www.gusucode.com > 全球营销软件站整站源码4月最新数据 4.0源码程序 > 801wyxqf\users\softlist.asp

    <!--#include file="inc/const.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/check.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/head.inc"-->
<!--#include file="../inc/ubbcode.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../inc/cls_editor.asp"-->
Call InnerLocation("我发布的"&NewAsp.ModuleName)

Dim Action,SQL,Rs,i,softid
softid = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(Request("softid"))
If ChannelID = 0 Then ChannelID = 2

Dim InstallDir_ChannelDir
InstallDir_ChannelDir = Trim(NewAsp.InstallDir & NewAsp.ChannelDir)
ubb.BasePath = InstallDir_ChannelDir
ubb.setUbbcode = Join(NewAsp.setUserEditor,"|")
ubb.Keyword = NewAsp.KeywordList

Action = LCase(Request("action"))
Select Case Trim(Action)
	Case "save"
		Call SaveSoft
	Case "edit"
		Call EditSoft
	Case "del"
		Call DeleteSoft
	Case "view"
		Call SoftView
	Case Else
		Call showmain
End Select
If Founderr = True Then
	Call ToErrors(ErrMsg)
End If

Sub showmain()
	If Founderr = True Then Exit Sub
<script language="JavaScript">
function myuser_softlist_top(accept){
	//document.write ('<table cellspacing=1 align=center cellpadding=3 border=0 class=Usertableborder>');
	document.write ('<th valign=middle>');
	if (accept==1)
		document.write ('我的软件列表--已审核的软件');
		document.write ('我的软件列表--未审核的软件');
	document.write ('</th>');
	document.write ('<th valign="middle" noWrap>审核</th>');
	document.write ('<th valign="middle" noWrap>发布日期</th>');
	document.write ('<th valign="middle" noWrap>管理操作</th>');
	document.write ('</tr>');
function myuser_softlist_not(){
	document.write ('<tr>');
	document.write ('<td class=Usertablerow1 align=center valign=middle colspan=5>没有找到任何软件。</td>');
	document.write ('</tr>');
function myuser_softlist_loop(channelid,softid,accept,softname,classname,softdate,hits,style){
	var tablebody;
	if (style==1)
	document.write ('<tr>');
	document.write ('<td class='+tablebody+' valign=middle>['+classname+'] ');
	document.write ('<a href="softlist.asp?action=view&channelid='+channelid+'&softid='+softid+'">'+softname+'</a></td>');
	document.write ('<td class='+tablebody+' align=center valign=middle>');
	if (accept==1)
		document.write ('<font color=blue>已审</font>');
		document.write ('<font color=red>未审</font>');
	document.write ('</td>');
	document.write ('<td class='+tablebody+' align=center valign=middle>'+softdate+'</td>');
	document.write ('<td class='+tablebody+' align=center valign=middle>');
	document.write ('<a href="softlist.asp?action=edit&channelid='+channelid+'&softid='+softid+'">修改</a> | ');
	document.write ('<a href="softlist.asp?action=del&channelid='+channelid+'&softid='+softid+'" onClick="return confirm(\'确定要删除吗?\')">删除</a>');
	document.write ('</td>');
	document.write ('</tr>');
<table cellspacing="1" align="center" cellpadding="3" border="0" class="Usertableborder">
	<tr height="20" align="center">
