www.gusucode.com > ShopEx481 & PHPWind 整合版码程序 > core/assistant/lib/DIME.php

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
// | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt.                                 |
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Shane Caraveo <shane@caraveo.com>                           |
// | 		  Ralf Hofmann <ralf.hofmann@verdisoft.com>					  |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: DIME.php,v 1.5 2002/09/29 01:55:16 shane Exp $

require_once 'PEAR.php';
 *  DIME Encoding/Decoding
 * What is it?
 *   This class enables you to manipulate and build
 *   a DIME encapsulated message.
 * http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-nielsen-dime-02.txt
 * 09/18/02 Ralf -  A huge number of changes to be compliant 
 * 					with the DIME Specification Release 17 June 2002
 * TODO: lots of stuff needs to be tested.
 *           Definitily have to go through DIME spec and
 *           make things work right, most importantly, sec 3.3
 *           make examples, document
 * see test/dime_mesage_test.php for example of usage
 * @author  Shane Caraveo <shane@caraveo.com>, 
 *          Ralf Hofmann <ralf.hofmann@verdisoft.com>	 
 * @version $Revision: 1.5 $
 * @package Net_DIME



define('NET_DIME_FLAGS', 0);
define('NET_DIME_OPTS_LEN', 1);
define('NET_DIME_ID_LEN', 2);
define('NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN', 3);
define('NET_DIME_DATA_LEN', 4);
define('NET_DIME_OPTS', 5);
define('NET_DIME_ID', 6);
define('NET_DIME_TYPE', 7);
define('NET_DIME_DATA', 8);

class Net_DIME_Record extends PEAR
    // these are used to hold the padded length
    var $OPTS_LENGTH = 0;
    var $ID_LENGTH = 0;
    var $TYPE_LENGTH = 0; 
    var $DATA_LENGTH = 0;
    var $_haveOpts = FALSE;
    var $_haveID = FALSE;
    var $_haveType = FALSE;
    var $_haveData = FALSE;
    var $debug = FALSE;
    var $padstr = "\0";
     * Elements
     * [NET_DIME_FLAGS],    16 bits: VERSION:MB:ME:CF:TYPE_T
     * [NET_DIME_ID_LEN],   16 bits: ID_LENGTH
     * [NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN], 16 bits: TYPE_LENGTH
     * [NET_DIME_DATA_LEN], 32 bits: DATA_LENGTH
	 * [NET_DIME_OPTS]             : OPTIONS
	 * [NET_DIME_ID]     		   : ID
	 * [NET_DIME_TYPE]             : TYPE
	 * [NET_DIME_DATA]             : DATA
    var $Elements = array(NET_DIME_FLAGS => 0,  NET_DIME_OPTS_LEN => 0, 
	                      NET_DIME_ID_LEN => 0, NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN => 0, 
     					  NET_DIME_DATA_LEN => 0,
	 					  NET_DIME_OPTS => '',
						  NET_DIME_ID => '',
						  NET_DIME_TYPE => '',
						  NET_DIME_DATA => '');
    function Net_DIME_Record($debug = FALSE)
        $this->debug = $debug;
        if ($debug) $this->padstr = '*';

    function setMB()
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] |= 0x0400;

    function setME()
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] |= 0x0200;

    function setCF()
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] |= 0x0100;

    function isChunk()
        return $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] & 0x0100;

    function isEnd()
        return $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] & 0x0200;
    function isStart()
        return $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] & 0x0400;
    function getID()
        return $this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID];

    function getType()
        return $this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE];

    function getData()
        return $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA];
    function getDataLength()
        return $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA_LEN];
    function setType($typestring, $type=NET_DIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
        $typelen = strlen($typestring) & 0xFFFF;
        $type = $type << 4;
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] = ($this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] & 0xFF0F) | $type;
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN] = $typelen;
        $this->TYPE_LENGTH = $this->_getPadLength($typelen);
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE] = $typestring;
    function generateID()
        $id = md5(time());
        return $id;
    function setID($id)
        $idlen = strlen($id) & 0xFFFF;
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID_LEN] = $idlen;
        $this->ID_LENGTH = $this->_getPadLength($idlen);
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID] = $id;
    function setData($data, $size=0)
        $datalen = $size?$size:strlen($data);
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA_LEN] = $datalen;
        $this->DATA_LENGTH = $this->_getPadLength($datalen);
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA] = $data;
    function encode()
		// insert version 
	    $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] = ($this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS] & 0x07FF) | (NET_DIME_VERSION << 11);

