www.gusucode.com > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码 > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码/624/inc/classmenu.asp

Const Pagesmode =  True
'作  用:装载分类菜单
'参  数:ChannelID ----频道ID
Function LoadClassMenu(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal ClassID, ByVal TopNum, _
	ByVal PerRowNum, ByVal Compart, ByVal styles, ByVal rootid, ByVal intDefault, ByVal MaxDepth)
	Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundsql
	Dim rsClass, ParentID, Child, TotalNumber
	Dim LinkTarget, HtmlFileUrl, ClassName, strClass
	Dim m_strFileUrl,strwidth,w,stylesheet
	LoadClassMenu = ""
	ChannelID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ChannelID)
	intDefault = Newasp.ChkNumeric(intDefault)
	MaxDepth = Newasp.ChkNumeric(MaxDepth)
	If intDefault = 0 Then intDefault = 1
	If ChannelID = 0 Or ChannelID = 4 Or ChannelID = 9999 Then ChannelID = intDefault
	ClassID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ClassID)
	rootid = Newasp.ChkNumeric(rootid)
	TopNum = Newasp.ChkNumeric(TopNum)
	PerRowNum = Newasp.ChkNumeric(PerRowNum)
	If PerRowNum < 2 Then
			strwidth = "width:100%;"
			w = 100
			w = 100\PerRowNum
			If w = 0 Then w = 20
			strwidth = "float:left;width:"&w&"%;"
		End If
	If TopNum = 0 Then TopNum = 10
	strContent = vbNullString
	If styles <> "0" And styles <> "" Then
		strClass = " class=""" & Trim(styles) & """"
		strClass = ""
	End If
	If rootid > 0 Then
		Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT classid,rootid FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE classid="&rootid)
		If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
			rootid = 0
			rootid = Rs("rootid")
		End If
		Set Rs = Nothing
		rootid = 0
	End If
	foundsql = "SELECT TOP " & TopNum & " C.ClassID,C.rootid,C.depth,C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.Readme,C.Child,C.LinkTarget,C.TurnLink,C.TurnLinkUrl,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml,B.ChannelDir,B.StopChannel,B.IsCreateHtml,B.HtmlExtName,B.SortDestination FROM [NC_Classify] C inner join [NC_Channel] B On C.ChannelID=B.ChannelID WHERE C.ChannelID = " & CLng(ChannelID)
	If CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then
		Set rsClass = Newasp.Execute("SELECT parentid,Child FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID = " & CLng(ChannelID) & " And ClassID = " & CLng(ClassID))
		If rsClass.BOF And rsClass.EOF Then
			Exit Function
			ParentID = rsClass("parentid")
			Child = rsClass("Child")
		End If
		Set rsClass = Nothing
		If Child <> 0 Then
			SQL = foundsql & " And C.Parentid = " & CLng(ClassID) & " ORDER BY C.orders,C.ClassID"
			SQL = foundsql & " And C.Parentid = " & CLng(ParentID) & " ORDER BY C.orders,C.rootid"
		End If
		If MaxDepth = 0 Then
			SQL = foundsql & " ORDER BY C.depth,C.rootid,C.ClassID"
			SQL = foundsql & " And C.depth=0 ORDER BY C.rootid,C.ClassID"
		End If
	End If
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	Newasp.SqlQueryNum = Newasp.SqlQueryNum + 1
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		Exit Function
		If Rs("StopChannel") <> 0 Then
			LoadClassMenu = ""
			Exit Function
		End If
		i = 0
		TotalNumber = Rs.RecordCount
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			i = i + 1
			If Rs("LinkTarget") <> 0 Then
				LinkTarget = " target=""_blank"""
				LinkTarget = ""
			End If
			If rootid = Rs("rootid") Then
				stylesheet = " class=""selmenulinks"""
				stylesheet = strClass
			End If
			ClassName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(Rs("ClassName"), Rs("ColorModes"), Rs("FontModes"))
			If Rs("TurnLink") <> 0 Then
				ClassName = "<a href=""" & Rs("TurnLinkUrl") & """" & LinkTarget & stylesheet & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & ClassName & "</a>"
				If Rs("IsCreateHtml") <> 0 Then
					m_strFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelDomain & Newasp.ReadDestination(Rs("SortDestination"), Rs("ChannelDir"), "",Rs("HtmlFileDir"),Rs("ClassID"),0,1,"")
					ClassName = "<a href=""" & m_strFileUrl & """" & LinkTarget & stylesheet & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & ClassName & "</a>"
					If IsURLRewrite Then
						m_strFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath & "list_1_" & Rs("ClassID") & Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt
						m_strFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath & "list.asp?classid=" & Rs("ClassID")
					End If
					ClassName = "<a href=""" & m_strFileUrl & """" & LinkTarget & stylesheet & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & ClassName & "</a>"
				End If
			End If
			If Compart <> "0" Then
				strContent = strContent & ClassName
				If i Mod CInt(PerRowNum) = 0 Or i = TotalNumber Then
					If i = TotalNumber Then
						strContent = strContent
						strContent = strContent & "<br/>"
					End If
						strContent = strContent & " " & Compart & " "
				End If
				strContent = strContent & Newasp.MainSetting(12)
				strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ClassMenu}", ClassName)
				strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$i}", i)
				strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$strwidth}", strwidth)
				If i = TotalNumber Then
					strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$w}", w)
					strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$w}", w) & vbCrLf
				End If
			End If
	End If
	Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
	LoadClassMenu = strContent
End Function
'作  用:读取分类菜单
'参  数:str ----原字符串
Function ReadClassMenu(ByVal str)
	Dim strTemp, i
	Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList
	Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
	str = ReadSpecialMenu(str)
	str = ReadCatalog(str)
	strTemp = str
	If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadClassMenu(") > 0 Then
		sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadClassMenu(", ")}", 1)
		nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadClassMenu(", ")}", 0)
		arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||")
		arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||")
		For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents)
			ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i) & ",0,0,0", ",")
			strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadClassMenu(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8)))
	End If
	ReadClassMenu = strTemp
End Function
'作  用:装载分类菜单栏
'参  数:ChannelID ----频道