		<td class="Usertablerow2" colspan="5"><a href="?ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>&Accept=1">已审核的软件</a> | 
		<a href="?ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>">未审核的软件</a> | 
		<a href="softpost.asp?ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>">发布新的软件</a> </td>
	Dim CurrentPage,page_count,totalrec,Pcount,maxperpage
	Dim isAccept,s
	maxperpage = 20 '###每页显示数
	If Trim(Request("Accept")) <> "" Then
		isAccept = 1
		isAccept = 0
	End If
	CurrentPage = Request("page")
	If CurrentPage = "" Or Not IsNumeric(CurrentPage) Then
		CurrentPage = 1
		CurrentPage = CInt(CurrentPage)
	End If
	If CInt(CurrentPage) = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1
	Response.Write "<script>myuser_softlist_top("& isAccept &")</script>" & vbNewLine
	totalrec = NewAsp.Execute("SELECT COUNT(SoftID) FROM NC_SoftList WHERE ChannelID = " & ChannelID & " And username='" & MemberName & "' And isAccept="& isAccept)(0)
	Pcount = CInt(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
	If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
	If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
	If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
	Set Rs = NewAsp.CreateAXObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT A.SoftID,A.SoftName,A.SoftVer,A.SoftTime,A.AllHits,A.isAccept,C.ClassName FROM [NC_SoftList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C on A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.ChannelID = " & ChannelID & "  And A.username='" & MemberName & "' And isAccept="& isAccept &" ORDER BY A.isTop DESC, A.SoftTime DESC ,A.SoftID DESC"  'And username='" & MemberName & "'
	If IsSqlDataBase = 1 Then
		Set Rs = NewAsp.Execute(SQL)
		Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
	End If
	If Rs.EOF And Rs.BOF Then
		Response.Write "<script>myuser_softlist_not()</script>" & vbNewLine
		If Pcount > 1 then Rs.Move (CurrentPage - 1) * maxperpage
		page_count = 0
		If Rs.EOf Then Exit Sub
		SQL = Rs.GetRows(maxperpage)
		For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2)
			If (i mod 2) = 0 Then
				s = 2
				s = 1
			End If
			Response.Write VbCrLf
			Response.Write "<script>myuser_softlist_loop("
			Response.Write ChannelID
			Response.Write ","
			Response.Write SQL(0,i)
			Response.Write ","
			Response.Write SQL(5,i)
			Response.Write ",'"
			Response.Write EncodeJS(SQL(1,i) &" "& SQL(2,i))
			Response.Write "','"
			Response.Write EncodeJS(SQL(6,i))
			Response.Write "','"
			Response.Write FormatDated(SQL(3,i),4)
			Response.Write "',"
			Response.Write SQL(4,i)
			Response.Write ","
			Response.Write s
			Response.Write ")</script>"
			Response.Write VbCrLf
			page_count = page_count + 1
	End If
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	Response.Write "<tr align=right><td class=Usertablerow2 colspan=5>"
	Response.Write ShowPages(CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&ChannelID="& ChannelID &"&Accept="& Request("Accept"))
	Response.Write "</td></tr>" & vbNewLine
	Response.Write "</table>"

