www.gusucode.com > 漂亮的地方旅游景点景观介绍网站源代码 > left.asp

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sub xgwz()
sql="select top 10 * from jw_news where (mc like '%"&mytit&"%'"
if str<>"" then 
sql=sql&" or ("&str&")"
end if
sql=sql&" or exists(select * from jw_newskey where id in(jw_news.gjz) and mc like '%"&mytit&"%')) and id<>"&id&" order by zd desc,qz desc"
dim i
set rs=conn.execute(sql)
do while not rs.eof and i<11  
    <LI><a href="<%= getmc("jw_newsclass","id",rs("fid"),"newspath") %>?fid=<%= rs("fid") %>&id=<%= rs("id") %>"><%= cutstring(rs("mc"),19) %></a></LI>
call recordend(rs)
end sub

call xgwz()
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