Function LoadClassMenubar(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal ClassID, _
	ByVal TopNum, ByVal PerRowNum, ByVal frontstr, ByVal intDefault)
	Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundsql
	Dim rsClass, ParentID, Child, n
	Dim LinkTarget, HtmlFileUrl, ClassName, strClass
	Dim m_strFileUrl
	LoadClassMenubar = ""
	ChannelID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ChannelID)
	intDefault = Newasp.ChkNumeric(intDefault)
	If intDefault = 0 Then intDefault = 1
	If ChannelID = 0 Or ChannelID = 4 Or ChannelID = 9999 Then ChannelID = intDefault
	ClassID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ClassID)
	If Not IsNumeric(TopNum) Then Exit Function
	If Not IsNumeric(PerRowNum) Then Exit Function
	If frontstr <> "0" And frontstr <> "" Then
		frontstr = frontstr
		frontstr = ""
	End If
	foundsql = "SELECT TOP " & TopNum & " C.ClassID,C.depth,C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.Readme,C.Child,C.LinkTarget,C.TurnLink,C.TurnLinkUrl,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml,C.ShowCount,B.ChannelDir,B.StopChannel,B.ModuleName,B.IsCreateHtml,B.HtmlExtName,B.SortDestination FROM [NC_Classify] C INNER JOIN [NC_Channel] B On C.ChannelID=B.ChannelID WHERE C.ChannelID=" & CInt(ChannelID)
	If CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then
		Set rsClass = Newasp.Execute("SELECT parentid,Child FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID = " & CInt(ChannelID) & " And ClassID = " & CLng(ClassID))
		If rsClass.BOF And rsClass.EOF Then
			Exit Function
			ParentID = rsClass("parentid")
			Child = rsClass("Child")
		End If
		rsClass.Close: Set rsClass = Nothing
		If Child <> 0 Then
			SQL = foundsql & " And C.Parentid = " & CLng(ClassID) & " ORDER BY C.orders,C.ClassID"
			SQL = foundsql & " And C.Parentid = " & CLng(ParentID) & " ORDER BY C.orders,C.rootid"
		End If
		SQL = foundsql & " And C.depth=0 ORDER BY C.rootid,C.ClassID"
	End If
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		Exit Function
		If Rs("StopChannel") <> 0 Then
			LoadClassMenubar = ""
			Exit Function
		End If
		n = 0
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			For i = 1 To CInt(PerRowNum)
				n = n + 1
				strContent = strContent & "<li>"
				If Not Rs.EOF Then
					If Rs("LinkTarget") <> 0 Then
						LinkTarget = " target=""_blank"""
						LinkTarget = ""
					End If
					If Rs("ClassID") = CLng(ClassID) Then
						strClass = " class=""distinct"""
						strClass = " class=""menubar"""
					End If
					ClassName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(Replace(Rs("ClassName"), "&nbsp;", " "), Rs("ColorModes"), Rs("FontModes"))
					If Rs("TurnLink") <> 0 Then
						ClassName = "<a href=""" & Rs("TurnLinkUrl") & """" & LinkTarget & strClass & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & ClassName & "</a>"
						If Rs("IsCreateHtml") <> 0 Then
							m_strFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelDomain & Newasp.ReadDestination(Rs("SortDestination"), Rs("ChannelDir"), "",Rs("HtmlFileDir"),Rs("ClassID"),0,1,"")
							ClassName = "<a href=""" & m_strFileUrl & """" & LinkTarget & strClass & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & ClassName & "</a>"
							If IsURLRewrite Then
								m_strFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath & "list_1_" & Rs("ClassID") & Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt
								m_strFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath & "list.asp?classid=" & Rs("ClassID")
							End If
							ClassName = "<a href=""" & m_strFileUrl & """" & LinkTarget & strClass & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & ClassName & "</a>"
						End If
					End If
					strContent = strContent & Replace(frontstr, "*", n) & ClassName
					strContent = strContent & "</li>" & vbCrLf
					strContent = strContent & Replace(frontstr, "*", n) & "<a href=""" & Newasp.SiteUrl & Newasp.InstallDir & "support/sitemap.asp"" class=""menubar"">更多分类</a></li>" & vbCrLf
					Exit Do
				End If
	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing
	LoadClassMenubar = strContent
End Function
'作  用:读取分类菜单栏
'参  数:str ----原字符串
Function ReadClassMenubar(str)
	Dim strTemp, i
	Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList
	Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
	strTemp = str
	If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadClassMenubar(") > 0 Then
		sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadClassMenubar(", ")}", 1)
		nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadClassMenubar(", ")}", 0)
		arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||")
		arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||")
		For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents)
			ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i) & ",0,0", ",")
			strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadClassMenubar(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5)))
	End If
	ReadClassMenubar = strTemp
End Function
'作  用:频道目录
Function LoadCatalog(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal MaxParent, ByVal MaxChild, ByVal IsChild, ByVal intDefault)
	Dim Rs, oRs, SQL, i, strContent, foundsql
	Dim m_strMaxParent,m_strMaxChild
	Dim m_strTarget,m_strClassName,m_strLinks
	ChannelID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ChannelID)
	intDefault = Newasp.ChkNumeric(intDefault)
	If intDefault = 0 Then intDefault = 1
	If ChannelID = 0 Or ChannelID = 4 Or ChannelID = 9999 Then ChannelID = intDefault
	MaxParent = Newasp.ChkNumeric(MaxParent)
	If MaxParent > 0 Then m_strMaxParent = "TOP " & MaxParent
	MaxChild = Newasp.ChkNumeric(MaxChild)
	If MaxChild > 0 Then m_strMaxChild = "TOP " & MaxChild
	IsChild = Newasp.ChkNumeric(IsChild)
	SQL = "SELECT " & m_strMaxParent & " C.ClassID,C.rootid,C.depth,C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.Readme,C.Child,C.LinkTarget,C.TurnLink,C.TurnLinkUrl,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml,B.ChannelDir,B.StopChannel,B.IsCreateHtml,B.HtmlExtName,B.SortDestination FROM [NC_Classify] C inner join [NC_Channel] B On C.ChannelID=B.ChannelID WHERE C.ChannelID = " & CLng(ChannelID) & " And C.depth=0 ORDER BY C.rootid"
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		Set Rs = Nothing
		Exit Function
		strContent = ""
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			If Rs("LinkTarget") <> 0 Then
				m_strTarget = " target=""_blank"""
				m_strTarget = ""
			End If
			m_strClassName = Replace(Rs("ClassName"), "&nbsp;", " ")
			If Rs("TurnLink") <> 0 Then
				m_strClassName = "<a href=""" & Rs("TurnLinkUrl") & """" & m_strTarget & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & m_strClassName & "</a>"
				If Rs("IsCreateHtml") <> 0 Then
					m_strLinks = Newasp.ChannelDomain & Newasp.ReadDestination(Rs("SortDestination"), Rs("ChannelDir"), "",Rs("HtmlFileDir"),Rs("ClassID"),0,1,"")
					m_strClassName = "<a href=""" & m_strLinks & """" & m_strTarget & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & m_strClassName & "</a>"
					If IsURLRewrite Then
						m_strLinks = Newasp.ChannelPath & "list_1_" & Rs("ClassID") & Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt
						m_strLinks = Newasp.ChannelPath & "list.asp?classid=" & Rs("ClassID")
					End If
					m_strClassName = "<a href=""" & m_strLinks & """" & m_strTarget & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & m_strClassName & "</a>"
				End If
			End If
			If IsChild = 0 Then
				strContent = strContent & "<li>" & m_strClassName & "</li>" & vbCrLf
				strContent = strContent & "<dl>" & vbCrLf
				strContent = strContent & "<dt>" & m_strClassName & "</dt>" & vbCrLf
				If IsChild = 1 Then
					SQL = "And C.rootid=" & Rs("rootid") & " ORDER BY C.orders,C.ClassID"
					SQL = "And C.Parentid=" & Rs("classid") & " ORDER BY C.orders,C.ClassID"
				End If
				SQL = "SELECT " & m_strMaxChild & " C.ClassID,C.rootid,C.depth,C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.Readme,C.Child,C.LinkTarget,C.TurnLink,C.TurnLinkUrl,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml,B.ChannelDir,B.StopChannel,B.IsCreateHtml,B.HtmlExtName,B.SortDestination FROM [NC_Classify] C inner join [NC_Channel] B On C.ChannelID=B.ChannelID WHERE C.ChannelID = " & CLng(ChannelID) & " And C.depth>0 " & SQL
				Set oRs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
				If Not (oRs.BOF And oRs.EOF) Then
					Do While Not oRs.EOF
						If oRs("LinkTarget") <> 0 Then
							m_strTarget = " target=""_blank"""
