www.gusucode.com > Tatter Tools 0.961 SE GB2312 简体中文版 > upload/inc_presswork.php

	function get_category() {
		global $db, $dbid, $p_tree, $p_tree_limit, $s_tree_path;

		$g_array = array();
		$m_array = array();
		$total_cnt = 0;

		$sql = "select no, sortno, label, cnt from t3_".$dbid."_ct1 order by sortno asc";
 		$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		while(list($pno, $psortno, $plabel, $pcnt) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

			$sql = "select no, sortno, label, cnt from t3_".$dbid."_ct2 where pno = $pno order by sortno asc";
 			$result2 = @mysql_query($sql);
			while(list($no, $sortno, $label, $cnt) = @mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
				array_push($m_array, array("num"=>$no, "label"=>$label, "link"=>"window.location.href='index.php?ct1=$pno&amp;ct2=$no';", "cnt"=>$cnt));
			array_push($g_array , array("num"=>$pno, "label"=>$plabel, "link"=>"window.location.href='index.php?ct1=$pno';", "cnt"=>$pcnt, "items"=>$m_array));
			$m_array = array();
			$total_cnt += $pcnt;

		$rtval = array("label"=>"所有网志分类文章", "link"=>"window.location.href='index.php?ct1=-1';", "cnt" => $total_cnt);

		if (count($g_array)) {
			print_tree($rtval, $g_array, $p_tree_limit, $s_tree_path.$p_tree."/",0);
			$tree_str = ob_get_contents();
		return $tree_str;

	function get_calendar() {
		global $db, $dbid, $setdate, $is_public;

		if (!$setdate) $setdate2 = date("Ym"); else $setdate2 = $setdate;
		list($cal, $lastyear, $lastmonth, $nextyear, $nextmonth) = get_cal_array($setdate2);
		$thisyear = substr($setdate2,0,4);
		$thismonth = substr($setdate2,4);

		$wset = array();
		$sql = "select distinct FROM_UNIXTIME(regdate, '%e') from t3_".$dbid." where $is_public and FROM_UNIXTIME(regdate, '%Y,%m') = '$thisyear,$thismonth'";
		$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		while(list($regdate) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) array_push($wset, $regdate);
		$wset = array_flip($wset);


		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr>
		<td class="cal_month">
		<a href="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?setdate=<?=$lastyear.$lastmonth?>"><<</a>
		<a href="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?setdate=<?=$thisyear.$thismonth?>"><?=$thisyear." ".date("M", mktime(0,0,0,$thismonth,1,2004))?></a>
		<a href="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?setdate=<?=$nextyear.$nextmonth?>">>></a>

		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tr>
		<td class="cal_week2">日</td>
		<td width="14.2%" class="cal_week1">一</td>
		<td width="14.2%" class="cal_week1">二</td>
		<td width="14.2%" class="cal_week1">三</td>
		<td width="14.2%" class="cal_week1">四</td>
		<td width="14.2%" class="cal_week1">五</td>
		<td width="14.2%" class="cal_week1">六</td>
			foreach ($cal as $k => $row) {

				if ($row[month] == $lastmonth) $c_class = "cal_day1";
				else if ($row[month] == $nextmonth) $c_class = "cal_day2";
				else if ($row[day] == date("d") && $row[month] == date("m") && $row[year] == date("Y")) $c_class = "cal_day4";
				else $c_class = "cal_day3";

				if (isset($wset[$row[day]]) && $row[month] == $thismonth) $row[day] = "<a class=\"cal_click\" href=\"$PHP_SELF?setdate=".$thisyear.$thismonth."&amp;setday=".$row[day]."\">".$row[day]."</a>";

				if ($row[week] == 0) { ?><tr><? }
				?><td class="<?=$c_class?>"><?=$row[day]?></td><?
				if ($row[week] == 6) { ?></tr><? }

		$cal_str = ob_get_contents();

		return $cal_str;


	function get_rcttb_rep() {
		global $db, $dbid, $p_rct_tb_cnt, $p_rct_tb_trunc;