End Sub

Sub DeleteSoft()
	If CInt(GroupSetting(12)) = 0 Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>对不起!您没有删除软件的权限,如需要该权限请联系管理员。</li>"
		Founderr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If NewAsp.CheckPost=False Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + Postmsg
		FoundErr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If softid = 0 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!您选择了错误的系统参数。</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	SQL = "SELECT isAccept FROM NC_SoftList WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And username='" & MemberName & "' And isAccept=0 And softid=" & CLng(softid)
	Set Rs = NewAsp.Execute(SQL)
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!此软件已经通过审核,您没有权限删除,如有什么问题请联系管理员。</li>"
		Set Rs = Nothing
		Exit Sub
		NewAsp.Execute("DELETE FROM NC_SoftList WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And username='" & MemberName & "' And isAccept=0 And softid=" & CLng(softid))
	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Response.Redirect  Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
End Sub

Sub SaveSoft()
	Dim TextContent,isAccept
	If CInt(GroupSetting(12)) = 0 Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>对不起!您没有修改软件的权限,如需要该权限请联系管理员。</li>"
		Founderr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If NewAsp.CheckPost=False Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + Postmsg
		FoundErr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If CInt(GroupSetting(2)) = 1 Then
		If Not NewAsp.CodeIsTrue() Then
			ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<meta http-equiv=refresh content=""2;URL="&Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")&"""><li>验证码校验失败,请返回刷新页面再试。两秒后自动返回</li>"
			Founderr = True
			Exit Sub
		End If
	End If
	If softid = 0 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!您选择了错误的系统参数。</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("SoftName")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>软件名称不能为空!</li>"
	End If
	If Len(Request.Form("SoftName")) => 200 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>软件名称不能超过200个字符!</li>"
	End If
	If Len(Request.Form("Related")) => 200 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>相关软件不能超过200个字符!</li>"
	End If
	If Not IsNumeric(Request.Form("star")) Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>软件星级不能为空。</li>"
	End If
	If Not IsNumeric(Request.Form("ClassID")) Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>该一级分类已经有下属分类,不能添加软件!</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If CLng(Request.Form("ClassID")) = 0 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>该分类是外部连接,不能添加软件!</li>"
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("SoftType")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请选择软件类型!</li>"
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("impower")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请选择软件授权方式!</li>"
	End If
	If Trim(Request.Form("Languages")) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请选择软件语言!</li>"
	End If
	TextContent = ""
	For i = 1 To Request.Form("content").Count
		TextContent = TextContent & Request.Form("content")(i)
	If Trim(TextContent) = "" Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>软件简介不能为空!</li>"
	End If
	If Len(TextContent) > CLng(GroupSetting(17)) And CLng(GroupSetting(17))>0 Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>软件简介不能大于" & GroupSetting(17) & "字符!</li>"
		Founderr = True
	End If
	If NewAsp.setUserEditor(0) <> 0 Then
		TextContent = NewAsp.HTMLEncode(TextContent)
	End If
	TextContent = Re_Replace(TextContent, InstallDir_ChannelDir, "[InstallDir_ChannelDir]")
	Dim ChkPostData
	ChkPostData = NewAsp.NeedIsAudit(TextContent, Request.Form("SoftName") & "" & Request.Form("SoftVer"))
	If Len(Request.Form("RunSystem")) = 0 Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>运行环境不能为空!</li>"
	End If
	If Not IsNumeric(Request.Form("SoftSize")) Then
		Founderr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>软件大小请输入整数!</li>"
	End If
	isAccept = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("isAccept"))

	If Founderr = True Then Exit Sub
	On Error Resume Next
	Call PreventRefresh  '防刷新
	Set Rs = NewAsp.CreateAXObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftList WHERE username='" & MemberName & "' And SoftID=" & CLng(softid)
	Rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,3
		Rs("ClassID") = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("classid"))
		Rs("SoftName") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("SoftName"),200)
		Rs("SoftVer") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("SoftVer"),50)
		Rs("Related") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("Related"),200)
		Rs("Content") = Html2Ubb(TextContent)
		Rs("Languages") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("Languages"),50)
		Rs("SoftType") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("SoftType"),50)
		Rs("RunSystem") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("RunSystem"),50)
		Rs("impower") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("impower"),50)
		If UCase(Request.Form("SizeUnit")) = "MB" Then
			Rs("SoftSize") = NewAsp.CheckNumeric(Request.Form("SoftSize") * 1024)
			Rs("SoftSize") = NewAsp.CheckNumeric(Request.Form("SoftSize"))
		End If
		Rs("star") = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("star"))
		Rs("Homepage") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("Homepage"),200)
		Rs("Contact") = Replace(Newasp.RequestForm(Request.Form("Contact"),100), "@", "@")
		Rs("SoftPrice") = NewAsp.CheckNumeric(Request.Form("SoftPrice"))
		Rs("SoftImage") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("SoftImage"),220)
		Rs("Decode") = NewAsp.RequestForm(Request.Form("Decode"),50)
		Rs("AlphaIndex") = NewAsp.ReadAlpha(ubb.CheckSpecialChar(Request.Form("SoftName")))
		If ChkPostData = True Then
			Rs("isAccept") = 0
		End If
	softid = Rs("softid")
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
	'---- 开始批量更新下载地址
	Dim TempAddress,TempSiteName
	Dim tempid,tempdownid,num
	num = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("num"))
	If Len(Request.Form("DownAddress")) > 3 Then
		TempAddress = Replace(Trim(Request.Form("DownAddress")), "&amp;", "&")
		TempSiteName = Replace(Trim(Request.Form("SiteName")), "&amp;", "&")
		AddDownAddress 0,softid,TempAddress,TempSiteName
	End If