							m_strTarget = ""
						End If
						m_strClassName = Replace(oRs("ClassName"), "&nbsp;", " ")
						If oRs("TurnLink") <> 0 Then
							m_strClassName = "<a href=""" & oRs("TurnLinkUrl") & """" & m_strTarget & LoadRemark(oRs("Readme")) & ">" & m_strClassName & "</a>"
							If oRs("IsCreateHtml") <> 0 Then
								m_strLinks = Newasp.ChannelDomain & Newasp.ReadDestination(oRs("SortDestination"), oRs("ChannelDir"), "",oRs("HtmlFileDir"),oRs("ClassID"),0,1,"")
								m_strClassName = "<a href=""" & m_strLinks & """" & m_strTarget & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & m_strClassName & "</a>"
								If IsURLRewrite Then
									m_strLinks = Newasp.ChannelPath & "list_1_" & oRs("ClassID") & Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt
									m_strLinks = Newasp.ChannelPath & "list.asp?classid=" & oRs("ClassID")
								End If
								m_strClassName = "<a href=""" & m_strLinks & """" & m_strTarget & LoadRemark(oRs("Readme")) & ">" & m_strClassName & "</a>"
							End If
						End If
						strContent = strContent & "<dd>" & m_strClassName & "</dd>" & vbCrLf
				End If
				Set oRs = Nothing
				strContent = strContent & "</dl>" & vbCrLf
			End If
	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing
	LoadCatalog = strContent
End Function
'作  用:读取分类菜单
'参  数:str ----原字符串
Function ReadCatalog(ByVal str)
	Dim strTemp, i
	Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList
	Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
	strTemp = str
	If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadCatalog(") > 0 Then
		sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadCatalog(", ")}", 1)
		nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadCatalog(", ")}", 0)
		arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||")
		arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||")
		For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents)
			ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i) & ",0,0", ",")
			strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadCatalog(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4)))
	End If
	ReadCatalog = strTemp
End Function
'作  用:专题栏目菜单
Function LoadSpecialMenu(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal showother, ByVal maxnum, ByVal frontstr)
	Dim SQL, Rs
	Dim strTemp, SpecialPath,strContext
	Dim LinkTarget,ChannelPath,Topicformat,IsCreateHtml
	Dim Modules,sModuleName,HtmlExtName,strMaxnum
	Dim strChannelDir,strMoreDestination,strChannelDomain
	ChannelID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ChannelID)
	showother = Newasp.ChkNumeric(showother)
	maxnum = Newasp.ChkNumeric(maxnum)
	If maxnum = 0 Then
		strMaxnum = vbNullString
		strMaxnum = " TOP " & maxnum
	End If
	If frontstr = "0" Then
		frontstr = vbNullString
	End If
	LoadSpecialMenu = vbNullString
	If ChannelID < 1 Or ChannelID = 4 Then 
		Exit Function
	End If
	'On Error Resume Next
	SQL = "SELECT ChannelID,ChannelDir,StopChannel,ModuleName,Modules,IsCreateHtml,HtmlExtName,MoreDestination,BindDomain,DomainName FROM [NC_Channel] WHERE ChannelID="& ChannelID
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		Set Rs = Nothing
		Exit Function
		IsCreateHtml = Rs("IsCreateHtml")
		ChannelPath = Rs("ChannelDir")
		strChannelDir = Rs("ChannelDir")
		Modules = Rs("Modules")
		sModuleName = Rs("ModuleName")
		strMoreDestination = Rs("MoreDestination")
		HtmlExtName = Rs("HtmlExtName")
		If Newasp.IsBindDomain = 0 Then
			If Rs("BindDomain") = "0" Then
				ChannelPath = Trim(Newasp.SiteUrl) & Newasp.InstallDir & ChannelPath
				strChannelDomain = Trim(Newasp.SiteUrl) & ""
				If Rs("ChannelID") = CLng(Newasp.m_intChannelID) Then
					ChannelPath = "/"
					strChannelDomain = "/"
					ChannelPath = Trim(Rs("DomainName")) & "/"
					strChannelDomain = Trim(Rs("DomainName")) & ""
				End If
			End If
			If Rs("BindDomain") = "0" Then
				ChannelPath = Trim(Newasp.SiteUrl) & Newasp.InstallDir & ChannelPath
				strChannelDomain = Trim(Newasp.SiteUrl) & ""
				If Rs("ChannelID") = CLng(Newasp.m_intChannelID) Then
					ChannelPath = "/"
					strChannelDomain = ""
					ChannelPath = Trim(Rs("DomainName")) & "/"
					strChannelDomain = Trim(Rs("DomainName")) & ""
				End If
			End If
		End If

