTop
	Dim userid,username
	userid = Newasp.ChkNumeric(Request("userid"))
	username = Replace(Request("username"), "'", "")
	If userid = 0 Then
		SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_user WHERE username='" & username & "'"
		SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_user WHERE userid=" & userid
	End If
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!没有找到任何会员。或者您选择了错误的系统参数!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
<table class="tableborder" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" align="center" border="0">
		<th colspan="4">查看/修改会员资料</th>
	<form action="?action=modify" method="post" name="myform">
			<td class="tablerow1" width="10%">会员名称<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="<%=Rs("userid")%>" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1" width="40%"><input disabled="disabled" name="username" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("username"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1" width="10%">真实姓名</td>
			<td class="tablerow1" width="40%"><input name="TrueName" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("TrueName"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">用户密码</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input type="password" name="password" /> <font color="#0000ff">如果不修改密码请留空</font></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">用户邮箱</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input size="30" name="usermail" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("usermail"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">交易密码</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input name="BuyCode" type="text" /> <font color="#0000ff">如果不修改密码请留空</font></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">用户状态</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input type="radio" name="UserLock" value="0"<%If Rs("UserLock") = 0 Then Response.Write " checked=""checked"""%> /> 激活&nbsp;&nbsp; 
			<input type="radio" name="UserLock" value="1"<%If Rs("UserLock") = 1 Then Response.Write " checked=""checked"""%> /> 锁定&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
			<td class="tablerow2">用户等级</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><select name="UserGrade">
	Set RsObj = Newasp.Execute("SELECT GroupName,Grades FROM NC_UserGroup WHERE Grades <> 0 ORDER BY Groupid")
	Do While Not RsObj.EOF
		Response.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "	<option value=""" & RsObj("Grades") & "," & RsObj("GroupName") & """"
		If RsObj("Grades") = Rs("UserGrade") Then Response.Write " selected=""selected"""
		Response.Write ">"
		Response.Write RsObj("GroupName")
		Response.Write "</option>" & vbCrLf
	Set RsObj = Nothing
%>			</select></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">会员类型</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><select name="UserClass">
			<option value="0"<%If Rs("UserClass") = 0 Then Response.Write " selected=""selected"""%>>计点会员</option>
			<option value="1"<%If Rs("UserClass") = 1 Then Response.Write " selected=""selected"""%>>计时会员</option>
			<option value="999"<%If Rs("UserClass") = 999 Then Response.Write " selected=""selected"""%>>到期会员</option>
			<td class="tablerow1">用户点数</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="10" name="userpoint" value="<%=Rs("userpoint")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">账户余额</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="10" name="usermoney" value="<%=Rs("usermoney")%>" type="text" /> 元</td>
			<td class="tablerow2" nowrap="nowrap">用户经验值</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input size="10" name="experience" value="<%=Rs("experience")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2" nowrap="nowrap">用户魅力值</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input size="10" name="charm" value="<%=Rs("charm")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">身分证号码</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="35" name="UserIDCard" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("UserIDCard"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">姓别</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><select name="UserSex">
			<option value="男"<%If Rs("UserSex") = "男" Then Response.Write " selected=""selected"""%>>帅哥</option>
			<option value="女"<%If Rs("UserSex") = "女" Then Response.Write " selected=""selected"""%>>美女</option>