		$sql = "select no, pno, site, url, title, body, regdate, ip from t3_".$dbid."_trackback order by no desc limit 0, $p_rct_tb_cnt";
		// print $sql;
		$result = @mysql_query($sql);

		while(list($no, $pno, $site, $url, $title, $body, $regdate, $ip) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$p_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_rcttb_rep;
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rcttb_rep_link_##]", "index.php?pl=$pno#t$no", $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rcttb_rep_desc_##]", str_cut($title,$p_rct_tb_trunc,0), $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rcttb_rep_name_##]", $site, $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rcttb_rep_time_##]", get_timevalue0($regdate, 2), $p_rep);
			$p .= $p_rep;
		return $p;

	function get_rctrp_rep() {
		global $db, $dbid, $p_rct_rp_cnt, $p_rct_rp_trunc, $emoticon;

		$sql = "select no, pno, name, body, regdate, is_secret from t3_".$dbid."_reply order by no desc limit 0, $p_rct_rp_cnt";
		// print $sql;
		$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		while(list($no, $pno, $name, $body, $regdate, $is_secret) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			if (return_authority()) $is_admin = 1; else $is_admin = 0;
			if ($is_secret && !$is_admin) $name = "秘密回复";
			if ($is_secret && !$is_admin) $body = "只有管理员才有权限查看.";
			$p_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_rctrp_rep;
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rctrp_rep_link_##]", "index.php?pl=$pno#r$no", $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rctrp_rep_desc_##]", str_cut($body, $p_rct_rp_trunc, 0), $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rctrp_rep_name_##]", $name, $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rctrp_rep_time_##]", get_timevalue0($regdate, 2), $p_rep);
			$p .= $p_rep;
		return $p;

	function get_rctps_rep() {
		global $db, $dbid, $is_public, $p_rct_ps_cnt, $p_rct_ps_trunc;

		$sql = "select no, title, rp_cnt from t3_".$dbid." where $is_public order by regdate desc limit 0, $p_rct_ps_cnt";
		// print $sql;
		$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		while(list($no, $title, $rp_cnt) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			if ($rp_cnt) $rp_cnt = "($rp_cnt)"; else $rp_cnt = "";
			$p_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_rctps_rep;
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rctps_rep_link_##]", "index.php?pl=$no", $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rctps_rep_title_##]", str_cut($title, $p_rct_ps_trunc, 1), $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_rctps_rep_rp_cnt_##]", $rp_cnt, $p_rep);
			$p .= $p_rep;
		return $p;

	function get_archive() {
		global $db, $dbid, $is_public, $setdate;

		if (!$setdate) { $setdate = date("Ym"); $q_limit = "limit 0, 5"; }
		list($cal, $lastyear, $lastmonth, $nextyear, $nextmonth) = get_cal_array($setdate);
		$thisyear = substr($setdate,0,4);
		$thismonth = substr($setdate,4);

		$sql = "select distinct FROM_UNIXTIME(regdate, '%Y,%m') from t3_".$dbid." where $is_public order by regdate desc $q_limit";
		$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		while(list($regdate) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			list ($p_year, $p_month) = split(",", $regdate);
			$p_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_archive_rep;
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_archive_rep_link_##]", "index.php?setdate=$p_year".$p_month, $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_archive_rep_date_##]", $p_year."年 ".$p_month."月", $p_rep);
			$p .= $p_rep;
		return $p;

	function get_link_rep() {
		global $db, $dbid, $p_link_trunc;

		$sql = "select no, type, xml_url, title, link, regdate from t3_".$dbid."_link order by title asc";
		$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		while(list($no, $type, $xml_url, $title, $link, $regdate) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$p_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_link_rep;
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_link_url_##]", $link, $p_rep);
			$p_rep = str_replace("[##_link_site_##]", str_cut($title, $p_link_trunc, 1), $p_rep);
			$p .= $p_rep;
		return $p;

	function get_rss(){
		global $db, $dbid, $md, $p_rssp_limit;
		unset($p, $p2, $p3, $ext);
		$nd_set = array();

		$p = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_rss;

		if ($md != "rss") return null;

		if (return_authority()) $is_public = 1;

		$sql = "select no from t3_".$dbid."_rss where is_public = '1'";
	 	$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		while(list($no) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) $nd_set[] = $no;