	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing

	SQL = "SELECT" & strMaxnum & " SpecialID,SpecialName,Topicformat,Readme,Reopen,SpecialDir,ChangeLink,SpecialUrl FROM [NC_Special] WHERE ChannelID="& ChannelID &" ORDER BY orders,SpecialID"
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
	Do While Not Rs.EOF
		If Rs("Reopen") <> 0 Then
			LinkTarget = " target=""_blank"""
			LinkTarget = ""
		End If
		If Rs("ChangeLink") <> 0 Then
			SpecialPath = Rs("SpecialUrl")
			If IsCreateHtml <> 0 Then
				SpecialPath = strChannelDomain & Newasp.ReadDestination(strMoreDestination, strChannelDir, "",Rs("SpecialDir")&"/",Rs("SpecialID"),Rs("SpecialID"),1,"special")
				'SpecialPath = Replace(SpecialPath, "//", "/")
				SpecialPath = ChannelPath & "special.asp?sid=" & Rs("SpecialID")
				'SpecialPath = Replace(SpecialPath, "//", "/")
			End If
		End If
		Topicformat = Rs("Topicformat") & ""
		If Len(Topicformat) = 0 Then
			Topicformat = Rs("SpecialName")
			Topicformat = "<span " & Topicformat & ">" & Rs("SpecialName") & "</span>"
		End If
		strTemp = strTemp & "<li>" & frontstr & "<a href=""" & SpecialPath & """" & LinkTarget & LoadRemark(Rs("Readme")) & ">" & Topicformat & "</a></li>" & vbCrLf
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Dim ArrayModuleName(3)
	ArrayModuleName(0) = "推荐" & sModuleName
	ArrayModuleName(1) = "热门" & sModuleName
	ArrayModuleName(2) = "最新" & sModuleName
	ArrayModuleName(3) = "全部更新"
	If showother <> 0 Then
		If IsCreateHtml <> 0 Then
			Dim strPathArray(3)
			strPathArray(0) = strChannelDomain & Newasp.ReadDestination(strMoreDestination, strChannelDir, "","best/",1,1,1,"best")
			strPathArray(1) = strChannelDomain & Newasp.ReadDestination(strMoreDestination, strChannelDir, "","hot/",3,3,1,"hot")
			strPathArray(2) = strChannelDomain & Newasp.ReadDestination(strMoreDestination, strChannelDir, "","new/",0,0,1,"new")
			'strPathArray(0) = Replace(strChannelDomain & strPathArray(0), "//", "/")
			'strPathArray(1) = Replace(strChannelDomain & strPathArray(1), "//", "/")
			'strPathArray(2) = Replace(strChannelDomain & strPathArray(2), "//", "/")
			strTemp = strTemp & "<li>" & frontstr & "<a href=""" & strPathArray(0) & """>" & ArrayModuleName(0) & "</a></li>" & vbCrLf
			strTemp = strTemp & "<li>" & frontstr & "<a href=""" & strPathArray(1) & """>" & ArrayModuleName(1) & "</a></li>" & vbCrLf
			strTemp = strTemp & "<li>" & frontstr & "<a href=""" & strPathArray(2) & """>" & ArrayModuleName(2) & "</a></li>" & vbCrLf
			strTemp = strTemp & "<li>" & frontstr & "<a href=""" & ChannelPath & "showbest.asp"">" & ArrayModuleName(0) & "</a></li>" & vbCrLf
			strTemp = strTemp & "<li>" & frontstr & "<a href=""" & ChannelPath & "showhot.asp"">" & ArrayModuleName(1) & "</a></li>" & vbCrLf
			strTemp = strTemp & "<li>" & frontstr & "<a href=""" & ChannelPath & "shownew.asp"">" & ArrayModuleName(2) & "</a></li>" & vbCrLf
		End If
		If Modules = 2 Then
			strTemp = strTemp & "<li>" & frontstr & "<a href=""" & ChannelPath & "showtype.asp"">" & ArrayModuleName(3) & "</a></li>" & vbCrLf
		End If
	End If
	LoadSpecialMenu = strTemp
End Function
'作  用:读取专题菜单
'参  数:str ----原字符串
Function ReadSpecialMenu(str)
	Dim strTemp, i
	Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList
	Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
	strTemp = str
	If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadSpecialMenu(") > 0 Then
		sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadSpecialMenu(", ")}", 1)
		nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadSpecialMenu(", ")}", 0)
		arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||")
		arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||")
		For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents)
			ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i) & ",0,0,0", ",")
			strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadSpecialMenu(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3)))
	End If
	ReadSpecialMenu = strTemp
End Function
Sub isWeb_Query()
	Dim keyword
	keyword = Replace(Request("keyword"), "'", "")
	Response.Write "<div id=""Seardata"" style=""height:500px;"">"
	Response.Write "<iframe name=""WebSearch"" id=""WebSearch"" frameborder=""0"" width=""100%"" height=""100%"" scrolling=""auto"" src=""http://so.newasp.net/search.asp?word="&keyword&"""></iframe>"
	Response.Write "</div>"
	Response.Write "<script language=""JavaScript"">" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<!--" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "var obj=parent.document.getElementById(""searchmain"");" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "var SearchData = document.getElementById(""Seardata"");" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "obj.style.height=(parent.document.getElementById(""searchmain"").offsetHeight)+'px';" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "obj.innerHTML = SearchData.innerHTML;" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "//-->" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</script>" & vbNewLine
End Sub
Function SearchObj()
	Dim strTemp,keyword
	keyword = Replace(Request("keyword"), "'", "")
	strTemp = "<script language=""JavaScript"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "<!--" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "var ToUrl=""search.asp?act=isweb&keyword=" & keyword & "&s=1"";" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "var HFrame = document.getElementById(""hiddenquery"")" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "var obj = document.getElementById(""searchmain"");" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "if (HFrame){" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	HFrame.src=ToUrl;" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "if (obj){" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	obj.style.height=""1024"";" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	obj.style.display=='none'" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "//-->" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "</script>" & vbNewLine
	SearchObj = strTemp
End Function

