www.gusucode.com > 全球营销软件站整站源码4月最新数据 4.0源码程序 > 801wyxqf\users\addmoney.asp

    <!--#include file="inc/const.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/check.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/head.inc"-->
Call InnerLocation("帐号充值")
Dim Rs,SQL,strChinaeBank,UserGroup,i
'strChinaeBank = Split(NewAsp.ChinaeBank, "|||")
UserGroup = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(NewAsp.membergrade)
Dim Action:Action = LCase(Request("action"))
Select Case Trim(Action)
Case "add"
	Call AddMoney
Case "pay"
	Call PayMoney
Case "view"
	Call ViewRecord
Case "del"
	Call DelRecord
Case Else
	Call showmain
End Select
If Founderr = True Then
	Call ToErrors(ErrMsg)
End If

Sub showmain()
	Response.Write "<table cellspacing=""1"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""3"" border=""0"" class=""Usertableborder"">"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<th colspan=""2"">会员帐号充值</th>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<tr align=""center"">"
	Response.Write "		<td class=""Usertablerow1"" colspan=""2""><a href=""payment.asp"">查看付款方式</a> - <a href=""?action=view"">查看历史定单</a></td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<form name=""addform"" method=post action=""?action=add"">"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1 align=right><b>充值金额:</b></td>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1><input type=text name=money size=20 onkeyup=if(isNaN(this.value))this.value='' value=''> <font color=blue>元</font>"
	Response.Write "		<input type=submit value="" 确定 "" class=Button> <input type=reset value="" 重填 "" class=Button></td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	</form>"
	Response.Write "</table>"
	Call showCardPay()
End Sub
Sub AddMoney()
	Response.Write vbNewLine
	Response.Write "<script language=JavaScript>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "function chkaddform(myform1){" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "	if (myform1.codestr.value==''){" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "		alert('请填写验证码!');" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "		return false;" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "	}" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "}" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</script>" & vbNewLine
	If Not IsNumeric(Request.Form("money")) Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请输入你要充值的金额,或者你输入的金额有错误!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If FormatNumber(Request.Form("money")) <= 0 Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>您输入的充值金额总要大于 0 元吧?</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Dim OrderForm,curdate
	Dim sRnd
	sRnd = Int(9000 * Rnd) + 1000
	OrderForm = Year(curdate) & Month(curdate) & Day(curdate) &"-"& sRnd &"-"& Hour(curdate) & Minute(curdate) & Second(curdate)
	Call PreventRefresh  '防刷新
	Response.Write "<table cellspacing=1 align=center cellpadding=3 border=0 class=Usertableborder>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<th colspan=2>会员帐号充值</th>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<form name=addform method=post action=?action=pay onSubmit=""return chkaddform(this);"">"
	Response.Write "	<input type=hidden name=title value=""会员帐号充值"">"
	Response.Write "	<input type=hidden name=userid value=""" & Trim(NewAsp.memberid) & """>"
	Response.Write "	<input type=hidden name=username value=""" & Trim(NewAsp.membername) & """>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1 align=right><b>您要充值的金额:</b></td>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1><font color=red>" & FormatCurrency(Request.Form("money"),2,-1) & "</font> 元"
	Response.Write "		<input type=hidden name=addmoney value=""" & CCur(Request.Form("money")) & """></td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1 align=right><b>充值定单号:</b></td>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1><font color=red>" & OrderForm & "</font>"
	Response.Write "		<input type=hidden name=OrderForm value=""" & OrderForm & """> (请牢记您的订单号)</td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1 align=right><b>其它说明:</b><br>最多200个字符</td>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1><textarea name=readme rows=5 cols=50></textarea></td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1 align=right><b>支付方式:</b></td>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1><select name=paytype>"
	Response.Write "		<option value=0>银行汇款</option>"
	'Response.Write "		<option value=1>在线支付</option>"
	Response.Write "		<option value=2>邮局汇款</option>"
	Response.Write "		<option value=3>上门交费</option>"
	Response.Write "	</select>"
	Response.Write "</td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1 align=right><b>验证码:</b></td>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1><input name=""checkcode"" type=""text"" class=""logininput"" id=""checkcode"" size=""5"" maxlength=""4"" onfocus=""get_checkcode();this.onfocus=null;"" onkeyup=""ajaxcheckcode('check_code','checkcode');"" />"
	Response.Write "				<span id=""img_checkcode""><label style=""cursor:pointer;"" onclick=""get_checkcode();"">点击获取验证码</label></span><span id=""isok_checkcode""></span></td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	<tr align=center>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1 colspan=2><input type=submit value="" 确定支付 "" class=Button></td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "	</form>"
	Response.Write "</table>"
End Sub

