www.gusucode.com > 74cms PHP骑士人才系统 v3.5.1源码程序 > code/upload/include/template_lite/plugins/function.html_table.php


 * Template Lite plugin
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Type:     function
 * Name:     html_table
 * Version:  1.0
 * Date:     Feb 17, 2003
 * Author:	 Monte Ohrt <monte@ispi.net>
 * Purpose:  make an html table from an array of data
 * Input:    loop = array to loop through
 *           cols = number of columns
 *           table_attr = table attributes
 *           tr_attr = table row attributes (arrays are cycled)
 *           td_attr = table cell attributes (arrays are cycled)
 *           trailpad = value to pad trailing cells with
 * Examples: {table loop=$data}
 *           {$table loop=$data cols=4 tr_attr='"bgcolor=red"'}
 *           {$table loop=$data cols=4 tr_attr=$colors}
 * Taken from the original Smarty
 * http://smarty.php.net
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
function tpl_function_html_table($params, &$template_object)
	$table_attr = 'border="1"';
	$tr_attr = '';
	$td_attr = '';
	$cols = 3;
	$trailpad = '&nbsp;';

    if (!isset($loop))
        $template_object->trigger_error("html_table: missing 'loop' parameter");
	$output = "<table $table_attr>\n";
	$output .= "<tr " . tpl_function_html_table_cycle('tr', $tr_attr) . ">\n";

	for($x = 0, $y = count($loop); $x < $y; $x++)
		$output .= "<td " . tpl_function_html_table_cycle('td', $td_attr) . ">" . $loop[$x] . "</td>\n";		
		if((!(($x+1) % $cols)) && $x < $y-1)
			// go to next row
			$output .= "</tr>\n<tr " . tpl_function_html_table_cycle('tr', $tr_attr) . ">\n";
		if($x == $y-1)
			// last row, pad remaining cells
			$cells = $cols - $y % $cols;
			if($cells != $cols) {
				for($padloop = 0; $padloop < $cells; $padloop++) {
					$output .= "<td " . tpl_function_html_table_cycle('td', $td_attr) . ">$trailpad</td>\n";
			$output .= "</tr>\n";
	$output .= "</table>\n";
	return $output;

function tpl_function_html_table_cycle($name, $var)
	static $names = array();

		return $var;

	if(!isset($names[$name]) || $names[$name] == count($var)-1)
		$names[$name] = 0;
		return $var[0];

	return $var[$names[$name]];
