www.gusucode.com > 云枫企业网站源代码第二版 2.0源码程序 > admin/ewebeditor/Admin_Login.asp

    <!--#include file = "Include/Startup.asp"-->
<!--#include file = "Include/md5.asp"-->
'★                                                                  ★
'☆                eWebEditor - eWebSoft在线文本编辑器               ☆
'★                                                                  ★
'☆  版权所有: eWebSoft.com                                          ☆
'★                                                                  ★
'☆  程序制作: eWeb开发团队                                          ☆
'★            email:webmaster@webasp.net                            ★
'☆            QQ:589808                                             ☆
'★                                                                  ★
'☆  相关网址: [产品介绍]http://www.eWebSoft.com/Product/eWebEditor/ ☆
'★            [支持论坛]http://bbs.eWebSoft.com/                    ★
'☆                                                                  ☆
'★  主页地址: http://www.eWebSoft.com/   eWebSoft团队及产品         ★
'☆            http://www.webasp.net/     WEB技术及应用资源网站      ☆
'★            http://bbs.webasp.net/     WEB技术交流论坛            ★
'★                                                                  ★

Dim sAction, sErrMsg
Dim s_Usr, s_Pwd
sAction = UCase(Trim(Request("action")))
sErrMsg = ""

Select Case sAction
Case "LOGIN"
	s_Usr = Trim(Request("usr"))
	s_Pwd = Trim(Request("pwd"))
	If s_Usr <> "" And s_Pwd <> "" Then
		sSql = "select * from ewebeditor_system"
		oRs.Open sSql, oConn, 0, 1
		If Not oRs.Eof Then
			If oRs("sys_username") = md5(s_Usr) And oRs("sys_userpass") = md5(s_Pwd) Then
				' 登录成功
				Session("eWebEditor_User") = s_Usr
				Session("eWebEditor_Version") = oRs("sys_version")
				Response.Redirect "admin_default.asp"
			End If
		End If
	End If
	sErrMsg = "提示:用户名或密码错误!"
Case "OUT"
	Session("eWebEditor_User") = ""
End Select


<TITLE>eWebEditor - eWebSoft在线文本编辑器 - 后台管理</TITLE>
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<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function checklogin() {
	if (document.myform.usr.value=="") {
		return false;
	if (document.myform.pwd.value=="") {
		return false;
	return true;
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    <TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#fffbe7 height=70>&nbsp; </TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle background=admin/login_c2.gif height=163>
      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=630 border=0>
          <TD vAlign=center align=left width=289 height=184 align=center><A href="http://www.ewebsoft.com/"><IMG height=45 src="admin/logo.gif" width=230 border=0></A></TD>
          <TD vAlign=bottom align=middle width=341 background=admin/login_c5.gif height=198>管 理 员 登 录<BR><font color=#0000ff><%=sErrMsg%></font><BR>
            <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=227 border=0>
              <FORM name=myform onsubmit="return checklogin()" action="?action=login" method=post>
              <TR vAlign=center>
                <TD class=font align=right width=58 height=32><FONT color=#ff0000>用户名:</FONT></TD>
                <TD width=169><INPUT class=textinput name=usr size=20> </TD>
              <TR vAlign=center>
                <TD class=font align=right width=58><FONT color=#ff0000>密 码:</FONT></TD>
                <TD width=169><INPUT class=textinput type=password name=pwd size=20> </TD></TR>
              <TR vAlign=center align=middle>
                <TD colSpan=2 height=46><INPUT type=image height=18 width=35 src="admin/login.gif" border=0 name=imageField></TD>
          <TD vAlign=bottom align=right width=289 height=76><IMG height=74 src="admin/login_c3.gif" width=289></TD>
          <TD vAlign=top align=left width=341 height=76><IMG height=128 src="admin/login_c4.gif" width=314></TD>