www.gusucode.com > citySHOP B2C商城系统 进销存 2.0.6码程序 > upload/goodslist.php

include_once './include/common.inc.php';

if (!$param) {
$BASEFILENAME = 'goodslist';
$headlinks = showlinks('css','style');
$jslinks = showlinks('js','common');

$cates = explode('-', $param);

$cate1 = intval($cates[0]);
$cate2 = intval($cates[1]);
$cate3 = intval($cates[2]);
$cate4 = intval($cates[3]);
$cate5 = intval($cates[4]);
$cate6 = intval($cates[5]);
$cate7 = intval($cates[6]);
$cate8 = intval($cates[7]);
$cate9 = intval($cates[8]);
$cate10 = intval($cates[9]);
$ordertype = intval($cates[10]);
$listtype = intval($cates[11]);

$where = "WHERE g.gid=ga.gid AND g.selling='1' ";

$where .= $cate1 ? " AND g.category1='$cate1' " : '';
$where .= $cate2 ? " AND g.category2='$cate2' " : '';
$where .= $cate3 ? " AND g.category3='$cate3' " : '';
$where .= $cate4 ? " AND ga.category4='$cate4' " : '';
$where .= $cate5 ? " AND ga.category5='$cate5' " : '';
$where .= $cate6 ? " AND ga.category6='$cate6' " : '';
$where .= $cate7 ? " AND ga.category7='$cate7' " : '';
$where .= $cate8 ? " AND ga.category8='$cate8' " : '';
$where .= $cate9 ? " AND ga.category9='$cate9' " : '';
$where .= $cate10 ? " AND ga.category10='$cate10' " : '';

foreach ($menus_array as $menu) {
    if ($menu['type'] == 'category' && $menu['id'] == $cate1) {
        $hovscript = $category_head . $menu['url'] . $category_end;

$listtype = $listtype == 0 ? 2 : $listtype;
$ordertype = $ordertype == 0 ? 1 : $ordertype;
$gorder = $goodsrank[$ordertype];

$where .= "GROUP BY g.subject ORDER BY g.$gorder[0] $gorder[1]";
$hrefstr = "$goodslist_head$cate1-$cate2-$cate3-$cate4-$cate5-$cate6-$cate7-$cate8-$cate9-$cate10";
$tpp = $tpps['goodslist'];
$page = max(1, intval($cates[12]));
$start_limit = ($page - 1) * $tpp;
$query = $db->query("SELECT g.gid FROM {$tablepre}goods g,{$tablepre}goodsattr ga $where");
$countnum = $db->num_rows($query);

$multipage = multi($countnum, $tpp, $page, "$hrefstr-$ordertype-$listtype-%page%$goodslist_end");

$query = $db->query("SELECT g.category3,g.unit,g.sold,g.bbmark,g.zsold,g.subject,g.adsubject,g.photos,g.gid,g.replys,g.discount,g.asks,ga.*,g.eprice,GROUP_CONCAT(g.gid) as gids FROM {$tablepre}goods g,{$tablepre}goodsattr ga $where LIMIT $start_limit,$tpp");
$goods = $tmpgoods = array();
$gids = '0';
while ($arr = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
	$tmpgoods[] = $arr;
	$gids .= ','.$arr['gids'];
 * 颜色
$cateids = $cates = array(); 
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}goodsattr WHERE gid IN ($gids)");
while ($arr = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
    $cates[$arr['gid']] = array($arr['category4'],$arr['category5'],$arr['category6'],$arr['category7'],$arr['category8'],$arr['category9'],$arr['category10']);
    $cateids = array_merge($cateids,$cates[$arr['gid']]);

$cateidstr = implode(',', $cateids);
$cateidstr = empty($cateidstr) ? '0' : $cateidstr;
$hideattr = $categorys['hideattr'];
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}category WHERE categoryid IN ($cateidstr)");
while ($arr = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
    if (array_key_exists($arr['owner'], $hideattr)) {
    	if($hideattr[$arr['owner']]['name'] == '颜色'){
    		$attrowner[$arr['categoryid']] = $arr;
foreach($tmpgoods as $arr){
	$gdnum = $goods_start_number + $arr['gid'];
	$arr['zsold'] = $arr['sold']+$arr['zsold'];  
    $arr['photos'] = unserialize($arr['photos']);
    $arr['zprice'] = number_format($arr['eprice'] * ($arr['discount'] / 10), 2);
    $attrs = '';
    $atrids = explode(',',$arr['gids']);
    $atrids = array_unique($atrids);
    foreach($atrids as $gdid){
	    foreach($cates[$gdid] as $cid){
	    	if(isset($attrowner[$cid])) {
				$attrs .= "<a href=\"$goods_head$gdid$goods_end\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"background:".$attrowner[$cid]['color']."\" title=\"".$attrowner[$cid]['name']."\"></a>";
    $arr['attrs'] = $attrs;
	$goods[] = $arr;	

