www.gusucode.com > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码 > 艺术签名文章资讯网源代码/624/user/config.asp

    <!--#include file="../conn.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../inc/const.asp"-->
Dim FoundErr,ErrMsg,Position,Postmsg,sucmsg
Dim ChannelID,rsChannel
ChannelID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(Request("ChannelID"))
ChannelID = CLng(ChannelID)
If ChannelID > 0 Then
	Set rsChannel = Newasp.Execute("Select ChannelID From NC_Channel where ChannelType < 2 And ChannelID = " & ChannelID)
	If Not (rsChannel.bof And rsChannel.EOF) Then
	End If
	rsChannel.Close:Set rsChannel = Nothing
	ChannelID = 0
End If
FoundErr = False
Postmsg = "<li>非法操作,请不要从外部提交数据!</li>"

Function GetVerifyCode()
	Dim Test
	On Error Resume Next
	Set Test = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
	Set Test = Nothing
	If Err Then
		Dim zNum
		Randomize Timer
		zNum = CInt(8999 * Rnd + 1000)
		Session("GetCode") = zNum
		GetVerifyCode = Session("GetCode")
		GetVerifyCode = "<img src=""../inc/getcode.asp"">"
	End If
End Function
'作  用:通用分页
Function ShowPages(CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,PageNum,str)
	Dim strTemp,strRequest
	strRequest = str
	strTemp = "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=""100%"" align=center>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "<tr><td valign=middle nowrap>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "页次:<b><font color=red>" & CurrentPage & "</font></b>/<b>" & Pcount & "</b>页&nbsp;" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "每页<b>" & PageNum & "</b> 总数<b>" & totalrec & "</b></td>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "<td valign=middle nowrap align=right>分页:" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "<script language=""JavaScript"">" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "<!--" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "var CurrentPage=" & CurrentPage & ";" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "var Pcount=" & Pcount & ";" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "var Endpage=0;" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "if (CurrentPage > 4){" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	document.write ('<a href=""?page=1" & strRequest & """>[1]</a> ...');" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "if (Pcount>CurrentPage+3)" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "{" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	Endpage=CurrentPage+3" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "else{" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	Endpage=Pcount" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "for (var i=CurrentPage-3;i<=Endpage;i++)" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "{" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	if (i>=1){" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		if (i == CurrentPage)" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		{" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "			document.write ('<font color=""#FF0000"">['+i+']</font>');" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "			}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		else{" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "			document.write ('<a href=""?page='+i+'" & strRequest & """>['+i+']</a>');" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "		}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "if (CurrentPage+3 < Pcount){" & vbNewLine 
	strTemp = strTemp & "	document.write ('...<a href=""?page='+Pcount+'" & strRequest & """>['+Pcount+']</a>');" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "if (Endpage == 0){ " & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "	document.write ('...');" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "}" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "//-->" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "</script>" & vbNewLine
	strTemp = strTemp & "</td></tr></table>"
	ShowPages = strTemp
End Function
'作  用:返回错误信息
Sub Returnerr(message)
	Response.Write "<html><head><title>错误提示信息!</title><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=gb2312>" & vbCrLf
	Response.Write "<link href=user_style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css></head><body><br /><br />" & vbCrLf
	Response.Write "<table width=460 border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
	Response.Write "<tr bgcolor='#3795d2'>"
	Response.Write "  <td height='25' valign='top' bgcolor='#3795d2'> <img src='images/user_msg.gif' width=69 height=20></td>"
	Response.Write "  <td align='right' valign='top'> <img src='images/user_login_02.gif' width=4 height=4></td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"
	Response.Write "<tr>"
	Response.Write "  <td width=526 height=1 colspan=2 bgcolor=#f8f6f5></td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"
	Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#f8f6f5>"
	Response.Write "  <td width=355 valign='top' style='padding-left: 10px;padding-top: 5px;'><font color=#3795D2><b>产生错误的可能原因:</b></font><br>" & message & "</td>"
	Response.Write "  <td> <img src='images/user_err.gif' width=95 height=97></td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"
	Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#f8f6f5><td align=center colspan=2><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>返回上一页...</a></td></tr>"
	Response.Write "<tr bgcolor='#3795d2'>"
	Response.Write "  <td height='8' valign='bottom'> <img src='images/user_login_04.gif' width=4 height=4></td>"
	Response.Write "  <td align='right' valign='bottom'> <img src='images/user_login_05.gif' width=4 height=4></td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"
	Response.Write "</table>"
	Response.Write "<br /><br /></body></html>"
End Sub
'作  用:返回成功信息
Sub Returnsuc(message)
	Response.Write "<html><head><title>成功提示信息!</title><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=gb2312>" & vbCrLf
	Response.Write "<link href=user_style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css></head><body><br /><br />" & vbCrLf
	Response.Write "<table width=460 border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
	Response.Write "<tr bgcolor='#3795d2'>"
	Response.Write "  <td height='25' valign='top' bgcolor='#3795d2'> <img src='images/user_msg.gif' width=69 height=20></td>"
	Response.Write "  <td align='right' valign='top'> <img src='images/user_login_02.gif' width=4 height=4></td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"
	Response.Write "<tr>"
	Response.Write "  <td width=526 height=1 colspan=2 bgcolor=#f8f6f5></td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"
	Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#f8f6f5>"
	Response.Write "  <td width=355 style='padding-left: 10px;padding-top: 5px;'><br>" & message & "</td>"
	Response.Write "  <td> <img src='images/user_suc.gif' width=95 height=97></td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"
	Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#f8f6f5><td align=center colspan=2><a href=" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") & ">返回上一页...</a></td></tr>"
	Response.Write "<tr bgcolor='#3795d2'>"
	Response.Write "  <td height='8' valign='bottom'> <img src='images/user_login_04.gif' width=4 height=4></td>"
	Response.Write "  <td align='right' valign='bottom'> <img src='images/user_login_05.gif' width=4 height=4></td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"
	Response.Write "</table>"
	Response.Write "<br /><br /></body></html>"
End Sub
Function FormatDated(DateAndTime, para)
	FormatDated = ""
	Dim strDate
	If Not IsDate(DateAndTime) Then Exit Function
	If DateAndTime >= Date Then
		strDate = "<font color=red>"
		strDate = strDate & Newasp.FormatDate(DateAndTime, para)
		strDate = strDate & "</font>"
		strDate = "<font color=#808080>"
		strDate = strDate & Newasp.FormatDate(DateAndTime, para)
		strDate = strDate & "</font>"
	End If
	FormatDated = strDate
End Function