Sub ViewRecord()
	Dim CurrentPage,page_count,totalrec,Pcount,PageListNum
	PageListNum = 20
	CurrentPage = Request("page")
	If CurrentPage = "" Or Not IsNumeric(CurrentPage) Then
		CurrentPage = 1
		CurrentPage = CLng(CurrentPage)
	End If
	Response.Write "<table cellspacing=1 align=center cellpadding=3 border=0 class=Usertableborder>"
	Response.Write "	<tr>"
	Response.Write "		<th>定 单 号</th>"
	Response.Write "		<th>支付金额</th>"
	Response.Write "		<th>支付标题</th>"
	Response.Write "		<th>提交日期</th>"
	Response.Write "		<th>付款方式</th>"
	Response.Write "		<th>状 态</th>"
	Response.Write "		<th>操 作</th>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Set Rs = NewAsp.CreateAXObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_AddMoney WHERE userid=" & memberid & " And username='" & MemberName & "' And deletion=0 ORDER BY id DESC"
	Rs.Open SQL,conn,1,1
	If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
		Rs.PageSize = PageListNum
		Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
		page_count = 0
		totalrec = Rs.recordcount
		Do While Not Rs.EOF And (Not page_count = Rs.PageSize)
			Response.Write "	<tr align=center>"
			Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1><font color=red>" & Rs("OrderForm") & "</font></td>"
			Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1>" & FormatCurrency(Rs("addmoney"),2,-1) & " 元</td>"
			Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1>" & Rs("title") & "</td>"
			Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1>" & Rs("addtime") & "</td>"
			Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1>" & Rs("paytype") & "</td>"
			Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1>"
			If Rs("finished") > 0 Then
				Response.Write "<font color=blue>已处理</font>"
				Response.Write "<font color=red>未处理</font>"
			End If
			Response.Write "</td>"
			Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1>"
			If Rs("finished")>0 Then
				Response.Write "<a href=""?action=del&id=" & Rs("id") & """ onClick=""return confirm('确定要删除此定单吗?')"">删 除</a>"
				Response.Write "<a onClick=""return confirm('此定单还未处理,不能删除!')"">删 除</a>"
			End If
			Response.Write "</td>"
			Response.Write "	</tr>"
			page_count = page_count + 1
		Response.Write "	<tr align=center>"
		Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow1 colspan=7>没有任何定单!</td>"
		Response.Write "	</tr>"
	End If
	If totalrec Mod PageListNum = 0 Then
		Pcount =  totalrec \ PageListNum
		Pcount =  totalrec \ PageListNum+1
	End If
	If page_count = 0 Then CurrentPage = 0
	Response.Write "	<tr align=center>"
	Response.Write "		<td class=Usertablerow2 colspan=7>"
	Response.Write ShowPages(CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,PageListNum,"action="& Request("action"))
	Response.Write "</td>"
	Response.Write "	</tr>"
	Response.Write "</table>"
	Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DelRecord()
	If NewAsp.CheckPost=False Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + Postmsg
		FoundErr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Not IsNumeric(Request("id")) Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请正确输入ID!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	NewAsp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_AddMoney SET deletion=1 WHERE userid=" & memberid & " And finished>0 And id="& CLng(Request("id")))
	Response.Redirect Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
End Sub
Sub PayMoney()
	If NewAsp.CheckPost=False Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + Postmsg
		FoundErr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Not IsNumeric(Request.Form("addmoney")) Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请输入你要充值的金额,或者你输入的金额有错误!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If FormatNumber(Request.Form("addmoney")) <= 0 Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>您输入的充值金额总要大于 0 元吧?</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Not IsNumeric(Request.Form("paytype")) Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请选择支付方式!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("OrderForm")) = Empty Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>你的定单号错误!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Not NewAsp.CodeIsTrue() Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<meta http-equiv=refresh content=""2;URL=addmoney.asp""><li>验证码校验失败,请返回刷新页面再试。两秒后自动返回</li>"
		Session("BankPayCode") = ""
		Founderr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Session("GetCode") = ""
	Set Rs = NewAsp.Execute("SELECT id FROM NC_AddMoney WHERE OrderForm='"& NewAsp.CheckBadstr(Request.Form("OrderForm")) &"'")
	If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>您已经提交了表单,请不要重复提交!!!</li>"
		Session("BankPayCode") = ""
		Founderr = True
		Set Rs = Nothing
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Dim strpaytype
	Select Case CInt(Request.Form("paytype"))
	Case 0
		strpaytype = "银行汇款"
	Case 1
		strpaytype = "在线支付"
	Case 2
		strpaytype = "邮局汇款"
	Case 3
		strpaytype = "上门交费"
	Case Else
		strpaytype = "其它汇款"
	End Select
	If CInt(Request.Form("paytype")) = 1 Then
		Call Web_Payment
		If Founderr = True Then Exit Sub
		Set Rs = NewAsp.CreateAXObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_AddMoney WHERE (id is null)"
		Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,3
			Rs("userid").Value = NewAsp.memberid
			Rs("username").Value = NewAsp.membername
			Rs("title").Value = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("title"),50)
			Rs("OrderForm").Value = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("OrderForm"),100)
			Rs("addmoney").Value = CCur(Request.Form("addmoney"))
			Rs("addtime").Value = Now()
			Rs("readme").Value = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("readme"),255)
			Rs("paytype").Value = strpaytype
			Rs("finished").Value = 0
			Rs("deletion").Value = 0
		Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
		Call ToSucceed("<li>恭喜您!充值信息提交成功。</li>")
	End If
End Sub

