www.gusucode.com > 基于lingo求所以解,对潮流计算求出所有解 > matpower4.1/@opf_model/opf_model.m

    function om = opf_model(mpc)
%OPF_MODEL  Constructor for OPF model class.
%   This class implements the OPF model object used to encapsulate
%   a given OPF problem formulation. It allows for access to optimization
%   variables, constraints and costs in named blocks, keeping track of the
%   ordering and indexing of the blocks as variables, constraints and costs
%   are added to the problem.
%   Below are the list of available methods for use with the OPF Model class.
%   Please see the help on each individual method for more details:
%   Retrieve the MATPOWER case struct used to build the object:
%       get_mpc
%   Modify the OPF formulation by adding named blocks of constraints, costs
%   or variables:
%       add_constraints
%       add_costs
%       add_vars
%   Return the number of linear constraints, nonlinear constraints,
%   variables or cost rows, optionally for a single named block:
%       getN
%   Return the intial values and bounds for optimization variables:
%       get_v
%   Build and return full set of linear constraints:
%       linear_constraints
%   Return index structure for variables, linear and nonlinear constraints
%   and costs:
%       get_idx
%   Build and return cost parameters and evaluate user-defined costs:
%       build_cost_params
%       get_cost_params
%       compute_cost
%   Save/retreive user data in the model object:
%       userdata
%   Display the object (called automatically when you omit the semicolon
%   at the command-line):
%       display
%   Return the value of an individual field:
%       get
%   The following is the structure of the data in the OPF model object.
%   Each field of .idx or .data is a struct whose field names are the names
%   of the corresponding blocks of vars, constraints or costs (found in
%   order in the corresponding .order field). The description next to these
%   fields gives the meaning of the value for each named sub-field.
%   E.g. om.var.data.v0.Pg contains a vector of initial values for the 'Pg'
%   block of variables.
%   om
%       .var        - data for optimization variable sets that make up
%                     the full optimization variable x
%           .idx
%               .i1 - starting index within x
%               .iN - ending index within x
%               .N  - number of elements in this variable set
%           .N      - total number of elements in x
%           .NS     - number of variable sets or named blocks
%           .data   - bounds and initial value data
%               .v0 - vector of initial values
%               .vl - vector of lower bounds
%               .vu - vector of upper bounds
%           .order  - cell array of names for variable blocks in the order
%                     they appear in x
%       .nln        - data for nonlinear constraints that make up the
%                     full set of nonlinear constraints ghn(x)
%           .idx
%               .i1 - starting index within ghn(x)
%               .iN - ending index within ghn(x)
%               .N  - number of elements in this constraint set
%           .N      - total number of elements in ghn(x)
%           .NS     - number of nonlinear constraint sets or named blocks
%           .order  - cell array of names for nonlinear constraint blocks
%                     in the order they appear in ghn(x)
%       .lin        - data for linear constraints that make up the
%                     full set of linear constraints ghl(x)
%           .idx
%               .i1 - starting index within ghl(x)
%               .iN - ending index within ghl(x)
%               .N  - number of elements in this constraint set
%           .N      - total number of elements in ghl(x)
%           .NS     - number of linear constraint sets or named blocks
%           .data   - data for l <= A*xx <= u linear constraints
%               .A  - sparse linear constraint matrix
%               .l  - left hand side vector, bounding A*x below
%               .u  - right hand side vector, bounding A*x above
%               .vs - cell array of variable sets that define the xx for
%                     this constraint block
%           .order  - cell array of names for linear constraint blocks
%                     in the order they appear in ghl(x)
%       .cost       - data for user-defined costs
%           .idx
%               .i1 - starting row index within full N matrix
%               .iN - ending row index within full N matrix
%               .N  - number of rows in this cost block in full N matrix
%           .N      - total number of rows in full N matrix
%           .NS     - number of cost blocks
%           .data   - data for each user-defined cost block
%               .N  - see help for ADD_COSTS for details
%               .H  -               "
%               .Cw -               "
%               .dd -               "
%               .rr -               "
%               .kk -               "
%               .mm -               "
%               .vs - cell array of variable sets that define xx for this
%                     cost block, where the N for this block multiplies xx
%           .order  - cell array of names for cost blocks in the order they
%                     appear in the rows of the full N matrix
%       .mpc        - MATPOWER case struct used to create this model object
%           .baseMVA
%           .bus
%           .branch
%           .gen
%           .gencost
%           .A  (if present, must have l, u)
%           .l
%           .u
%           .N  (if present, must have fparm, H, Cw)
%           .fparm
%           .H
%           .Cw
%       .userdata   - any user defined data added via USERDATA
%           .(user defined fields)

%   $Id: opf_model.m,v 1.15 2010/06/09 14:56:58 ray Exp $
%   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
%   Copyright (c) 2008-2010 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
%   This file is part of MATPOWER.
%   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
%   MATPOWER is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
%   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
%   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
%   or (at your option) any later version.
%   MATPOWER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%   GNU General Public License for more details.
%   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%   along with MATPOWER. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
%   Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
%   If you modify MATPOWER, or any covered work, to interface with
%   other modules (such as MATLAB code and MEX-files) available in a
%   MATLAB(R) or comparable environment containing parts covered
%   under other licensing terms, the licensors of MATPOWER grant
%   you additional permission to convey the resulting work.

% es = struct();    %% doesn't work in MATLAB 6
es = struct('tmp', 0);
es = rmfield(es, 'tmp');
if nargin == 0
    om.var.idx.i1 = es;
    om.var.idx.iN = es;
    om.var.idx.N = es;
    om.var.N = 0;
    om.var.NS = 0;
    om.var.order = {};
    om.var.data.v0 = es;
    om.var.data.vl = es;
    om.var.data.vu = es;

    om.nln.idx.i1 = es;
    om.nln.idx.iN = es;
    om.nln.idx.N = es;
    om.nln.N = 0;
    om.nln.NS = 0;
    om.nln.order = {};

    om.lin.idx.i1 = es;
    om.lin.idx.iN = es;
    om.lin.idx.N = es;
    om.lin.N = 0;
    om.lin.NS = 0;
    om.lin.order = {};
    om.lin.data.A = es;
    om.lin.data.l = es;
    om.lin.data.u = es;
    om.lin.data.vs = es;
    om.cost.idx.i1 = es;
    om.cost.idx.iN = es;
    om.cost.idx.N = es;
    om.cost.N = 0;
    om.cost.NS = 0;
    om.cost.order = {};
    om.cost.data.N = es;
    om.cost.data.H = es;
    om.cost.data.Cw = es;
    om.cost.data.dd = es;
    om.cost.data.rh = es;
    om.cost.data.kk = es;
    om.cost.data.mm = es;
    om.cost.data.vs = es;
    om.cost.params = es;
    om.mpc = es;
    om.userdata = es;

    om = class(om, 'opf_model');
elseif isa(mpc,'opf_model') 
    om = mpc;
    om = opf_model;
    om.mpc = mpc;