		$limit = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-$p_rssp_limit, date("Y"));

		if (strpos($p, "[##_s_rss_date_##]")) {

			$sql = "select no, rno, title, link, creator, regdate from t3_".$dbid."_rss_item where regdate between $limit and ".(time()+300)." order by regdate desc";
			// print $sql;
		 	$result = @mysql_query($sql);
			while(list($no, $rno, $title, $link, $creator, $regdate) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
				if (!($is_public || in_array($rno, $nd_set))) continue;
				$regdate2 = date("ymd", $regdate);

				if ($predate != $regdate2) {
					$p2 = str_replace("[##_s_rss_rep_##]", $p3, $p2);
					$predate = $regdate2;
					$p2_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_rss_date;
					$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_rss_year_##]", date("Y", $regdate), $p2_rep);
					$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_rss_month_##]", date("n", $regdate), $p2_rep);
					$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_rss_day_##]", date("j", $regdate), $p2_rep);
					$p2 .= $p2_rep;

				$p3_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_rss_rep;
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_rss_url_##]", $link, $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_rss_title_##]", $title, $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_rss_creator_##]", str_tag_truncate($creator), $p3_rep);
				$p3 .= $p3_rep;
			$p2 = str_replace("[##_s_rss_rep_##]", $p3, $p2);
		$p = str_replace("[##_s_rss_date_##]", $p2, $p);

		return $p;

	function get_keyword(){
		global $db, $dbid, $md, $sort, $r_root_path;

		if ($md != "keyword") return null;
		if (!$sort) $sort = 2;

		if ($sort == 1) $order = "order by regdate desc";
		else if ($sort == 2) $order = "order by keyword asc";

		$p = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_keyword;
		$p = str_replace("[##_keyword_sort1_##]", "index.php?md=keyword&amp;sort=1", $p);
		$p = str_replace("[##_keyword_sort2_##]", "index.php?md=keyword&amp;sort=2", $p);
		if (strpos($p, "[##_s_keyword_rep_##]")) {
			$sql = "select no, sortno, keyword, body, image_file_path1, image_file_path2, regdate, is_public, is_sync from t3_".$dbid."_keyword where is_public = '1' $order";
			// print $sql;
		 	$result = @mysql_query($sql);
			while(list($no, $sortno, $keyword, $body, $image_file_path1, $image_file_path2, $regdate, $is_public, $is_sync) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
				$p3_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_keyword_rep;
				$regdate2 = date("ymd", $regdate);

				if ($predate != $regdate2 && $sort == 1) {
					$p2_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_keyword_date_rep;
					$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_keyword_year_##]", date("Y", $regdate), $p2_rep);
					$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_keyword_month_##]", date("n", $regdate), $p2_rep);
					$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_keyword_day_##]", date("j", $regdate), $p2_rep);

				$predate = $regdate2;

				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_onclick_keyword_##]", "keyword_open('".$r_root_path."kview.php?kd=".urlencode($keyword)."'); return false;", $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_keyword_label_##]", $keyword, $p3_rep);
				$p3 .= $p2_rep.$p3_rep;
		$p = str_replace("[##_s_keyword_rep_##]", $p3, $p);
		$p = str_replace("[##_s_keyword_date_rep_##]", "", $p);

		return $p;

	function get_local() {
		global $db, $dbid, $md;

		if ($md != "local") return null;

		$p = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_local;
		if (strpos($p, "[##_s_local_spot_rep_##]")) {

			$sql = "select no, title, local_info, regdate from t3_".$dbid." where local_info != '' and is_public = '1' order by local_info asc, regdate desc";
			// print $sql;
		 	$result = @mysql_query($sql);
			while(list($no, $title, $local_info, $regdate) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
				$lset = explode(" > ", $local_info);
				$plset = explode(" > ", $p_local_info);

				$depth = "0";
				for($i=0; $i<count($lset); $i++) {
					$p3_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_local_spot_rep;
					$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_local_spot_depth_##]", $depth, $p3_rep);
					$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_local_spot_##]", trim($lset[$i]), $p3_rep);
					if ($lset[$i] != $plset[$i]) $p3 .= $p3_rep;
					$depth += 20;
				$p2_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_local_info_rep;
				$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_local_info_depth_##]", $depth, $p2_rep);
				$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_local_info_link_##]", "index.php?pl=".$no, $p2_rep);
				$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_local_info_title_##]", $title, $p2_rep);
				$p3 .= $p2_rep;
				$p_local_info = $local_info;
		$p = str_replace("[##_s_local_spot_rep_##]", $p3, $p);
		$p = str_replace("[##_s_local_info_rep_##]", "", $p);
		return $p;

	function get_guest() {
		global $db, $dbid, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $md, $act, $s_icon_path, $page, $pagelog, $sort, $num, $pnum, $o_num, $emoticon;
		unset($p, $p2, $p3, $add_cond, $set_form, $where_query, $icons);

		if ($md != "guest") return null;

