www.gusucode.com > ShopEx481 & PHPWind 整合版码程序 > plugins/functions/actmapper.php

 * shopex前台url地址生成扩展程序
 *     parse用来分析地址
 *     getLink方法用来产生地址
 *  对应系统配置项: system.seo.mklink / system.seo.parselink
class actmapper{

	var $area = '';

	function actmapper(){
		$system = &$GLOBALS['system'];
		$this->basepath = $system->request['base_url'];
		$this->seoEmuFile = 'html';

	* This is the short Description for the Function
	* This is the long description for the Class
	* @return	mixed	 Description
	* @access	private
	* @see		??
	function parse($query){
		if($pos = strpos($query,'.')){
			$type = substr($query,$pos+1);
			if($position = strpos($type,'&')){
				$type = substr($type,0,$position);
			if($position = strpos($type,'?')){
				$type = substr($type,0,$position);
			$query = substr($query,0,$pos);

		$args = explode('-',$query);
		$act = 'index';

		if(($ctl = array_shift($args)) && $ctl!='index'){
			if(count($args)>0 && !is_numeric($args[count($args)-1])){
				$act = array_pop($args);
		foreach($args as $k=>$v){
			$args[$k] = str_replace(';jh;','-',$v);
			$args[$k] = str_replace(';dian;','.',$args[$k]);
			$args[$k] = str_replace(';xie;','/',$args[$k]);
			$args[$k] = str_replace(';xie;','%2F',$args[$k]);

		return array('controller'=>$ctl,'method'=>$act,'args'=>$args,'type'=>$type);


	* This is the short Description for the Function
	* This is the long description for the Class
	* @return	mixed	 Description
	* @access	public
	* @see		??
	function getLink($controller,$method,$args=null,$extname=null){

		if($controller=='index') return '';
		return $this->__link($controller,$method,$args,$extname);

	function appendUrl($url){
		return $this->basepath.$url;

	* This is the short Description for the Function
	* This is the long description for the Class
	* @access	
	* @see		??
	function __link($controller,$method,$args,$extname){

		$array = array($controller);

		$use_arg = 0;
		if(is_array($args) && (count($args)>1 || (count($args)==1 && $args[0]))){
			$use_arg = 1;
			foreach($args as $k=>$arg){
				$args[$k] = str_replace('-',';jh;',$arg);
				$args[$k] = str_replace('/',';xie;',$args[$k]);
				$args[$k] = str_replace('%2F',';xie;',$args[$k]);
				$args[$k] = str_replace('.',';dian;',$args[$k]);
			$array = array_merge(array($controller),$args);

		if($method!='index' || ($use_arg && !is_numeric(array_pop($args)))){
			$array[] = urlencode($method);
		return implode('-',$array).'.'.($extname?$extname:$this->seoEmuFile);