        // the real dime encoding
        $format =   '%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c'.
        return sprintf($format,
            	       str_pad($this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS], $this->OPTS_LENGTH, $this->padstr),
            	       str_pad($this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID], $this->ID_LENGTH, $this->padstr),
                	   str_pad($this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE], $this->TYPE_LENGTH, $this->padstr),
	                   str_pad($this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA], $this->DATA_LENGTH, $this->padstr));
    function _getPadLength($len)
        $pad = 0;
        if ($len) {
            $pad = $len % 4;
            if ($pad) $pad = 4 - $pad;
        return $len + $pad;
    function decode(&$data)
        // REAL DIME decoding
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS]    = (hexdec(bin2hex($data[0]))<<8) + hexdec(bin2hex($data[1]));
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS_LEN] = (hexdec(bin2hex($data[2]))<<8) + hexdec(bin2hex($data[3]));
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID_LEN]   = (hexdec(bin2hex($data[4]))<<8) + hexdec(bin2hex($data[5]));
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN] = (hexdec(bin2hex($data[6]))<<8) + hexdec(bin2hex($data[7]));
        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA_LEN] = (hexdec(bin2hex($data[8]))<<24) +
		                             (hexdec(bin2hex($data[9]))<<16) +
                                     (hexdec(bin2hex($data[10]))<<8) +
        $p = 12;
		$version = (($this->Elements[NET_DIME_FLAGS]>>11) & 0x001F);
		if ($version == NET_DIME_VERSION) 
	        $this->OPTS_LENGTH = $this->_getPadLength($this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS_LEN]);        
	        $this->ID_LENGTH = $this->_getPadLength($this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID_LEN]);
	        $this->TYPE_LENGTH = $this->_getPadLength($this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN]);
	        $this->DATA_LENGTH = $this->_getPadLength($this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA_LEN]);
	        $datalen = strlen($data);
	        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS] = substr($data,$p,$this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS_LEN]);
	        $this->_haveOpts = (strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS]) == $this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS_LEN]);
	        if ($this->_haveOpts) {
	            $p += $this->OPTS_LENGTH;		
		        $this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID] = substr($data,$p,$this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID_LEN]);
		        $this->_haveID = (strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID]) == $this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID_LEN]);
		        if ($this->_haveID) {
		            $p += $this->ID_LENGTH;
		            $this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE] = substr($data,$p,$this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN]);
		            $this->_haveType = (strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE]) == $this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN]);
		            if ($this->_haveType) {
		                $p += $this->TYPE_LENGTH;
		                $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA] = substr($data,$p,$this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA_LEN]);
		                $this->_haveData = (strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA]) == $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA_LEN]);
		                if ($this->_haveData) {
		                    $p += $this->DATA_LENGTH;
		                } else {
		                    $p += strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA]);
		            } else {
		                $p += strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE]);
		        } else {
		            $p += strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID]);
		    } else {
		    	$p += strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS]);					
        return substr($data, $p);
    function addData(&$data)
        $datalen = strlen($data);
        $p = 0;
        if (!$this->_haveOpts) {
            $have = strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS]);
            $this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS] .= substr($data,$p,$this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS_LEN]-$have);
            $this->_haveOpts = (strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_OPTS]) == $this->Elements[DIME_OTPS_LEN]);
            if (!$this->_haveOpts) return NULL;
            $p += $this->OPTS_LENGTH-$have;
        if (!$this->_haveID) {
            $have = strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID]);
            $this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID] .= substr($data,$p,$this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID_LEN]-$have);
            $this->_haveID = (strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID]) == $this->Elements[NET_DIME_ID_LEN]);
            if (!$this->_haveID) return NULL;
            $p += $this->ID_LENGTH-$have;
        if (!$this->_haveType && $p < $datalen) {
            $have = strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE]);
            $this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE] .= substr($data,$p,$this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN]-$have);
            $this->_haveType = (strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE]) == $this->Elements[NET_DIME_TYPE_LEN]);
            if (!$this->_haveType) return NULL;
            $p += $this->TYPE_LENGTH-$have;
        if (!$this->_haveData && $p < $datalen) {
            $have = strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA]);
            $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA] .= substr($data,$p,$this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA_LEN]-$have);
            $this->_haveData = (strlen($this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA]) == $this->Elements[NET_DIME_DATA_LEN]);
            if (!$this->_haveData) return NULL;
            $p += $this->DATA_LENGTH-$have;
        return substr($data,$p);

