www.gusucode.com > 新锐领秀网络相册 1.1 > list.asp

    <!--#include file="conn.asp"-->
'	[Gong] (C)2007-2008 .
'	This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms

'	Id: list.asp 2008-03-26 00:53:29  Gong
Dim id,Title,sql,rs,strWhere
id = gSafeRequest("id",1)
If id > 0 Then 
	sql = "Select Title From gTypes Where ID=" & id
	If Not IsObject(conn) Then Call ConnectionDatabase
	Set rs = conn.Execute(sql)
	If Not (rs.eof And rs.bof) Then Title = rs(0)
	rs.close():Set rs = Nothing 
	strWhere = "TypeID=" & id
	Title = "全部"
	strWhere = ""
End If 
PageTitle = Title & "," & gTitle
<!--#include file="head.asp"-->

<table width="778" border="0" align="center" class="maintable">
    <td style="height:30px;background: url('images/cat_bg.gif');">您的位置: <a href="index.asp">首页</a> -> <a href="list.asp<%If id > 0 Then Response.Write("?id=" & id)%>"><%=Title%></a></td>
    <td><%Call gList(strWhere)%></td>
<!--#include file="foot.asp"-->