Function htmlmorepage(page,Pcount,totalnumber,maxperpage,strLink,ExtName,ListName)
	Dim strTemp, b, e
	Dim pagestart,pageend
	Dim i, ii,  n, p, s
	b = 5 : e = 5 : s = "五"
	pagestart = page - 50
	pageend = page + 50
	If pagestart < 1 Then
		pagestart = 2
	End If
	If pageend > Pcount Then
		pageend = Pcount
	End If

	If (page - 1) Mod b = 0 Then
		p = (page-1) \ b
		p = ((page-1) - (page-1) Mod b) \ b
	End If
	If totalnumber Mod maxperpage = 0 Then
		n = totalnumber \ maxperpage
		n = (totalnumber - totalnumber Mod maxperpage) \ maxperpage + 1
	End If
	strTemp = "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""Tableborder5"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	<form method=""post"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	<tr align=""center"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""" & ListName & """>&nbsp;" & ListName & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""总数"">&nbsp;" & totalnumber & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""每页"">&nbsp;" & maxperpage & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""页次"">&nbsp;" & page & "/" & Pcount & "页&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	If page = 1 Then
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;首页&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & strLink & "001" & ExtName & """ title=""首页"">首页</a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	End If
	If p * b > 0 Then
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & strLink & Newasp.Supplemental(p*b,3) & ExtName & """ title=""上" & s & "页"">上" & s & "页</a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
		'strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;上一页&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	End If
	For i = p * b + 1 To p * b + e
		If i = page Then
			strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody2"">&nbsp;<font class=""normalTextSmall""><u><b>" & i & "</b></u></font>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
			strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & strLink & Newasp.Supplemental(i,3) & ExtName & """ title=""第" & i & "页"">" & i & "</a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
		End if
		If i = n Then Exit For
	If i < n Then
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & strLink & Newasp.Supplemental(i,3) & ExtName & """ title=""下" & s & "页"">下" & s & "页</a>&nbsp;<td>" & vbNewLine
		'strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;下一页&nbsp;<td>" & vbNewLine
	End If

