www.gusucode.com > 站长俱乐部新闻发布系统精简版 1.01源码程序 > default_menu.asp

    <td class="ac_menuleftbg" valign="top" height="100%">
'initialise variables
Repeat1__numRows = -1
Repeat1__index = 0
Category_numRows = Category_numRows + Repeat1__numRows
dim myFirstRow, lowestCatID, myFirstRowTitle
lowestCatID = 10000
'print category
function printCategory(indexVal) 
	'first category has different style
	dim catItemStr, printItemStr, printItemStrArray
	printItemStr = printItemF(indexVal,Repeat1__index)
	printItemStrArray = Split(printItemStr,"-")

	'display if category is a link
        if (Category.Fields.Item("Type").Value="Link") then  %>
                <tr><td id="catID_<%= cStr(indexVal) %>" colspan="3" class="cell2" onmouseover="this.style.background='<%= Menu_item_over_bg %>'" onmouseout="this.style.background='<%= Menu_item_bg %>'"><a href="<%= Category.Fields.Item("URL").Value %>"><img name="menu_<%= indexVal %>" src="images/spacer.gif" width="178" height="25" alt="" /><div class="text" onmouseover="this.style.color='<%= Item_Font_Color_Over %>'" onmouseout="this.style.color = '<%= Category_Font_Color %>'"><%=(Category.Fields.Item("Name").Value)%></div></a></td></tr>
	<% end if
	'check that the array isn't empty before accessing the array items
        if (UBound(printItemStrArray) > -1 and Category.Fields.Item("Type").Value<>"Link") then
                'category has only one item, so don't display flyout menu. also check category visibility
                if ((printItemStrArray(0) = "oneItem") and (Category.Fields.Item("VisibleMenu").Value="true")) then %>
	        <tr><td id="catID_<%= cStr(indexVal) %>" colspan="3" class="cell2" onmouseover="this.style.background='<%= Menu_item_over_bg %>'" onmouseout="this.style.background='<%= Menu_item_bg %>'"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:getMenuItem('default.asp?itemID=<%= printItemStrArray(1) %>&amp;itemTitle=<%= myFirstRowTitle %>',<%= printItemStrArray(1) %>);" onmouseout="MM_startTimeout();"><img name="menu_<%= indexVal %>" src="images/spacer.gif" width="178" height="25" alt="" /><div class="text" onmouseover="this.style.color='<%= Item_Font_Color_Over %>'" onmouseout="this.style.color = '<%= Category_Font_Color %>'"><%=(Category.Fields.Item("Name").Value)%></div></a></td></tr>
	        <% 'category has items so generate flyout menu. also check category visibility
                elseif ((printItemStrArray(0) <> "") and Category.Fields.Item("VisibleMenu").Value="true") then %>
                <tr><td id="catID_<%= cStr(indexVal) %>" colspan="3" class="cell2" onmouseover="this.style.background='<%= Menu_item_over_bg %>'" onmouseout="this.style.background='<%= Menu_item_bg %>'"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:getMenuItem('default.asp?itemID=<%= myFirstRow %>&amp;itemTitle=<%= myFirstRowTitle %>',<%= myFirstRow %>);" onmouseout="MM_startTimeout();" onmouseover="MM_showMenu(window.mm_menu_<%= indexVal %>,178,0,null,'menu_<%= indexVal %>');"><img name="menu_<%= indexVal %>" src="images/spacer.gif" width="178" height="25" alt="" /><div class="text" onmouseover="this.style.color='<%= Item_Font_Color_Over %>'" onmouseout="this.style.color = '<%= Category_Font_Color %>'"><%=(Category.Fields.Item("Name").Value)%></div></a></td></tr>
	        <% end if
	end if
end function

'returns id of first valid item in category and whether there is only one item
'returns either "id not set", "oneitem-[id]", or "[id]"
function printItemF(catID,catIndex)
	dim JStr2, JStr3, JStr4, JStr5, rowCount, printItemNum, PpublicationCheck1, siteHomeID, siteHomeStr
	dim JItem, JItem_numRows, myCatID
	Set JItem = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	JItem.ActiveConnection = MM_oConn_STRING
	myCatID = "SELECT * FROM ac_item WHERE Category_ID = " & catID & " ORDER BY VerticalPosition DESC, Title DESC"
	JItem.Source = myCatID
	JItem.CursorType = 0
	JItem.CursorLocation = 2
	JItem.LockType = 1
	JItem_numRows = 0

	'dim JStr2, JStr3, JStr4, JStr5, rowCount, printItemNum, PpublicationCheck1, siteHomeID, siteHomeStr
	rowCount = 0

	'if category has no items
	printItemF = "id not set"
        'if category has items
	if (JItem.pageSize > 0) then
                While ((rowCount < JItem.PageSize) and (not JItem.EOF))
		        'do visibility and date test
		        dim PstrMenuVis, PstrStartDate, PstrEndDate
		        PstrMenuVis = JItem.Fields.Item("VisibleMenu").Value
		        PstrStartDate = JItem.Fields.Item("StartPub").Value
		        PstrEndDate = JItem.Fields.Item("EndPub").Value
                        PpublicationCheck1 = publicationCheck(PstrMenuVis,PstrStartDate,PstrEndDate)
                        if (PpublicationCheck1 = "true") then
        			JStr4 = CStr(JItem.Fields.Item("ID").Value)
        			JStr5 = CStr(JItem.Fields.Item("Title").Value)
    			        printItemNum = JStr4
    			        rowCount = rowCount + 1
    			        siteHomeStr = JItem.Fields.Item("SiteHome").Value
    			        if siteHomeStr="true" then
                                        siteHomeID = JStr4
                                end if
                        end if
	end if

        'if there is only one link return a one item value
	if (rowCount<2 and rowCount>0) then
		printItemF = "oneItem-" & printItemNum
		myFirstRowTitle = Replace(JStr5,"'","")
		printItemF = JStr4
		myFirstRowTitle = Replace(JStr5,"'","")
	end if
	myFirstRow = printItemF
        'set default home as first menu item
        if catID<lowestCatID then
                lowestCatID = catID
                Session("myDefaultPage") = JStr4
	end if
        'set default homepage if item is tagges as SiteHome
        if (siteHomeID<>"") then
                Session("myDefaultPage") = siteHomeID
        end if

end function

<!-- start menu heading -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="188">
<% if ((name="Skin" or name="Acidcat_2") and headingVisibility <> false) then
	dim Heading_left_image, Heading_right_image
        <td><img src="admin/<%= Heading_left_image %>" width="16" height="30" alt="" /></td>
        <td class="ac_header_text_menu"><%= lang_admin_menu_003 %></td>
        <td><img src="admin/<%= Heading_right_image %>" width="16" height="30" alt="" /></td>
<% elseif ((name="Skin" or name="Acidcat_2") and headingVisibility = false) then %>
<% elseif headingVisibility <> false then %>
        <td><img src="admin/images/heading_<%= Name %>_1.gif" width="16" height="30" alt="" /></td>
        <td class="ac_header_text_menu"><%= lang_admin_menu_003 %></td>
        <td><img src="admin/images/heading_<%= Name %>_3.gif" width="16" height="30" alt="" /></td>
<% end if %>
<!-- end menu heading -->
<!-- start menu -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="156" class="table2">
<% While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) and (not Category.EOF))
        Repeat1__index = Repeat1__index+1
Wend %>

<!-- start menu -->
<!-- start space below menu -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="156" class="ac_table3">
<tr><td colspan="3" class="ac_menuleftbgbottom">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<!-- end space below menu -->