		$p = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_guest;
		$p = str_replace("[##_s_guest_form_##]", "", $p);
		$p = str_replace("[##_guest_sort1_##]", "index.php?md=guest&amp;sort=1", $p);
		$p = str_replace("[##_guest_sort2_##]", "index.php?md=guest&amp;sort=2", $p);

		$c_guest_name = stripslashes(stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["c_guest_name"]));
		$c_guest_homepage = stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["c_guest_homepage"]);
		$c_guest_icon = stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["c_guest_icon"]);
		$c_guest_body = "";

		if (!$c_guest_homepage) $c_guest_homepage = "http://";
		if (return_authority()) $add_cond = ", '3'";
		if (!$act) $act = "list";

		$p2 = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_guest_form;

		switch ($act) {

			case "list":
				$p = str_replace("[##_guest_form_area2_##]", "", $p);
				$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_onclick_submit_##]", "onclick_insert_guest(document.weblog, 'insert', null, '$page', '$sort'); return false;", $p2);
				$set_form = "[##_guest_form_area1_##]";

			case "edit":
				$p = str_replace("[##_guest_form_area1_##]", "", $p);
				$p = str_replace("[##_s_guest_rep_##]", "", $p);
				$p = str_replace("[##_s_guest_link_rep_##]", "", $p);
				$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_onclick_submit_##]", "onclick_edit_guest(document.weblog, '$pnum', '$num', '$page', '$sort'); return false;", $p2);
				$set_form = "[##_guest_form_area2_##]";
				list($name, $homepage, $icon, $body) = get_guest_edit_info($pnum, $num);
				$where_query = "where no = '$num'";
				$c_guest_name = $name;
				$c_guest_homepage = $homepage;
				$c_guest_body = $body;
				$c_guest_icon = $icon;

			case "reply":
				$p = str_replace("[##_guest_form_area1_##]", "", $p);
				$p = str_replace("[##_s_guest_link_rep_##]", "", $p);
				$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_onclick_submit_##]", "onclick_insert_guest(document.weblog, 'reply', '$num', '$page', '$sort'); return false;", $p2);
				$set_form = "[##_guest_form_area2_##]";
				$where_query = "where no = '$num'";

		$src = "images/spacer.gif";

		$sql = "select no, name, file, label from t3_".$dbid."_guest_icon where type in ('1' $add_cond ) order by type asc, sortno asc";
		// print $sql;
		$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		$first = true;
		while(list($no, $name, $file, $label) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			if ($first) { $src = $s_icon_path.$file; $first = false; }
			if ($c_guest_icon == $file) { $src = $s_icon_path.$file; $sflag = "selected"; } else $sflag = "";
			$icons .= "<option value=\"$file\" $sflag>$name</option>\n";
		// 作  者:Sea Otter
		// 代码说明:表情相关
		// 变动类型:添加
		// 修改时间:2005.05.07
		// 变更开始-------------------
		$temp_html = str_replace("[##_ins_emoticon_target_##]", "weblog.guest_textarea_body", $emoticon->e_str_html); 
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_emoticon_panel_##]", $temp_html, $p2);
		// 变更结束--------- Sea Otter
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_name_##]", $c_guest_name, $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_homepage_##]", $c_guest_homepage, $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_textarea_body_value_##]", $c_guest_body, $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_input_name_##]", "guest_input_name", $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_input_homepage_##]", "guest_input_homepage", $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_select_icon_##]", "guest_select_icon", $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_select_icons_##]", $icons, $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_select_icon_onchange_##]", "document.getElementById('select_icon_imgid').src = '$s_icon_path'+this.value;", $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_select_icon_imgid_##]", "select_icon_imgid", $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_select_icon_src_##]", $src, $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_textarea_body_##]", "guest_textarea_body", $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_input_password_##]", "guest_input_password", $p2);
		$p2 = str_replace("[##_guest_password_##]", "", $p2);
		$p = str_replace($set_form, $p2, $p);


		if (!$where_query) {
			$sql = "select count(*) from t3_".$dbid."_guest";
			list ($t_cnt) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
			$start = ($page - 1) * $pagelog;
			$end = $pagelog;
			$final = sprintf("%d", ($t_cnt+$pagelog-1) / $pagelog);
			$limit_query = "limit $start, $end";

		if ($sort == "2") $order_query = "order by sortno desc";
		else $order_query = "order by no desc";

		if ($o_num) $o_no = $o_num;
		else $o_no = $t_cnt - $start;