	If page = n Then
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;尾页&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & strLink & Newasp.Supplemental(n,3) & ExtName & """ title=""尾页"">尾页</a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	End If
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""转到"">&nbsp;GO&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1""><select class=""PageInput"" name=""page"" size=""1"" onchange=""javascript:window.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"">" & vbNewLine
	If pagestart > 0 Then
		For ii = pagestart To pageend'Pcount
			If ii = page Then
				strTemp = strTemp & "<option value=""" & strLink & Newasp.Supplemental(ii,3) & ExtName & """ selected>第" & ii & "页</option>"
				strTemp = strTemp & "<option value=""" & strLink & Newasp.Supplemental(ii,3) & ExtName & """>第" & ii & "页</option>"
			End If
	End If

	strTemp = strTemp & "</select></td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	</tr>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	</form>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "</table>" & vbNewLine
	htmlmorepage = strTemp
End Function

Function showlistpage(page, Pcount, totalnumber, maxperpage, strLink, ListName)
        Dim strTemp, sName
        Dim i, n, p, s, b, e
        b = 5
        e = 5
        s = "五"
        sName = ""
        If (page - 1) Mod b = 0 Then
                p = (page -1) \ b
                p = ((page -1) - (page -1) Mod b) \ b
        End If
        If totalnumber Mod maxperpage = 0 Then
                n = totalnumber \ maxperpage
                n = (totalnumber - totalnumber Mod maxperpage) \ maxperpage + 1
        End If
		If IsURLRewrite Then
			If InStr(strLink,"classid") > 0 And InStr(strLink,"word") = 0 Then
				strLink = "_" & Trim(Request("classid")) & Newasp.HtmlExtName
				sName = "list_"
				sName = "?page="
			End If
			sName = "?page="
		End If
        strTemp = "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""Tableborder5"">" & vbNewLine
		If IsURLRewrite Then
			strTemp = strTemp & "	<form method=""post"" name=""formPages"">" & vbNewLine
			strTemp = strTemp & "	<form method=""post"" action=""?pcount="& Pcount & strLink & """>" & vbNewLine
		End If
        strTemp = strTemp & "	<tr align=""center"">" & vbNewLine
        strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""" & ListName & """>&nbsp;" & ListName & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
        strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""总数"">&nbsp;" & totalnumber & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
        strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""每页"">&nbsp;" & maxperpage & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
        strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""页次"">&nbsp;" & page & "/" & Pcount & "页&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine

        If page = 1 Then
                strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "First.gif"" alt=""首页"" />&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
                strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & sName & "1" & strLink & """ title=""首页""><img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "First.gif"" /></a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
        End If
        If p * b > 0 Then
                strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & sName & p * b & strLink & """ title=""上" & s & "页""><img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Previous.gif"" /></a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
                'strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Previous.gif"" />&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
        End If

        For i = p * b + 1 To p * b + e

                If i = page Then
                        strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody2"">&nbsp;<font class=""normalTextSmall""><u><b>" & i & "</b></u></font>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
                        strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & sName & i & strLink & """ title=""第" & i & "页"">" & i & "</a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
                End If
                If i = n Then Exit For

        If i < n Then
                strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & sName & i & strLink & """ title=""下" & s & "页""><img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Next.gif"" /></a>&nbsp;<td>" & vbNewLine
                'strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Next.gif"" />&nbsp;<td>" & vbNewLine
        End If

        If page = n Then
                strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Last.gif"" alt=""尾页"" />&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
                strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & sName & n & strLink & """ title=""尾页""><img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Last.gif"" /></a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
        End If

        strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1""><input class=""PageInput"" type=""text"" name=""page"" size=""1"" maxlength=""10"" value=""" & page & """></td>" & vbNewLine
		If IsURLRewrite Then
			strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1""><input type=""button"" value=""Go"" name=""B2"" class=""button"" onclick=""javascript:window.location='" & sName & "'+formPages.page.value+'"& strLink & "';"" /></td>" & vbNewLine
			strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1""><input type=""submit"" value=""Go"" name=""submit"" class=""button"" /></td>" & vbNewLine
		End If
        strTemp = strTemp & "	</tr>" & vbNewLine
        strTemp = strTemp & "	</form>" & vbNewLine
        strTemp = strTemp & "</table>" & vbNewLine
        showlistpage = strTemp
End Function