	If num > 0 Then
		For i = 1 To num
			TempAddress = Replace(Trim(Request.Form("DownAddress"&i)), "&amp;", "&")
			TempAddress = Server.HTMLEncode(TempAddress)
			TempSiteName = Replace(Trim(Request.Form("SiteName"&i)), "&amp;", "&")
			TempSiteName = Server.HTMLEncode(TempSiteName)
			tempid = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(Request.Form("id"&i))
			If Len(TempSiteName) = 0 Then TempSiteName = "立即下载"

			If tempid > 0 Then
				If LCase(TempAddress) <> "del" And Len(TempAddress) > 3 Then
					Conn.Execute ("UPDATE NC_DownAddress SET DownFileName='" & Replace(TempAddress, "'", "") & "',DownText='" & Replace(TempSiteName, "'", "") & "' WHERE softid=" & softid & " And id="& CLng(tempid))
				End If
			End If
	End If
	'---- 批量更新下载地址完成
	Call ToSucceed("<li>恭喜您!修改软件成功。</li><li><a href=?action=view&ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "&SoftID=" & SoftID & ">点击此处查看该软件</a></li>")
End Sub

Function AddDownAddress(downid,softid,DownFileName,DownText)
	If Len(DownText) = 0 Then DownText = "立即下载"
	downid = NewAsp.ChkNumeric(downid)
	DownFileName = Server.HTMLEncode(Replace(DownFileName, "'", ""))
	DownText = Server.HTMLEncode(Replace(DownText, "'", ""))
	If Trim(DownFileName) <> "" Then
		SQL = "INSERT INTO NC_DownAddress (ChannelID,softid,downid,DownFileName,DownText) VALUES (" & ChannelID & "," & softid & "," & downid & ",'" & Replace(DownFileName, "'", "") & "','" & Replace(DownText, "'", "") & "')"
	End If
End Function

Function EncodeJS(str)
	str = NewAsp.HtmlEncode(str)
	str = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(str,"\","\\"),"'","\'"),VbCrLf,"\n"),Chr(13),"")
	EnCodeJs = str
End Function

Sub SoftView()
	If softid = 0 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!您选择了错误的系统参数。</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If ChannelID = 0 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请指定频道。</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftList WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And username='" & MemberName & "' And softid=" & CLng(softid)
	Set Rs = NewAsp.Execute(SQL)
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>没有找到任何软件。或者您选择了错误的系统参数!</li>"
		Exit Sub
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="UserTableBorder" style="table-layout:fixed;word-break:break-all">
	  <th colspan="2">&gt;&gt;查看软件信息&lt;&lt;</th>
	  <td align="center" class="UserTableRow2" colspan="2"><font size=3 color=blue><a href="?action=edit&ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>&softid=<%=Rs("SoftID")%>"><%=Rs("SoftName")%>&nbsp;<%=Rs("SoftVer")%></a></font></td>
	  <td class="UserTableRow1"><strong>软件运行环境:</strong> <%=Rs("RunSystem")%></td>
	  <td class="UserTableRow1"><strong>软件类型:</strong> <%=Rs("SoftType")%></td>
	  <td class="UserTableRow1"><strong>软件大小:</strong> <%=Rs("SoftSize")%></td>
	  <td class="UserTableRow1"><strong>软件星级:</strong> 
	Response.Write "<font color=red>"
	For i = 1 to Rs("star")
		Response.Write "★"
	Response.Write "</font>"
	  <td class="UserTableRow1"><strong>软件语言:</strong> <%=Rs("Languages")%></td>
	  <td class="UserTableRow1"><strong>授权方式:</strong> <%=Rs("impower")%></td>
	  <td class="UserTableRow1"><strong>更新时间:</strong> <%=Rs("SoftTime")%></td>
	  <td class="UserTableRow1"><strong>程序主页:</strong> <%=Rs("Homepage")%></td>
	  <td colspan="2" class="UserTableRow1"><strong>软件简介:</strong><br><%=ubb.UBBCode(Rs("content"))%></td>
	  <td colspan="2" class="UserTableRow1"><strong>下载地址:</strong><br>
	Response.Write SoftDownAddress(Rs("softid"))
	  <td align="center" colspan="2" class="UserTableRow2"><input type="button" onclick="javascript:window.close()" value="关闭本窗口" name="B2" class=Button>&nbsp;&nbsp;
	  <input type="button" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" value="返回上一页" name="B1" class=Button>&nbsp;&nbsp; 
	  <input type="button" name="Submit1" onclick="javascript:location.href='#'" value="返回顶部" class=button>&nbsp;&nbsp;