		$sql = "
				no, sortno, name, homepage, icon, icon_width, icon_height, body, regdate, ip
		$result = @mysql_query($sql);
		while(list($no, $sortno, $name, $homepage, $icon, $icon_width, $icon_height, $body, $regdate, $ip) = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			if ($homepage) $homepage = " href=\"$homepage\" ";
			if (return_authority() && $ip) $body .= "<br><font size=\"1\" face=\"tahoma\"> // $ip</font>";
		// 作  者:Sea Otter
  		// 代码说明:表情相关
  		// 变动类型:添加
  		// 修改时间:2005.05.07
  		// 原 代 码:无
  		// 变更开始-------------------
  		$body = $emoticon->e_explain($body); 
  		// 变更结束--------- Sea Otter
			$p2_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_guest_rep;
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_mark_##]", "gue$no", $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_num_##]", $o_no, $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_name_##]", $name, $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_homepage_##]", $homepage, $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_icon_##]", $s_icon_path.$icon, $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_icon_width_##]", $icon_width, $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_icon_height_##]", $icon_height, $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_body_##]", nl2br(autolink(" ".$body)), $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_regdate_##]", get_timevalue1($regdate)." ".get_timevalue3($regdate), $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_reply_##]", "index.php?md=guest&amp;act=reply&amp;page=$page&amp;sort=$sort&amp;num=$no&amp;o_num=$o_no#gue$no", $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_edit_##]", "index.php?md=guest&amp;act=edit&amp;page=$page&amp;sort=$sort&amp;num=$no", $p2_rep);
			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_delete_##]", "onclick_delete('gue', '', '$no'); return false;", $p2_rep);



			$sql = "
					no, pno, name, homepage, icon, icon_width, icon_height, body, regdate, ip
				where pno = '$no'
				order by no asc
			// print $sql;
			$result2 = @mysql_query($sql);
			while(list($no2, $pno, $name, $homepage, $icon, $icon_width, $icon_height, $body, $regdate, $ip) = @mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
				if ($homepage) $homepage = " href=\"$homepage\" ";
				if (return_authority() && $ip) $body .= "<br><font size=\"1\" face=\"tahoma\"> // $ip</font>";
		// 作  者:Sea Otter
  		// 代码说明:表情相关
  		// 变动类型:添加
  		// 修改时间:2005.05.07
  		// 原 代 码:无
  		// 变更开始-------------------
  		$body = $emoticon->e_explain($body); 
  		// 变更结束--------- Sea Otter
				$p3_rep = $GLOBALS["skin"]->s_guest_reply_rep;
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_mark_##]", "gue$no"."_$no2", $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_num_##]", $no, $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_name_##]", $name, $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_homepage_##]", $homepage, $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_icon_##]", $s_icon_path.$icon, $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_icon_width_##]", $icon_width, $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_icon_height_##]", $icon_height, $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_body_##]", nl2br(autolink(" ".$body)), $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_regdate_##]", get_timevalue1($regdate)." ".get_timevalue3($regdate), $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_edit_##]", "index.php?md=guest&amp;act=edit&amp;page=$page&amp;sort=$sort&amp;pnum=$no&amp;num=$no2", $p3_rep);
				$p3_rep = str_replace("[##_guest_rep_delete_##]", "onclick_delete('gue', '$no', '$no2'); return false;", $p3_rep);
				$p3 .= $p3_rep;

			$p2_rep = str_replace("[##_s_guest_reply_rep_##]", $p3, $p2_rep);
			$p2 .= $p2_rep;


		$p = str_replace("[##_s_guest_rep_##]", $p2, $p);

		$GLOBALS["t_cnt"] = $t_cnt;

		return $p;