Function CurrentNum(ByVal num)
	If Len(num) = 1 Then
		CurrentNum = CStr("00")
		Exit Function
	ElseIf Len(num) = 2 Then
		CurrentNum = CStr("0")
		Exit Function
		CurrentNum = ""
	End If
End Function

Function AdsReplace(ByVal strHTML,ByVal strCode,ByVal istop)
	Dim ArrayAdsCode
	If istop = 0 Then
		ArrayAdsCode = Split(strCode & "|||||||||", "|||")
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode1}", ArrayAdsCode(0))
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode2}", ArrayAdsCode(1))
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode3}", ArrayAdsCode(2))
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode4}", ArrayAdsCode(3))
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode5}", ArrayAdsCode(4))
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode1}", "")
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode2}", "")
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode3}", "")
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode4}", "")
		strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode5}", "")
	End If
	strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "{$AdsCode}", vbNullString)
	AdsReplace = strHTML
End Function

Function showhtmlpage(page,Pcount,totalnumber,maxperpage,strFilename,ListName)
	Dim strTemp, b, e
	Dim pagestart,pageend
	Dim i, ii,  n, p, s
	b = 5 : e = 5 : s = "五"
	pagestart = page - 50
	pageend = page + 50
	If pagestart < 1 Then
		pagestart = 2
	End If
	If pageend > Pcount Then
		pageend = Pcount
	End If

	If (page - 1) Mod b = 0 Then
		p = (page-1) \ b
		p = ((page-1) - (page-1) Mod b) \ b
	End If
	If totalnumber Mod maxperpage = 0 Then
		n = totalnumber \ maxperpage
		n = (totalnumber - totalnumber Mod maxperpage) \ maxperpage + 1
	End If
	strTemp = "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" class=""Tableborder5"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	<form method=""post"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	<tr align=""center"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""" & ListName & """>&nbsp;" & ListName & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""总数"">&nbsp;" & totalnumber & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""每页"">&nbsp;" & maxperpage & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""页次"">&nbsp;" & page & "/" & Pcount & "页&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	If page = 1 Then
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "First.gif"" alt=""首页"" />&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & Replace(strFilename, "[page]", "1", 1, -1, 1) & """ title=""首页""><img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "First.gif"" /></a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	End If
	If p * b > 0 Then
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & Replace(strFilename, "[page]", p*b, 1, -1, 1) & """ title=""上" & s & "页""><img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Previous.gif"" /></a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
		'strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Previous.gif"" />&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	End If
	For i = p * b + 1 To p * b + e
		If i = page Then
			strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody2"">&nbsp;<font class=""normalTextSmall""><u><b>" & i & "</b></u></font>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
			strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & Replace(strFilename, "[page]", i, 1, -1, 1) & """ title=""第" & i & "页"">" & i & "</a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
		End if
		If i = n Then Exit For
	If i < n Then
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & Replace(strFilename, "[page]", i, 1, -1, 1) & """ title=""下" & s & "页""><img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Next.gif"" /></a>&nbsp;<td>" & vbNewLine
		'strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Next.gif"" />&nbsp;<td>" & vbNewLine
	End If

	If page = n Then
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Last.gif"" alt=""尾页"" />&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
		strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1"">&nbsp;<a href=""" & Replace(strFilename, "[page]", n, 1, -1, 1) & """ title=""尾页""><img border=""0"" src=""" & ImagePath & "Last.gif"" /></a>&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	End If
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tabletitle1"" title=""转到"">&nbsp;GO&nbsp;</td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<td class=""tablebody1""><select class=""PageInput"" name=""page"" size=""1"" onchange=""javascript:window.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		<option value=""" & Replace(strFilename, "[page]", "1", 1, -1, 1) & """>第1页</option>"
	If pagestart > 1 Then
		For ii = pagestart To pageend'Pcount
			If ii = page Then
				strTemp = strTemp & "<option value=""" & Replace(strFilename, "[page]", ii, 1, -1, 1) & """ selected>第" & ii & "页</option>"
				strTemp = strTemp & "<option value=""" & Replace(strFilename, "[page]", ii, 1, -1, 1) & """>第" & ii & "页</option>"
			End If
	End If

	strTemp = strTemp & "</select></td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	</tr>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	</form>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "</table>" & vbNewLine
	showhtmlpage = strTemp
End Function