	End If
	Set Rs = Nothing 
End Sub
Function SoftDownAddress(softid)
	Dim rsAddress, sqlAddress, rsDown
	Dim strDownAddress,sDownAddress
	strDownAddress = ""
	On Error Resume Next
	Set rsDown = NewAsp.Execute("SELECT downid,DownFileName FROM [NC_DownAddress] WHERE softid=" & CLng(softid))
	If Not (rsDown.BOF And rsDown.EOF) Then
		Do While Not rsDown.EOF
			If rsDown("downid") > 0 Then
				sqlAddress = "SELECT downid,DownloadName,DownloadPath FROM NC_DownServer WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And depth=1 And rootid =" & rsDown("downid") & " And isLock=0 ORDER BY orders ASC"
				Set rsAddress = NewAsp.Execute(sqlAddress)
				If Not(rsAddress.EOF And rsAddress.BOF) Then
					Do While Not rsAddress.EOF
						strDownAddress = rsAddress("DownloadPath") & Server.HTMLEncode(Replace(rsDown("DownFileName"), "&amp;", "&"))
						sDownAddress = sDownAddress & "<li><a href=""" & strDownAddress & """ target=_blank>" & strDownAddress & "</a></li>" & vbNewLine
				End If
				Set rsAddress = Nothing
				strDownAddress = Server.HTMLEncode(Replace(rsDown("DownFileName") & "", "&amp;", "&"))
				sDownAddress = sDownAddress & "<li><a href=""" & strDownAddress & """ target=_blank>" & strDownAddress & "</a></li>" & vbNewLine
			End If
	End If
	Set rsDown = Nothing
	SoftDownAddress = sDownAddress
End Function