			<td class="tablerow2">用户电话</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input name="phone" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("phone"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">用户QQ</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input name="oicq" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("oicq"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">邮政编码</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input name="postcode" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("postcode"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">联系地址</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="45" name="address" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("address"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">密码问题</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input name="question" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("question"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">密码答案</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input name="answer" type="text" /> <font color="#0000ff">如果不修改密码请留空</font></td>
			<td class="tablerow1" nowrap="nowrap">最后登陆时间</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="30" name="LastTime" value="<%=Rs("LastTime")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">最后登陆IP</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="30" name="userlastip" value="<%=Rs("userlastip")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">非法记录数</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input size="10" name="Badness" value="<%=Rs("Badness")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">注册IP</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input size="30" name="ip" value="<%=Rs("ip")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">注册时间</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="30" name="JoinTime" value="<%=Rs("JoinTime")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">到期时间</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input size="30" name="ExpireTime" value="<%=Rs("ExpireTime")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">用户图像</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input size="30" name="UserFace" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("UserFace"))%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow2">登陆次数</td>
			<td class="tablerow2"><input size="10" name="userlogin" value="<%=Rs("userlogin")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="tablerow1">密码保护</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input type="radio" name="Protect" value="0"<%If Rs("Protect") = 0 Then Response.Write " checked=""checked"""%> /> 未申请&nbsp;&nbsp; 
			<input type="radio" name="Protect" value="1"<%If Rs("Protect") = 1 Then Response.Write " checked=""checked"""%> /> 已申请&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
			<td class="tablerow1">用户昵称</td>
			<td class="tablerow1"><input name="nickname" value="<%=Newasp.HTMLEncodes(Rs("nickname"))%>" type="text" /></td>
		<tr align="center">
			<td class="tablerow2" colspan="4"><input class="Button" type="button" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" name="Submit2" value="返回上一页" /> <input class="Button" type="submit" name="Submit1" value="确认修改" /></td>
	Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub

Sub CheckSave()
	If Trim(Request.Form("usermail")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>用户邮箱不能为空!</li>"
	End If
	If IsValidEmail(Trim(Request.Form("usermail"))) = False Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>您的Email有错误。</li>"
		FoundErr = True
	End If
	If Not IsNumeric(Request.Form("userpoint")) Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>用户点数必需是数字!</li>"
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("nickname")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>用户昵称不能为空!</li>"
	End If
	If Newasp.IsValidStr(Request("nickname")) = False Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>用户昵称中含有非法字符。</li>"
		Founderr = True
	End If
	UserGroupStr = Split(Request.Form("UserGrade"), ",")
End Sub

Sub SaveUser()
	Dim Password,Question,Answer
	Dim usersex,sex
	If Trim(Request.Form("username")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>用户名不能为空!</li>"
	End If
	If Newasp.IsValidStr(Request("username")) = False Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>用户名中含有非法字符。</li>"
		Founderr = True
		username = Newasp.CheckBadstr(Request("username"))
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("password1")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>用户密码不能为空!</li>"