class Net_DIME_Message extends PEAR

    var $record_size = 4096;
    #var $records =array();
    var $parts = array();
    var $currentPart = -1;
    var $stream = NULL;
    var $_currentRecord;
    var $_proc = array();
    var $type;
    var $typestr;
    var $mb = 1;
    var $me = 0;
    var $cf = 0;
    var $id = NULL;
    var $debug = FALSE;
     * constructor
     * this currently takes a file pointer as provided
     * by fopen
     * TODO: integrate with the php streams stuff
    function Net_DIME_Message($stream=NULL, $record_size = 4096, $debug = FALSE)
        $this->stream = $stream;
        $this->record_size = $record_size;
        $this->debug = $debug;
    function _makeRecord(&$data, $typestr='', $id=NULL, $type=NET_DIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
        $record = new Net_DIME_Record($this->debug);
        if ($this->mb) {
            // all subsequent records are not message begin!
            $this->mb = 0; 
        if ($this->me) $record->setME();
        if ($this->cf) $record->setCF();
        if ($id) $record->setID($id);
        #if ($this->debug) {
        #    print str_replace('\0','*',$record->encode());
        return $record->encode();
    function startChunk(&$data, $typestr='', $id=NULL, $type=NET_DIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
        $this->me = 0;
        $this->cf = 1;
        $this->type = $type;
        $this->typestr = $typestr;
        if ($id) {
            $this->id = $id;
        } else {
            $this->id = md5(time());
        return $this->_makeRecord($data, $this->typestr, $this->id, $this->type);

    function doChunk(&$data)
        $this->me = 0;
        $this->cf = 1;
        return $this->_makeRecord($data, NULL, NULL, NET_DIME_TYPE_UNCHANGED);

    function endChunk()
        $this->cf = 0;
        $data = NULL;
        $rec = $this->_makeRecord($data, NULL, NULL, NET_DIME_TYPE_UNCHANGED);
        $this->id = 0;
        $this->cf = 0;
        $this->id = 0;
        $this->type = NET_DIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
        $this->typestr = NULL;
        return $rec;
    function endMessage()
        $this->me = 1;
        $data = NULL;
        $rec = $this->_makeRecord($data, NULL, NULL, NET_DIME_TYPE_NONE);
        $this->me = 0;
        $this->mb = 1;
        $this->id = 0;
        return $rec;
     * sendRecord
     * given a chunk of data, it creates DIME records
     * and writes them to the stream
    function sendData(&$data, $typestr='', $id=NULL, $type=NET_DIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
        $len = strlen($data);
        if ($len > $this->record_size) {
            $chunk = substr($data, 0, $this->record_size);
            $p = $this->record_size;
            $rec = $this->startChunk($chunk,$typestr,$id,$type);
            fwrite($this->stream, $rec);
            while ($p < $len) {
                $chunk = substr($data, $p, $this->record_size);
                $p += $this->record_size;
                $rec = $this->doChunk($chunk);
                fwrite($this->stream, $rec);
            $rec = $this->endChunk();
            fwrite($this->stream, $rec);
        $rec = $this->_makeRecord($data, $typestr,$id,$type);
        fwrite($this->stream, $rec);
    function sendEndMessage()
        $rec = $this->endMessage();
        fwrite($this->stream, $rec);
     * sendFile
     * given a filename, it reads the file,
     * creates records and writes them to the stream
    function sendFile($filename, $typestr='', $id=NULL, $type=NET_DIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
        $f = fopen($filename, "rb");
        if ($f) {
            if ($data = fread($f, $this->record_size)) {
            while ($data = fread($f, $this->record_size)) {