Sub EditSoft()
	If softid = 0 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!您选择了错误的系统参数。</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If CInt(GroupSetting(12)) = 0 Then
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>对不起!您没有修改软件的权限,如需要该权限请联系管理员。</li>"
		Founderr = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If ChannelID = 0 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>请指定频道。</li>"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If Founderr = True Then Exit Sub
	SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_SoftList WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And username='" & MemberName & "' And softid=" & CLng(softid)
	Set Rs = NewAsp.Execute(SQL)
	If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>Sorry!没有找到任何软件。或者您选择了错误的系统参数!</li>"
		Set Rs = Nothing 
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Dim Channel_Setting,ClassID,DownAddress,DownSiteName,TempAddress
	Channel_Setting = Split(NewAsp.Channel_Setting, "|||")
	ClassID = Rs("ClassID")
	If Rs("isAccept") <> 0 Then
		FoundErr = True
		ErrMsg = ErrMsg + "<li>此软件已经通过审核,您没有权限修改,如有什么问题请联系管理员。</li>"
		Set Rs = Nothing
		Exit Sub
	End If
<script language=JavaScript>
var _maxCount = '<%=CLng(GroupSetting(17))%>';
function ToRunsystem(addTitle) {
	var revisedTitle;
	var currentTitle;
	currentTitle = document.myform.RunSystem.value;
	revisedTitle = currentTitle+addTitle;
function doSubmit(){
	var form1 = document.myform;
	if (form1.SoftName.value==""){
		return false;
	if (form1.classid.value==""){
		return false;
	if (form1.classid.value=="0"){
		return false;
	if (form1.RunSystem.value==""){
		return false;
	if (form1.SoftType.value==""){
		return false;
	if (form1.SoftSize.value==""){
		return false;
	<%If CInt(GroupSetting(2)) = 1 Then%>
	if (form1.codestr.value==""){
		return false;
	<%End If%>
	var strLen=0;
	if(strLen < 2){
		return false;
	if(strLen > _maxCount){
		return false;
<div onkeydown="CtrlEnter()">
<table class="UserTableBorder" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" align="center" border="0">
		<th colspan="4">&gt;&gt;发布软件&lt;&lt;</th>
	<form action="softlist.asp" method="post" onsubmit="return doSubmit()" name="myform">
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save"/>
	<input type="hidden" name="ChannelID" value="<%=ChannelID%>"/>
	<input type="hidden" name="SoftID" value="<%=Rs("softid")%>"/>
			<td class="UserTableRow2" nowrap="nowrap" align="right" width="15%"><strong>所属分类</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1" width="85%"><%
	Call selectClasslist(ChannelID,classid)
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>软件名称</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input id="SoftName" size="45" name="SoftName" value="<%=Rs("SoftName")%>" type="text" /> <font color="#ff0000">*</font> <strong>软件版本</strong><input id="SoftVer" name="SoftVer" value="<%=Rs("SoftVer")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>相关软件</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input id="Related" size="60" name="Related" value="<%=Rs("Related")%>" type="text" /> <font color="#ff0000">*</font></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>运行环境</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input size="60" name="RunSystem" value="<%=Rs("RunSystem")%>" type="text" /><br />
Dim RunSystem
RunSystem = Split(Channel_Setting(0), "|")
For i = 0 To UBound(RunSystem)
	Response.Write "<a href='javascript:ToRunsystem(""" & Trim(RunSystem(i)) & """)'><u>" & Trim(RunSystem(i)) & "</u></a>  "
	If i = 10 Then Response.Write "<br>"
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>软件类型</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><%
Dim SoftType
SoftType = Split(Channel_Setting(2), ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(SoftType)
	Response.Write "<input type=""radio"" name=""SoftType"" value=""" & Trim(SoftType(i)) & """ "
	If SoftType(i) = Rs("SoftType") Then Response.Write " checked"
	Response.Write ">" & Trim(SoftType(i)) & " "
	If i = 6 Then Response.Write "<br>"
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>软件大小</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input id="filesize" size="14" onkeyup="if(isNaN(this.value))this.value=''" name="SoftSize" value="<%=Rs("SoftSize")%>" type="text" /> <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="SizeUnit" value="KB" /> KB <input type="radio" name="SizeUnit" value="MB" /> MB <font color="#ff0000">!</font> <strong>解压密码</strong> <input maxlength="100" size="15" name="Decode" value="<%=Rs("Decode")%>" type="text" /> <font color="#808080">没有请留空</font></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>软件性质</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><%
	Response.Write " <select name=""impower"">"
	Response.Write "<option value=""" & Rs("impower") & """>" & Rs("impower") & "</option>"
	Dim ImpowerStr
	ImpowerStr = Split(Channel_Setting(3), ",")
	For i = 0 To UBound(ImpowerStr)
