www.gusucode.com > 全球营销软件站整站源码4月最新数据 4.0源码程序 > 801wyxqf\users\downlog.asp

    <!--#include file="inc/const.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/check.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/head.inc"-->
Call InnerLocation("我的下载记录")
If ChannelID = 0 Then ChannelID = 2

Dim Action

Action = LCase(Request("action"))
Select Case Trim(Action)
	Case "del"
		Call delDownlog
	Case Else
		Call showmain
End Select
If Founderr = True Then
	Call ToErrors(ErrMsg)
End If
Sub showmain()
	If Founderr = True Then Exit Sub
	Dim maxdaynum,maxdownum,todaynum,m_strstate,isdown,ChannelPath
	maxdaynum = NewAsp.CheckNumeric(GroupSetting(43))
	todaynum = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(UserToday(0))
	'If NewAsp.ChkNumeric(NewAsp.BindDomain) = 0 Then
	'	ChannelPath = Trim(NewAsp.InstallDir & NewAsp.ChannelDir)
	'	ChannelPath = Trim(NewAsp.DomainName) & "/"
	'End If
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" align="center" cellpadding="3" border="0" class="Usertableborder">
	<tr height="20">
		<th width="5%" noWrap>状态</th>
		<th width="70%">标题</th>
		<th width="18%" noWrap>最后下载时间</th>
		<th width="7%" noWrap>删 除</th>
	Response.Write "<tr><td class=""Usertablerow1"" colspan=""4"" align=""left""><b>今日下载:</b><b style=""color:red;"">"
	Response.Write todaynum & "</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>每日下载:</b><b style=""color:red;"">"
	If CInt(NewAsp.memberclass) > 0 Then
		maxdownum = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(GroupSetting(45))
		If maxdownum = 0 Then
			Response.Write "无限"
			Response.Write GroupSetting(45)
		End If
		maxdownum = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(GroupSetting(44))
		If maxdownum = 0 Then
			Response.Write "无限"
			Response.Write GroupSetting(44)
		End If
	End If
	Response.Write "</b></td></tr>" & vbNewLine
	Dim CurrentPage,page_count,totalrec,Pcount,maxperpage
	Dim Rs,SQL,i,s,j
	maxperpage = 30 '###每页显示数
	CurrentPage = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(Request("page"))
	If CurrentPage = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1
	totalrec = NewAsp.Execute("SELECT COUNT(softid) FROM NC_UserDown WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And isdel=0 And userid=" & memberid)(0)
	Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
	If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
	If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
	page_count = 0
	Set Rs = NewAsp.CreateAXObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT id,softid,title,lasttime,isdown1,isdown2 FROM [NC_UserDown] WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And isdel=0 And userid=" & memberid & " ORDER BY lasttime DESC ,id DESC"
	If IsSqlDataBase = 1 Then
		Set Rs = NewAsp.Execute(SQL)
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	End If
	If Not (Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF) Then
		If Pcount > 1 then Rs.Move (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage
		j = (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage + 1
		SQL = Rs.GetRows(maxperpage)
		For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2)
			If (i mod 2) = 0 Then
				s = 2
				s = 1
			End If
			isdown = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(SQL(4,i) + SQL(5,i))
			'If DateDiff("D", SQL(3,i), Now()) < maxdaynum And isdown > 0 Then
			'	m_strstate = "<b style=""color:blue;""  title=""已下载"">√</b>"
			'	If maxdaynum <= 0 Or maxdownum = 0 Then
			'		m_strstate = "<b style=""color:blue;""  title=""已下载"">√</b>"
			'	Else
			'		If todaynum < maxdownum Then
			'			m_strstate = "<b style=""color:blue;""  title=""已下载"">√</b>"
			'		Else
			'			m_strstate = "<b style=""color:red;"" title=""未下载"">×</b>"
			'		End If
			'	End If
			'End If
			If isdown > 0 Then
				m_strstate = "<b style=""color:blue;""  title=""已下载"">√</b>"
				m_strstate = "<b style=""color:red;"" title=""未下载"">×</b>"
			End If
			Response.Write "<tr>"
			Response.Write "<td align=""center"" class=""Usertablerow" & s & """>" & m_strstate & "</td>"
			Response.Write "<td class=""Usertablerow" & s & """><a target=""_blank"" href="""
			Response.Write ChannelPath
			Response.Write "softdown.asp?softid=" & SQL(1,i) & """>"
			Response.Write SQL(2,i) & "</a></td>"
			Response.Write "<td align=""center"" class=""Usertablerow" & s & """ noWrap>" & FormatshowTime(SQL(3,i)) & "</td>"
			Response.Write "<td align=""center"" class=""Usertablerow" & s & """><a href=""?action=del&id=" & SQL(0,i) & "&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & """ onClick=""return confirm('确定要删除吗?')"">删 除</a></td>"
			Response.Write "</tr>"
			page_count = page_count + 1
			j = j + 1
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	Response.Write "<tr><td class=""Usertablerow2"" colspan=""4"" align=""right"">"
	Response.Write ShowPages(CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&ChannelID="& ChannelID)
	Response.Write "</td></tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</table>"
End Sub

Sub delDownlog()
	Dim id
	id = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(Request("id"))
	If id > 0 Then
		NewAsp.Execute ("UPDATE NC_UserDown SET isdel=1 WHERE id=" & id)
	End If
	Response.Redirect Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
End Sub

<!--#include file="inc/foot.inc"-->