     * encodeData
     * given data, encode it in DIME
    function encodeData($data, $typestr='', $id=NULL, $type=NET_DIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
        $len = strlen($data);
        $resp = '';
        if ($len > $this->record_size) {
            $chunk = substr($data, 0, $this->record_size);
            $p = $this->record_size;
            $resp .= $this->startChunk($chunk,$typestr,$id,$type);
            while ($p < $len) {
                $chunk = substr($data, $p, $this->record_size);
                $p += $this->record_size;
                $resp .= $this->doChunk($chunk);
            $resp .= $this->endChunk();
        } else {
            $resp .= $this->_makeRecord($data, $typestr,$id,$type);
        return $resp;

     * sendFile
     * given a filename, it reads the file,
     * creates records and writes them to the stream
    function encodeFile($filename, $typestr='', $id=NULL, $type=NET_DIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
        $f = fopen($filename, "rb");
        if ($f) {
            if ($data = fread($f, $this->record_size)) {
                $resp = $this->startChunk($data,$typestr,$id,$type);
            while ($data = fread($f, $this->record_size)) {
                $resp = $this->doChunk($data,$typestr,$id,$type);
            $resp = $this->endChunk();
        return $resp;
     * _processData
     * creates Net_DIME_Records from provided data
    function _processData(&$data)
        $leftover = NULL;
        if (!$this->_currentRecord) {
            $this->_currentRecord = new Net_DIME_Record($this->debug);
            $data = $this->_currentRecord->decode($data);
        } else {
            $data = $this->_currentRecord->addData($data);
        if ($this->_currentRecord->_haveData) {
            if (count($this->parts)==0 && !$this->_currentRecord->isStart()) {
                // raise an error!
                return PEAR::raiseError('First Message is not a DIME begin record!');

            if ($this->_currentRecord->isEnd() && $this->_currentRecord->getDataLength()==0) {
                return NULL;
            if ($this->currentPart < 0 && !$this->_currentRecord->isChunk()) {
                $this->parts[] = array();
                $this->currentPart = count($this->parts)-1;
                $this->parts[$this->currentPart]['id']   = $this->_currentRecord->getID();
                $this->parts[$this->currentPart]['type'] = $this->_currentRecord->getType();
                $this->parts[$this->currentPart]['data'] = $this->_currentRecord->getData();
                $this->currentPart = -1;
            } else {
                if ($this->currentPart < 0) {
                    $this->parts[] = array();
                    $this->currentPart = count($this->parts)-1;
                    $this->parts[$this->currentPart]['id']   = $this->_currentRecord->getID();
                    $this->parts[$this->currentPart]['type'] = $this->_currentRecord->getType();
                    $this->parts[$this->currentPart]['data'] = $this->_currentRecord->getData();
                } else {
                    $this->parts[$this->currentPart]['data'] .= $this->_currentRecord->getData();
                    if (!$this->_currentRecord->isChunk()) {
                        // we reached the end of the chunk
                        $this->currentPart = -1;
            #$this->records[] = $this->_currentRecord;
            if (!$this->_currentRecord->isEnd()) $this->_currentRecord = NULL;
        return NULL;
     * decodeData
     * decodes a DIME encrypted string of data
    function decodeData(&$data) {
        while (strlen($data) >= NET_DIME_RECORD_HEADER) {
            $err = $this->_processData($data);
            if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
                return $err;
     * read
     * reads the stream and creates
     * an array of records
     * it can accept the start of a previously read buffer
     * this is usefull in situations where you need to read
     * headers before discovering that the data is DIME encoded
     * such as in the case of reading an HTTP response.
    function read($buf=NULL)
        while ($data = fread($this->stream, 8192)) {
            if ($buf) {
                $data = $buf.$data;
                $buf = NULL;
            if ($this->debug)
                echo "read: ".strlen($data)." bytes\n";
            $err = $this->decodeData($data);
            if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
                return $err;
            // store any leftover data to be used again
            // should be < NET_DIME_RECORD_HEADER bytes
            $buf = $data;
        if (!$this->_currentRecord || !$this->_currentRecord->isEnd()) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('reached stream end without end record');
        return NULL;