Sub InnerLocation(msg)
	Response.Write "<script language=""JavaScript"">locationid.innerHTML = """ & msg & """;</script>"
End Sub

Function AddUserPointNum(username,stype)
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim rsuser,GroupSetting,userpoint
	Set rsuser = Newasp.Execute("SELECT userid,UserGrade,userpoint FROM NC_User WHERE username='"& username &"'")
	If Not(rsuser.BOF And rsuser.EOF) Then
		GroupSetting = Split(Newasp.UserGroupSetting(rsuser("UserGrade")), "|||")(9)
		If CInt(stype) = 1 Then
			userpoint = CLng(rsuser("userpoint") + GroupSetting)
			Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_User SET userpoint="& userpoint &",experience=experience+2,charm=charm+1 WHERE userid="& rsuser("userid"))
			userpoint = CLng(rsuser("userpoint") - GroupSetting)
			Newasp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_User SET userpoint="& userpoint &",experience=experience-2,charm=charm-1 WHERE userid="& rsuser("userid"))
		End If
	End If
	Set rsuser = Nothing
End Function

Function CheckLogin()
	CheckLogin = False
	Dim Rs,C_UserName,C_UserID
	C_UserName = Newasp.CheckBadstr(Newasp.memberName)
	C_UserID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(Newasp.memberid)
	Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT userid FROM [NC_User] WHERE username='" & C_UserName & "' And userid=" & CLng(C_UserID))
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		Response.Cookies(Newasp.Cookies_Name) = ""
		CheckLogin = False
		CheckLogin = True
	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing
End Function

Public Function Re_Replace(str,retxt,replacetxt)
	Dim Re
	retxt = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(retxt, "[", "\["), "]", "\]"), "(", "\("), ")", "\)"), "$", "\$"), "^", "\^"), "{", "\{"), "}", "\}"), "+", "\+"), ".", "\.")
	'replacetxt = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(replacetxt, "[", "\["), "]", "\]"), "(", "\("), ")", "\)"), "$", "\$"), "^", "\^"), "{", "\{"), "}", "\}"), "+", "\+"), ".", "\.")
	Set Re = New RegExp
	Re.IgnoreCase = True
	Re.Global = True
	Re.Pattern = retxt
	Re_Replace = Re.Replace(str,replacetxt)
	Set Re = Nothing
End Function
