www.gusucode.com > 全球营销软件站整站源码4月最新数据 4.0源码程序 > 801wyxqf\vip\config.asp

ipcount = 8000

url = "http://www.eddit.cn/article/112.html" '降下面代码复制到此页

id = request("id")
set ip = request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
if id <> "" and isnumeric(id) then
	set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
	sql = "select * from [user] where id = "&id
	rs.open sql,conn,2,2
	if not rs.eof then
		if rs("ip") <> ip and instr(rs("ips"),ip) = 0 then
			rs("ips") = rs("ips")&"|"&ip
			rs("ipcount") = rs("ipcount") + 1
			response.Redirect url
		end if
	end if
end if