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("password2")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>确认密码不能为空!</li>"
	End If
	If Request.Form("password1") <> Request.Form("password2") Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>您输入的密码和确认密码不一致。</li>"
		FoundErr = True
	End If
	If Newasp.IsValidPassword(Request("password2")) = False Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>密码中含有非法字符。</li>"
		Founderr = True
		Password = Trim(Request.Form("password2"))
		UserPassWord =  md5(Password)
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("usersex")) = "" Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>您的姓别不能为空!</li>"
		Founderr = True
		usersex = Newasp.CheckBadstr(Request.Form("usersex"))
	End If
	If usersex = "女" Then
		sex = 0
		sex = 1
	End If
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT username FROM NC_User WHERE username = '" & username & "'")
	If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!此用户已经存在,请换一个用户名再试!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT username FROM NC_Admin WHERE username='" & UserName & "'")
	If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!此用户已经存在,请换一个用户名再试!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	Question = Trim(Request.Form("question"))
	Answer = Trim(Request.Form("answer"))
	If Question = "" Then Question = Newasp.GetRandomCode
	If Answer = "" Then Answer = Newasp.GetRandomCode
	Dim API_Newasp,API_SaveCookie,SysKey
	If API_Enable Then
		Set API_Newasp = New API_Conformity
		API_Newasp.NodeValue "action","reguser",0,False
		API_Newasp.NodeValue "username",UserName,1,False
		Md5OLD = 1
		SysKey = Md5(API_Newasp.XmlNode("username") & API_ConformKey)
		Md5OLD = 0
		API_Newasp.NodeValue "syskey",SysKey,0,False
		API_Newasp.NodeValue "password",Password,0,False
		API_Newasp.NodeValue "email",Newasp.CheckStr(Request.Form("usermail")),1,False
		API_Newasp.NodeValue "question",Question,1,False
		API_Newasp.NodeValue "answer",Answer,1,False
		API_Newasp.NodeValue "gender",sex,0,False
		If API_Newasp.Status = "1" Then
			Founderr = True
			ErrMsg =  ErrMsg & API_Newasp.Message
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Set API_Newasp = Nothing
	End If
	If Founderr = True Then Exit Sub
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_User WHERE (userid is null)"
	Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,3
		Rs("username") = username
		Rs("password") = UserPassWord
		Rs("nickname") = Trim(Request.Form("nickname"))
		Rs("UserGrade") = CInt(UserGroupStr(0))
		Rs("UserGroup") = Trim(UserGroupStr(1))
		Rs("UserClass") = 0
		Rs("UserLock") = 0
		Rs("UserFace") = "face/1.gif"
		Rs("userpoint") = Trim(Request.Form("userpoint"))
		Rs("usermoney") = 0
		Rs("savemoney") = 0
		Rs("prepaid") = 0
		Rs("experience") = 10
		Rs("charm") = 10
		Rs("TrueName") = Trim(Request.Form("username"))
		Rs("usersex") = Newasp.CheckStr(Request.Form("usersex"))
		Rs("usermail") = Newasp.CheckStr(Request.Form("usermail"))
		Rs("oicq") = ""
		Rs("question") = Question
		Rs("answer") = md5(Answer)
		Rs("JoinTime") = Now()
		Rs("ExpireTime") = Now()
		Rs("LastTime") = Now()
		Rs("Protect") = 0
		Rs("usermsg") = 0
		Rs("userlastip") = ""
		Rs("userlogin") = 0
		Rs("UserToday") = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
		Rs("usersetting") = ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
		Rs("ip") = Newasp.GetUserIP
		Rs("Badness") = 0
		Rs("isask") = 0
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	Call RemoveCache
	Succeed("<li>恭喜您!添加会员[<font color=blue>" & Request("username") & "</font>]成功。</li>")
End Sub

Sub ModifyUser()
	Dim sex
	If Trim(Request.Form("usersex")) = "女" Then
		sex = 0
		sex = 1
	End If
	If Newasp.IsValidPassword(Request("password")) = False And Trim(Request("password")) <> "" Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>密码中含有非法字符。</li>"
		Founderr = True
	End If
	If Newasp.IsValidPassword(Request("BuyCode")) = False And Trim(Request("BuyCode")) <> "" Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>交易密码中含有非法字符。</li>"
		Founderr = True
	End If
	If Newasp.IsValidPassword(Request("answer")) = False And Trim(Request("answer")) <> "" Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>问题答案中含有非法字符。</li>"
		Founderr = True
	End If
	If Not IsDate(Request.Form("JoinTime")) Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>注册时间参数错误!</li>"
	End If
	If Founderr = True Then Exit Sub
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_User WHERE userid = " & CLng(Request("userid"))
	Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,3
		'Rs("username") = Trim(Request.Form("username"))