		Response.Write " <option value=""" & ImpowerStr(i) & """>" & ImpowerStr(i) & "</option>"
	Response.Write " </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write " <select name=""Languages"">"
	Response.Write "<option value=""" & Rs("Languages") & """>" & Rs("Languages") & "</option>"
	Dim LanguagesStr
	LanguagesStr = Split(Channel_Setting(4), ",")
	For i = 0 To UBound(LanguagesStr)
		Response.Write " <option value=""" & LanguagesStr(i) & """>" & LanguagesStr(i) & "</option>"
	Response.Write " </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;"
%><select name="star">
			<option value="5"<%If Rs("star") = 5 Then Response.Write (" selected=""selected""")%>>★★★★★</option>
			<option value="4"<%If Rs("star") = 4 Then Response.Write (" selected=""selected""")%>>★★★★</option>
			<option value="3"<%If Rs("star") = 3 Then Response.Write (" selected=""selected""")%>>★★★</option>
			<option value="2"<%If Rs("star") = 2 Then Response.Write (" selected=""selected""")%>>★★</option>
			<option value="1"<%If Rs("star") = 1 Then Response.Write (" selected=""selected""")%>>★</option>
			</select>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong><font color="#0000ff">注册软件的价格</font></strong> <input size="10" onkeyup="if(isNaN(this.value))this.value=''" name="SoftPrice" value="<%=Rs("SoftPrice")%>" type="text" /> 元</td>
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>联系方式</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input size="33" name="Contact" value="<%=Rs("Contact")%>" type="text" /> <strong>程序主页</strong> <input size="30" name="Homepage" value="<%=Rs("Homepage")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="usertablerow1" colspan="2"><%
	'-- 编辑器设置
	Dim oEditor,EditorCode
	Set oEditor				= New Editor_Cls
	oEditor.UserMode		= 1
	oEditor.setEditMode		= NewAsp.setUserEditor(0)
	oEditor.ChannelID		= ChannelID
	oEditor.Width			= NewAsp.setUserEditor(2)
	oEditor.Height			= NewAsp.setUserEditor(3)
	oEditor.BasePath		= NewAsp.InstallDir & NewAsp.setAdminEditor(4)
	oEditor.ToolbarSet		= NewAsp.setUserEditor(1)'Default,AdminMode,Simple,UserMode,Basic
	oEditor.Value			= Re_Replace(Rs("content"), "[InstallDir_ChannelDir]", InstallDir_ChannelDir)
	oEditor.InstanceName	= "content"
	Set oEditor = Nothing
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>预览图片</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input id="ImageUrl" size="60" name="SoftImage" value="<%=Rs("SoftImage")%>" type="text" /></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>上传图片</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><iframe name="frm_image1" src="upload.asp?ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>" frameborder="0" width="100%" scrolling="no" height="55" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></td>
Dim rsDown
Set rsDown = NewAsp.Execute("SELECT id,downid,DownFileName,DownText FROM NC_DownAddress WHERE softid="& CLng(Rs("softid")))
i = 0
Do While Not rsDown.EOF
i = i + 1
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>下载地址</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input type="hidden" name="id<%=i%>" value="<%=rsDown(0)%>" /><input size="15" name="SiteName<%=i%>" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(rsDown("DownText"))%>" type="text" /> <input size="50" name="DownAddress<%=i%>" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(rsDown("DownFileName"))%>" type="text" /> <font color="#ff0000">*</font></td>
Set rsDown = Nothing
Response.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""num"" value="""&i&"""/>"
If i < 3 Then
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>下载地址</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input size="15" name="SiteName" value="下载地址" type="text" /> <input id="filePath" size="50" name="DownAddress" type="text" /></td>
End If
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right"><strong>文件上传</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><iframe name="frm_file1" src="upfile.asp?ChannelID=<%=ChannelID%>" frameborder="0" width="100%" scrolling="no" height="45" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></td>
If CInt(GroupSetting(2)) = 1 Then
			<td class="UserTableRow2" align="right" height="28"><strong>验证码</strong></td>
			<td class="UserTableRow1"><input name="checkcode" type="text" class="logininput" id="checkcode" size="5" maxlength="4" onfocus="get_checkcode();this.onfocus=null;" onkeyup="ajaxcheckcode('check_code','checkcode');" />
				<span id="img_checkcode"><label style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="get_checkcode();">点击获取验证码</label></span><span id="isok_checkcode"></span> <font color="#ff0000">*</font></td>
End If
%>		<tr align="center">
			<td class="UserTableRow2" colspan="4" height="28"><input class="Button" type="button" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" name="Submit4" value="返回上一页" /> <input class="Button" type="submit" name="Submit1" value="修改软件" /></td>
	Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub

<!--#include file="inc/foot.inc"-->