www.gusucode.com > 25175 学生成绩管理查询系统码程序 > ADMIN/admin_post.asp

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'powered by 25175
'= 文件名称:admin_post.asp
'= 摘    要:公告管理
cj_webtit="后台管理首页 - 公告管理"
cj_webmap="<a href=admin.asp class=Class>后台管理首页</a> - 公告管理"

'= 最后日期:2006-3.1
Call admin_log
Call admin_yz(4)
%>	<p align=center>
<table width="742" border='0' align='center' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1' class='border'>
<tr class="topbg">
		<td align=center width="5%" colspan=4><b>系统公告管理  <input type="button" onclick="javascript:window.location.href = 'admin_add.asp?kind=post'" name="Submit2" value="添加新公告"></td>

			page = CLng(request("page"))                            '利用CLng函数把page值转换为Long型
			sql="select * from cj_post order by id desc"
			rs.Open sql,conn,1,1
            if not (rs.EOF or rs.BOF) Then

	<tr  class="title">
		<td align=center width="5%"><b>ID</td>
		<td width="50%"><b>公告标题</td>
		<td width="35%"><b>发布时间</td>
		<td width="10%"><b>删除</td>
<form method="POST" id=form1 name=form1>
            rs.PageSize = 12  '每页显示的条数
            If page < 1 Then page = 1 
            If page > rs.PageCount Then page = rs.PageCount  
            rs.AbsolutePage = page
            For ipage = 1 To rs.PageSize
	<tr class='tdbg' onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor=''" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#BFDFFF'">
		<td align=center><%=rs("id")%></td>
		<td class="style4" onClick="window.location.href='<%=cj_SystemFolder%>admin/updata.asp?kind=post&id=<%=rs("id")%>'">·<%=rs("title")%></td>
		<td class="style4"><%=rs("data")%></td>
		<td class="style4"><input type="checkbox" name="answer" value="<%=rs("id")%>" id="Checkbox1"></td>
                If rs.EOF Then Exit For   
				End If 

	<tr class='tdbg'>
        <td height="20" colspan="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;
			<input type="checkbox" name="chkall" value="on" onClick="checkall(this)" id="Checkbox2">
			<input type="button" name="btnDelete" value="删除" style='font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9pt;' onClick="del()" id="Button1">&nbsp;
			<input type="reset" name="b" value="重置" style='font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9pt;' id="Button1">            
   <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="742">
              <td align="center">
					If page = 1 Then 
					   Response.Write "<font class='white'>首页 上一页</font>" 
					End If
					If page <> 1 Then 
					   Response.Write "<a href=admin_post.asp?page=1 class='yellow'>首页</a>" 
					   Response.Write " <a href=admin_post.asp?page=" & (page - 1) & " class='yellow'>上一页</a>" 
					End If
					If page <> RS.PageCount Then 
					   Response.Write " <a href=admin_post.asp?page=" & (page + 1) & " class='yellow'>下一页</a>" 
					   Response.Write " <a href=admin_post.asp?page=" & RS.PageCount & " class='yellow'>尾页</a>" 
					End If 
					If page = RS.PageCount Then 
					   Response.Write " <font class='white'>下一页 尾页</font>" 
					End If
				  页次:<strong><font color=red><%=page%></font>/<%=rs.PageCount%></strong>  跳转:<select onchange="location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
			  <% For pags=1 To rs.PageCount
				<option value=<%
				response.write "admin_post.asp?page="&pags
				If pags=page Then response.write " selected" 

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