Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录 - delphi源码程序 - 谷速源码
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标题:Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录

所属分类: Delphi源码 资源类型: 文件大小: 8.11 KB 上传时间: 2017-06-24 15:12:23 下载次数: 61 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: admin Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录,Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录菜单,程序会通过注册表将用户最近打开的文件路径存储与注册表中,这在Windows中是比较常见的功能了,可把最近打开的文档的记录保存在打开菜单中,便于用户快捷打开文档,这个功能可有效提升用户体验。Delphi to achieve the recent open file records, Delphi recently opened the file record menu, the program will be through the registry will be the user to open the file path to store and the registry, which is more common in Windows function, and can recently open the document The record is saved in the open menu, so that users can quickly open the document, this feature can effectively enhance the user experience.


Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\code
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\code\PrjOpenMenu.cfg
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\code\PrjOpenMenu.dof
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\code\PrjOpenMenu.dpr
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\code\PrjOpenMenu.res
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\code\UntOpenMenu.dcu
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\code\UntOpenMenu.dfm
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\code\UntOpenMenu.pas
Delphi 实现最近打开文件记录\程序说明.txt

关键词: 文件

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