 * 颜色
$catestr = $catetitle = $catekey = '';

$catetitle = $categorys[0][$cate1]['name'];

if ($cate3) {
    $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}category WHERE owner='$cate3' OR categoryid='$cate3' ORDER BY `order` DESC,`categoryid` ASC");
    $cateitems = $cateitemlist = array();
    $cateitemids = $tagstr = '';
    $i = 3;
    while ($arr = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        if ($arr['owner'] != $cate3) {
            $catetitle = $arr['name'];
        } else {
            $arr['insernum'] = 'category' . $i;
            $cateitems[$i] = $arr;
            $cateitemids .= $tagstr . $arr['categoryid'];
            $tagstr = ',';
    $catesub = count($cateitems);
    if (!$catesub) {
    $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}category WHERE owner IN ($cateitemids) ORDER BY `order` DESC,`categoryid` ASC");
    while ($arr = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $cateitemlist[$arr['owner']][] = $arr;
    if (count($cateitemlist) < $catesub) {

    foreach ($cateitems as $s => $item) {
        if ($item['display']) {
        $hovercate = '';
        $varstr = 'cate' . $s;
        $varold = 'cateold' . $s;
        $$varold = $$varstr;
        $$varstr = 0;
        if ($$varstr == $$varold) {
            $hovercate = ' class="nonceA"';
        $liststr = "<a href=\"$goodslist_head$cate1-$cate2-$cate3-$cate4-$cate5-$cate6-$cate7-$cate8-$cate9-$cate10-$ordertype-$listtype-1$goodslist_end\"$hovercate>全部</a> ";
        foreach ($cateitemlist[$item['categoryid']] as $list) {
            $$varstr = $list['categoryid'];
            $hovercate = '';
            	$catekey .= ','.$list['name'];
			if ($$varstr == $$varold) {
                $hovercate = ' class="nonceA"';
            $liststr .= "<a href=\"$goodslist_head$cate1-$cate2-$cate3-$cate4-$cate5-$cate6-$cate7-$cate8-$cate9-$cate10-$ordertype-$listtype-1$goodslist_end\"$hovercate>$list[name]</a> ";
        $catestr .= "<li><span>$item[name]:</span>$liststr</li>";
        $$varstr = $$varold;
	$catechose = '';
	$catetitle = $cate3 ? $catetitle : $categorys[$cate1][$cate2]['name'];
	foreach ($categorys[$cate2] as $arr) {
		$chked = $arr['categoryid'] == $cate3?'class="hov"':'';
		$arr['url'] = "$goodslist_head$cate1-$cate2-$arr[categoryid]-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0$goodslist_end";
		$catechose .= "<li><a $chked href=\"$arr[url]\">$arr[name]</a></li>";		
	$catechose .= "<li><a ".($cate3?'':'class="hov"')." href=\"$goodslist_head$cate1-$cate2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0$goodslist_end\">查看全部</a></li>";

$pagetitle = $catetitle;

//left category history recommend
foreach ($cachescript['goodslist'] as $cname) {
    include (cacheload($cname));
    $$cname = $_MCACHE[$cname];
$articles['mall_express'] = array_slice($articles['mall_express'], 0, 5);
 * 关键字
$sitekeywords = $dot = '';
	$sitekeywords = $catetitle.$catekey;
	foreach($categorys[$cate2] as $ct){
		$sitekeywords .= $dot.$ct['name'];
		$dot = ',';

$viewhistorys = viewhistory();
$rankstr = '';
foreach ($goodsrank as $s => $rk) {
    $hoves = '';
    if ($ordertype == $s) {
        $hoves = 'class="hove"';
    $rankstr .= "<a href=\"$hrefstr-$s-$listtype-1$goodslist_end\" $hoves>$rk[2]</a> ";
$pageprev = $pagenext = '';
$realpages = @ceil($countnum / $tpp);
$pages = $tpps['maxpage'] && $tpps['maxpage'] < $realpages ? $tpps['maxpage'] :
$prev = $page <= 1 ? 0 : ($page - 1);
$next = $page >= $pages ? 0 : ($page + 1);

include (template('goodslist'));