www.gusucode.com > 运动用品商城网站系统源代码程序 > stat/sAdmin_cdb.asp

    <!--#include file="inc_config.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc_conn.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc_Lang_admin.asp"-->
<!--#include file="style/style_all.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc_admin_functions.asp"-->

dim CanOpt,sStep,tTitle,tMainName

tTitle = Lang_sAdmin_Me & "-" & Lang_cdb
tMainName = Lang_cdb


' 得到老结构
set rs=conn.execute("select * from bigsite")
set rsf=rs.fields

for i= 0 to rsf.count-1
  if i<>0 then ostr = ostr & "," 
  ostr = ostr & rsf(i).name
set rs=nothing

set conn=nothing
call openconn

' 修改结构
ostr2 = "," & lcase(ostr) & ","

if instr(ostr2,",b_today,")=0 then
    conn.execute("ALTER TABLE Bigsite ADD COLUMN B_Today INTEGER")
    ostr3=ostr3 & replace(Lang_cdb_3,"$c","B_Today") & "<br>"
    conn.execute "update bigsite set B_Today=0"
end if

if instr(ostr2,",b_yesterday,")=0 then
    conn.execute "ALTER TABLE Bigsite ADD COLUMN B_Yesterday INTEGER"
    ostr3=ostr3 & replace(Lang_cdb_3,"$c","B_Yesterday") & "<br>"
    conn.execute "update bigsite set B_Yesterday=0"
end if

if ostr3="" then ostr3=Lang_cdb_2 & "<br>"

' 得到新结构
set rs=conn.execute("select * from bigsite")
set rsf=rs.fields

for i= 0 to rsf.count-1
  if i<>0 then ostr4 = ostr4 & "," 
  ostr4 = ostr4 & rsf(i).name

' 输出结果
Response.Write replace(Style_Header,"$Title",tTitle)
Response.Write replace(Style_Admin_Top,"$Lang_Admin",Lang_sAdmin_Me)
Response.Write replace(Style_MainTop,"$MainName",tMainName)

Response.Write "<table width=""90%"" align=""center""><tr><td>"
Response.Write Lang_cdb_0 & ":<br>" & ostr & "<br><br>"
Response.Write ostr3 & "<br>"
Response.Write Lang_cdb_1 & ":<br>" & ostr4 & "<br><br>"
Response.Write Lang_cdb_6 & "<br>"
Response.Write "</td></table>"

Response.Write Style_MainBottom
Response.Write Style_Bottom