		Rs("nickname") = Trim(Request.Form("nickname"))
		If Trim(Request.Form("password")) <> "" Then Rs("password") = md5(Request.Form("password"))
		If Trim(Request.Form("BuyCode")) <> "" Then Rs("BuyCode") = md5(Request.Form("BuyCode"))
		Rs("UserGrade") = CInt(UserGroupStr(0))
		Rs("UserGroup") = Trim(UserGroupStr(1))
		Rs("UserClass") = Trim(Request.Form("UserClass"))
		Rs("UserLock") = Trim(Request.Form("UserLock"))
		Rs("UserFace") = Trim(Request.Form("UserFace"))
		Rs("userpoint") = Trim(Request.Form("userpoint"))
		Rs("usermoney") = Trim(Request.Form("usermoney"))
		Rs("experience") = Trim(Request.Form("experience"))
		Rs("charm") = Trim(Request.Form("charm"))
		Rs("TrueName") = Trim(Request.Form("TrueName"))
		Rs("UserIDCard") = Trim(Request.Form("UserIDCard"))
		Rs("usersex") = Trim(Request.Form("usersex"))
		Rs("usermail") = Trim(Request.Form("usermail"))
		Rs("phone") = Trim(Request.Form("phone"))
		Rs("oicq") = Trim(Request.Form("oicq"))
		Rs("postcode") = Trim(Request.Form("postcode"))
		Rs("address") = Trim(Request.Form("address"))
		Rs("question") = Trim(Request.Form("question"))
		If Trim(Request.Form("answer")) <> "" Then Rs("answer") = md5(Request.Form("answer"))
		Rs("Protect") = Trim(Request.Form("Protect"))
		Rs("JoinTime") = Trim(Request.Form("JoinTime"))
		Rs("ExpireTime") = Trim(Request.Form("ExpireTime"))
		Rs("LastTime") = Trim(Request.Form("LastTime"))
		Rs("userlastip") = Trim(Request.Form("userlastip"))
		Rs("userlogin") = Trim(Request.Form("userlogin"))
		Rs("ip") = Trim(Request.Form("ip"))
		Rs("Badness") = Newasp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("Badness"))
	username = Rs("username")
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	If Founderr = False Then
		Dim API_Newasp,API_SaveCookie,SysKey
		If API_Enable Then
			Set API_Newasp = New API_Conformity
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "action","update",0,False
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "username",UserName,1,False
			Md5OLD = 1
			SysKey = Md5(API_Newasp.XmlNode("username") & API_ConformKey)
			Md5OLD = 0
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "syskey",SysKey,0,False
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "password",Trim(Request.form("password")),1,False
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "answer",Trim(Request.Form("answer")),1,False
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "question",Trim(Request.Form("question")),1,False
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "email",Trim(Request.Form("usermail")),1,False
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "gender",sex,0,False
			If API_Newasp.Status = "1" Then
				ErrMsg = API_Newasp.Message
			End If
			Set API_Newasp = Nothing
		End If
	End If
	Call RemoveCache
	Succeed("<li>恭喜您!修改会员[<font color=""blue"">" & username & "</font>]的资料成功。</li>" & ErrMsg)
End Sub

Sub BatDelUser()
	Dim AllUserID,AllUserName
	If Trim(Request("userid")) <> "" Then
		seluserid = Request("userid")
	End If
	If Len(seluserid) = 0 Then seluserid = "0"
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT userid,username FROM [NC_User] WHERE userid in (" & seluserid & ")"
	Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,1
	If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			AllUserID = AllUserID & Rs(0) & ","
			AllUserName = AllUserName & Rs(1) & ","
			Newasp.Execute("UPDATE NC_Message SET delsend=1 WHERE sender='"& Newasp.CheckStr(Rs(1)) &"'")
			Newasp.Execute("DELETE FROM NC_Message WHERE flag=0 And incept='"& Newasp.CheckStr(Rs(1)) &"'")
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	If AllUserID <> "" Then
		If Right(AllUserID,1) = "," Then AllUserID = Left(AllUserID,Len(AllUserID)-1)
		If Right(AllUserName,1) = "," Then AllUserName = Left(AllUserName,Len(AllUserName)-1)
		Newasp.Execute ("DELETE FROM NC_User WHERE userid in (" & AllUserID & ")")
		Newasp.Execute ("DELETE FROM NC_Favorite WHERE userid in (" & AllUserID & ")")
		Newasp.Execute ("DELETE FROM NC_Friend WHERE userid in (" & AllUserID & ")")
		Dim API_Newasp,API_SaveCookie,SysKey
		If API_Enable Then
			Set API_Newasp = New API_Conformity
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "action","delete",0,False
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "username",AllUserName,1,False
			Md5OLD = 1
			SysKey = Md5(API_Newasp.XmlNode("username") & API_ConformKey)
			Md5OLD = 0
			API_Newasp.NodeValue "syskey",SysKey,0,False
			Set API_Newasp = Nothing
		End If
		OutHintScript ("批量删除操作成功!")
	End If
	Call RemoveCache
	'OutHintScript ("批量删除操作成功!")