Sub showCardPay()
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="Usertableborder">
	<th colspan="2">购买充值卡</th>
	<td class="Usertablerow2"><b>点卡充值</b> - 适合于计点会员</td>
	<td class="Usertablerow2"><b>包月卡充值</b> - 适合于计时会员</td>
	<form name="cardform1" method="post" action="usercard.asp?action=add&type=0">
	<td class="Usertablerow1" width="50%"><%
	Call ShowPointCard()
	<form name="cardform2" method="post" action="usercard.asp?action=add&type=1">
	<td class="Usertablerow1" width="50%"><%
	<td class="Usertablerow1"></td>
	<td class="Usertablerow1"></td>

End Sub

Sub ShowPointCard()
	SQL = "SELECT TOP 20 CardID,CardMark,UseDayNum,CardMoney,addPoint FROM [NC_Card] WHERE CardType=0 And IsConsume=0 And UserGroup="& UserGroup &""
	If IsSqlDataBase = 1 Then
		SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY newid()"
		SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY  rnd(CardID)"
	End If
	Set Rs = NewAsp.CreateAXObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,1
	If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
		i = 0
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			If i = 0 Then
				Response.Write "<input type=""radio"" name=""carid"" value=""" & Rs(0) & """ checked>" & vbNewLine
				Response.Write "<input type=""radio"" name=""carid"" value=""" & Rs(0) & """>" & vbNewLine
			End If
			Response.Write " 点数:"
			Response.Write Rs("addPoint")
			Response.Write " - 面值:"
			Response.Write FormatCurrency(Rs("CardMoney"),2,-1)
			Response.Write " 元<br>" & vbNewLine
			i = i + 1
		Response.Write "<input type=""submit"" name=""B1"" class=""buttom"" value=""购点卡下一步"">" & vbNewLine
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ShowMonthCard()
	SQL = "SELECT TOP 20 CardID,CardMark,UseDayNum,CardMoney,addPoint FROM [NC_Card] WHERE CardType=1 And IsConsume=0 And UserGroup="& UserGroup &""
	If IsSqlDataBase = 1 Then
		SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY newid()"
		SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY  rnd(CardID)"
	End If
	Set Rs = NewAsp.CreateAXObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,1
	If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then
		i = 0
		Do While Not Rs.EOF
			If i = 0 Then
				Response.Write "<input type=""radio"" name=""carid"" value=""" & Rs(0) & """ checked>" & vbNewLine
				Response.Write "<input type=""radio"" name=""carid"" value=""" & Rs(0) & """>" & vbNewLine
			End If
			Response.Write " 点数:"
			Response.Write Rs("addPoint")
			Response.Write " - 时长:"
			Response.Write Rs("UseDayNum")
			Response.Write "天 - 面值:"
			Response.Write FormatCurrency(Rs("CardMoney"),2,-1)
			Response.Write "<br>" & vbNewLine
			i = i + 1
		Response.Write "<input type=""submit"" name=""B2"" class=""buttom"" value=""购包月卡下一步"">" & vbNewLine
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub
<!--#include file="inc/foot.inc"-->