End Sub

Sub IslockUser()
	Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_User SET UserLock=1 WHERE userid in (" & seluserid & ")")
	Dim API_Newasp,API_SaveCookie,SysKey
	If API_Enable Then
		Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		SQL = "SELECT userid,username FROM [NC_User] WHERE userid in (" & seluserid & ")"
		Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,1
		If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
			Do While Not Rs.EOF
				UserName = Rs(1)
				Set API_Newasp = New API_Conformity
				API_Newasp.NodeValue "action","lock",0,False
				API_Newasp.NodeValue "username",UserName,1,False
				Md5OLD = 1
				SysKey = Md5(API_Newasp.XmlNode("username") & API_ConformKey)
				Md5OLD = 0
				API_Newasp.NodeValue "syskey",SysKey,0,False
				API_Newasp.NodeValue "userstatus",1,0,False
				Set API_Newasp = Nothing
		End If
		Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	End If
	Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
End Sub

Sub NolockUser()
	Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_User SET UserLock=0 WHERE userid in (" & seluserid & ")")
	Dim API_Newasp,API_SaveCookie,SysKey
	If API_Enable Then
		Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		SQL = "SELECT userid,username FROM [NC_User] WHERE userid in (" & seluserid & ")"
		Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,1
		If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
			Do While Not Rs.EOF
				UserName = Rs(1)
				Set API_Newasp = New API_Conformity
				API_Newasp.NodeValue "action","lock",0,False
				API_Newasp.NodeValue "username",UserName,1,False
				Md5OLD = 1
				SysKey = Md5(API_Newasp.XmlNode("username") & API_ConformKey)
				Md5OLD = 0
				API_Newasp.NodeValue "syskey",SysKey,0,False
				API_Newasp.NodeValue "userstatus",0,0,False
				Set API_Newasp = Nothing
		End If
		Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	End If
	Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
End Sub

Sub MoveUser()
	If Request("sUserGrade") = "" Then
		Exit Sub
	End If
	UserGroupStr = Split(Request("sUserGrade"), ",")
	Newasp.Execute ("update NC_User set UserGrade=" & CInt(UserGroupStr(0)) & ", UserGroup='" & UserGroupStr(1) & "' where userid in (" & seluserid & ")")
	Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
End Sub

Sub showpage()
	Dim n
	If totalnumber Mod maxperpage = 0 Then
		n = totalnumber \ maxperpage
		n = totalnumber \ maxperpage + 1
	End If
	Response.Write "<table cellspacing=1 width='100%' border=0><form method=Post action=""?UserGrade=" & Request("UserGrade") & "&lock=" & Request("lock") & "&keyword=" & Request("keyword") & "&queryopt=" & Request("queryopt") & """><tr><td align=center> " & vbCrLf
	Response.Write "<font color='red'>" & sUserGroup & "</font> "
	If CurrentPage < 2 Then
		Response.Write "共有会员 <font COLOR=#FF0000><strong>" & totalnumber & "</strong></font> 位&nbsp;首 页&nbsp;上一页&nbsp;|&nbsp;"
		Response.Write "共有会员 <font COLOR=#FF0000><strong>" & totalnumber & "</strong></font> 位&nbsp;<a href=?page=1&UserGrade=" & Request("UserGrade") & "&lock=" & Request("lock") & "&keyword=" & Request("keyword") & "&queryopt=" & Request("queryopt") & ">首 页</a>&nbsp;"
		Response.Write "<a href=?page=" & CurrentPage - 1 & "&UserGrade=" & Request("UserGrade") & "&lock=" & Request("lock") & "&keyword=" & Request("keyword") & "&queryopt=" & Request("queryopt") & ">上一页</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;"
	End If
	If n - CurrentPage < 1 Then
		Response.Write "下一页&nbsp;尾 页" & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "<a href=?page=" & (CurrentPage + 1) & "&UserGrade=" & Request("UserGrade") & "&lock=" & Request("lock") & "&keyword=" & Request("keyword") & "&queryopt=" & Request("queryopt") & ">下一页</a>"
		Response.Write "&nbsp;<a href=?page=" & n & "&UserGrade=" & Request("UserGrade") & "&lock=" & Request("lock") & "&keyword=" & Request("keyword") & "&queryopt=" & Request("queryopt") & ">尾 页</a>" & vbCrLf
	End If
	Response.Write "&nbsp;页次:<strong><font color=red>" & CurrentPage & "</font>/" & n & "</strong>页 "
	Response.Write "&nbsp;转到:"
	Response.Write "<input name=page size=3 value='" & CurrentPage & "'> <input class=Button type=submit name=Submit value='转到'>"
	Response.Write "</td></tr></FORM></table>" & vbCrLf
End Sub
Sub RemoveCache()
	Newasp.DelCahe "RenewStatistics"
	Newasp.DelCahe "TotalStatistics"
End Sub